Dealing with azoospermia?

Deb-So happy your 3 embies are growing well! I hope they continues as well as they have been!

pamplemousse-Sounds like you are really motivated right now! I hope you get that appointment soon.

Sorry to hear about the screw up wibble. Hoping you can get that appointment relatively soon and move on to the next steps.

AFM-WTF appt. went well. The Dr. really thinks our bad fertilization rates were due to DH's sperm quality. The only change being made this cycle is that we will be using assisted hatching. Everything else should remain the same, as the doc feels I responded very well to the meds and that 14 was a good # of eggs. He also feels we have a decent chance since we did end up with 2 good quality embryos last time. I am just hoping right now that we can get better fertilization this time around. I am going to be starting acupuncture this cycle in hopes that if nothing else it at least helps keep me relaxed as I have a gut feeling that stress on my part was a big contributor to last cycles failure.
Wibble Wobble: How annoying for you. Is it not enough that you have so much to go through? You like to think that you don't have to worry about medical muck ups which may be of no consequence to the medic dealing with the matter but of real importance to you!
AFM: Looks like conultation will be on the 7th November. So pleased to have a date so that we can start moving forward. I am going to start drafting my list of questions this eve. Poor Consultant is in for a grilling!
Hi all,

So my husband went for his ultrasound today and the tech said it all looks fairly ok, although he does have cysts on the epididymis and the guy says that a lot of guys have this. So we are going to the urologist with what seem like average blood results and what seems like normal ultrasound. I hate to get my hopes up and am really trying not to. Has anyone had normal results indicating other reasons for azoospermia?
I´m trying to find it on the internet that maybe the cysts could be the cause but I´m not really finding anything conclusive. :shrug:
Hope you are all having a good week
Cosita I think everyone has been in your situation of praying for the best. Hopefully for you both it'll be the cysts causing the azoo so you'll have a high chance of sperm being present.

Deb love your new profile pic x

Pamplemouse hope you get some good answers on the 7th

Sar have you been given a date for your next cycle? Hopefully the assisted hatching will do the trick for you. Acupuncture is great I've been going for around the last 6 months

afm My next appointment has turned up 15 november, so 3 weeks away. I've read somewhere that I may need to have gene screening myself incase I am a cf carrier so I don't get matched with a cf carrier and have a baby that ends up with cf. Those bloods are a 6 week wait so I'm kind of thinking that not much will happen between now and christmas.. unless of course they arrange for the counselling and donor matching appointments to be done before the results come back. Somehow I doubt it as this is the nhs we are talking about. I really hate being in this situation of not knowing what happens next, at least I only have 3 weeks to torture myself with... hopefully I'll be able to lose a few pounds to get me under the 25 bmi in that time
Cosita-My DH has a blockage due to scar tissue around the vas deferens and the epididymis. The scar tissue was caused by hernia/hydrocele surgeries that DH had at 5months old and another at 4 years old. His blood work came back normal and our urologist told us an ultrasound wouldn't show us anything definite because of where the blockage was at(high towards the groin not low towards the testicles).

Wibble-I hope this 3 weeks goes fast so you can figure out your next steps!

Deb-Hope you had some great blasts and your transfer went well!

AFM-We did get a timeline for our cycle. I guess I forgot that part in my last update. I actually got my calendar when we went for our wtf appt on the 21st. I started BCP that evening. I start Lupron on 11/17 and I go in for my baseline u/s on 11/21. They are targeting me for a Dec. 9th ER(EC). All my meds are ordered and should be delivered 11/15. After all the appointments I have had recently it is kind of weird to just have a schedule and know when I need to start/stop things and not have an appt. for a whole month. :)
So we had a beautiful blastocyst transfered yesterday and also a morula (stage before blastocyst). Procedure wasn't pleasant - by far the worst thing for me in the whole injecting / EC / drugs cycle (so 10 mins of discomfort isn't bad I guess) :winkwink:

They left the other morula overnight as it was slow developing and they hoped it owuld turn into a blastocyst - and we had the phonecall today to say it has :happydance:

So we have 2 embryos back where they belong, a frozen embryo and a small amount of frozen sperm :thumbup:

Thanks for all your good wishes girls :hugs:
Thats great Deb! The transfer is definitely uncomfortable. It wouldn't be so bad except for the full bladder. The 2ww was the hardest part of the whole cycle for me, I am really hoping at least one of those little embies takes for you!
The thing is Sar - when I had my dummy transfer at the local clinic that were scanning me, it was uncomfortable, but a lot easier than yesterdays. They were lovely and understanding about my issues and took it slowly.

