Dealing with azoospermia?

cosita glad to see you are getting some answers! checking for retrograde ejaculation may not be a bad idea since you notice cloudy urine.....

I had my egg retrieval today. Not as bad as I imagined.
The one thing I am worried about is did DH have enough swimmers for the fertilization? We retrieved 20 eggs! Do you think the clinic would have called by now if there was an issue? They are to call tomorrow morning but I am dying here! I want to know now! I imagine if there was an issue they would have told us instead of making us wait, right?

I would have thought they'd have told you if there was a problem too. What procedure did hubby have? Our clinic told us there and them how many they'd found - and told us as soon as they knew they'd got enough for the eggs they retrieved form me.

Have they got back to you? These different time zones are a nightmare! Do I see from your signature that you've now got fertilised eggs?? :thumbup:
Glad you're finding this group helpful Antoinette - it's a great group of girls with loads of advice and information.

Trying to look on the positive side for those of you who are facing a long wait ... We were told if men had been diagnosed with azoospermia 10 years ago (maybe a bit longer now), there wouldn't have been any options other than donor sperm or adoption. Obviously ICSI, microTESE etc are oretty new. Medical advancements are happening all the time - so who knows in a year or 2 what further advancements will be available to help you get your dream? :hugs:
Snd80 - I will certainly look on that website you gave me, thankyou :hugs:. What stage of the process are you at? Have you chosen your donor sperm yet or is it a long waiting list like over here in the UK? This forum is such a relief for me because its nice to beable to speak to people that are going through the same thing.

Well, so far we have looked at some profiles and made a "maybe" pile, now I have to pay the $165 fee and look at their picts to find one that matches as closely as we can to hubby. We do not have internet at home, so I'm going to have to get hubby up here at my work to look at the pict profiles before I go to Jackson to the fertility specialist on Nov 21 to see if he thinks I am ready body and cycle wise to go forward with donor. If so, we plan to do the first one next month. As far as I can tell from Xytex's site, all of them are in stock and if a certain one is "sold out", they say so in a pop up disclamer as soon as you click on the profile, so no waiting! They even offer over night shipping. This site has been a lifesaver for me too! I felt like I was going crazy until I found Deb and all these other great ladies in our same shoes! Good luck sweetie!
So I realised that I haven't updated about our review appt on here - afrid I've been lazy and copied it across from my journal

So basically the consultant was very pleased with our cycle in terms of number and quality of eggs, my response, fetilisation etc but obviously we didn't get the outcome we wanted

He said his job can be the best job sometimes, but in cases like mine; it can be the worst job, because everything was as good as it could be on paper, but there's not a damn thing they can do about it once they transfer it back

He said the usual reason why embryos don't implant is because they were not genetically normal embryos, but that doesn't mean that the 3rd one from the same 'batch' will be the same.

He says he doesn't think assisted hatching will be necessary and the clinics stats don't really show any difference, unless when they examine the embryo, the zona 'something or other' looks particulary thick and then they would suggest doing it. It may be that they suggest it on FET day if they think it needs it.

He doesn't think the fact that the transfer was difficult and uncomfortable for me means that it was technically a difficult transfer - if it was, it would have taken longer or they would have given me an anasthetic. He was surprised that the Dr doing the transfer didn't know about my vaginismus because it's plainly there in my notes, as is my write up about the mock transfer. Anyway, he said as it was obviously difficult for me, he feels that seeing a 'friendly face' would be better for me and that when I have a transfer date I'm to email him and he will come and do my transfer whether he's on the rota to do them that day or not - bless him

He said whilst they can do immune tests, it's obviously not cheap and nothing jumps out after just 1 failed cycle to make him think it's necessary at the moment, likewise with steroids after transfer or DHEA.

He says it makes sense to do FET first and it will only delay us by 1 month if we end up needing another full cycle, but could save us a lot of money if it works.

He wants me to wait until Jan to do the FET as he wants me to give my body a month's rest. That disappointed me a little bit, but then there's so much going on over the next few months (joint 70th party at ours for my mum and dad, nativity play that I'm in charge of at school, terry has a tribunal court case about his redundancy and then of course christmas) so it makes sense really.

So we're going with a non-medicated FET in Jan - he's sending the portocol info out to me in the post and if we have to go for another fresh cycle, he said he wouldn't change anything as it would only be 'tweaking' it for the sake of it as everything up to transfer went brilliantly.

Oh and apparently their clinic have a 90% success rate in thawing blastocysts because they only freeze top quality ones.

So I guess now I just have to shift this cycle's extra weight (plus a bit extra), enjoy christmas and hope the new year brings us a :baby:
Hey all, I haven't been on here for a long time. As some may remember, we ended up doing IUI with Donor sperm and after 4 failed attempts, it finally worked the 5th time! Choosing a donor can be very difficult and now I am wondering what this miracle baby inside me looks like.

