Actually girls, I could do with some advice. DH & I had a difficult chat today about donor sperm & I'd love some feedback from you gals. (Sorry this is a bit long-winded, there is just so much to explain.) I am just a little concerned about them finding sperm when we do our next cycle. Last fresh cycle they had to do 16 needle aspirations & then they finally found sperm through surgical removal. DH still gets pain and is really nervous about having the procedure again (last time he passed out just at the thought of it

). I would like us to have some back up sperm to use just in case they cannot find any of DH's (I don't want to waste my precious eggies, I know they can freeze, but defrost success is rare). Our clinic will only use a known donor & we have had a friend very kindly offer to donate. At our clinic it will be at least a four month wait between our friend donating & the clinic releasing the sperm for use (they do a bunch of tests on the donor etc), so if we are going to down this path then I would like to decide soon. The donor & his wife have to go through counselling with us, so even once we get up to that point it may not go through, they may back out. But DH has major issues with using a known donor. I can see advantages to known & anonymous donor.
However, if we decide to go down the anon donor route then we will have to change clinics. I imagine that given my age & health issues that they will want to do IVF/ICSI, not IUI. Anyway, it is a very emotional issue for DH & I just see him retreat back into his shell everytime we talk about these things. I would just love some feedback as it seems that time is ticking away. We're running out of money & therefore options. As I see it we have four options. Give up on using DH's sperm & change clinics & use unknown donor; Go ahead with our full stim cycle in April, with no backup sperm at our current clinic; Use our known donor & have backup sperm for a stim cycle around August. Or just use our frosty & accept that if we get pregnant that it will probably be our only one. (Our RE wants us to do a stim cycle, to get more embies, otherwise if I did get pregnant with our frosty, I would likely be over 40 before we would be able to do another stim cycle= much lower chance of more than one child. I am very aware that statistically our chances at IVF drop from 15% per cycle now, to less than 5% once I turn 40.)
What do you all think about our options? About known Vs Anon donor? Changing clinics? Am I being silly worrying about my age?
I hope this all makes sense. DH got tears in his eyes today & said. "I thought making babies was meant to be easy. I thought that by this stage in our marriage you'd be pregnant with our second

" My poor love, I hate to see him suffering like this. Thanks for listening girls. One of
those days here...