December Mums

yep... thats the one im going to go to today! didnt realise you were so close to me! xxx

I live in coventry at the minute but Great bridge is about 10 mins from where i used to live so my family are all around there !

oh right!.. well i got some from great bridge! they were on offer too 3 for £2 so got my shampoo, conditioner and shower gel.
only problem i have now is seen as im having a waterbirth ive been thinking where to get a bikini top from... heres me thinkin, oh i have one from before, not thinkin its a size 8 one an im now a 12-14 so dont think theres any hope of using that unless i wanna look like a pornstar :rofl: xxx
Hello Ladies!

Well done for sorting out your hospital bags! (mines been ready for ages! well I can hope! cant I??)

Been to the docs and I have Drugs!!!! :happydance: a course of antibiotics and an inhaler. She checked Noah too and thankfully his chest is clear whereas mine is "wet" as she put it! :sick: Ewwww Just hope the drugs kick in quick xXx

Going to have a lazy day (again) today, just got a bit of washing to do and bought loads of comfort food from town this morning to munch on :munch:

Dp and Abbi are back tonight after their trip away, missed them like crazy but me and Noah have had lots of cuddle time and he's enjoyed having mummy all to himself :thumbup:
hi everyone, well the pains i had that eased last night got alot worse and i actually did think i was in labour, my tummy was going mega tight and i was in a lot of pain i have been getting alot of pain in my pelvis, do you think that it means baby may have turned and is now in the right position????
i went to bed spent alot of the night awake then finally drifted off properly at around 5!!!
i slept on and off iuntil about 9ish and then finally got up, so had a crappy night overall.
now i have no pains at all and everything is as it was!!! how strange.

aidans mummy im glad your appointment went well and hopefully aidan will come out soon.
poloma i am so glad the docs have given you some medicine to make you feel better i hope it kicks in quickly.
well done rafwife for starting with the packing
uv i hope your feeling ok today too
hope i havent forgotten anyone lol

Glad to hear you have stuff that'll help, Paloma. I agree with Lou, hope it kicks in soon!

I don't know if it's labour, Lou! I've never been in it so I have no idea... wouldn't that be exciting, though? :happydance: Maybe it's the start of it?

Sooooo tired today....

Did anyone find that they get/got clumsier as the weeks progress? Honestly, I'm a hazard to myself these days. I'm bumping into walls, I go to grab things and they slip out of my fingers (that one I'm chalking up to swollen fingers), I'm tripping over my own feet... it's awful!

I was a klutz before but now it's so much worse! LOL
Glad theyve given you some drugs Poloma, hopefully it'll help!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok and your hanging in there Molly, I saved you some stew and dumplings lol ... just gotta find a way of getting it to you now lol!!

As for me, had a bit of a stressful morning with work and stuff but im home now and just going to chill out for the afternoon. Im trying to break my new tracksuit in lol, i just got a cheapie velour one to potter around in and i got a size 10, though is dead tight i think its a bit on the small side, i havent put on that much weight lol. I think its just one of those things where sometimes you need to wear it to loosen it up a little lol

Well at least i hope so lmao!!
Hi girls... Im just back from my blood test today. I feel terrible now and i'm having headache. Maybe due to fasting--- Im having a lot of braxton hicks at the moment. I think I could have it more than 6 times a day. I thought I am having labor pains now...
Well done for those who are still working at this point. I just can't... I feel so tired all the time plus add the disappointment of not eating chocolate or drinking softdrinks...
Rafwife/ Tyff ... well done you've started your bag... I haven't. I bought some cheap PJ's in Penneys and Im bringing my granny size knickers...
Paloma... hope the meds will help you.

Not too long now for all of us....
Hi all, how is everyone today? I've been feeling really weird this week. Together with the tummy and gut upset I've also started to feel really scared. not scared of the birth or having the baby or anything tangible, just a sort of underlying fear. It doesn't help that I'm worried about DH being away on Saturday in case I go into labour, and really just because I'll be home alone and will have to try and manage everything on my own. Also irrationally worried our old dog will die and I won't be able to cope. I was even crying about it all last night. I think I just feel that stuff is impending and I'm scared of being caught out alone.

On the plus side, having got lazy about getting an emergency appointment for my broken tooth I got a call this morning to say we've finally been assigned to a dentist, hooray! Going on Tuesday so can get him to look at my tooth then.

Hey landingmach, hope all is well!
Hey Bernie too! Welcome to our thread.

I'm in your club Kate, sick of feeling sick. This morning I was retching and had my head over the toilet while I drooled and spat. Somehow managed to not actually be sick but God knows how, I was so close to it. Things are definitely different this week.

Hey Miria, everyone's welcome to chat!
Congrats on your shopping Claralouise, sounds like a good haul!
Glad you've got some drugs Poloma!

Congrats on starting your hospital bag rafwife, me too! I've got a maternity nightie, old knickers (I don't approve of disposables), socks, maternity and breast pads, toiletries and my homeopathy birth kit. I've got the baby's bag packed full with nappies, muslins, toiletries, vests, sleepsuits, hats, socks, mitts, etc etc. Everything I think! Well done for getting your bag finished Tyff. Mine won't be finished until the day comes that I have to go in (if that happens) as needs my DS and books! I've made a list though for DH to throw the last things in.