My due date is next Wed. (16th) and I am anxiously waiting to meet the little boy moving inside me. My heart breaks as I continue to read the stories you are all going through. My thoughts and prayers will continue to go out to you all as you deal with this trial we have all had to cope with.
Hi Ladies,

Wow, so much news in the last few days.

Deb111: How are you doing? I guess January is in fact not that far off, just two months. Glad to hear that your consultant is considerate to what you have been through!

Tigerlily: Good luck for your TESE in February. It is great news that you get 3 NHS cycles in your area, alas, for me it is just the one, but more on that below!

Wibble Wobble: I just can't believe that things will take longer for you. How are you feeling about it now? I really hope for all of us that this is one of our last Christmases without children, regardless of how they come to us.

Antoinette: Welcome!!!! I hope you find lots of support here. This has forum has been a life saver for me and somehow, I feel less alone going through this PANTS time.

Mobaby: Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!

AFM: So... the good news is that there is not suggestion of a genetic disorder with DH. His FHS level is 22.7, which although is higher than the norm, it is not worringly so. Although the Consultant advised to err on the side of caution and would suggest the issue is production rather than plumbing!

Our next step will be a PESE to see if there is anything to be obtained. We are now being referred to Southampton Hospital and our Consultant there will let us know whether they freeze from the first PESE or whether they will conduct another one in connection with boosting me up.

After a very deep and meaningful converstion DH and I have decided that we will not take the sperm donor route. In our area we are only entitled to one round of NHS. Again, after much discussion we have decided that if it does not work the first time then we will move on to adoption. Although we could get the money together for private I just don't know if I have the strength of emotion to go through another round if the first fails. Oddly, DH and I know quite a few adopted people and we have decided that we just want to get cracking with raising a family.

As you all know the decisions you have to make when faced with this situation are decisions that you never expected to have to make. They are made with a mixture of sadness, anger and relief (which is strange). I just keep thinking that 2012 is going to be a hell of a year for me, but by the end of it I will know which way my children will be coming to me, and that feels me with so much excitement!!

So, onwards with trying to balance 'keeping postive' combined with 'not getting my hopes up'. Agghhhhh!!!!!
Deb: Glad you had your review and have plans to transfer the 1 back. Sounds like they are hopeful!
DH did not have to undergo any procedure because he had a sample that had 600,000 swimmers (he has flucutating azo apparently) in it so we talked with the uro and RE and we went ahead and froze a sample (they said they would freeze the eggies if no sperm on day of retrevial and plan for the TESE which what we originally were going to do but we were not on board 100% with that just yet)... They initially said freezing a sample would not be beneficial because none would survive.... BUT I am here to tell you all that THEY DID SURVIVE!!! The fresh sample had few and far between swimmers so they used the frozen and here is our fertilization report:

20 eggies
17 mature
3 immature
14 fertilized normal
1 fertilized abnormal and
2 did not fertilize

SO they said Monday for the transfer which will be a 5 day transfer, but they are going to call tomorrow in case there is a change and they can tell which 2 are the best I am getting excited but nervous!

I am sooo glad we were able to use that frozen stuff because if not, who knows if we would have any.

Pample: sounds like things are starting to come together!! How exciting :) Good luck in the upcoming weeks!
Wow Dancer, time seems to have flown by - I can't believe you're nearly there! Good luck :baby: xx

MoBaby - that's great news - looking forward to hearing how they develop :thumbup:

Hope you're all doing ok.

Oh and I'm sure she wont mind me saying, because her friend has posted it in her journal - but Jo (Flake-y) went in for an induction yesterday afternoon I think it was - no more news yet xx
Hi All

Sorry I haven't been on this thread for such a long time and I'm very sad to see so many news names here since my last visit :hugs:

I haven't had time to read back over all of your posts to see what your situations are but thought I'd re-post a snap shot of my situation and there is a link to my journal below with the full story as it may help some of you along the way.

So basically DH was diagnosed with Azoo in November 2010 and we were devestated beyond explanation (a feeling I know you will all be familiar with). Thankfully I found this thread and some insipartional girls like Deb111 who is an azoo expert and has helped me so much along the way!

