PLEASE - to who ever it was that stole my baby and replaced him with a grumpy doppelgänger who doesn't eat properly, won't settle, be content or sleep bring him back?
The one you have left me with screams inconsolably for hours in the night and I don't much like it.
I was up 3 maybe 4 times before midnight last night then from about 1:30am until 2:30 with him screaming non-stop! Not hungry, changed his nappy so not wet/dirty, didn't want to be put down but was also getting far too hot being held! What the hell can I do?
The monitor has been saying it's anywhere form 26 - 30 degrees in his room and we can't cool it down! We bought a fan but it doesn't seem to make much difference seeing as we can't really point it at him, he's sleeping in his nappy and a sheet over him the window is open but we have to have the blind shut so it's darker in there!
Ergh. He was never like this even as a newborn, yeah he would wake every couple hours but was easily seen to, not this screaming for hours nonsense.
I am so tired.