Developmental disorders/learning disabilities/genetic syndromes & more support group

Hi all ;) starry night that's great with your LO using the potty through the night they all have there wee accidents here and there 😊
My son's been doing some pecs at nursery with his salt she said after a few structured sessions she'd call me for a chat about it.
She did phone me last week to see if I'd be interested in going on the parents more than words programme so I'm going to the interdiction session tomorrow night all I no at the moment is its 2 hour sessions for 8 weeks and it's for parents who's children have speech and language issues.
Any of you ladies been on this course? If so did it help any?
rach does esther let you play with her?

Not really. She'll ask me to do jigsaws with her but other than that she's happy to play on her own. She will play with her brother but i think part of that is he knows what she's like and if she decided mid playing to wander off and do her own thing he just goes and does something else too.
Part of me worries that if we invite a friend round she'll play for a short while and then wander off and i'll be left entertaining a child that i don't know.

Starry Night - he probably is more comfortable with adults. I think that they know what to expect from an adult and the adult can quite easily take the lead so they don't have to.

Hopefully taking him before you go to bed will help :)

Lynne - i've not been on the course but it does sound good.
I have heard the "More Than Words" program comes highly recommended. I've looked into getting the book with DVD so we can do it at home but it is $100. Not the worst price but I can't drop that kind of cash at the drop of a hat.

I did recently purchase a used water-table for my son. $10. Pretty excited about that. I may use some sand in there as well but water would be easier...and cheaper. DS really loves sand though. I've seen sites suggesting to use salt and ground-up sidewalk chalk as a cheap alternative to coloured craft sand but wouldn't salt get corrosive? I've never tried playing in salt so don't know what that would be like.

And my son was dry when he woke up this morning. Guess the midnight wake-ups are the way to go.

Rach - my DD seems to put up with my son's shenanigans and quirks as well. She seems to 'get' him and he loves having her around for it.
rach sounds the same as my daughter. she will play with me but because she is never at one thing for very long it seems I cant keep up with her she gets fed up
I have heard the "More Than Words" program comes highly recommended. I've looked into getting the book with DVD so we can do it at home but it is $100. Not the worst price but I can't drop that kind of cash at the drop of a hat.

I did recently purchase a used water-table for my son. $10. Pretty excited about that. I may use some sand in there as well but water would be easier...and cheaper. DS really loves sand though. I've seen sites suggesting to use salt and ground-up sidewalk chalk as a cheap alternative to coloured craft sand but wouldn't salt get corrosive? I've never tried playing in salt so don't know what that would be like.

And my son was dry when he woke up this morning. Guess the midnight wake-ups are the way to go.

Rach - my DD seems to put up with my son's shenanigans and quirks as well. She seems to 'get' him and he loves having her around for it.

They have some videos on you tube about it and any info I get from it I'm more than happy to pass on here if it helps anyone out.
This is being organised through the salt in my son's nursery so it's free which is absolutely amazing. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow night xx
Oh and big well done to your son he's doing fantastic 😊 xx
Yeah, any info you can pass on would be appreciated. Even if it's just the gist of what it is focusing on.

I think our son is having one of those weird sudden burst of growth and development I've read can happen in the autistic brain. Since we have started his various therapies he has opened up so much. Today I heard him telling DH about what he did and didn't like. And I found these free PECs and other social stories and was printing them out and he was able to recognize some of the emotion labels at first sight. I printed out a more detailed one and plan to go over that with him.

On the flip side, this sudden increase of activity and busy-ness has upset his routine and he's been more anxious and prone to meltdowns. Also noticing more tip-toe walking and hand flapping. He doesn't normally do these things but it comes out when he's agitated or something is "different". His bolting is much, much worse too. In the past week he has learned to unlock the doors to outside AND how to escape the fence around our yard. Had about 5 minutes of panic the other day. thankfully, he didnt run off and was playing on the other side of the garage.

