Hi there girls

Sorry I havent posted for a while, I have been following, just not posting. There has been so much going on here. I won't do personals this time as there is too much to catch up on. Just wanted to say that I am thinking of all who are struggling (who isn't) & hoping for those who are currently cycling or about to start cycling...
AFM, well we were both pretty devastated after our last cycle was a complete bust. I just felt completely hopeless & that there was no use even trying again as it wouldn't work anyway. So, as I've done through this entire process I just let myself feel what I was feeling. I figure that there is no use running from these feelings; my life experience has taught me that they will catch up to me eventually anyway.
Then came the anger.
Has anyone else struggled with this extreme anger? I just felt so angry at God, at the world, at everyone that can fall pregnant at the drop of a hat. (It didn't help that we found out that my 14, that's right
14 year old niece is pregnant & intends to raise the child). What is God/the universe thinking that a child can get pregnant while all of us have to suffer & fork out thousands of $ to just have the chance to
try... I gave myself a good talking to about the anger as I realised that I don't want to become one of those bitter old childless women. I had to let some of the anger go, it was eating me up inside.
I have cried so much in the 16 months since our azoos diagnosis. More than I have ever cried all my life. At times the grief for something we've never known is unbearable. I'm a bit tired of crying. Like everyone, we're running out of money. I estimate that we've already spent close to $25,000 AU trying to get a baby. We will do one more stimulated round & any embies (assuming we're lucky) that come from that & after that we're out. We've already gone into debt for this & my darling sister has offered us $12,000 towards our next round which we will pay off when we can. After that I think it will be time to move on & start accepting that we will be childless. Sperm donor is too hard in Aus (we have to have a 'known donor'), adoption is extremely rare & inter-country adoption is also a very gruelling & expensive option.
The last couple of weeks DH & I seem to have settled into a sort of contentedness... We are holding onto what we do have, instead of focusing on the one (life consuming) thing we don't have. I even went out & bought a (cheap) coffee machine (all our spare $ have been going into IVF). I decided that I just need to focus on being 'us' again.
Sorry to
dump. This forum is such a great resource. Azoos is so different from any other type of infertility in that we have no chance of falling pregnant naturally. I feel so thankful for all you girls, for sharing your stories. You give me hope, you keep me going. So, thankyou