Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

You girls are brilliant! Nato (Lucy)... I needed your wisdom there more than you know! You're amazing, and I'm so happy you were here to talk sense to me! :hugs: Not only do we have a pop to aim for, but we'll be having the best of the best of his swimmers shot into my uterus so that we lose less of them. The guy said his sample had 33.x million active, motile swimmers in it... And, all of those would be shot through my cervix and right near my eggs just in time for them to fertilize! Usually only about 1 million get that far! How could it not work, right?

As for the rest of you girls... I'm sending you all BFP dust! I need to see some smiles up in here!
Nato, I just finished my first AF after my mc. I don't know if my cycle is regular or not. I'm on CD18 with no sign of Ov, so I think I'm still going to Ov late. I was really hoping this mc would whack my damn cycle into a normal one. My specialist doesn't seem concerned that I Ov late. Obviously it annoys me because it gives me less chances to try each year. And now I'm having to give up a cycle to this MRI. I'm so, so, so mad! I'll try to see if they can call me if there is a cancellation.

Megg, I agree with Nato, your mom was projecting her own fears from her own experience onto you. Even if she didn't mean to burst your bubble, the one person you want on your side is your mother. I'm so sorry that happened yesterday. I have to tell you though, I had a dream last night about you. And you were very, very pregnant. Like 8 months pregnant and happy as a clam. I have no idea where that dream came from, but there it is.

Allie, I know too well about your situation. Tim and I went through it a while back. I started hiding it all from him. He never sees my OPKs, CBFM, fertility friend, or temping. I temp before he wakes up and then hide it. I never, ever tell him when I'm ovulating. Sometimes he asks. Even if I am about to ovulate I tell him I'm not sure if it is the right time or I just tell him no, now is not the time. It takes the pressure off. I also instigate sex throughout the month. I don't want it to be so obvious when I'm ovulating. All of that has helped tremendously. It is sad though. I'd much rather let this happen organically. I just can't though given my age, my history and my late ovulation. I need to track this.

Nato, back to your old tricks again, testing early? Cesca did wait, I remember. Such strength. And Vicky, oh dear god, Vicky was a mess! Yes Vicky I think we all remember! She was convinced that she was going to lose the baby due to her hcg numbers and now here she is moving into the 2nd tri! If you aren't pregnant Nato, it sounds like you are producing a nice amount of progesterone. That's why you are getting all of those symptoms. Of course it could also be from pregnancy. Yay for your regular cycles and the progesterone production. Your body is doing exactly what it needs to in order to prepare for a bub! I really think your time is coming very soon.

Hi to the rest of the girls!!!
Thanks meg, i needed that too - what lovely things to say. I like the whole plan though. Between a million of them, there's gotta be one with a map and a pick axe. Surely to bejeezus.

Hi Ms! I see things are going to plan, how are you feeling?

I have been very silly. My negative cheapo test this morning, i thought there might be a weeny teeny tiny apparition of a line so i got home and did another FRER test which was defo negative, but the 1st one was haunting me, so i remembered seeing in the galleries that sometimes people post a negative of the pic, so i took a pic and tried to negative it. I googled how to do it in i-photo and i have basically turned my whole screen negative and cant work out how to turn it back. So i am now coming to you from the dark side. I think i might prefer it. Good job really.

I am such a crouton.
Nato, I just finished my first AF after my mc. I don't know if my cycle is regular or not. I'm on CD18 with no sign of Ov, so I think I'm still going to Ov late. I was really hoping this mc would whack my damn cycle into a normal one. My specialist doesn't seem concerned that I Ov late. Obviously it annoys me because it gives me less chances to try each year. And now I'm having to give up a cycle to this MRI. I'm so, so, so mad! I'll try to see if they can call me if there is a cancellation.

Megg, I agree with Nato, your mom was projecting her own fears from her own experience onto you. Even if she didn't mean to burst your bubble, the one person you want on your side is your mother. I'm so sorry that happened yesterday. I have to tell you though, I had a dream last night about you. And you were very, very pregnant. Like 8 months pregnant and happy as a clam. I have no idea where that dream came from, but there it is.

Allie, I know too well about your situation. Tim and I went through it a while back. I started hiding it all from him. He never sees my OPKs, CBFM, fertility friend, or temping. I temp before he wakes up and then hide it. I never, ever tell him when I'm ovulating. Sometimes he asks. Even if I am about to ovulate I tell him I'm not sure if it is the right time or I just tell him no, now is not the time. It takes the pressure off. I also instigate sex throughout the month. I don't want it to be so obvious when I'm ovulating. All of that has helped tremendously. It is sad though. I'd much rather let this happen organically. I just can't though given my age, my history and my late ovulation. I need to track this.

