I had absolutely no idea that IUI wouldn't be funded in our area ... none at all. What a shock I thought we'd have to pay for the donor sperm, but not for the actual IUI. I'm sure I read somewhere that you get 6 tries, but apparently that's the recommended guide, but the South Strategic Health Authority does not offer any IUI funding. I honestly had no idea. I feel stupid now.
Gynae guy is going to join forces with our GP to write to commissioning and get them to look at our case and see if they'll make an exception, but he did say that there are absolutely no guarantees and it'll take at least 3 months to get an answer. When they booked my follow-up appointment to be reviewed in 4 months they booked it for .... wait for it .... 1 June. Unbelievable. Exactly 1 year to the day we found out about DH's 0 SA.
DH and I have told him to go ahead with the letter just in case.
In the meantime it looks like we'll be going privately ... and probably having to get a loan

So, does anybody in the UK know how much it costs (really roughly) to get donor sperm imported? Only I know that the waiting lists for donor sperm can be really, really long here in the UK. I keep reading 12 to 18 months everywhere. I know we can't wait that long. We just can't.
Thanks in advance!
Hope you're all OK and I will catch up soon, I promise.