It's Picture Exchange Communication system. You effectively use flash cards for communications but rather than just showing a card for milk the child has to build a sentance showing 'I want' and then 'milk'. The idea is that they have a book with lots if pictures and they bring the 'sentence' to you to ask for things or say things.
For Esther it should only be a short term thing until she can talk properly (hopefully anyway). Other children may always need it.
It's Picture Exchange Communication system. You effectively use flash cards for communications but rather than just showing a card for milk the child has to build a sentance showing 'I want' and then 'milk'. The idea is that they have a book with lots if pictures and they bring the 'sentence' to you to ask for things or say things.
For Esther it should only be a short term thing until she can talk properly (hopefully anyway). Other children may always need it.
Moggy thanks for the link.. I had a look as well. I'm going to buy a laminating machine and start on my own set. Hayley isn't working so well with the stock pictures, I need to take pics of her things and try that way.
Was told today that DD was about 10 months behind in gross motor. That was a little hard to swallow especially since she's only 19 months old. She's making progress but I guess she has a long way to go still. One day at a time I suppose.
Sun DD has hypotonia/hypermobility as well. Especially in her feet and ankles. And I understand what you mean about the more you do the more you can do. DD's recent progress has proved that for medespite how behind she is now she really has came a long way lately. Thanks hun
It's nice to hear from people who have been there.
It's Picture Exchange Communication system. You effectively use flash cards for communications but rather than just showing a card for milk the child has to build a sentance showing 'I want' and then 'milk'. The idea is that they have a book with lots if pictures and they bring the 'sentence' to you to ask for things or say things.
For Esther it should only be a short term thing until she can talk properly (hopefully anyway). Other children may always need it.
How is Esther coming along with the speech? B's speech is coming along so well and they are thinking now that the delay is 70% a mechanical/muscle problem.