Dealing with azoospermia?

Steffa-Welcome to the group. There is a great group of women here!

Snd-Sounds like things are really moving along now for you!

Deb-your follies seem great. I hope everything continues to go well for you!

pamplemousse-I hope blood results come back with some decent news.

Mobaby-So exciting! I hope the cycle goes well for you!

AFM-Yesterdays beta results were negative. The clinic can get us on Decembers cycle, but right now we are trying to figure out where the money will be coming from. On the bright side if we do decide to do another cycle in December most of our insurance out of pocket maxes are met already so insurance should pay a decent chunk of the portions of the cycle that aren't technically classified as "Infertility". I really don't know what I want to do at this point. On the one hand I really want to jump right back in to another cycle. on the other hand, I really don't know If I am ready emotionally and physically to handle another cycle just yet. I have to decide soon as my period arrived today and they need to get me on birth control if I'm going to do the december cycle.
You girls are so sweet thanks :cry: - must be the hormones! :haha: I'm just glad we all have somewhere where we can talk to people who truly understand without us even having to explain the different feelings we go through.

Sar - I'm so sorry hun. Hope you are both doing as well as can be expected :hugs:

AFM - yesterday's scan results - I now have 8 follicles!! :happydance: Although one will definitely be too small, as may a couple of the others, but still, the more the better. So they were 21.5, 20.5, 17.5, 17, 15.5, 13.5, 13 and 1 less than 10 - lining was 10mm and my consultant is really pleased with how it's all going.

So ..... I trigger at 10pm tonight (1 hour's time) and we're off to Chelsea tomorrow, stopping overnight and then at the clinic for 6.45am Thurs morning! :argh:
Best of luck Deb, I really don't understand much of what you all say (the terminology) and to be honest I am in no rush to find out :nope:
But best of luck and stay positive! Hugs
Deb-So glad to hear you have more follies and are triggering. Praying everything goes well for both of you!
Sar: So sorry for you. I am sending you lots of hugs!!!

Deb111: Good luck with today, will be thinking of you!

AFM: We have left two messages with the FS in order to find out if our blood test results are back. Guess what? Not a reply yet. I am thinking I may have to go into stalking mood soon. I just want to know what is causing the problem so we can get on a deal with it. Better the devil you know and all that! Grrr!!!!
Good luck Deb111, I have everything crossed for you that it is almost "your" month xx

I am so sorry to hear your news Sar. Keep positive. Your time will come soon, be it in December or next year.

snd, I'm so happy to hear you're sounding so much more positive than you were a few weeks ago!

AFM, I'm finally starting to feel more normal again. I only went once, but the counselling helped sooo much. Thank you Silverbell. I owe you big time. DH is going through a bit of a hard time with everything - it seems like we're never on the one page at the one time but I've convinced him to go to the counsellor too so hopefully that helps. I've set a goal to lose 20kgs (sensibly) to get me to a healthy weight for IVF so I'm concentrating on that now. Day 4 and I haven't faltered once (except that I had an extra coffee today without even thinking about it - I'm trying to cut back to one a day. Oh well. It's a step in the right direction, I suppose :-)
Good luck Deb111, I have everything crossed for you that it is almost "your" month xx

I am so sorry to hear your news Sar. Keep positive. Your time will come soon, be it in December or next year.

snd, I'm so happy to hear you're sounding so much more positive than you were a few weeks ago!

AFM, I'm finally starting to feel more normal again. I only went once, but the counselling helped sooo much. Thank you Silverbell. I owe you big time. DH is going through a bit of a hard time with everything - it seems like we're never on the one page at the one time but I've convinced him to go to the counsellor too so hopefully that helps. I've set a goal to lose 20kgs (sensibly) to get me to a healthy weight for IVF so I'm concentrating on that now. Day 4 and I haven't faltered once (except that I had an extra coffee today without even thinking about it - I'm trying to cut back to one a day. Oh well. It's a step in the right direction, I suppose :-)

Good to hear you are feeling better about things and are looking forward! You go girl!:hugs:
Saffa - Welcome! Our first ICSI cycle with TESE for Azospermia was at the Eugin clinic in Barcelona and that urologist seemed to know his way around a set of balls and a scalpel! :rofl: in other words, I am sure you'll find specialists if you decide to go down this route.

Sar - oh noes.... I had my fingers tightly crossed for you babes! Let us know what you decide about the next cycle, if it were me I'd jump right into it but maybe you're wiser and more patient!

Deb - you go mother hen!!!! That's one impressive eggy crop! Don't forget not all will be mature enough so aim very low tomorrow to be pleasantly surprised. OMG you are currently still housing an eggy which will be 50% of the baby you will receive back in a few days, how amazing is that? :hug:

AFM - we had a chemical I believe. -Not the first one, it seems our Azoo is potentially obstructive and sometimes a pathetic little guy escapes but they are immature and never seem to make it past day 3 which is key for the development of embryos with sperm issues- so we will be careful not to repeat this sad episode and let science and a beautiful blasto be our next step in the Azo saga. About which there are some good news: DH got his tax rebate approved by the employer and if I do too then we will be paying only 60-70% of the next cycle.
Saffa - Welcome! Our first ICSI cycle with TESE for Azospermia was at the Eugin clinic in Barcelona and that urologist seemed to know his way around a set of balls and a scalpel! :rofl: in other words, I am sure you'll find specialists if you decide to go down this route.

Sar - oh noes.... I had my fingers tightly crossed for you babes! Let us know what you decide about the next cycle, if it were me I'd jump right into it but maybe you're wiser and more patient!