Nato, back to your old tricks again, testing early? Cesca did wait, I remember. Such strength. And Vicky, oh dear god, Vicky was a mess! Yes Vicky I think we all remember! She was convinced that she was going to lose the baby due to her hcg numbers and now here she is moving into the 2nd tri! If you aren't pregnant Nato, it sounds like you are producing a nice amount of progesterone. That's why you are getting all of those symptoms. Of course it could also be from pregnancy. Yay for your regular cycles and the progesterone production. Your body is doing exactly what it needs to in order to prepare for a bub! I really think your time is coming very soon.

Hi to the rest of the girls!!!

Reading about your dream made me cry! :hugs: Thank you for that!!!

I'm so angry for you about not getting to try this cycle. I really am! :growlmad:

But, I keep hearing in the back of my mind that you're losing this one cycle, and then next cycle you'll know that there's no major uterine defect, and its going to be your cycle. You'll have a rough way to go of it at first, and you'll worry and wonder and feel like its hopeless... but it won't be. Its just some weird feeling I get. If its not the next cycle (and I think it is), its coming soon!

Thanks meg, i needed that too - what lovely things to say. I like the whole plan though. Between a million of them, there's gotta be one with a map and a pick axe. Surely to bejeezus.

Hi Ms! I see things are going to plan, how are you feeling?

I have been very silly. My negative cheapo test this morning, i thought there might be a weeny teeny tiny apparition of a line so i got home and did another FRER test which was defo negative, but the 1st one was haunting me, so i remembered seeing in the galleries that sometimes people post a negative of the pic, so i took a pic and tried to negative it. I googled how to do it in i-photo and i have basically turned my whole screen negative and cant work out how to turn it back. So i am now coming to you from the dark side. I think i might prefer it. Good job really.

I am such a crouton.

I :rofl: at your whole screen going negative! I have no idea how that even happens! LOL

On a more serious note though... I wish it had been positive for you, honey! You so deserve this! But, I think the time is coming for all of Disco Derail soon! We'll have to have a graduates thread in the preggo section before long! :hugs:

I would hope that one of the 1 million would be able to map it out. And, if I get 33 million... and we put them 3/4 of the way to their destination.. ONE has to find the egg, right? I mean, if 1 million can work from far away... 33 million will surely work when they're very close to the end destination... right? RIGHT!
Feeling good Nato....still tired all the time, but other then that, I can't complain at all....I hope your BFP is coming as well hun! I think we need to see some more of those around here.

Yogi should be testing after this weekend as well
i only had a million. i want 33 million. i feel shortchanged.

the ghost of a line can be seen in real life, not on the photo, but you can see it on the negative version. I have now worked out how to un-negative myself. I just had to do the same command. durr. it was exciting for a while there.

you cant really see it on the screen shot of the negative but i'll show you anyway, cos thats what i do.

oh no. the screen shot is back to being normal not negative. i cant post the negative version and theres no point posting the positive version cos it doesnt look positive. Im rambling arent i.

(i have just realised i said someone could kiss my bum in my post last night, and how that might look to an American. Oh the shame)

Hi Hearty, so crappy about this whole MRI thing bebe. CD18 isnt the latest it has been for you, but first after mc anything can happen - are you going back on the soya? did you use soya the month you got bfp?

Wouldnt it be good if you were a psychic genius and your dreams for megg and feeling for me were the actual truth that would happen in actual fact. Mebbes you are. You are like the octopus that predicted the world cup result.

Ahh at Ms - glad you're good. have a lie down love. When i was pregnant i was always going for a lie down. i wasnt supposed to be lying down, but no one could tell me off. I was invincible.
:rofl: @ being like the octopus that predicted the world cup! I'd like to chat with that octopus right now... just in case! :haha:

Well, show us the pic already!!! IMPATIENT!

Why would telling someone to kiss your bum look bad to an American? I'm American... and I don't get it! LOL
isnt a bum a fanjita or something? have i got it wrong? or is it an urban myth and americans dont really say bum and fanny like we think they do. oh the continued shame.
This picture is completely crap and its a defo negative just on the strength of what you can see. if you can negative it at your end, have a look, its not much of a straw to clutch to be fair.


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I don't know if it is my eyes playing with me, but I think I can see something......

lol! I know in canada, bum = ass
Bum means bum here in America! :rofl:

We also call it a butt, or ass. Some people call it a fanny. Any other words I'm missing US girls?

As for my octopus brain, I have been known to predict things in the past. I wouldn't go anywhere near saying I'm psychic, but I have had spot on intuitions in the past. I usually keep them to myself so I don't look like a fool if I'm wrong. But often I'm right and I think to myself "hot damn, you were right again!" Soooo....let's just see what happens.

Megg, thanks for offering your own intuition. I hope it is right.