Lou - the pains could've been about baby turning, I imagine that's not comfortable! Not to be negative but I wonder if it could also be the bum engaging? Dunno if that would be more uncomfortable or not but it does happen sometimes. Or maybe just intense BH! Fingers crossed on turning though!

PP - whatcha doin' with work?
Hey all,

Ive been very lazy again today just pottered around home ! I was going to go into town and get the oh his xmas prezzie but im totally stumped as to what to get so im going to pick his brain tonight !!
Kelly, your OH is lucky he's getting one, mine's not! We get given Asda cards every year by his Grandparents so we use them to get DVDs and that'll be our only Christmas presents this year!
Poloma - glad you got sorted at the docs, and hope you feel better soon!

Lolly - sounds like baby was turning. I had something similar when my LO turned. Get bouncing on your ball though just in case! I was up until about 6 am too. We should start a 3rd tri insomniacs thread!

Tyff - I'm definitely more clumsy too actually. When I open doors I've been opening them and smacking them into my bump :dohh: You'd think if I'd done it once I'd learn, but no....

Molly - hope you're feeling better today hun and fingers crossed your LO doesn't keep you waiting too long.

marah - I hope you feel better soon :( Hopefully the test will put your mind at rest. Maybe tuck yourself into bed with a cup of tea? :hugs:

PB- How long is your OH away for? I know what you mean, my OH is away on Saturday-Thursday. I'm not looking forward to it at all and I'm stressing that I'll go into labour as we're in the Scottish Highlands and he'll be down in Cornwall :( I'm usually quite independent but I'm feeling so needy this close to my due date.
Went to the midwife for 38 week appointment on Tuesday. She did all the usual checks but when she measured me she didn't think he'd grown since last appointment 2 weeks ago so I had to go down the maternity unit and get monitored there for 30 mins to listen to babies heart rate etc. All seemed ok though and when they measured me they measured bigger than the midwife had done so looks like she had mis measured! grrrr. Getting me worried over nothing! Also had another scan while I was there and they seem to think baby is bigger than 'average' and estimate at the moment he is just over 7lbs. (with 2 weeks till due date) So could be a big baby (or they could be wrong!)

Also, midwife said babies head hasn't engaged at all yet, so do you reckon I will be late then in that case??
He's only away for Sat night, from noon on Sat until early afternoon on Sun. And it's only Leeds so only 2 hours for my Mum to go and get him if needs be. But I'm going to be so lonely! And he does everything! I don't know how I'm going to get the dogs outside and get some breakfast without being sick all over the house! Plus I suck at making myself meals so will probably not eat enough on Sat and so feel even more sick on Sun. :hugs: for you, that's a long time apart! I feel extremely needy at the moment. Yesterday I really struggled even to walk the dogs - my only must-do I have most days - and I felt I really needed someone to come and take care of me while DH is at work. My heart goes out to those who don't have OHs or supportive families, I really do not know how they manage!
Hey Roxie, glad things are ok. Babies often don't even engage until labour so don't worry about that, I don't think it's any indication of when baby will arrive.
I think any time away from your OH at this stage is hard, especially if you are used to the support. I know what you mean about day to day stuff though. I don't have the same sickness as you though so :hugs: I hope you at least feel a bit better while your OH is away. The sonographer seemed to think I would go next week, but I don't feel like I am and quite frankly she isn't allowed to come while my OH is away! I think I've still got 3 weeks left tbh.
How come the sonographer thought you were on the way? That's very assured! I hope she stays put for you! It would be terrible to be on your own. :hugs: I've been having occasional randy thoughts this week (very unusual! lol) but refuse in case it tips me over the edge. Won't do anything that could possibly bring labour on until DH is home again!
She said because of the size and position of the baby she expected me to go around the 28th of November, and put the 28th down in my notes as my EDD from the scan(though they'll still go by my original date of the 12th). To be honest though I'm not really 'feeling' it. I'm getting pains everyday (sharp shooting pains every 10-30mins but no rhythm or pattern to them), but that's quite normal now and there's no change in them so IMO it's just my body getting ready and practicing.
Hey girls

Molly- I really do feel for you, i just wish that would help you along a bit

Poloma- Glad your doc sorted you out in the end, from the way you described it, it sounds horrible. Hope you get better soon and enjoy your lazy day

Lollylou- I hope it was the start of labour hunni and the pains start up again soon. Sending you lots fo labour dust :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

Tyff- i have been clumsy all the way through my pregnancy but its defianlty gotten worse. I didnt turn the light on to go to the toilet last night and i walked into the bathroom door :rofl:

PP- oy wheres my stew and dumplings. OOO the thought of them makes me want to go make some he he. Sorry work got stressful hunni. But look at you still managing to squeeze into a size 10, you lucky moo he he.

Marah- I hope your feeling better soon

Peanutbean- Big hugs hunni :hugs:. I know what you mean about being scared but everything is going to be ok sweetie.

Momandpeanut- Enjoy your shopping

rafwife- Sorry your not looking forward to your Oh going away hunni. I think id hate it too. Big hugs:hug: we will all keep you company. And you too peanutbean

As for me i have got the serious runs and i cant stop being sick. I just feel shit anf fed up basically. Hurry up Aidan :hissy:

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