Here we go, here is what happened to myself and Corbyn, he was born the same day as his big angel brother which was what i didnt want but with the circumstances i think Logan george helped get him here safe.
Sorry for the wrong reply
Well where to begin on the arrival of baby taylor.
I went to see my consultant on the 18th of January as normal for my two week check up and scan.
we got our final date of induction which was going to be the 28th January 2012 - which wasnt ideal for us as this is out first babys angelversary but to make sure my boy was here safe and sound i agreed.
But from this point who knew what was going to happen.
I had been booked in every day from the 21st January for an ecv (think that was what it was called - but it was to monitor the babys heart beat) i asked why everyday and my consultant said just to be safe
Any way i went to labour and deleivery on the 21st and 22nd of january and baby was happy and head down which was great as i was all set for a normal deleivery!!!
on monday 23rd January i went to the Day assment unit which was for a 15 minute monitoring - well how wrong was I??
The little man had turned breech again! not only that but my movements had slowed alot so after 3 scans and an hour on the monitor, it had been decided that i would have to have the baby turned on tuesday 24th January.
I managed to get hold of hubby so that he could be there as i am such a wimp when im alone.
on the morning of the 24th i called the deleivery ward to see what time i could come in, i finally got through to them after 2 hours of trying and went in- after an hour on the monitor the consultant came in and gave me an injection to relax my muscels and he then turned him within seconds so i was releived but then he decided that it would be better for me to have a sweep while i was there as well.
Well the mw came in to do the sweep which was uncomfertable but my cervix was still high - but soft so she attempted to do one.
Next thing i know i am strapped back up to the monitor and i had another consultant and 2 other mws come in - and guess what the little bugger and turned breech again!!!
Well from then i was admitted on to the mat ward- no one told me that with my history i was 60% more likley to suffer from cord prolapse

and that if i went in to labour naturally they would have seconds to get my baby out alive.
well i was put in to a room with 3 other ladies- one was due to be discharged and the other 2 where in labour and due to be moved so i thought great ill be able to get some sleep--- well how wrong was I??
by the morning i hadn't slept a wink and i wanted to go home

but the consultant on call said NO! i had to stay till the baby was born
Well my consultant came to see me and the new plan was - to turn the little man again on Friday the 27th January and then induce straight away which i was happy with because there was going to be 2 consultants a mw on hand at all times- i was so sure that i was not having the baby any other way.
Well i was moved in to my own room because i was so tired, which was great.
Well everyday i seen a different oncall consultant and one was soooo rude to me and my hubby.
It was thursday 26th Jan and Mr Ramsey came in with 4 students and said to me - you do know that you are putting your baby in great danger
this baby is not ready to come out yet i got so upset i voiced my opinion and asked him to leave and for some one to get my consultant.
But my consultant wasnt around till friday.
Well friday came and i had no sleep what so ever due to that horrible consultant, the steroid injections during the night and nerves about everything that was due to happen.
The day was passing very quickly and the labour ward was manic, but the duty consultant came and asked me to get ready and that she was on her way to get me, my consultant was just washing up. But 4 hours later no one had still come to get me so i kicked up a stink and another consultant came to see me.
He was great, he took me down for a scan and we had a talk- basically he wanted me to wait till friday 4th Feb for a elective c section (which i really didnt want) but if baby was head down then he would induce instead. which i thought was great i would rather give my baby an extra week to cook.
Well the scan showed that the cord was sitting on the little mans head, so he decided that he would turn him now just to be safe (due to how we lost Logan-george)
The consultant couldnt get the baby to turn at all he was moving a tiny bit but then moving straight back to where he was, so i was put back on the monitor but everything went wrong.
The little mans heart beat kept dipping, not by much but it was.
They sent my hubby home saying that all would be ok and that i would be allowed home in the morning.
But as soon as he left the babys heart beat went from 169 to 56 and this kept happening- so i buzzed for the mw and when she came in and looked at the sheet she buzzed for some one to go and get the consultant and the registra and guess what it was the horrible consultant from the thursday.
He said to me this baby is very unhappy and i need to get him out now!! when did you last eat- well i had eaten about half hour before because they said nothing was going to happen, i had also text all the family saying dates have changed i am coming home.
I called matt on strict instructions to tell him not to speed as we had to wait and i was on a monitor so we could tell if baby was getting any more distressed.
Well as soon as matt picked the phone up and i said tonight we will be holding our baby boy he dropped his pint and rushed to the hospital- and yes he got stopped by the police!! they thank god didnt give him a ticket for speeding but they blue lighted him to the hospital.
i was meant to go down for the emergance c section by 11 pm but i was still waiting at midnight which meant my to baby boys where going to share a birthday (which is not what i wanted)
Well they wheeled me down to my recovery room to get me preped for surgary

i was so scared and i was shivering all i could do was cry.
when we got to theater everyone was lovely, they had all been briefed about my loss of Logan-george so they where trying to keep me calm but matt wasn't allowed in while they did all the pre checks.
I cant remember much of the operation apart from the horrible pulling feeling in my tummy

it was auwful it really was.
But as soon as i heard Corbyn Matthew Taylor Crying i was releived.
he got taken in to another room where they had to give him oxygen to help him breath

and he also had a feeding tube inserted.
His weight was 4lb 15 1/2 oz he was sooooo small - not what any one expected they all thought he would be 7lb + how wrong where they.
They next few hours where such a blur, i just wanted my boy with me and i was getting mixed messages from nicu telling me on how corbyn was.
over the next day or so corbyn had to be put on oxygen a few times in the nights and wasnt keeping his sugar levels up, this was killing me i thought i was going to loose another baby
Well the lovely man who did the operation came to see me, he said that if i had waited till the 4th of Feb he didnt think corbyn would of made it, apprently my placenta had stopped working and my cord was drying ( it was the longest cord he had ever seen, and he has been delivering babys for 25+ years)
i was fuming at this point and the mat ward where trying to send me home the day after my surgary

i was lucky that nicu kicked off for me as i wanted to breast feed by little man, and they had to rush a bed for me on transional care.
We was on TC for 2 days in total, i had to threaten the mw's about using corbyns feeding tube as they where feeding him without me knowing, he wasnt waking and they where feeding him ( which meant he wasn't learning that he had to shout for his food)
We finally got home and we are both doing great, apart from his thrush from his antibiotics

but that is all getting better now he is on drops.
He is 10 days old and All i keep thinking is that i have to be thankful of Corbyns big brother for making sure he got here safe and sound.
Logan-george is our gaurdian angel
Here are a few pictures of Corbyn Matthew Taylor
Thank you for reading.
Hayleigh - one very happy mummy xxx