Several hospital appointments later and lots of tests Doctors told us that they felt the cause was that DH had an undescended testicle corrected at 5/6 years - all of his results were fine so they were confident that they would be able to retieve sperm through the other testicle using SSR. DH had PESA and TESE in August 2011 and unfortunately that wasn't the case. They only found very immatture sperm (Maturation Arrest) and said the cause was unknown but possibly genetic. Obviously we were devestated again. Anyway onwards and upwards - we had already decided to use Donor Sperm beforehand if the worst had happened as we both want a family so much. We are now about to start our first IUI in about 10 days time! I'm nervously excited to be finally starting and I know we are both a little apprehensive! It has certianly been an emotional rollercoaster and I'm sure there are more peaks and troughs to face yet!

Anyway my heart goes out to you and I wish you lots of success whatever stage of your journeys you're at. I will definitely check in here more often from now on! xxxx
So excited that the next stage of your journey is almost here PL :happydance: How are you feeling?

Just a quick update - HUGE CONGRATS TO JO (Flake-y) both her and :baby: doing well. I will leave her to update more when she gets a chance

MoBaby - will be thinking of you on Monday and keeping everything crossed

Hope everyone else is doing ok xx
Yes massive congrats to jo!! Looks like her gorgeous little boy was worth the wait! Xx
Hi girls, I don't have any news to update just that today I found out one of my best friends is in the same boat. I couldn't believe it. We live in different cities and hadn't spoken in a while, mainly cos I was waiting for her to drop her news (we both started trying around the same time)...its her birthday next week and she is having a get together and while I was looking forward to it, I was a bit apprehensive...waiting for her news. Well today she sent me an email with the news I really wasnt expecting. I now realise that I have been making an effort not to speak to my friends as I don't want the subject to come up. in her email she said 'I hope you'd tell me if you are pregnant'. So I guess she had been thinking the very same thing.
I dont know the ins and outs of it yet. I just know that its very hard for her to talk about it and even worse for her dh. What are the odds, to be accompanied in this horrible situation by my sister and one of my best friends. I guess its good in a way but I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Hugs to all.
Hi girls, I don't have any news to update just that today I found out one of my best friends is in the same boat. I couldn't believe it. We live in different cities and hadn't spoken in a while, mainly cos I was waiting for her to drop her news (we both started trying around the same time)...its her birthday next week and she is having a get together and while I was looking forward to it, I was a bit apprehensive...waiting for her news. Well today she sent me an email with the news I really wasnt expecting. I now realise that I have been making an effort not to speak to my friends as I don't want the subject to come up. in her email she said 'I hope you'd tell me if you are pregnant'. So I guess she had been thinking the very same thing.
I dont know the ins and outs of it yet. I just know that its very hard for her to talk about it and even worse for her dh. What are the odds, to be accompanied in this horrible situation by my sister and one of my best friends. I guess its good in a way but I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Hugs to all.

When you say she's in the same boat, do you mean struggling to conceive or azoospermia? Whichever it is, whilst it is hard to think of anyone having to go through this, at least you will be able to talk to each and help each other. Being able to talk to someone who is going through the same is invaluable xx
Hi Everyone. My DH has azoospermia too. We have a known donor and are going to co-parent the child (all three of us). We have hired an attorney who is an expert in this field and has experience with different situations. We are excited!
afm got some info from a girl who is needing donor sperm from the clinic I'm also at, she got told that there is a 1 year wait... gutted doesn't even come close to how thats made me feel.

I'm so sorry, wibble. They told us that it's quite fast where we live. We've been saving up like mad things since we started TTC and we stepped it up a gear when we got DH's diagnosis 5 months ago, as we knew it was likely we'd need all this money in our quest to get a child. Thank heavens we did, as we just want to get cracking now.

Is there any way you can get the money loaned to you by a relative? It seems so unfair that so many of us couples get into financial difficulties or, worse, delay our lives due to this diagnosis. I wish I could make it all magically happen for each of us. Sending you lots of :hugs:

MoBaby - congrats on the egg collection and fertilisation. I hope the transfer went just as well today. Sending you lots of :dust:

Trying to look on the positive side for those of you who are facing a long wait ... We were told if men had been diagnosed with azoospermia 10 years ago (maybe a bit longer now), there wouldn't have been any options other than donor sperm or adoption. Obviously ICSI, microTESE etc are oretty new. Medical advancements are happening all the time - so who knows in a year or 2 what further advancements will be available to help you get your dream? :hugs:

That's so lovely and definitely food for thought :thumbup:

So I realised that I haven't updated about our review appt on here - afrid I've been lazy and copied it across from my journal

So basically the consultant was very pleased with our cycle in terms of number and quality of eggs, my response, fetilisation etc but obviously we didn't get the outcome we wanted

He said his job can be the best job sometimes, but in cases like mine; it can be the worst job, because everything was as good as it could be on paper, but there's not a damn thing they can do about it once they transfer it back

He said the usual reason why embryos don't implant is because they were not genetically normal embryos, but that doesn't mean that the 3rd one from the same 'batch' will be the same.

