Hi all
starry night that's great with your LO using the potty through the night they all have there wee accidents here and there 😊
My son's been doing some pecs at nursery with his salt she said after a few structured sessions she'd call me for a chat about it.
She did phone me last week to see if I'd be interested in going on the parents more than words programme so I'm going to the interdiction session tomorrow night all I no at the moment is its 2 hour sessions for 8 weeks and it's for parents who's children have speech and language issues.
Any of you ladies been on this course? If so did it help any?

My son's been doing some pecs at nursery with his salt she said after a few structured sessions she'd call me for a chat about it.
She did phone me last week to see if I'd be interested in going on the parents more than words programme so I'm going to the interdiction session tomorrow night all I no at the moment is its 2 hour sessions for 8 weeks and it's for parents who's children have speech and language issues.
Any of you ladies been on this course? If so did it help any?