Mr. Storky,
I have analyzed which letters seem to have the best results (using current signatures). Here is what I think is the letter that you seem to want.
Dear Mr. Storky,
I would like to first say what a wonderful and excellent bird you must be, presenting children to so many lovely ladies on BnB. Your schedule must be so hectic. If you need a break, just come to my house! I will make you cookies, give you a backrub, and let you veg on the couch. I might invite some of my friends over though, just so that we can take advantage of the situation. But as you are such a wonderful bird I know that you will be so kind as to bless us.
Please bring me a sticky bean! My husband is already starting to think of someone calling him daddy and I really would like to be able to tell him! I even know how I am going to do it, so I am super ready. We already have a place to live, it will even be filtered for the baby so that he/she can breathe wonderful air. Its in a great neighborhood too, with a school really close by! My DH and I will give the baby the best childhood he/she could have. And I am really not picky, after all I know great names for both boys and girls!
I will bribe you with whatever you would like. Because I am a teacher, I do not have much, but I am sure I can get whatever it is that you want. The teacher-friends that know that we are TTC are willing to help out as well!
P.S. I live in OK and happen to be an excellent archer. My bow has enough weight to kill a moose, so a stork should be no problem. I also have excellent eyesight. Please deliver quickly.
Hunting season for archery starts soon!