And he was wet when I went to get him tonight. I even checked on him an hour earlier than I did yesterday. You step forward, and then you go back again. Daytime potty training took 7 months. I guess I should expect another battle. Though this time it isn't a battle of wills so much as his body needing to catch up.
Yeah, any info you can pass on would be appreciated. Even if it's just the gist of what it is focusing on.

I think our son is having one of those weird sudden burst of growth and development I've read can happen in the autistic brain. Since we have started his various therapies he has opened up so much. Today I heard him telling DH about what he did and didn't like. And I found these free PECs and other social stories and was printing them out and he was able to recognize some of the emotion labels at first sight. I printed out a more detailed one and plan to go over that with him.

On the flip side, this sudden increase of activity and busy-ness has upset his routine and he's been more anxious and prone to meltdowns. Also noticing more tip-toe walking and hand flapping. He doesn't normally do these things but it comes out when he's agitated or something is "different". His bolting is much, much worse too. In the past week he has learned to unlock the doors to outside AND how to escape the fence around our yard. Had about 5 minutes of panic the other day. thankfully, he didnt run off and was playing on the other side of the garage.

And he was wet when I went to get him tonight. I even checked on him an hour earlier than I did yesterday. You step forward, and then you go back again. Daytime potty training took 7 months. I guess I should expect another battle. Though this time it isn't a battle of wills so much as his body needing to catch up.

hes still really young for overnight dryness. my dd 5 years old still has the odd overnight accident x
Hope you're ok ladies

No need to worry about overnight wetting until about 6 or 7 I think
Oh, I'm not worried. Just don't like doing all the extra laundry! :laundry: Doesn't matter anyways as my son likes to change his outfit at least 3 or 4 times a day so still doing loads of laundry! You're happy that they learn a new skill (like getting dressed) and then you began to rue the day! :haha:

The past few days we've had success with him being dry up until his nighttime waking and in the morning his bed is dry but I find pee all over the bathroom floor and his pj bottoms are wet (he leaves them there for me) I am guessing he stays dry until he wakes up but can't hold it until he gets to the potty. He's getting close though. I do hear the clatter of the training seat being put into place in the morning so gold star for effort. Today his pj bottoms were dry so he must have gotten to the stage where he was able to get them off. But the floor was still wet.
sounds like hes trying hard which is brilliant! my dd was still in night pull ups til age 4 it never really worried me too much as she was so good through the day
Starry-is it worth putting a potty in his room? He might make that as it'd be closer than the bathroom?
He does sound like he's trying hard though and I'm sure he must find it frustrating.

I really want Esther to be dry at night but can't see it happening any time soon.
I had considered the potty in his room before but he never liked the kiddie potty. He's tall for his age and never really fit on it. He's too big for most training seats and is even starting to outgrow the one we're using now. I also am afraid he would fling it around. I usually find clothes and stuffies thrown all about his room the next morning. Sometimes the mattress is even off the boxspring with the blankets everywhere.

He was dry this morning and made it to the potty but I got up twice with him last night.

I don't think he's ready to get up on his own but he's absolutely refusing pull-ups now.

We finally received our official diagnosis report from our son's assessment in March. (took long enough) and now we can start applying for programs. However, it didn't say anything further than that he has autism. No comments on where on the spectrum or anything.
:hugs: hi ladies,mbeenr ealy busy here, nothing exciting just the usual appointments etc.

Bumpin marucs sounds very very similar. He fits most of the pieces but not all so I've been told he won't get ASD just yet. We went to a party this weekend, he did really well but had to use his chew toys to cope but did mange without for some times. He out his hands over his ears at times,mad to spin, run up and down a few times. He had a minor meltdown lots of head butting me etc but we did his deep pressure and fast rocking then he was ok.

They don't see this, he's great at nursery he knows it all etc. the new stuff or just a bad day this is what I face. Even a random stranger asked me if he had autism the other day. I jeust said yes it was easier. She was nice telling me a out Her grandson with aspergers. He next sees his consultant in June I don't think it's anything major just a check up. I doubt his recent EEG results will be back.