He says he doesn't think assisted hatching will be necessary and the clinics stats don't really show any difference, unless when they examine the embryo, the zona 'something or other' looks particulary thick and then they would suggest doing it. It may be that they suggest it on FET day if they think it needs it.

He doesn't think the fact that the transfer was difficult and uncomfortable for me means that it was technically a difficult transfer - if it was, it would have taken longer or they would have given me an anasthetic. He was surprised that the Dr doing the transfer didn't know about my vaginismus because it's plainly there in my notes, as is my write up about the mock transfer. Anyway, he said as it was obviously difficult for me, he feels that seeing a 'friendly face' would be better for me and that when I have a transfer date I'm to email him and he will come and do my transfer whether he's on the rota to do them that day or not - bless him

He said whilst they can do immune tests, it's obviously not cheap and nothing jumps out after just 1 failed cycle to make him think it's necessary at the moment, likewise with steroids after transfer or DHEA.

He says it makes sense to do FET first and it will only delay us by 1 month if we end up needing another full cycle, but could save us a lot of money if it works.

He wants me to wait until Jan to do the FET as he wants me to give my body a month's rest. That disappointed me a little bit, but then there's so much going on over the next few months (joint 70th party at ours for my mum and dad, nativity play that I'm in charge of at school, terry has a tribunal court case about his redundancy and then of course christmas) so it makes sense really.

So we're going with a non-medicated FET in Jan - he's sending the portocol info out to me in the post and if we have to go for another fresh cycle, he said he wouldn't change anything as it would only be 'tweaking' it for the sake of it as everything up to transfer went brilliantly.

Oh and apparently their clinic have a 90% success rate in thawing blastocysts because they only freeze top quality ones.

So I guess now I just have to shift this cycle's extra weight (plus a bit extra), enjoy christmas and hope the new year brings us a :baby:

Sorry you have to wait a bit, Deb, but it sounds like he knows just what he's talking about and it's a great plan. I'm going to keep everything crossed that January is your time :hugs:

Hey all, I haven't been on here for a long time. As some may remember, we ended up doing IUI with Donor sperm and after 4 failed attempts, it finally worked the 5th time! Choosing a donor can be very difficult and now I am wondering what this miracle baby inside me looks like.

My due date is next Wed. (16th) and I am anxiously waiting to meet the little boy moving inside me. My heart breaks as I continue to read the stories you are all going through. My thoughts and prayers will continue to go out to you all as you deal with this trial we have all had to cope with.

Congrats, Dancergirl. :blue:

As you all know the decisions you have to make when faced with this situation are decisions that you never expected to have to make. They are made with a mixture of sadness, anger and relief (which is strange). I just keep thinking that 2012 is going to be a hell of a year for me, but by the end of it I will know which way my children will be coming to me, and that feels me with so much excitement!!

So, onwards with trying to balance 'keeping postive' combined with 'not getting my hopes up'. Agghhhhh!!!!!

That's great that you have a plan, Pample. I know precisely what you mean with your last sentence. It's horrible, isn't it? I'm glad you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel though and it's a lovely thought that you'll be finding out which way your children will be coming to you :cloud9:

Congrats to Flake-y :dance:

Sorry to see so many newbies on here :nope:

But I'm glad that you've all found this place. I hope your journeys here are short, successful ones.

AFM - nothing much to report. Got my gynae appointment this Thursday and going to ask her to refer me to the Fertility Centre so I can get the ball rolling for either ICSI and IVF or IUI if DH's mTESE in January is unsuccessful. Still having lots of 'it's so unfair' days.
Deb, Well I´m not sure to be honest as she didnt go into it, but they have male infertility problems, thats all she told me. They were told it was next to impossible to have children. I felt like she had thrown me back to 1970! Thanks to all you girls I was able to tell her that there are options and to never say never. Unfortunately she has issues too, so they are dealing with both factors. It was nice to talk about it though.
This a great place and I know I don't post that often as I struggle remembering each persons story and I don't want to put my foot in it!
But thanks to all of you. :flower:
Welcome froliky - I'm glad you have a plan - it always helps. Hoping your journey is a short one

Hope everyone is ok xx
Hey frolicky, welcome.

Transfer went well :) 2 beautiful embryos put back. Now just a waiting game. Im a little crampy. But otherwise feel good. Lying in bed for now.
So glad all went well MoBaby. When is OTD? Make sure you take it easy xx
Hey frolicky, welcome.

Transfer went well :) 2 beautiful embryos put back. Now just a waiting game. Im a little crampy. But otherwise feel good. Lying in bed for now.

Very pleased to hear this, frolicky. Great news indeed :dust:

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