*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Hey everyone, I had my scan yesterday! Everything was fantastic, baby was kicking his/her legs and waving about :cloud9: It's made everything so much more real for me, and my son is over the moon that he has a picture of his brother/sister. He even told the nursery staff I was bringing the baby home yesterday lol! I got put forward 3 days so i'm now due on the 15th december!

Heres my little wriggler, 11 weeks and 4 days :


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verona lovely scan pics! One born every min is on more four at eleven on weds Ive been recording it dont think there repeats.. Pretty sure i watched every episode last time lol and dont recognise any of it!..
I have my NT scan tomorrow! I'm excited to see the little bean dancing. I will be 11 weeks 5 days then. Once i get those results I think i will be ready to tell the world! How much did you girls who have had the NT scan have to drink before the scan? My doctor didn't tell me, and I have heard one lady say 2 glasses of water 1 hour before the scan.

My hospital note said to try drink around a litre of water in the hour before scan :)

Hey everyone, I had my scan yesterday! Everything was fantastic, baby was kicking his/her legs and waving about :cloud9: It's made everything so much more real for me, and my son is over the moon that he has a picture of his brother/sister. He even told the nursery staff I was bringing the baby home yesterday lol! I got put forward 3 days so i'm now due on the 15th december!

Heres my little wriggler, 11 weeks and 4 days :

Awww how amazing :cloud9: will change your EDD on the list now :)

verona lovely scan pics! One born every min is on more four at eleven on weds Ive been recording it dont think there repeats.. Pretty sure i watched every episode last time lol and dont recognise any of it!..

Ahhhh really!? I am going to have to download any I've missed now :dohh: I haven't seen any adverts or anything, strange!
woohoo!!! just had my scan, got pushed forward 5 days!! so EDD is now 7th December.

was so lovely that everything was all normal and happy. we are umming and aaaahing about telling people now - starting with OH parents. even though im not in 2nd tri yet, is it still 'safe' to tell people?xx
woohoo!!! just had my scan, got pushed forward 5 days!! so EDD is now 7th December.

was so lovely that everything was all normal and happy. we are umming and aaaahing about telling people now - starting with OH parents. even though im not in 2nd tri yet, is it still 'safe' to tell people?xx

Fab news! I'll change your EDD now :thumbup:

After 12 weeks your chances of MC are really, really low. Share that happy news :yipee: (if you are comfortable to of course!)
Same due date as me mrs bunny :happydance: glad your scan all went well. We started telling people now as couldn't keep it quiet any longer.
Same due date as me mrs bunny :happydance: glad your scan all went well. We started telling people now as couldn't keep it quiet any longer.

thank you!! if im honest, it will be such a relief not to have to pretend anymore!!! i am running out of excuses on why im not drinking when i see friends - they must think i'm very sickly with all the antibiotics i've pretended to be taking!!:wacko:
lol lolly i didnt know either my Hubby seen it last night so managed to record it in time! Its twins next week! .... Are you allowed on rides when pregnant anyone know i can Not remember... the fairs here and i was unsure about the waltzers lol..
I would probably stay away from Waltzers (just thing nauseas wise too lol) I think the teacups are safe :haha:
Ladies I need some advice,

How many cancellations is too many?

A quick background: at about 5 weeks I was having sharp pain in my left side so I went in for an ultrasound and a gestational sac was seen. I was scheduled for an 8 week followup to determine if a baby was actually there or if it would be an ectopic pregnancy. My 8 week was scheduled for a Friday morning and at 4:45PM on Thursday was called to have it cancelled and moved to Monday. This really aggravated me as if they had called any time earlier I could have been seen on Thursday.

I was supposed to go in for my 12 week on 9AM Wednesday morning...was called at 8AM as I'm walking out the door to cancel because my midwife is at a birth. (The birth center I go to has a team of 7 midwives, 3 of which are assigned to each patient). So my midwife reschedules for Friday (tomorrow) at 9. I work, so the only times I can be seen are 9 or 5 as I don't want to miss too much time. I get a call five minutes ago saying they have a staff meeting Friday at 9:30, can my appt now be moved to noon?

