Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

We were going to meet friends from out of town out camping but they are running behind and aren't leaving Victoria until later tonight and it will take them 3 hours to get here...so they're just going to stay at our place tonight and we'll head out camping in the morning...it'll just be for one night but still a nice little getaway.

Guess me and DH will have to be quiet tonight :haha:

I poured a nice FULL glass of wine...it always makes things better!
Melissa is your assignment for school of some sort?
LOL Yogi.....yes, you better keep it quiet :)

Yeah, I am taking courses through SAIT for Financial Accounting. That's what I have been doing for this company for the last 5 years, but my boss won't give me another promotion now until I start taking some courses. It's kind of painful though because the courses have nothing to do with the type of accounting that we do at our level. Oh well, I want the promotion, so I will do it.

OMG! my boss phoned me tonight, and her daughter is having twins! Her daughter and I have grown up together as well, and she mc'd a few days before I did, and then she got pregnant again after I did. She has been bleeding since day 1 of the pregnancy (although it has stopped now), and so they scheduled her for an early ultrasound, which was today. Well, turns out it is twins! I am in shock and I think she is too! I'm happy for her though, but I know she is going to be one busy girl once they are born, especially since she already has a son.
Hearty and Mel, hope you got all your work done! :) And Hearty and Yogi, hope you enjoyed your wine...and that you got some quiet :sex: in, Yogi!

Wow, that's great news about your boss's daughter Mel! I wish her a very healthy and happy pregnancy...twins, that's exciting.

Speaking of Megg not being around much, I was meaning to ask her if she could elaborate a bit on why she isn't a fan of Vitex?

How's the charting and stuff going, Hearty? Are you doing anything else this cycle to ttc? Supplement wise? OPKs?

Alex and I really enjoyed our anniversary dinner! We didn't get any anniversary :sex: in because of the :witch:, though. She's almost gone so hopefully tomorrow!
Allie, I forgot to say happy anniversary! Did you do gifts or just dinner?

Tim and I just went out for a lovely meal. Spanish tapas. No BD'ing for us either as the damn witch is lingering. If she isn't gone by tomorrow I'm going to scream!

Charting just started today, so not much to report there. I've been charting for years so it feels like an old friend. I just bought a CBFM and started using that. Once I get a "high" reading on it, I'll probably cross check with some OPK's. I bought the CBFM because you use FMU for it rather than have to hold your pee for 4 hours at a time. Also, I was bringing my OPK's to work. It was such a pain. Using FMU is so much easier because it is in the privacy of my own bathroom.

Since I've charted for so long, I pretty much know when I ovulate, but I like to be well informed and have properly timed sex. Not that I have to explain that to any of you! I'm really hoping this mc knocked my Ov day a bit earlier. It happened to me after my first mc. I've read that mc's can self-regulate your cycle and I'm hoping mine will be a little earlier. So that's why I'm really keen to track it this cycle. We'll see.

I've still been having this mild cramping which bothers me. I've never felt this, ever. If I still have it on Monday, I'll tell my doc. I hope it isn't anything serious. Honestly, I'm hating my body right now. I just want it to work with me.

Whew, long post. Sorry, I've had some wine and a cocktail!!! :wine:
Allie happy anniversary babes!!!! Wow i cant believe you got married so young!!!! Must have been true love! When i was 20 i was in "true love" with about 15 guys :rofl::rofl:

Hearty i agree with you, California has excellent wine! Here in Greece your wines are preferred in many upper end restaurants and wine bars. Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend at home. :kiss:

Mel enjoy the massage!

I woke up this morning in a pool of sweat, the heat wave is once again upon us:growlmad::growlmad: I cant beleive that Monday ill have to surgically remove my ass from this couch....

Meggles stop working so hard!!
Hearty, so glad AF has pi**ed off just in time for your HSG next week.

Lucy - I'm ovulating too this weekend, but have to let the eggy go :-( I hope you have fun BDing and catch that egg

Megg - Any symtoms yet? Surely with twins you get them alot earlier, lol!!

