December 2013 babies!

Think i got all the new ladies added! We had our anatomy ultrasound yesterday and everything looked great! She's measuring right on and weighs 1 lb 7 oz. The only thing that worries me is she's lying transverse. i know there's plenty of time to flip still, but with my first he was always head down and she's nestled pretty good up in the top corner of my uterus.

I've bought a few outfits, but not really done anything else. I feel like i already have everything i need to be prepared for a new baby leftover from #1 and now i'm just waiting until she makes her arrival. I go back to work tomorrow and i'm not looking forward to it! (i'm a teacher and summer vacation, sadly, is over)

We did go to disneyland last week, which was so much fun! Although all the walking really made my pubic bone pain about a thousand times worse. We are planning to go back in october when i'm 32 weeks...... that's going to be loads of fun...
We have out little boy due on the 8th Dec, unless he decides to kick his way out like he has been trying to. So far been having all the joys of:
* backpain
* leg joint pain
* stomach muscle pain
* tummy changing from hard to soft to hard to soft and freaking me the hell out
* possible morning sickness coming back after the last two mornings
* tiredness
* stinging eyes
* sore teeth and gums
* and many many many
I am sure if i were a horse they would take me out the back paddock and shoot me.
I am still waiting for all the enjoyable parts of pregnancy besides every time i feel him move that i was promised :growlmad: . I have promised myself that anyone who asks me how im doing i tell them alllllllll the horrible stuff that was forgotten to be mentioned to me about pregnancy lol, and when they say there has to be something good (besides the gift at the end), i am like yep i passed wind this morning and one of the pains i was having is gone, they never know whether to take me serious or not.
lol yeah I'm having some pain on the left side of my tummy, they come and go throughout the day... It's like when I stand up too fast, or walk too much and sometimes when I'm just sitting here. It's not really really painful, just this annoying sharp pain for like 30 seconds and then it goes away. But I've been having them for maybe a week now O.O
(Trying this one more time to post this. Sorry if it gets duplicated.)

Hi everyone! I just needed to vent a minute and see if maybe some of you are going through something similar. Me and my husband have picked out our baby's name, and my mom hates it. I know I shouldn't care, but it really hurts my feelings. I really don't care what anyone else thinks but my mom is my mom and I value her opinion especially.

Today she asked if we were still going with that name and when I said yes, she scrunched up her nose and made a face. She says she will not call her that name but will call her by her middle name or a nickname. I told my dad it makes me mad that she doesn't like the name, and he said yeah she hates it and has put him through a lot of grief over it, which makes me even more mad because apparently she hates it so much that she has been whining and complaining to my dad about it.

I'm a sensitive person and my mom can quilt trip me and make me feel bad like no other, so my feelings are really hurt over this. :( I wish she would have kept her opinion to herself. And if I have another baby after this one, no one gets to know the name, especially her, until he or she is born so that I don't have to go through this again.

Just needed to get that off my chest.
(Trying this one more time to post this. Sorry if it gets duplicated.)

Hi everyone! I just needed to vent a minute and see if maybe some of you are going through something similar. Me and my husband have picked out our baby's name, and my mom hates it. I know I shouldn't care, but it really hurts my feelings. I really don't care what anyone else thinks but my mom is my mom and I value her opinion especially.

Today she asked if we were still going with that name and when I said yes, she scrunched up her nose and made a face. She says she will not call her that name but will call her by her middle name or a nickname. I told my dad it makes me mad that she doesn't like the name, and he said yeah she hates it and has put him through a lot of grief over it, which makes me even more mad because apparently she hates it so much that she has been whining and complaining to my dad about it.

I'm a sensitive person and my mom can quilt trip me and make me feel bad like no other, so my feelings are really hurt over this. :( I wish she would have kept her opinion to herself. And if I have another baby after this one, no one gets to know the name, especially her, until he or she is born so that I don't have to go through this again.

Just needed to get that off my chest.

i'm so sorry you are going through that! My MIL is kind of the same, when we told her we were naming the baby lucie, she said "oh like grandpas dog." and would send us her name suggestions and bug us about it and say things like.. so you're still naming her lucie, huh? It really does hurt your feelings. What we ended up doing was telling her that the name was decided and its our decision and we didn't want her opinion on it - because she wasn't going to change what we thought.

Sometimes i think the best thing to do is be very forward. I would tell her that you don't want to hear her opinion anymore, and that she is hurting your feelings because you really like the name. She is going to love the baby no matter what - and you are the parents so you get to choose the name.