The bloke yesterday was one of those 'old school', "you're only making it worse for yourself by being tense" ones who made me feel like all he bothered about was getting it done

Hope urologist appt goes well for you and hubby Corsita
Deb! Thats sooo exciting!! Cant wait to hear your update!!
Cosita: GL at the urologist!!

For me: Been on Lupron since oct 22, tomorrow my 1st u/s and bloodwork before begining gonal f which is on Friday :) then a series of scans and bloods and more shots etc..... lol... then EC day on nov 7th hopefully!
Im really worried about the full bladder/cath thing.... they put a catheter in your bladder at my clinic! I think this is the worst part! They do give you some valium so maybe that will help!
Oh and DH's sperm count is still up 500,000-600,000.... we were initially told he could freeze then told no it wont make it then okay freeze a sample... so glad we did because they did a trial and spermies survived!! SO we have a backup now in case DH has none on day of egg retrevial :)

Will have fx for you deb!

Wibble: sorry you are having to deal with medical mishaps! :(

Sar: Exciting you get to start soon!!
Deb-That really sucks that the dr. wasn't very gentle! Hopefully it will have been worth it though!

Mobaby-Sounds like you are really moving along! I have talked to one other woman where the clinic uses a catheter for the bladder. I hope those follies grow really well once you start the gonal-f. Have you had any side effects from the lupron? I had none with that but the gonal-f gave me horrible migraines. Glad you were able to freeze a backup for your DH, besides having it in case they don't have any I think it makes it much easier for them to perform on that day.

AFM-DH and I have both been kind of down the last couple of days. We are having trouble really getting excited and being positive about this next cycle. I am hoping that once things get moving again it will be a little easier. I had a massage last night, have my acupuncture consultation tonight, and am also going to look into Reiki which my massage therapist has suggested.
So it went...ok. We still know nothing. He has referred us to gyno cos its thru them and not him that we get to fertility specialist. And now Spanish red tape starts! Hubby will have to go for biopsy to see if any sperm there (sorry dont know correct terminology this is all done thru spanish). He said they will probably want to repeat all tests again etc just to be sure. The good news is (or rather the look on the bright side part) is that I am covered by public health insurance and hubby is covered by private insurance so we can go both ways if we want to. He recommended public. So we are both ringing for appointments tomorrow to get things moving. Only thing is as u all well know, public is sloowwwww and I have to go thru GP to get appointment for Gyno. Hubby is disappointed as I think he was expecting to be told something. I wasn't really. I was expecting a little more info on possible causes but if the urologist isn't savvy on fertility its better he doesn't say anything.
So my other struggle in life (weight) is also annoying me. I have lost 20kg in the past 18 months and since may have been at a standstill. Seeing endocrinologist for tests in a couple of weeks but its annoying cos i know i have another 10 to go before we can be treated. Im hungry, sweating it out in the gym but that damn scales wont budge!!
Sorry for ranting!!
Sar no effects from lupron.maybe a hot flash here and there. I've had waves of nausea but i was on doxy so I think its from that. Gonal f started last night. So this morning I have a killer headache and also upset tummy ...headache maybe from gonal f but since I have a slight cold it could be that...I took some pain relievers and it did not go away :(
cosita hope for answers soon!
Hey everybody.

Not much going on with me and I've been a bit down, so I've not been on for a while. Had my day 21 bloods done today and then it's off to the Gynae in a couple of weeks for the results of my HSG and day 3 and day 21 bloods and hopefully a referral to the Fertility Clinic so I can at least get in the system while DH is waiting for his mTESE.