Nato, I don't see a line love. I'm so sorry. But I've looked at all those pics in the gallery too and I think to myself, those girls are crazy if they think they see a line. Then a few days go by and they post again and sure enough, they have a line. Maybe my computer isn't at the proper resolution? I would love for you to come back to us with a BFP!
I'm so loving having nato back!! :happydance:

You are like the octopus that predicted the world cup result.


Glad you sorted your computer out I managed to turn my screen upside down once still have no idea how I did it but hubby managed to sort it.

Hearty that does suck that you have to wait for your mri, hope you get a cancallation appointment if you can as that would be good. :hugs:

Megg one of those swimmers are bound to get there it will definitely work I'm sure of it.

Mel glad you've had a good weekend.

Girls I have a questions.... just wondering if any of you have experienced this its a bit hard to describe but I'll try basically today I'm having a lot of pain around my ribcage specifically underneath my boobs and around my back where bra strap is its got so painful that I've had to take my bra off. Also it kind of hurts when I breathe in like unneath my boobs in my chest if that makes sense??
where have i got that bum thing from then? i thought i was saying kiss my fanjita in American, which wasnt what i meant in English. Lmao. (not Lmbo, or lmfo, just to be clear)

i wouldnt think there was anything on that pic either, but thank you for going cross eyed on my behalf Ms

Honest, on the negative version, there is something that could be, however, theres actually 2 bits that could be lines, so in my head, i have a HPT with potentially 3 lines on. And i dont think they come with 3 lines.

Do you squirt ink when in distress too Hearty? You could get them MRI'ers good if you can. And you could make some money in the bookies too on your secret predications. Dont tell anyone, just put bets on - this is a slippery slope

are your boots here yet? are they? are they?
Glad you sorted your computer out I managed to turn my screen upside down once still have no idea how I did it but hubby managed to sort it.


Luce i dunno about your symptoms, sounds like you might've pulled a ribcage muscle to me - which is not the right answer i know. What with your symptoms and my non existent line, we arent cutting it at the sharp end of TTC are we.
Nato I think what you're thinking of is that fanny means bum here in the US and fanjita in the UK. Like, here you can 'tap your teammate on the fanny' after a goal to signify a job well done but you couldn't do it in the UK...

I can't tell if I see a line or an evap where the line should be. I see something.

Megg that is awesome, I didn't realize how this IUI thing worked excatly but it sounds amazing!!!! I had a great feeling about it anyways but just hearing about it, I love your chances.

Welcome back from your trip, Mel!

Hearty, I hope you get a cancellation appointment. FX! I also have what I think it strong intuition. I have had precognitive dreams in the past. They seriously freaked me out, but over time I've come to accept that it just means the universe is doing it's thing. If that makes sense. I'm in a hurry so cannot articulate very well!

Lucy, is it maybe heartburn? I suggest that because that kind of feeling comes from under the ribcage for me.
Luce i dunno about your symptoms, sounds like you might've pulled a ribcage muscle to me - which is not the right answer i know. What with your symptoms and my non existent line, we arent cutting it at the sharp end of TTC are we.


that we are not :haha:

I don't know what I've done but it's almost my boobs hurting isn't it?? Ok maybe not my body is so confusing :shrug: I'm sure it is out to get me :ninja:

I don't think it's heartburn its a really weird feeling to explain I dont really suffer from heartburn but maybe it could be I dunno :shrug:

How are you?

haha at Allie's fanny tapping example. Sounds funny (i am so juvenile)

i just had a look in the galleries and everyone else's none existent lines are more of a line than mine is. On the real life test, i can only see something in daylight without my contact lenses in. But then, i can see something too.

:laugh2: at 'almost my boobs hurting'
Lucy, no idea what that pain could be. Did you do something out of the ordinary? I hope it is a symptom for you. Nothing I've ever experienced though.

I do not squirt ink Nato. Isn't that a squid? Hmmm... No, the boots are not here. It is a holiday today. No mail. I hope tomorrow I'll get them. Oooh, I can't wait.

Oh, and to answer your earlier question, no soy for me anymore. Yes I did get pregnant the first cycle I used it, but I had so much bleeding during that cycle, plus two rounds of positive OPK's. It didn't make me ovulate any earlier. I think it messed with my system. And they could see blood in my uterus when I got scanned. That has happened to me with every pregnancy. I don't know if it was leftover from the soy issue, but I don't want to risk it.

Allie, can you make any predictions for us? Maybe we could start a little business or like Nato suggests, take bets.
I went to the toilet about half an hour ago and had a bit of brown when I wiped. I immediately checked my cervix and it seemed closed and I then wiped my finger on a tissue and there was no colour.

Oh god though, please don't let this be happening again :cry:

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