Hi Girls,
How is everyone today? I'm feeling a little more myself these days after my completely selfish post IVF failure meltdown. Able to do personals again. Sorry I was so me focused for a while. Went through a pretty tough time.
Wanbmum, so sorry to hear that hun. Know that we are all here for you. I can relate to all that you've said about those hopes of a child that is like your husband. My husband is a talented Jazz musician & we both kind of grieve for that inherited talent if we have to go down the donor path. Not to mention all the other things. Thinking of you & your man today & sending lots of
Deafgal, have you got those results yet? Thinking of you & keeping everything crossed for you guys.
SND, that is such a great story, makes me feel that there is hope for us. It's interesting that the article said she retrieved fewer eggs than expected, I would have thought 12 was quite a good number. How you going hun? Are things moving along for you guys?
Deb, how's things going for you? That must have been so frustrating for you that your clinic have missed your ovulation. Our clinic starts testing from day 10 on a frozen cycle & on our last cycle I ovulated on day 14. Funny how we remember these things... Do they still have you tracking or are you just counting it as a missed cycle?
MissAma, so sorry to hear your news. I imagine it is just as heartbreaking this time around. I know that everytime we do a cycle, every step of the way is edge of the seat stuff. Just waiting & hoping. So glad that you're so determined to provide a sib for Dara. We are with you through this journey, whatever your next step is. I know that your story has been a real inspiration for me.
KB38, we're in NSW; going through Genea (used to be Sydney IVF). They don't do unknown donor there & I understand that the wait time at other clinics for unkown donor sperm can be really long. Which state are you in & which clinic are you at?
Sar, I cannot believe that I missed your BFP, I just had to have a break from all things 'IVFy' for a while. You guys must have got your BFP just after we found out our cycle was a bust. I am so happy for you, how exciting being released from the clinic to an ObGyn, must make it all feel so real & getting to see your bub; what a gift! So happy for you
Sorry to anyone I've missed out. Now that I'm up to date I promise to do shorter posts!
AFM, I have another appt with my endo on tues, just to make sure my Hashimotos & PCOS are being managed properly... Then on the 15th Feb we have an appt with our reproductive Dr (The Indiana Jones of sperm as we call him

, if he can't find it, it's not there!) to discuss our failed cycle & where to go from here. Meanwhile I have to get my butt moving & try to budge some of the 20kgs I've gained by comfort eating since we started this bloody azoos journey (& I wasn't small to begin with!)... Step away from the chocolate MJ, step away...
Chat soon