I don't know why it bothers me so much not having an overall diagnosis. He does have some diagnosis of the epilepsy spd etc but I just wish there was a blanket term. I feel guilty almost wanting it but it's frustrating loads of charities, groups etc won't help him so it's like he doesn't cope on mainstream and doesn't fit Sen. There are some grouos etc that are fab and welcome Us open arms.

He's improved so much he can be quite chatty but if somebody he does t knw talks to him he won't even make eye contact or sign. He's not shy one bit tho xxx
That does sound frustrating. In our area there are some community/volunteer-run programs where you don't need an official diagnosis to participate. I can see why many places need/want some sort of classification but what do you do when your child doesn't tick all the right boxes but still needs help? There should be some sort of official 'unspecified special needs' category a doctor can give just so the parents can have some sort of support.
Hi all

I have not really posted an update recently

I recieved a really positive letter from our last paediatric review stating the huge progress my daughter has made. how well her behaviour has improved as well as big progress in social interactions/fine motor abilities verbal abilities. also how no traits or asd are longer present nor are any mannerisms. It went into more detail obvious but overall the letter was very encouraging

only down side is the pending genetic testing but i dont even want to think about that right now
That's fantastic news! :happydance: What a load off your mind that must be.

afm - I think the sudden change in weather we have been having has gotten to our son. It was a rough day today. Not in the way of meltdowns, but he was just really hyper and defiant. His speech was really poor. It was just babble or slurred words/scripting and he had multiple daytime accidents when he hasn't had one in a long time. He was kind of driving us bonkers, to be honest. It's hard when he is climbing over us all the time when he's wearing his winter boots (his latest fixation).

We're also leaving for a weekend trip to see his grandparents and I think he could sense that something was 'different'.
It is starry because I was always googling fine motor delay terrified for her starting school but actual she is perfectly functional with her hands and fingers. buttons are still a bit slow but she can do them. only thing is her pencil graps is rather light so it makes for trickier writing but she can work on that .

I have had a quite a few days like that myself with dd driving me bonkers. Now it kind of feels like my oldest is much easier and my toddler is taking over from her :rofl: hang in there things will get better. I find the weather can affect general moods and behaviours even in adults.

the climbing over you. I totally get the frustration my DD is so petite but it still bugs me when she climbs on me she doesnt do it often but she is still too big to be sliding down my back :wacko: thankfully dont have shoes to content with

how is dh coming round to any possible therapies?
Some imaginative play today from my now officially autistic son. He pretended to be a baby and had to be rocked to sleep and went wah wah.
He pretended to be a scary dinosaur going 'raaaa'

And he had his brother have been playing with their Moomin soft toys. The little Moomins were poorly so they had to be tucked up in bed and kissed to cheer them up.
Some imaginative play today from my now officially autistic son. He pretended to be a baby and had to be rocked to sleep and went wah wah.
He pretended to be a scary dinosaur going 'raaaa'

And he had his brother have been playing with their Moomin soft toys. The little Moomins were poorly so they had to be tucked up in bed and kissed to cheer them up.

I love watching pretend play :haha:
My son did lovely pretend play with his SLP at his last appointment. Why won't he play like that with me at home? He only lets me play with him if I script with him or we're rough-housing. I'm supposed to be focusing on building his pretend play right now. I once got him to play spaceships with me. I was pretending my lawnchair was a space ship and I was taking it to the moon. He liked the countdown and take-off part (especially since it involved running and yelling Blast Off!!!).

And we have had so many daytime potty accidents this weekend. It's been quite horrible. We're out visiting relatives and our cousins and their kids are here too. He had a massive meltdown last time we were here and that was just his 3 first cousins. We have 6 extra kids and 4 adults in the house with us. DH thinks he got distracted and didn't want to interrupt playtime. I think that was only a small part. He has a cold now and all the other factors probably played into it too. But he started having accidents before we left. I hope it's a phase that passes quickly. The other kids were laughing at him for the accidents and then didn't want to play with him. :( He did have some fun with them when they were outside and being active. He does OK with that. It's the quieter, indoor play that he struggles with unless he can be by himself or do parallel play and the other kids didn't have patience for that.

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