i would never have a gun in my house and don't think that anyone should be allowed one, there are too many nasty accidents involving children and you are statistically much more likely to shoot a family member than an intruder.
about defending yourself i think it's tricky. i don't think someone that robs you deserves to die but on the other hand you're not going to go check what weapon they have and say if you're holding a knife and they're not put it down so it's a 'fair fight'
Your opinion is a common one, especially amongst those that live in the city. (not saying that you do as I don't know) Statistically speaking, a child is much more likely to be run over by a motor vehicle then to receive a gunshot. As the firearms laws here in Canada have become more and more restrictive, I have learned a lot more about the common accidents that happen in the household. As a RESPONSIBLE firearms owner, I can assure you that my firearms are stored safely, in accordance with the law. Children, and those who do not have my direct permission do not have access to the firearms at any time. Most firearms that are involved in any criminal activity are not legal firearms to start with. Most are "Black Market" firearms that have been brought into the country illegally.
With the ebb and tide of the firearms laws, there has been lots of misinformation and outright lies spread by those that would like to see firearms banned from society. Many of the people that I speak to, that are against firearms have taken what has been said by the media and "anti gun" crowd to be the whole truth. While I do not personally try to change their mind, I do urge them to look a little deeper into the facts regarding firearms laws, what it takes to be a legal firearms owner, and the true statistics regarding accidents. Most would be appalled to know, that in the United States, a Child is almost 10,000 times more likely to die from drowning in the family swimming pool then to be a victim of Gun Crime. Should be ban family swimming pools?
On the self defense side of things, does a robber deserve to die? No, I don't think so. But if its a decision of him or you, or him or your child, I think any parent would do what is necessary to protect their children. Any person who breaks into your home with a weapon, is intent on using it. Be it a Gun, Knife or Baseball bat, they are all just as lethal. In fact, in close quarters a Knife is more dangerous then a gun.