No, it freaking well can't be. So now I won't get seen till Monday at 9. But the way this has been going I'm not going to count on actually having that appointment. Would any of you express your displeasure to them about this? Thank God I'm not getting an NT scan because Lord knows I would never get seen for that. I'm obviously not going to bitch to the secretary, but I'm getting a little peeved. I realize I'm not the only woman in my town to be pregnant and I'm not even that far along, but I really feel like this is getting a bit ridiculous. Am I just being super petty?
lol lolly i didnt know either my Hubby seen it last night so managed to record it in time! Its twins next week! .... Are you allowed on rides when pregnant anyone know i can Not remember... the fairs here and i was unsure about the waltzers lol..

Noooo lol! Especially no rides with bars that go across your stomach.

Just watching that OBEM now and it's a really old one! From early 2010 I think. Going to rewatch it anyway because I just love watching births :)
Ladies I need some advice,

How many cancellations is too many?

A quick background: at about 5 weeks I was having sharp pain in my left side so I went in for an ultrasound and a gestational sac was seen. I was scheduled for an 8 week followup to determine if a baby was actually there or if it would be an ectopic pregnancy. My 8 week was scheduled for a Friday morning and at 4:45PM on Thursday was called to have it cancelled and moved to Monday. This really aggravated me as if they had called any time earlier I could have been seen on Thursday.

I was supposed to go in for my 12 week on 9AM Wednesday morning...was called at 8AM as I'm walking out the door to cancel because my midwife is at a birth. (The birth center I go to has a team of 7 midwives, 3 of which are assigned to each patient). So my midwife reschedules for Friday (tomorrow) at 9. I work, so the only times I can be seen are 9 or 5 as I don't want to miss too much time. I get a call five minutes ago saying they have a staff meeting Friday at 9:30, can my appt now be moved to noon?

No, it freaking well can't be. So now I won't get seen till Monday at 9. But the way this has been going I'm not going to count on actually having that appointment. Would any of you express your displeasure to them about this? Thank God I'm not getting an NT scan because Lord knows I would never get seen for that. I'm obviously not going to bitch to the secretary, but I'm getting a little peeved. I realize I'm not the only woman in my town to be pregnant and I'm not even that far along, but I really feel like this is getting a bit ridiculous. Am I just being super petty?

Wow, that's crazy. You are not being petty or unreasonable at all hun, it really isn't on. I take it your not in the UK because I know you'll get seen here no matter what, even if it's just by a GP and not a MW. So you never got a follow up at all? :nope:
No they keep cancelling my appointments. She made it for Monday at 9. But again, another weekend I have to wait to be seen, if they even keep that appt. I'm so so frustrated right now.
Lilly, no you are not being irrational. It is crazy to keep rescheduling you like that. I know others who have switched doctors for that reason. But if you want to switch, do it sooner rather than later. I kind of like my practice because even tho i won't know for sure that my doctor will be delivering me, if i have an appointment, that means the doctor is not on call so i will get seen that day.

Well i broke my no throwing up streak this morning...made it 11 weeks and 4 days with only nausea, but today something overcame me and i just ran right into the bathroom at work to be sick. Anyone else get hit with such a late bout of pukeyness? I had a turkey sandwich yesterday, and i know pregnant women are supposed to stay away from lunch meat, but that was all that was served at lunch and i had nothing else. so now i'm paranoid about listeria. Anyone else eat deli meat?
All this talk of OBEM I just found it on demand lol. Watching first episode seen it already but its good. Mind you the 18yrold son in room when baby being born, I could not do tha with my mum at his age lol
Just wanted to pop in and say :hi:
Great to see all the great scans and hear good test results.
I'm waiting to hear back about my results - they did the NT scan, some bloodwork testing for everything under the sun and thought it proper to give me my pap before they sent me out the door. We'll see what everything comes back as.
Other than that I'm ok, sleep is illusive most nights. I don't know why but I have a hard time falling asleep. Even when I do, I just wake back up a hour or two later...so as if having pregnancy fatigue isn't enough, it also seems that I have some sort of pregnancy induced insomnia on top of it.. :wacko:
Lilly, no you are not being irrational. It is crazy to keep rescheduling you like that. I know others who have switched doctors for that reason. But if you want to switch, do it sooner rather than later. I kind of like my practice because even tho i won't know for sure that my doctor will be delivering me, if i have an appointment, that means the doctor is not on call so i will get seen that day.

