Hi All,
I was wondering if it was ok if I joined you all? (The club that no-one wants to be a member of lol)...Firstly I wanted to say a massive thanks to
Deb for starting this thread, we have been on this journey for a while now & this is by far the most intelligent, caring & informed group that I have found. I have read every post on this thread now, so feel like I have been on the journey with you all.
A little (ok,
alot) about me; my DH was diagnosed with Azoospermia in September 2010 & I can safely say that it was one of the most devastating pieces of news that I have ever received. We had only been TTC for 4 months (we were married in April 2010 but due to my age we didn't want to wait around) when I had been tracking my cycle & was pretty sure that I was ovulating & were were timing DTD to precision, but still nothing. I just had a gut feeling that something was not right with DH's swimmers, so I convinced him to do a SA, expecting that it may come back with a low number or poor morph but never imagined that the results would come back as
We too had a GP who was ill informed & helped us feel even more hopeless by informing us that there was basically NO hope & that our only option for a child would be to use donor sperm or adopt. Now that I know what I know (and I started researching on the internet instantly) I am furious that GPs seem to know nothing about TESE or ICSI or that it is even possible to extract testicular sperm, let alone the fact that some men with Azoos do go on to father children through this procedure. As is the case with many of you ladies I was the driving force; researching & getting a referral to a Urologist (who was hopeless) then eventually a referral to our beautiful Fertility Specialist.
In the end DH was diagnosed with NOA (Non-Obstructive Azoos) although he does have a Cystic Fybrosis Gene Mutation that is thought to be responsible for the problem, he also has one undescended testicle that was not repaired as a child which probably doesn't help matters. In december 2010 he had a TESE which found some sperm (phew) which were put on ice for our IVF/ICSI cycle in March. However the sperm died upon defrost, something that we were told is very common for testicular sperm. (Our scientist explained to us that with a normal frozen sample well over half the sperm dies upon defrost & that the unfortunate thing with testicular sperm is that there are so few, so the odds of them surviving the thaw are slim.)
In March, my side of the cycle went very well & like I said our frozen sperm did not survive, so DH had to go through his trauma again (in Aus, it is all done under a local, not general aneasthetic), this time they did 16 needle aspirations & eventually had to do surgical retrieval to find swimmers. They retrived 12 eggies from me, 10 were mature, 8 fertilised & 3 made it to 5 day A grade hatching blastocysts. 1 was put in & 2 were put on ice (our clinic prefers to do single embryo transfers). From this cycle I did (surprisingly) achieve a BFP, however suffered a very complicated miscarriage (was in hospital for 3 days) at 6 weeks, the day our heartbeat scan would have been due

We are just at day 10 of a natural frozen cycle to use one of our frosties so all we can do is hope & wait.
Deb the video journal that you did is amazing, DH & I both watched it last night; I sobbed & he got teary too. I need this group, I need to know that we are not alone, that there are other couples out there who are going through this horrible, testing journey. If we must endure this, at least we do not have to do it alone. Who else can ever understand how sad it is to watch the man you love lose his sense of self & doubt his masculinity? My Dh feels too that he is 'not a real man' anymore. We too went from having sex almost daily to once a month if we're lucky. Yet, our relationship has grown stronger & we have grown closer. It does sometimes feel like it's US against THE WORLD... I have read all your stories with tears in my eyes & thank you all for your honest sharing.
I'll sign off for now, thanks so much for listening Sorry for the looong post. Great to 'meet' you all.