I hope things get better, i know it can be hard to go through this crap! :hugs:
This is the very reason we are not telling a single soul our baby name... People will always give their opinions and they won't be polite about it! Names seem to be fair game till the baby is born, people will always try and get you to change them. If you just say their name is '...' When they are born no one will say they don't like it or try and make you change it!

It's horrible when people are mean about your choices. It's no ones decision but you and oh, and I would deffo agree with luz and tell your mum to keep her opinions to herself! It's so rude to say she won't call her that and use another name. At the end of the day when the babies are here and their names are set people will jut get on with it. Although they might not like the idea of the name they will quickly get used to it and it won't be an issue. If the baby isn't here yet they still think they have time to change your mind!
I'd just say names are not up of discussion, if your mum doesn't like it tough and just change the subject. She will soon get over herself and realise that it's your baby not hers. If you give in to her or entertain her moaning about names you ar just setting yourself up for moaning about everything in the future. Oh you shouldnt be feed her like that, she shouldn't sleep this way, you shouldn't use a dummy etc etc. lay down te law now, this is your baby and you will do what you think so butt out in the nicest possible way!!
Whatever name you choose is your choice and don't even listen to anyone else who is negative about it xx
Sorry full of spelling mistakes, I'm on the phone and very tired lol xx
She already got to name HER children.... Now u get to name YOURS! Im going through the same thing... We r naming our son Canon Joseph... Its definitely different n so i get alot of opinions on it that are not always the best. My moms response... Well u can name him what ever u want , he is ur child ( tone of voice meaning not my first choice lol) and then my MIL didnt say anythig directly bad but over the next two hours after we told her the name then gave us sooooo many other names we "could" meaning "should" use instead:0- i had to be like.... " we r not calling our child that we r calling him Canon we dont need to hear any other names" for her to be quiet. Just know u r not alone and name YOUR baby whatever u want.
Hey girls!
How are you all doing? We have been moving house so super busy. On the plus side we have a nursery now, on the down side it's full of boxes!!

Had horrible backache for a while but apart from that am doing good, my pregnancy yoga course starts next week so I'm looking forward to that.

How are you all? Xx
Hey girls!
How are you all doing? We have been moving house so super busy. On the plus side we have a nursery now, on the down side it's full of boxes!!

Had horrible backache for a while but apart from that am doing good, my pregnancy yoga course starts next week so I'm looking forward to that.

How are you all? Xx

how exciting!! I loved setting up the baby's room for my 1st. This time i'm not really doing anything because i know she will be in the room with us for at least 6 months. I do have a few quilts i'd like to make for her, but i have a sad feeling that's just a lofty dream that will never get done. I'm so busy teaching and going to school all night long that i just never have time!

I've had some pretty bad pubic bone pain, it started around 17 weeks. when i walk around A LOT it gets so bad that i dont even want to move at all. But when i take things a little easier it's been okay. I'm still completely exhausted all the time, and always thirsty too. I'm taking the GD test next week, pretty sure i'm going to fail and have GD. I didn't have it with my first, but i have a little feeling that it's there.

i Would LOVE to try pregnancy yoga, that sounds so much fun! Are any of your babies head down yet? at my 24 week ultrasound she was transverse, and im pretty sure she still is. I know it's nothing to worry about because she still has plenty of time to flip, but it really stresses me out and makes me worry that i will end up having a c-section, which ugh - is my worst possible idea of birth. i'd much rather heal from a tear or episiotomy than major abdominal surgery.
I feel all movement near my bladder so pretty sure baby is still breech for me :/
Hi, all!

I'm due December 28th (though it may be more like early January . . .) with our first, and I'm 38.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!

The placenta is in the front, so I only started feeling the baby move last week. It's miraculous! We're waiting to find out the sex. Finally finished putting together my registry last week. DH painted the nursery a couple weeks ago; we're going with ocean-y colors: blues and greens, and decorating with storybook characters like class Winnie-the-Pooh, Peter Rabbit, and the bunnies from Guess How Much I Love You?.
. . . with my first he was always head down and she's nestled pretty good up in the top corner of my uterus.
. . .
We did go to disneyland last week, which was so much fun!