Deb - you go mother hen!!!! That's one impressive eggy crop! Don't forget not all will be mature enough so aim very low tomorrow to be pleasantly surprised. OMG you are currently still housing an eggy which will be 50% of the baby you will receive back in a few days, how amazing is that? :hug:

AFM - we had a chemical I believe. -Not the first one, it seems our Azoo is potentially obstructive and sometimes a pathetic little guy escapes but they are immature and never seem to make it past day 3 which is key for the development of embryos with sperm issues- so we will be careful not to repeat this sad episode and let science and a beautiful blasto be our next step in the Azo saga. About which there are some good news: DH got his tax rebate approved by the employer and if I do too then we will be paying only 60-70% of the next cycle.

Sorry to hear about your chemical. Before we were diagnosed I had what Dr's believed was a chemical. After diagnosis I was confused as to how I could have 'conceived' if DH has zero sperm. It never occurred to me that some could slip through. I think other than finding out about the diagnosis itself the chemical was the most heartbreaking thing I had been through. To test postive and then see the:witch: just seemed the cruelest of tricks Mother Nature could play.

I really hope you are doing ok now. Onwards and upwards :hugs:
Thank you all so much.

Missama-I am anything but patient. Patience is something I don't have. Sorry to hear about the chemical pregnancy.

I am fairly certain we are going to try another cycle in December. DH's parents have offered to help financially, and while I hope to afford it on our own it helps to know the offer is there.

Right now I am just hoping we can get some information on friday at our consult with the Dr.

I am not sure what he will suggest to make this cycle more likely to work than the previous one. While I know it is going to be hard on me emotionally and physically I feel like I would rather go through it again than wait knowing there is really no hope of us getting pregnant on our own. Just glad that DH is done with his part and we have 6 vials of frozen sperm.
Saffa - Welcome! Our first ICSI cycle with TESE for Azospermia was at the Eugin clinic in Barcelona and that urologist seemed to know his way around a set of balls and a scalpel! :rofl: in other words, I am sure you'll find specialists if you decide to go down this route.

Hey, thanks a lot, out of interest, how much did it cost in Spain??
Oh Gods I was hoping you wouldn't ask :) I think the cycle in itself was "only" 7000 Euros but between the multiple trips and the things we lost at work to make it happen it got us a good 20k in the financial hole and we're still not back on track. BUT that is our horror story scenario, it would be around 3-4000 for one pop for locals I would presume!

Pampelmousse - it is why I wish they told not only us but anyone with sperm issues "wait for blasto". The success rate with blastos for sperm issues is THROUGH THE ROOF and that is because of day 3/4 division issues with our embryos and consequently chemicals for the same reasons why the magic happened outside of a Petri dish.

Sar - considering the above that is what I would suggest - asking if they would consider going for blasto.

Off to check on Deb! Thinking of her today.
Hi Ladies,

Know it sounds a bit daft but does anybody else feel a bit down when they see all the Christmas stuff entering the shops? I went into John Lewis yesterday and saw xmas trees, stockings, loads of lovely festive bits and bobs. I love xmas, I really believe it is a time for children and the cute stuff has made me as broody as hell. I want to be hanging a stocking up for my children and I want to be making paperchains and gingerbread with them and my dream just seems like it is so out of reach.

I think waiting for blood test results is starting to get to me. Having a bit of a down day today.
MissAma-The reason they did a 3 day transfer this time is because those 2 embryos were the only ones that were going to make it and my doc believes that in that case it is better to get them back into their natural environment where he believes they have a better chance of survival. If we had more good quality embryos to work with he would have waited for a day 5 blasto transfer.

Pamplemousse-Sorry to hear you are feeling so down. It is hard seeing all the things we could do with our children and feeling like it is so out of reach for us. Christmas is honestly one of my least favorite holidays because it has become so commercialized but for me Halloween is hard. It has always been one of my favorite holidays and I can't wait until I can help my children carve pumpkins and pick out and make a costume. I hope your wait goes fast for your blood results, waiting sucks!
Copied from my journal - apologies!

Hi girls - we're back. Sorry was unable to get on internet anywhere whilst we were away.

Thanks for all your lovely, supportive messages!

So, I am quite weary so just a quick update and then will update more in the morning

All went VERY smoothly

They got 8 eggs from me and 7 are definitely mature and the 8th may be

Didn't get as much sperm from Terry as we hoped (and in fact it seems a bit of a mircale that the random biopsy on the NHS managed to find 3!! They found 5 motile and 2 twitching within 20 mins - There were others - no idea how many, but they weren't moving and she said it's impossible to tell if they're alive or not. Anyway, it turns out they've got enough to fertilise me eggs and Terry's not sure if they said they've got the same twice over again to freeze or 3 times over again to freeze. It's still very low numbers, but they only needed 8 decent ones for my eggs today.

Everyone we spoke to from the nurses, anesthetist, urologist, embroyologist are really pleased and very happy with the results so far. Apparently even the injecting of the sperm into the eggs was going really well

Terry was quite sick once after he had a bit of lunch, but he felt heaps better after that.

Neither of us have had one second of pain and Terry has just sat down here for half an hour before going up to bed.

Like I say, I will update a bit more tomorrow, if only for my interest when looking back

So ... fertilisation report by 12pm tomorrow.
Deb-8 eggs is great! So happy they were able to at least get enough to fertilize and some to freeze. Maybe not what you hoped for but definitely better than none! Praying you get a good fertilization report tomorrow! I can't wait to hear!
Hi guys,
I actually joined the forum a week ago but my name is identifiable so I just started a new account, dont know how wrong that might be! Anyway, previously steffa (someone would want to really read all of this threadat length to find me).
So the bloods came back and all within limits, although testosterone although within in limits in heading towards low. Ultrasound on Monday so weĺl have to see what happens with that. What exactly does the bloodwork indicate anyway? Im sorry Ive tried to go back thru the thread but I cant find anything and dont have time to read it all.
Fingers crossed for Deb!

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