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December Testers!!!(114) BFP! (24) (1)Angel Find your TTC/Bump Buddy and Holiday BFP!

Have you tried any goat dairy? I just couldn't bear not having cheese! I knew I was tested specifically for the casein protein in cow dairy. Then I read a book called Devil in the Milk that talked about different types of casein protein, how most cow's dairy is different than goat or sheep's dairy, so I did a goat dairy trial. I had NO symptoms from it, so I can have some cheese on a gluten free pizza or pasta. I don't think it tastes that much different from cow's cheese, IMO.

I tested highest for soy out of everything I was tested for. I tried having a little soy milk over a week ago, just to see if I still can't have it (I'm slowly getting some foods back as my body is healing from the celiac disease) and my stomach clenched up like a fist for 2 days, horrible pain. I read somewhere that soy lecithin isn't the same kind of soy as in soy milk and other products, so maybe that's why I can have it.
I wish I knew a bit more about all of this soy stuff to help you girls...

About to take my last dose of soy... Still lots of EWCM, not as much as yesterday, but still enough. Last night, and tonight, I've having significant twingy feelings on my lower left side. It seems to always be that side! I did some searching for soy threads, itll take me days to read through all of that but I searched on FF for soy charts, and not alot of women had, or reported having EWCM this early in their cycle. And most women, ovulated 10-14 days after last pill, similar to Clomid. We will soon star the every other BD but I have to be careful because its out of the ordinary and I get quite sore, and my hubby, albeit, hes a 30 year old manly man, doesnt want to have sex every other day for 2 weeks straight! I will start epo tomorrow, i was holding off cause I have been having so much already but im worried if it goes away after im done taking the soy. And thats my way or knowing if ovulation is near, i dont want to miss it.
So, thats my update!
Have you tried any goat dairy? I just couldn't bear not having cheese! I knew I was tested specifically for the casein protein in cow dairy. Then I read a book called Devil in the Milk that talked about different types of casein protein, how most cow's dairy is different than goat or sheep's dairy, so I did a goat dairy trial. I had NO symptoms from it, so I can have some cheese on a gluten free pizza or pasta. I don't think it tastes that much different from cow's cheese, IMO.

I tested highest for soy out of everything I was tested for. I tried having a little soy milk over a week ago, just to see if I still can't have it (I'm slowly getting some foods back as my body is healing from the celiac disease) and my stomach clenched up like a fist for 2 days, horrible pain. I read somewhere that soy lecithin isn't the same kind of soy as in soy milk and other products, so maybe that's why I can have it.

Wow! Thats a lot of testing... I havent been officially tested for anything except gluten which I dont have a problem with. I've figured out the other stuff on my own after elimination dieting. Goat cheese seems to be fine for me- Feta doesnt seem to bother me either, which is strange because it is usually made of cow's milk. I hear that it is processed differently. :shrug: I'll definitely ask my doc about soy isoflavones (sp?) since I am on round 3 of clomid and who knows how long she'll want me to stay on that...
I had to be tested for everything because everything was making me sick this year. I knew about the gluten already, but didn't know I was still getting it into my body (it's in almost everything that's processed), so then my gut got really leaky and a lot of different food particles was getting into my blood stream, so that's when the body reacts to it as a foreign substance and you get sick. As the gut heals, the gaps in the cells close up and you might be able to start eating foods you previously reacted to, but it takes a LOT of time. 6 months for a couple foods for me, probably another year or two for some more. It's so complicated and I've learned so much (and I already work in health care). I actually want to get a MS in Nutrition if I can get the money to pay for classes and books. I've had such a difficult time finding anyone around here who understands what I'm going through and why I'm not able to eat what I used to. Up until a few months ago, I was only able to eat 5 things that didn't make sick. Now I'm doing food challenges, one new food every couple of weeks, to see if I get sick or not. Most things still make me sick.
Trying to wait for December 5th when AF is due, but I might try and test sooner :)
Loro I was going to ask you if you were just taking the EPO for EWCM but it looks like you answered my question. It's understandable that you are worried it may stop coming without the soy. Hopefully it doesn't. Have you tried EPO before? I heard it delays ovulation so it would be interesting to see what happens in combination with the soy. I know what you mean about getting sore but my DH on the other hand would gladly BD every single day if I let him lol.
Can you put me down for the 23rd? Thanks! Goodluck everyone! I hope santa brings us all a BFP.
I had to be tested for everything because everything was making me sick this year. I knew about the gluten already, but didn't know I was still getting it into my body (it's in almost everything that's processed), so then my gut got really leaky and a lot of different food particles was getting into my blood stream, so that's when the body reacts to it as a foreign substance and you get sick. As the gut heals, the gaps in the cells close up and you might be able to start eating foods you previously reacted to, but it takes a LOT of time. 6 months for a couple foods for me, probably another year or two for some more. It's so complicated and I've learned so much (and I already work in health care). I actually want to get a MS in Nutrition if I can get the money to pay for classes and books. I've had such a difficult time finding anyone around here who understands what I'm going through and why I'm not able to eat what I used to. Up until a few months ago, I was only able to eat 5 things that didn't make sick. Now I'm doing food challenges, one new food every couple of weeks, to see if I get sick or not. Most things still make me sick.