Glad to hear things are moving for pretty much everyone :thumbup:

Cosita, as you asked - my DH had a cyst on his testicle at USS and they said it's incredibly common and a huge amount of men have this. Our fertility specialist (specialises in azoospermia) in London said this is of no consequence to the azoospermia.

I hope that things move quicker for you than expected :hugs:
Hello everyone!

Good stuff going on here with the cycles ticking along nicely and some appointments happening.

But of course, most importantly, Deb you are my hero, the stats of your cycle will go in the annals of the clinic, I bet you they never saw that picture perfect of a situation. 3 and then all 3 made it past day 5 - 1 on the outside! You are SO pregnant with twins lady, I will eat my hat if not!

AFM it looks like this baby No. 2 show is gonna get on the road whether we want it or not. I mean of course we can put the breaks on whenever we like but I had forgotten how a private clinic works. They are on the ball.

Speaking of balls.... :rofl: they sent a letter asking the Viking to go get his bloods done because they would like to do the TESE ahead of time and freeze. I of course, panicked because we told them time and again we want to use fresh so we called them ready to whine. They said they can show us documented results of the same outcome with frozen and fresh in their particular clinic due to their selection routines BUT said that if we want to then there is no issue to use frozen for back-up and still do fresh on the day so I feel much better now that we have the option. Since we have a 3-pack we may even do frozen first -cheaper- and then second time around do fresh even if we have enough frozen left over or do both on cycle 2 and 3. Because yes, we fully expect to have to go through most of our 3 tries, we won the IVF lottery once before, this next rodeo won't be easy.

So they want him cut end of November. Which, if we get the funds -very doubtful unless our employers want to throw in a balls slashing as a Xmas bonus!- would be smart so that it's not after binge drinking for the holiday's. Now I'm starting to freak out. This whole thing could get to a very abrupt end if they find no sperm this time and I have a much longer way to fall now when I saw it was possible.
Hi Ladies,

Hope all is well?

Deb111: How are things? I have everything crossed for you!!

AFM: Mini meltdown yesterday when I discovered that my area will only fund one round of ICIS. To be honest, it is what I expected. DH and I are in a position to fund other attempts but that money is gonna have to come from somewhere. Also, we are in the situation where we are buying a family sized home so if we have to find our baby through adoption then we can show that we have a nice warm child friendly home waiting for a child that deserves it.

And then for the first time ever I got really angry. Not at my DH, but just down to the fact that it is so unfair. To be honet I was not really lucky in love until I met my DH, who oddly I knew when we were 16. It took me so long to find Mr Right and I just thought my lucky breaks had arrived. I work in a job where I see rubbish mothers and fathers everyday, I hear about their kids being taking into care and how they managed to conceive children whilst addicted to drugs, and I can't help but feel that I am more deserving. I know that we don't have a right to have a child, but aghhhhh!!

Then, yesterday night I dreamt I had a new born baby girl in a pink cardie and jet black hair just like mine her head on my shoulder. It was such a realistic dream that I felt robbed when I woke up. Hopefully I will be back in postive mood soon, just feeling impatient, I want to get cracking on having my family, got plenty of love to be giving out!!!

Rant over!: Right, does anyone have any funny/good news?
Hi Ladies,
Hope alls well...

Pamplemouse: I know how you feel about looking at people who seem to pop out kids without even thinking about it but I try rise above it by thinking that cos they dont even think about it, they dont appreciate it and nothing should be taken for granted in life. I also feel that people who go thru tough times in life learn from the experiences and in return can teach other people to appreciate what they have. I don't know, but I do know that being happy is sooo important and I'd prefer to have my life, my job and my hubby (with his azoospermia) that have someone elses life and lots of babies. I don't know if its what you need to hear but be strong, your time will come!:flower:

AFM: I went to my doc (public health) today to get referral to gynaecologist (works that way apparently) for them to refer us to fs. Got appointment for 2 weeks time. On friday i sent an email to a private clinic (hubby has private insurance) asking what our next step would be. They called today offering an appointment with andrologist next tuesday!!
Unbelievable the difference. Apart from the fact that my doc highly recommended going private!
So things have started moving at least.
Thanks for your message Corsita, just what I needed to hear. I am back on positve mode now. I agree in that I am happy with my life and I would not swap my DH for any other, I want children with him and I am willing to take our children which ever way they come to us!!

