Hi Girls,
Sorry I haven't updated since our appt yesterday afternoon, this is the 1st chance I've had. Well, it was a really informative appt. This time we didn't worry about how demanding or silly we sounded

, we asked loads of questions. Basically we found out that DH has Sertolli Cell Only Syndrome type II. From what I understood, the sertolli cells are the most immature form of sperm cells & in type I of the syndrome that is as far as the cells mature. As DH has type II, he has some areas in the tubules where the sperm is produced, where the sperm cells do mature to almost fully mature sperm. Apparently these sperm are able to be used for IVF/ICSI, whereas the less mature sperm will not fertilise an egg. He seems to think that as DH's one testicle is of normal (only slightly small) volume he will be able to find sperm again for another stimulated cycle. He told us that DH's persistant pain is not the norm (
do any of your DH's who've had TESA/TESE still experience pain?), he is sending DH off for bloods & an ultrasound. He also said that he would prefer to bypass the frozen sperm altogether & go for fresh as the fertilisation rate is not as good as fresh. Some good news girls

; he said that using testicular sperm only affects fert rates by about 5%, so not too much of a disadvantage there!
He told us that it is a pity that money is an issue for us as he is 'very confident that he could get us a baby
eventually'. He said that just as a fertile couple may need
many cycles to fall pregnant, so may we & that at my 'advanced maternal age miscarriage is a real risk' (as we've already experienced).
So, we came away feeling a bit blah

, just kind of mixed emotions. As whilst it was lovely to hear that he felt confident he could
eventually get us a baby, it may take several cycles. We had decided that we could
beg, borrow or steal enough for 1 more full stim cycle & any frozens that we might be lucky enough to get, but that would be it... It just kind of bummed us out that whether or not we have a child may all come down to finances.
I know that all you gals understand the stresses, financial & otherwise that this bloody IVF business can place on us & you are all a godsend! It is so lovely not to feel alone in this

I feel bad for complaining as I know that there are many on this thread who would love their DH to have sperm found, I am so sorry if I sound ungrateful. But for us, in some ways it feels useless if we can't afford to have the op to get it out. I'm not sure how Aus compares to the US & UK? We are looking at 12k for my IVF & 5k for DH's procedure, then we get 5k back from medicare (our govt healthcare).
Thanks for listening; told y'all it was a long one.