Luz, that's so interesting to hear about your son always being head down. Our baby has been head down for the last three ultrasounds, although he/she's sunny-side-up. Did your son remain head down during the delivery, then? I'm sure your little girl will flip when it's time. :)

I'm so glad to hear you went to Disneyland! I'm from CA originally and love Disneyland. When I visited a couple months ago (I live in NY now), my best friend and I headed to D-land, although so many friends told me I was crazy to go when pregnant. How can you not enjoy the happiest place on Earth, even when you can't go on all the rides? :cloud9:

LindseyC, I'm so sorry you're going through that. I think the most important thing is to either have a frank conversation with your mom or write her a letter (whichever you think would work best with her) about how her comments are making you feel. You can't change how she feels about the name, but you can explain to her how much her comments are hurting you. If you feel that way, be firm about the fact that this is the name you've chosen and you are not changing it. Perhaps, if she realizes that, she might keep more of this to herself. My sister-in-law chose a name for our nephew that I'm not fond of. Most people react with shock when they're told it, and no one I've ever said it to likes it (save one). However, we've never told her this. There was no reason to do that, as she was going to give him that name no matter what. Plus, even though I still dislike it, I adore him, and his name has become part of that, so I guess you could say that it's grown on me. :) It's quite possible that might happen with your mom. On the other hand, my husband's grandfather hated the name one of DH's cousins was given, and called the cousin by his middle name until the day Grandpa died. Although it irritated the cousin's parents, it was a very sweet memory for the cousin, who liked the special name that only Grandpa used. I think it's a rude thing to do, but the point might be that the only one who's hurt by it is you and your partner, and not, necessarily, your child.

All of that said, sometimes parents get overly involved in something that's not their business (I've seen this happen many times with friends' weddings and I'm sure you have, too!). Your mom might be taking this much more personally than she ever has a right to. Although it might be useful to ask her to explain her feelings about this (specific reasons she doesn't like the name, not hurtful criticisms), since you respect her opinion, I think it's fair to tell her that you no longer want to hear her feelings on this, and that, if she loves and respects you, she'll call your child by the name you've asked her to call them. I hope you can work this out so you aren't hurting!
. . . with my first he was always head down and she's nestled pretty good up in the top corner of my uterus.
. . .
We did go to disneyland last week, which was so much fun!

Luz, that's so interesting to hear about your son always being head down. Our baby has been head down for the last three ultrasounds, although he/she's sunny-side-up. Did your son remain head down during the delivery, then? I'm sure your little girl will flip when it's time. :)

I'm so glad to hear you went to Disneyland! I'm from CA originally and love Disneyland. When I visited a couple months ago (I live in NY now), my best friend and I headed to D-land, although so many friends told me I was crazy to go when pregnant. How can you not enjoy the happiest place on Earth, even when you can't go on all the rides? :cloud9:

My son stayed head down the whole time, it was so nice to not to have to worry!

I think she may have flipped this weekend though, all of a sudden on saturday i started feeling lots of kicks up by my ribs, although then a little on sunday i felt them on the sides again. Maybe there is still a lot of room in there and she's just wiggling all over the place?

And disneyland was so much fun! I was aching and throbbing with pain in my pubic bone by the time we were done, but it was a blast. We are going back next month and i'll be 32 weeks pregnant - not sure how well i'll do then, but i'm still pretty dang excited!
How's the third tri treating you girls?
Been crap so far for me, ended up in hospital with pregnancy arrhythmia and now it looks like I have GD!
Am feeling so crap about it and just want this pregnancy over so I can get this little one out and get my body and health back!
Any of you guys suffered with GD either previously or now? X
How's the third tri treating you girls?
Been crap so far for me, ended up in hospital with pregnancy arrhythmia and now it looks like I have GD!
Am feeling so crap about it and just want this pregnancy over so I can get this little one out and get my body and health back!
Any of you guys suffered with GD either previously or now? X

i'm so sorry to hear that!!

I've had really bad pubic bone pain since week 17, but 3rd trimester is only aggravating it and making it worse. I can hardly walk without saying ouch ouch ouch. Also i'm still so nauseous. I was convinced i had GD, but took the test two weeks ago and haven't heard anything back so i would assume that means i don't have it. I'm right there with you on wanting to get this kid out of me though, only 10 more weeks to go!
Hey girls! How you all doing?
How's third tri going for you all?
I'm getting bored of being pregnant now, just want to meet her!
Got another scan tomm so that's something to look forward to... Can't believe I've only got under 8 weeks to go!
3rd tri sucks, it's painful and uncomfortable!! I haven't started swelling yet- I can still wear my wedding ring. I worry it's coming though. My dr appointments are every 2 weeks now until 36 when they go weekly. I am so curious to have my first cervix check, I've been having lots of contractions and hope I'll be dialated a little. I just want my baby to be born so I can meet her and hold her already!

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