No symptoms, sweets. Not really, at least. Boobs are still achy sometimes... had some burning/tingling in the left one last night. I have a bit more CM from time to time, but nothing special. I was super tired today... but I don't know if that's related. And, my tummy is still a bit tender. But, most of those aren't really symptoms. Guess its not my twin month! lol

Vicky - 2 reasons really, 1. Because we have our appointment next week and they said we should stop ttc until we have been seen. 2.The hospital said we should refrain from having sex for 2 weeks after my hysteroscopy, which was only 10 days ago, sooooo annoying!xx

2 weeks is almost up! :yipee:

WHAT?! are you serious Hearty?! must totally be a canadian thing, but I thought you guys would have it in the states as well. I am so in shock that no one else (other then Yogi) knows what a poutine is......you guys seriously have to try it. Just make it at home even...you can use just shredded mozza cheese and then pour gravy on top of it. Do you have a New York Fries? they make them as well.

hope AF stops screwing with you Hearty!

Definitely a total Canadian thing! I've only ever heard Canadians talk about it!

I lived in a city that founded a sort of similar thing. Its thick cut bread then a burger patty then cover it with french fries and then drench it in cheese! LOL Its called a "horseshoe" and it was founded in Springfield IL!!!

I've never heard of poutine, either! It must be uniquely Canadian. I'm from the mountain west in the US and we definitely don't have it there. You learn something new every day! Enjoy your poutine Mel!

Yogi lol @ mental image of poas in the woods. Enjoy your camping trip.

Sassy, it's Friday and you still don't know where you're going...ahh, the suspsense! Enjoy your bank holiday weekend away! Ours is next Monday like Mel and yogi's, for Labor Day.

Hearty, so sorry AF is messing with you.

Lucy, good luck catching that egg this weekend!!!

AFM, today is our wedding anniversary! It's our 6th....we got married when I was 20 and he was 22! My parents hadn't even met him yet but we had to get married so I could stay in Scotland. When I look back on it I can see how risky and a bit naive it was, but luckily he's a keeper. :) We're doing dinner and movie tonight...no real time to plan anything this week with everything going on.

I hope all you lovely ladies have a great weekend!

Happy Belated Anniversary, love! :hugs:

It's so strange not having Megg on here as often. That whole "job" thing she has going is really getting in the way of her being on this site.

I know! :(

because it's more comfortable to :sex: at home then while camping???? :haha:

i know, shame on Meggles for getting a job! what was she thinking?! lol

i am supposed to be working on my assignment right now, but i'm thinking i am not going to get very far with it tonight.......total lack of motivation! at least i have all weekend to get it done.

She wasn't thinking... obviously!

LOL Yogi.....yes, you better keep it quiet :)

Yeah, I am taking courses through SAIT for Financial Accounting. That's what I have been doing for this company for the last 5 years, but my boss won't give me another promotion now until I start taking some courses. It's kind of painful though because the courses have nothing to do with the type of accounting that we do at our level. Oh well, I want the promotion, so I will do it.

OMG! my boss phoned me tonight, and her daughter is having twins! Her daughter and I have grown up together as well, and she mc'd a few days before I did, and then she got pregnant again after I did. She has been bleeding since day 1 of the pregnancy (although it has stopped now), and so they scheduled her for an early ultrasound, which was today. Well, turns out it is twins! I am in shock and I think she is too! I'm happy for her though, but I know she is going to be one busy girl once they are born, especially since she already has a son.

Wow! Congrats to your boss' daughter! :hugs: That's great!!!

Hearty and Mel, hope you got all your work done! :) And Hearty and Yogi, hope you enjoyed your wine...and that you got some quiet :sex: in, Yogi!

Wow, that's great news about your boss's daughter Mel! I wish her a very healthy and happy pregnancy...twins, that's exciting.

Speaking of Megg not being around much, I was meaning to ask her if she could elaborate a bit on why she isn't a fan of Vitex?

How's the charting and stuff going, Hearty? Are you doing anything else this cycle to ttc? Supplement wise? OPKs?

Alex and I really enjoyed our anniversary dinner! We didn't get any anniversary :sex: in because of the :witch:, though. She's almost gone so hopefully tomorrow!

Vitex doesn't just balance hormones. Its complicated stuff. People seem to think its just harmless because its natural... but you can react badly as easily as you can react well... and its hard to fix the negative reactions. It can just cause more harm than good, and the risk isn't always worth the reward. I'm not saying not to take it... I'm saying to look for negative experiences with it as well as success stories!

Allie happy anniversary babes!!!! Wow i cant believe you got married so young!!!! Must have been true love! When i was 20 i was in "true love" with about 15 guys :rofl::rofl:

Hearty i agree with you, California has excellent wine! Here in Greece your wines are preferred in many upper end restaurants and wine bars. Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend at home. :kiss:

Mel enjoy the massage!

I woke up this morning in a pool of sweat, the heat wave is once again upon us:growlmad::growlmad: I cant beleive that Monday ill have to surgically remove my ass from this couch....