Well i broke my no throwing up streak this morning...made it 11 weeks and 4 days with only nausea, but today something overcame me and i just ran right into the bathroom at work to be sick. Anyone else get hit with such a late bout of pukeyness? I had a turkey sandwich yesterday, and i know pregnant women are supposed to stay away from lunch meat, but that was all that was served at lunch and i had nothing else. so now i'm paranoid about listeria. Anyone else eat deli meat?

Yes to the nausea. I've not thrown up once, and at the grocery store yesterday almost lost it on the cereal aisle. Had to sit in the car while DH did the shopping and he came out with 2 pounds of cheese and the 2 largest containers of sour cream. :dohh: Also yes to the deli meat, I've had a few bagel sandwiches and even a few hot dogs. I wouldn't be paranoid. There are women who do worse things throughout the entire pregnancy than eat cold cuts. :thumbup:
Lilly, no you are not being irrational. It is crazy to keep rescheduling you like that. I know others who have switched doctors for that reason. But if you want to switch, do it sooner rather than later. I kind of like my practice because even tho i won't know for sure that my doctor will be delivering me, if i have an appointment, that means the doctor is not on call so i will get seen that day.

Well i broke my no throwing up streak this morning...made it 11 weeks and 4 days with only nausea, but today something overcame me and i just ran right into the bathroom at work to be sick. Anyone else get hit with such a late bout of pukeyness? I had a turkey sandwich yesterday, and i know pregnant women are supposed to stay away from lunch meat, but that was all that was served at lunch and i had nothing else. so now i'm paranoid about listeria. Anyone else eat deli meat?
I puked for the 1st time at 11+2 and then about 3 times that week, but today i have felt fine, like a month long hangover has lifted... im sure i have spoken too soon and i will wake up feeling like death!
Ladies I need some advice,

How many cancellations is too many?

A quick background: at about 5 weeks I was having sharp pain in my left side so I went in for an ultrasound and a gestational sac was seen. I was scheduled for an 8 week followup to determine if a baby was actually there or if it would be an ectopic pregnancy. My 8 week was scheduled for a Friday morning and at 4:45PM on Thursday was called to have it cancelled and moved to Monday. This really aggravated me as if they had called any time earlier I could have been seen on Thursday.

I was supposed to go in for my 12 week on 9AM Wednesday morning...was called at 8AM as I'm walking out the door to cancel because my midwife is at a birth. (The birth center I go to has a team of 7 midwives, 3 of which are assigned to each patient). So my midwife reschedules for Friday (tomorrow) at 9. I work, so the only times I can be seen are 9 or 5 as I don't want to miss too much time. I get a call five minutes ago saying they have a staff meeting Friday at 9:30, can my appt now be moved to noon?

No, it freaking well can't be. So now I won't get seen till Monday at 9. But the way this has been going I'm not going to count on actually having that appointment. Would any of you express your displeasure to them about this? Thank God I'm not getting an NT scan because Lord knows I would never get seen for that. I'm obviously not going to bitch to the secretary, but I'm getting a little peeved. I realize I'm not the only woman in my town to be pregnant and I'm not even that far along, but I really feel like this is getting a bit ridiculous. Am I just being super petty?
Thats really rubish! especially the 1st one where im sure you were really anxious and worried to see if the baby was ok. The midwife canceling for a birth seems fair enough, but for a staff meeting is just rubish! patients should come 1st!
lol lolly i didnt know either my Hubby seen it last night so managed to record it in time! Its twins next week! .... Are you allowed on rides when pregnant anyone know i can Not remember... the fairs here and i was unsure about the waltzers lol..
I dont think you are allowed on rides.. not sure why, maybe a carosel :)

my mil has been driving me crazy tonight, telling me not to give the baby calpol as it will drink it because it tastes like sweet... not if i keep it out of the babies reach:dohh:
ah ha ha thank god i hate rides i cry on the bumper cars and demand to be let off them mid ride i dont even like the swings so perfect excuse ha ha Hubby will have to take the girls on them on his own ill stand and watch perfect excuse ;-) was it an old obem i dont remember it tho tbh i dont remember what i did last week so shall be good to watch the whole lot over again lol.

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