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December Testers!!!(114) BFP! (24) (1)Angel Find your TTC/Bump Buddy and Holiday BFP!

CD 5 today- starting clomid round 3. 'sigh'. Last month I O'd on CD 16 and I have a 12 day LP so AF should be due December 18th. I'm a POAS-aholic so I'll probably start testing around the 14th. :) Hoping to get a BFP before I turn 35 on December 24th...

This weekend was especially tough with a niece's christening- and at that event 3 people announced their pregnancies. :( This is so hard.

I understand completely, I'm coming up on 3 years TTC without a single BFP. I'm the 2nd oldest out of 7 kids and the only one trying, and yet 4 sibs have had their unplanned babies and 2 more just announced theirs (also unplanned) recently! It is disheartening to hear. :( but we WILL get ours!
Thanks Loro and DaTucker! I guess its just hard this time of year for everyone. This is why I'm on B&B- The support is amazing.:hugs: And Needed. :)
Just noticed I haven't been added to the front page yet- Mrs.MM please add me for the 18th!!!:thumbup:
Oh turtle I completely understand. My little one would have been due right around thanksgiving. I keep seeing people posting pictures of their babies and decorating for their first Christmas. This truly is the hardest time of the year for me. So much for getting a BFP before my due date but I have 1 more shot to at least get a BFP in 2012. Loads of baby dust to all of us. I will be starting OPKS tomorrow. Hoping for an early O again.
GL for a BFP in 2012 hope! So sorry its been a tough road for you- and a rough time of year- we all need to remember there are people we can share this time with who understand what we go through and who are going through the same thing... including our OH's. Especially our Oh's! I'm rooting for you! :hug:
Thanks turtle. I definitely couldn't do it without DH and my b&b ladies.

Do I mentioned earlier that my family was going to draw just the kids names for Christmas...well good news I convinced them to let the adults participate. That helps too, at least I get to be a part of our Christmas this year.

So much for temping this cycle. I started feeling a little sick last night and my throat started hurting terribly which kept me up most of the night. My temp sky rocketed this morning so I discarded it. I tend to have really high temps while I'm sick which makes it hard to see O if its at the beginning of my cycle. Guess I will have to really rely on the OPKs.
Hope you feel better and glad you get to participate in Christmas. I agree, it would have been a bummer for it to be just about the kids. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
afm, cervix is fertile, temp is low, some watery cm, but nowhere near abundant. Hopefully I o in the next 4-5 days and then I can be in the tww and confirm a test date!
Do I mentioned earlier that my family was going to draw just the kids names for Christmas...well good news I convinced them to let the adults participate. That helps too, at least I get to be a part of our Christmas this year.

It's interesting - in our family, we do secret santa with the kids excluded. My sister has two kids, but my brother and I don't have any. My cousin also participates, and she doesn't have any kids either. We just all buy gifts for the kids and secret santa is just for adults. I guess when adults outnumber kids it makes more sense to do it that way.

In your situation, kids and adults could have a separate secret santa. I think that's what my mom's family used to do when she was a kid. She would buy one gift for a sibling or cousin. Obviously it was actually my grandparents who bought the gift, but it's better than having to buy a gift for every cousin when there are a bunch of kids.
I will be testing in December, too though I'm pretty certain It's gonna be yet another BFN.

This is my first cycle on Clomid and first IUI, too. The reason why I doubt we'll be successful this cycle is coz I got a really bad cold, which started yesterday (went for IUI today) and on top of that we only got 2mil sperm cells post wash (though with high motility). :(
Due for AF December 4th - 5 DPO today :)

No symptoms other than some mild occasional cramping and twinges of pain in BB's!
I will be testing in December, too though I'm pretty certain It's gonna be yet another BFN.

This is my first cycle on Clomid and first IUI, too. The reason why I doubt we'll be successful this cycle is coz I got a really bad cold, which started yesterday (went for IUI today) and on top of that we only got 2mil sperm cells post wash (though with high motility). :(

Not sure if a cold will affect you getting pregnant, so don't worry about that yet! Just remember to take Tylenol only if you get a fever, and only sudafed for congestion. Those are the two safe drugs to take. 2 Mil sperm isn't ideal, but if you google it, you'll find women who got pregnant with just over 1 million! Positive thoughts ....I swear people say that is half the battle. Anyway, good luck!!!
Not sure if a cold will affect you getting pregnant, so don't worry about that yet! Just remember to take Tylenol only if you get a fever, and only sudafed for congestion. Those are the two safe drugs to take. 2 Mil sperm isn't ideal, but if you google it, you'll find women who got pregnant with just over 1 million! Positive thoughts ....I swear people say that is half the battle. Anyway, good luck!!!


I got something from my doc today after the IUI. It's supposed to be 100% safe coz It's all natural. Doesn't work as well as the other stuff but yeah, at least It's safe.

I'll try to think positive or not think about it at all.

Good luck to you, too! :)
Good morning ladies! Mrs.M would you mind putting me down for the 11th please? Not sure if I will need to change that, still waiting to o :)
Hi girls! I have a question, January 16th, we have an apt with the head of infertility. They have told us we will be meeting with the Dr, psychologist and a family therapist. Have any of you been through this to know what we should expect?
:wave: welcome to all the new joiners of the thread! You will notice you have been added to the front page. GL FXD!:dust:

:bfp: CONGRATS! BARHANITA!! Wishing you a H&H 9 mos!!!:happydance:

TURTLEMOMMA See you in a couple weeks, enjoy your time away from BnB! See you and your BFP back here then:dust:

FEZZIE Try not to worrk about all those things with DHs SA. I agree with KAT on this one as well, so many things to do to help. :dust:

OCULI83 a cold does not effect things, just be careful with the meds you take to ease things during the cold. I did IUI for a while, so I am extremely familiar. Also had a cold there a few times, in fact cough syrup will help with CM so GL:dust:

December is right around the corner Ladies, be on the look out for more updates and posts as we approach! GL :dust:
Thanks for adding me to the front page MrsMM gunna try my hardest not to test early!! Xxxxx good luck everyone
Hi ladies!

MrsMM24, I will be testing Dec 18th please. I will be trying a relaxed approach this month and try to only check BnB once a week or so to help de-stress this holiday and not focus so much on TTC, but I have my fingers crossed for you all, GL to you awesome ladies!!!!!!!!!

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