I am so sorry you are going through all this! I have 2 really close friends that have similar food problems as you do- Its been really difficult for them but luckily we have a huge gluten free- and vegan population in Seattle so its becoming easier to find foods that are safe... I wish you all the best and tons of :dust:! :hugs:
Ofcourse you can. Its nice to meet you. How long have you been TTC? and is it your 2nd child you are hoping for?

I ttc no 2, I have 9yr DS from previous marriage, and DH doesn't have kids yet...

I had to change my start day cause yesterday I had just some light blood late at night, this morning my pad was clean, but than it started full flow ... so today is CD1 for me, .... I'll be still following you though :)
I don't know if I have ovulated yet. My breasts aren't sore, but I'm fatigued. I'm going with not yet. My chart is going to look a little off since I was temping vaginally until cd12, then switched to oral so the drop is more pronounced. My estimated test date of the 13th/14th is based on me ovulating tomorrow or the 1st, which is about my average for ovulation day.
Estrogen creates cm, right? So the soy is a phytoestrogen, and your cm, Loro, is probably a sign that the soy works for you. That's great! If this isn't my bfp cycle, I am going to do soy next cycle. I was going to this cycle, but then decided to just do things very natural, I even stopped a lot of the supplements I was taking. I can't wait to see your temps soon!
My SIL has been having an awful time with dietary restrictions. She seems to have suddenly developed Hashimotos within the past few years. She can't have all kinds of foods, and if she does she swells up, gets nauseous, headaches, and her hair even falls out. She has discovered that cooking in coconut oil helps make her feel better. She doesn't know why.
We will soon star the every other BD but I have to be careful because its out of the ordinary and I get quite sore, and my hubby, albeit, hes a 30 year old manly man, doesnt want to have sex every other day for 2 weeks straight!

haha loro! I liked reading this. My OH is a 31yo manly man, and he doesn't want to have sex every other day for 2 weeks either! I mean, he says he does, but he gets tired. Very funny...
My OH is a 24 yr old horn-dog and even HE doesn't want to bd that much. lol

I keep saying "This is what you've been wishing for for the last five years! You should be excited that your gf is suddenly a sex freak!" hahaha
Where did my husband come from then?

He is 37 and there is no such things as too much sex. All I have to do is unbutton his jeans and he's in the mood. :haha: I'm the one that doesn't want to do it all the time! When I say no, he pouts.
Where did my husband come from then?

He is 37 and there is no such things as too much sex. All I have to do is unbutton his jeans and he's in the mood. :haha: I'm the one that doesn't want to do it all the time! When I say no, he pouts.

:haha: i think that comes with age!
Mine is almost 43 and acts exactly like that :)
HOPE- Last cycle I took EPO and my o day was within a day of the previous Clomid cycle! Even with the epo, it was no where NEAR what I've had so far this cycle. So I'll def start taking it again from today until o is confirmed, hopefully!
ECHO- I would guess o day was yesterday, but thats just guessing. Did you check your CP yesterday or today? The one cycle I took soy, I took only 100mg and had NONE of this ewcm so i too, am hoping its a good sign!
DANTZ/CAT- I always thought any man would want to do it every day and itd be no question. But, I guess maybe if you have a super sex life to start with, it wouldnt be such an issue. But we are normally a 2 or 3 times a week couple so going from that, to every other day at least for 2 weeks straight, its pretty obvious what im up to! lol (HE told me to stop telling him when its time to take off the pressure)
haha My dh is a pouter too! Complains if I say no, for whatever reason. So now I'm like this is your time man! Enjoy it! I can get 2 days in a row from him, but if I go for a 3rd it takes a lot to get him "up" for the challenge! lol

Looks like o day was yesterday, so I am officially in the tww at 1dpo. Feeling really positive because I had stabby uterus pains yesterday just like I did 2 cycles ago when I got my bfp. Just praying this time will be a sticky bean!

And Loro I naturally have a good amount of ewcm, and when I was on all of my suppliments I had a crazy amount starting around cd6 or 7. But this month I had almost none. Most of it was around cd7-9 and by o time, while I wasn't totally dry I didn't notice any ewcm at all! Really odd for me. Plus as you know I did the soy this month too :)
The symptoms I am having this month are very out of the ordinary for me. I've had back pains for days upon days, extreme irritability, I even got sick this morning after a series of hot flashes! I gave in yesterday morning and took an E.P.T. digital with FMU :bfn: I usually do not test that early but my gut was telling me to. I had a small temp rise this morning. Could there still be a chance? I am nervous to take another test now because seeing the words "not pregnant" was such a let down for me yesterday. I am having cramping, back pains and nausea today. Praying the :witch: doesn't show her ugly face!!! I have a doctors appointment scheduled for Dec 13th because this Nov marks 1 year of trying :cry:
JMARIE- It was still early for you to be testing hon, good luck:)
KEL- I so hope hope hope this is your sticky bean! xx

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