Meggles stop working so hard!!

I'm trying!!!

Ugh... I HATE how much time I'm losing to this damn job. I get home, and I'm too tired to do what I want. Its a mentally draining job. Plus, I only got about 10 hours of training (instead of a full week or more like I was supposed to)... So, I've been WORKING for the past 2 days already. Blah!

I had time to get my hair done though! LOL



I hope everyone is well! Hoping to catch up properly all around tomorrow!
I like your hair, Megg! :thumbup: And your eyebrows. I have to get my eyebrows done because I can't be trusted with a tweezer apparently.

Thanks for the Vitex info. I think I'll give it a miss this month. I'm feeling panicky about my cycles but it's early days-I've only had 2 wonky cycles, no point messing with my body at this point.

hearty, good luck with the CBFM. I agree it sounds much more user friendly than OPKs at work! And here's hoping you and I both ov earlier than CD20!

Thanks for the happy anniversary wishes. We didn't even get to dinner until 9 pm yesterday so we have decided today will be an anniversary extension.
love the hair Meggles.

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend. And once again Vicky, I will trade you weather! It's a dreary day here. Looks like the rain has stopped, but it is cool and cloudy.
Beautiful Megg!!! I've always said, no matter how poor I am, I'm always going to find a way to get my hair done. It ALWAYS makes me feel better. I charged my hair appointments on my credit card during grad school. I'm probably still paying for them! You look lovely.

I agree Mel, I'll trade our weather for Vicky's any day. Mark Twain said the coldest winter he ever had was a summer in San Francisco. This area is notorious for having cold summers. It is usually foggy every day in the summer and never gets about 65 degrees. That's 18 degrees Celcius. Brrrr. We usually put the heat on in the summer. We don't get rain, but it is foggy and overcast every day. Once we hit September, October and November, the fog goes away and we have days that are 75 degrees (23 Celcius). Then it is perfect. I woke up today with a blue sky! Looks like the foggy season is coming to an end.

I LOVE summer and heat. Maybe we should go to Greece Mel!
Ooh, count me in! I am absolutely dreading the winter here in North Dakota. It will be my second (and hopefully my last). It is not uncommon to get weeks on end where it stays below zero F (-17 C)! The mere thought of it makes me think I need to get outside asap today (sunny and warm).

We're coming to Greece, Vicky!
YAY!!! Ill be expecting you all!!!!!!

Hearty i always thought that all of california was like super hot all the time! So in SF the temp all winter is around 25 degrees? Sounds excellent!
In Greece we have all the seasons. We have a proper summer which lasts till mid sept., then Fall until early Dec. and then winter till end of March. Winters are pretty cold here as well and we do get some snow every couple of years. Im sure though that for Mel and Allie our winter is very mild lol! My favorite is Spring...All the cherry and almond tress are blossomed and Athens is actually pretty for a few months!
Ok girls, pack your bags, we're going to Greece!

Vicky, California is so big that it has every type of climate. Southern CA is very hot. Northern CA has mountains and snow all year round. I'm kind of in the mid-north part. We don't get any snow here but it gets cold in winter. Our winters rain. We don't get rain any other time of year. It's funny because you know who the tourists are in the summer in San Francisco. They are the ones wearing shorts and tank tops and freezing their asses off! I always have a little giggle at them. A lot of people think California = sun. Not so in the summers here. So if you ever do come, come in October. It is the most beautiful month for weather. In the meantime, I'll see you in Greece...tomorrow!
Thanks girls! I'm not all about Summer or heat, but I'm about Greece and meeting you all... So, I guess I'll get over the heat part! :)
I am so jealous of your guys' seasons! We have the 4 seasons, but barely. If we are lucky, we don't get snow until November, but I have a feeling it will be early this year. So we have snow from November until May usually, with -40 temps (sometimes it is milder at only -15, but it ranges a lot). Then we have Spring (also known as mud season) from May (April if we are lucky) until June. Then we have Summer (also known as construction season, bug season, rain season) and seems to only last until August. Then we have Fall which lasts until we get snow again. Our seasons are mostly consumed by cool, rainy/snowy weather! :(
Ok so i have this large peice of land on the island of Lefkada. We are planning on building a summer home there in a couple of years, it will have a couple of guest bedrooms and a seperate guest house. I think we should all meet there with our babies for a nice relaxing holiday after all this stress weve been through!!!! Lefkada has some of the best beaches in the world!!!!!

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