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December Testers!!!(114) BFP! (24) (1)Angel Find your TTC/Bump Buddy and Holiday BFP!

I have been stalking the thread, and congratulations!!! Can you tell us what your symptoms have been?
Thanks ladies, but unfortunately, I think I am having a chemical pregnancy :( My cramps are now VERY bad, and my bleeding is a lot heavier and more red. Still getting a positive HPT, but it seems lighter. Im crushed. Will update status as it unfolds... For the record though, my symptoms were very very sore achey heavy burning breasts, fatigue, and cramps. GL to all.
I'm so sorry Cristeena. I hope the little bean sticks it out through all of this.

I'm doing alright. I have one more day of my letrozole to take. It hasn't made me sick at all but it has certainly made me moody. Me and DH have been fighting a lot the last few days. I'm also dreading the company that's coming in tomorrow.
How common are anovulatory cycles? I was getting excited since I am 2 days late with no sign of AF, but since im testing BFN, I started wondering if maybe I didnt ovulate, and thus no period :/ I had +OPKS and a temp shift, but it was my first time temping and I may have screwed up somehow IDK. Do you think it would be more likely that I am building HCG slowly or that I just wont get a period this month? Thanks so much ladies.

So sorry to those the witch got

There is a possibility. I was having Anovulatory cycles but still had my period regularly. Sometimes it would be up to a week late though. In the time period when we didnt know what was going on (before a year of TTC) I didnt temp or use OPK's. I just went by the calendar. But then ended up finding out that my follies werent maturing enough to burst and release an egg.

I wasn't ovulating and my periods were very light, only lasting a day. Got tested and it was confirmed.
Has anyone had the test that checks to see if your tubes are open? I am supposed to schedule one sometime this month and I am wondering what the process entails? Should I schedule it BEFORE O and if I do, do you think it could affect my eggies?

Also, my doc wants DH to get an SA done and I'm not sure how to tell him...

Any advice or experience would be helpful!!!

Cristeena- FX that your spotting goes away and that little bean sticks!!! :hugs:
Has anyone had the test that checks to see if your tubes are open? I am supposed to schedule one sometime this month and I am wondering what the process entails? Should I schedule it BEFORE O and if I do, do you think it could affect my eggies?

Also, my doc wants DH to get an SA done and I'm not sure how to tell him...

Any advice or experience would be helpful!!!

Cristeena- FX that your spotting goes away and that little bean sticks!!! :hugs:

Hsg is done just after your period finishes. Take a painkiller an hour before. You'll lay on the bed, they will insert a speculum to open yo up so that the tube can go into the uterus. They will then put the liquid in and take an xray of it to see if the liquid goes through and overspills out of the ovaries. It should take about 30 mins. Good luck
Congrats at the new BFPS! :happydance:

Girls, I have posted this elsewhere but as everyone in this thread is so helpful, I'd love it if you could give me your opinions too.

At my last consultant visit I was told that if the 3 months of Clomid dont work then they will do a laproscopy.

The thing is i'm not sure why? My last consultant didn't think it was necessary. What will they be able to see that they don't already know? I have already had all the dye test and scans to show my follicles and lining etc (all fine). Just curious what they look for with the laproscopy? If it may help identify the problem then great but I don't want to have unnessassary proceedures just because the consultant is going through the motions, so any opinions would be greatly received!

Congrats at the new BFPS! :happydance:

Girls, I have posted this elsewhere but as everyone in this thread is so helpful, I'd love it if you could give me your opinions too.

At my last consultant visit I was told that if the 3 months of Clomid dont work then they will do a laproscopy.

The thing is i'm not sure why? My last consultant didn't think it was necessary. What will they be able to see that they don't already know? I have already had all the dye test and scans to show my follicles and lining etc (all fine). Just curious what they look for with the laproscopy? If it may help identify the problem then great but I don't want to have unnessassary proceedures just because the consultant is going through the motions, so any opinions would be greatly received!


I just looked it up and it seems what they're looking for with a lap is signs of endometriosis, if any uterine lining is collecting/growing in other parts of your female anatomy...
They do this test if you are having abnormal pain or cramping throughout your cycle, frequent spotting throughout your cycle, or abnormally heavy, frequent periods. If you are experiencing none of these problems you should talk to your doctor and find out WHY they want to do this test before you do it. It does have a recovery period of a few days.

Thanks ladies, but unfortunately, I think I am having a chemical pregnancy :( My cramps are now VERY bad, and my bleeding is a lot heavier and more red. Still getting a positive HPT, but it seems lighter. Im crushed. Will update status as it unfolds... For the record though, my symptoms were very very sore achey heavy burning breasts, fatigue, and cramps. GL to all.

My heart and prayers are with you hun! I hope for the best and of it helps I bled up until 4 months with my 2nd and 3rd! It was almost to a hemerge point on the 3rd and them realized that because of an iud removal prior to the pregnancy there was a hematoma that burst and even tho that and what seemed like period bleeding my little one was perfect in there with every ultrasound. Now I on the other hand, I was a wreck emotionally! So hard. But point being that it can be totally normal to bleed and be pregnant. Not common but possible. And no false positives (if it's a strong line) just false neg's

Hey buddy! How r u? I had my hubbys S/A done a week and a half ago - he don't mind at all, it was really funny/embarrassing/awkward to get the sample lol buuuut if anything it's all the stuff that brings you closer to eachoteer and makes this journey so special to you both when you have that bundle of joy. GL!
Hey buddy! How r u? I had my hubbys S/A done a week and a half ago - he don't mind at all, it was really funny/embarrassing/awkward to get the sample lol buuuut if anything it's all the stuff that brings you closer to eachoteer and makes this journey so special to you both when you have that bundle of joy. GL!

How did your dh's SA turn out?
Still cramping and bleeding but three more tests are positive. OMG, so so excited but so scared. Im sending bucket loads of Baby Dust your way. Told hubs earlier and we were both crying lol. Hoping the bleeding/cramping stops soon. Love you guys, thanks for everything <3

sooooo happy for you hun! :hugs:
Cristeena just made it reading all the way thru the thred....sending u lots of sticky baby dust!! Keep your feet up and relax this weekend xx keep us posted
Congrats at the new BFPS! :happydance:

Girls, I have posted this elsewhere but as everyone in this thread is so helpful, I'd love it if you could give me your opinions too.

At my last consultant visit I was told that if the 3 months of Clomid dont work then they will do a laproscopy.

The thing is i'm not sure why? My last consultant didn't think it was necessary. What will they be able to see that they don't already know? I have already had all the dye test and scans to show my follicles and lining etc (all fine). Just curious what they look for with the laproscopy? If it may help identify the problem then great but I don't want to have unnessassary proceedures just because the consultant is going through the motions, so any opinions would be greatly received!


It is done to check for endo, and to remove any they find. You can expect to be crampy for a few days. You can also expect to be down for a couple of days too. Gl!
anyone know any tips for excrusiating AF cramps? I already took ibuprofen and pamprin and I dont have a heating bad :(
Painkillers - paracetamol. Hot water bottle or a hot bath

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