Glad things are moving forward with you, progress is good, it can keep you looking forward!! xx
Hi Ladies,

Hope all is well?

Deb111: How are things? I have everything crossed for you!!

AFM: Mini meltdown yesterday when I discovered that my area will only fund one round of ICIS. To be honest, it is what I expected. DH and I are in a position to fund other attempts but that money is gonna have to come from somewhere. Also, we are in the situation where we are buying a family sized home so if we have to find our baby through adoption then we can show that we have a nice warm child friendly home waiting for a child that deserves it.

And then for the first time ever I got really angry. Not at my DH, but just down to the fact that it is so unfair. To be honet I was not really lucky in love until I met my DH, who oddly I knew when we were 16. It took me so long to find Mr Right and I just thought my lucky breaks had arrived. I work in a job where I see rubbish mothers and fathers everyday, I hear about their kids being taking into care and how they managed to conceive children whilst addicted to drugs, and I can't help but feel that I am more deserving. I know that we don't have a right to have a child, but aghhhhh!!

Then, yesterday night I dreamt I had a new born baby girl in a pink cardie and jet black hair just like mine her head on my shoulder. It was such a realistic dream that I felt robbed when I woke up. Hopefully I will be back in postive mood soon, just feeling impatient, I want to get cracking on having my family, got plenty of love to be giving out!!!

Rant over!: Right, does anyone have any funny/good news?

Things were going ok until about 4 days ago and now I'm going out of mind - couldn't wait for OTD to be here and now it will be tomorrow; I'm terrified!! It didn't help that when someone I thought was a good friend who knows all of this is not general knowledge where I work, was asked byt someone why I was off when I went for EC and she told her it was because I'd gone down to London for IVF!! and she wasn't the only one in the staffroom when she told her! I'm livid. She knew it wasn't common knowledge and now I'm feeling very vulnerable and paranoid at work wondering exactly who knows what :nope:

I know exactly where you're coming from with the whole unfairness of this. I wish there was something I could say to make it feel better, but just know that you are TOTALLY not alone in how you are feeling :hugs:
Hello everyone!

Good stuff going on here with the cycles ticking along nicely and some appointments happening.

But of course, most importantly, Deb you are my hero, the stats of your cycle will go in the annals of the clinic, I bet you they never saw that picture perfect of a situation. 3 and then all 3 made it past day 5 - 1 on the outside! You are SO pregnant with twins lady, I will eat my hat if not!

Awww bless you :cry: I wish I'd done a test sooner after doing the HCG shot so I could at least imagine seeing 2 pink lines - I just can't visualise ever seeing them, but it's nice to hear you're all feeling confident for me :thumbup:

Speaking of balls.... :rofl: they sent a letter asking the Viking to go get his bloods done because they would like to do the TESE ahead of time and freeze. I of course, panicked because we told them time and again we want to use fresh so we called them ready to whine. They said they can show us documented results of the same outcome with frozen and fresh in their particular clinic due to their selection routines BUT said that if we want to then there is no issue to use frozen for back-up and still do fresh on the day so I feel much better now that we have the option. Since we have a 3-pack we may even do frozen first -cheaper- and then second time around do fresh even if we have enough frozen left over or do both on cycle 2 and 3. Because yes, we fully expect to have to go through most of our 3 tries, we won the IVF lottery once before, this next rodeo won't be easy.

We were very definite about wanting to use fresh sperm too and in the end, with our minute numbers, I don't regret it for a minute, but we were also assured by Mr Ramsay that actually frozen can almost be better because when there are enough sperm to choose from, the thawing acts like a process of natural selection, the strong ones survive and the weak ones don't which means the ones that survive are more likely to fertilise the eggs

So they want him cut end of November. Which, if we get the funds -very doubtful unless our employers want to throw in a balls slashing as a Xmas bonus!

You should ask! :rofl:

Very exciting that you could be starting the journey soon xx

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