Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Yes Sugar, please do make sure that they take you seriously. I had to fight for help and even exagerate my losses to get attention, but it worked. So sorry you have to deal with this.
Oh Sugar :hugs:

I know it's hard to believe anything but bad thoughts after what you've been through. I had a very similar experience with Delilah's pregnancy. I spotted brown then had dark red bleeding. I had pretty bad cramps too in my hip and lower back. I knew it was over. Obviously I was wrong. It was a blood clot making its way out of my body. The doctor reminded me that blood is an irritant which was causing the cramps. I'm angry that you can't get betas. That makes no sense to me. I wish there was something that could make this easier.

Lucy, what a scare. Please take it as easy as you can honey. I had tightenings starting at 20 weeks. They were fairly frequent. I would get them when I stood up, after I went to the bathroom, when I was sitting down, when I was just lying down doing nothing. When I was 32 weeks, they started coming every 5-10 minutes so I got checked. Apparently I was getting them every 2 minutes but I couldn't feel all of them. Then she came 2 weeks later. Towards the end of my pregnancy I started getting a little more active because my cervix, while short, was not getting shorter. I thought I was ok. The night my water broke, I had walked to a local restaurant. I'll never know, but I sometimes wonder if my increased activity caused her to come early. I needed a cervical ripener to give birth, so it wasn't my cervix that was the issue. But I definitely had an irritable uterus. It contracted all the time. I know it's hard to stay in bed with Benjamin, but do try as much as possible.

Delilah had 2 horrible nights recently. We were up for hours. She basically just wanted me in the room with her. I took her to our bed but she took forever to fall back asleep. I decided last night to try the pick up/put down method. It worked last night. I put her to bed drowsy, but still awake. She immediately stood up and cried. I reassured her and put her back down. This went on for 30 minutes until she finally stopped standing up and fell asleep with me in the room. She slept through the night, thank god. I think we'll keep trying this method, especially as she wakes in the middle of the night. I really think her only issue right now is separation anxiety and I want to assure her that I'm there, but that she needs to figure out how to put herself back to sleep.
Lucy, I replied in your journal.....how are you feeling?

Sugar, I'm so sorry you are going through this scare. It's just not fair. Please hold out hope as you know so many on this thread have bled and spotted and been just fine. :hugs:

Hearty, it sounds like you're figuring it all out just fine....sorry about the rough few nights, though. Those certainly suck. :( I'm glad Delilah is learning to self soothe and put herself to sleep! That will free up some of your time during the day!
Sugar - I hope this morning brings you some clarity and peace of mind.

Lucy - Rest is the beast thing for you so take lots of it.
Thinking of you Sugar :hugs: How are you doing today so far?

Hearty, I am glad that method is working for you. I did it as well, and I need to start again lol! Kash woke up the last two nights around 4:00am, and so he just came into bed with me. Last night though, he kept whining every now and then in his sleep once he was with me, so I didn't get much sleep after; busy rubbing his back and head when he was whining.

We have so much daylight here, that I think it is really affecting Kash this year. His schedule is so messed up right now with bedtime, and I need to get back on track with it. It's just so difficult when it doesn't get dark until 11:00pm, and then is light out again already before 4:00am! Soon we will be almost 24 hours of light for a period of time. I have his room blacked out, but all you hear is the birds as well. And then he wants to stay up playing as well....He used to go to bed by 7:30 and now it's been anywhere from 8:30-9:30!
Mel you are officially one day further than I was when I had Delilah!

I used to love daylight savings. I loved having longer days of daylight. Now that I have a child, I hate it! LOL! I need it to be dark for her sleep. I have blackout curtains, but she still seems to know. I can't imagine having as much daylight as you have!

Another good night last night. It only took 17 minutes to put her down compared to the 30 minutes the night before with the pick up put down method. She woke once at midnight (I didn't even hear her) and Tim went in, put her back down from standing position, patted her bum and she went right back to sleep until 7am.

How is everyone today?

Sugar, how are things with you honey? Thinking of you.

Lucy, I hope you are resting.

Allie, Amber, Vicky, Gibs, Round, Nato?
Well still no further forward today. This morning's cheapo test was a bit darker than yesterday's, but not as dark as the day before and the FRER is still darker than the control line, so no change there. Had terrible pains again through the night and brown discharge when I wiped this morning. Rang the Doctor who asked me to come in and he diagnosed a water infection, as I had a high temp and white cells in my urine. Been given antibiotics. He still won't do any blood work and EPADS won't scan me as I've got to be 6 weeks apparently. The Doctor wants to see me at 4.40pm tomorrow, but I'm to call if it gets any worse.

I'm not holding out a great deal of hope, as this is what happened with my first mc. Back pain, brown spotting and a diagnosed water infection.Totally fed up and just want it all to be over now. I think the progesterone is just stopping the bleeding at the moment :cry:

Hope everyone is ok. Clever Delilah with her sleep at the moment!

I've got a blackout blind on top of a blackout blind and curtains in Charlotte's room, and it's still too light when I put her down. Fortunately, she's started just chatting to her Paddington Bear when I leave the room and eventually nods off that way.
lol that's cute about Charlotte. Every night, Kash grabs a book (or many) and crawls into bed with it, and we can hear him reading to his animals, and then all of a sudden it will go quiet and you know he is out. I feel bad for still having a monitor in his room at this age, but I am going to miss it when I switch it to the baby's room!! I love hearing him chatting away.

I'm sorry you are feeling rough Sugar. I really hope that everything is good :hugs:

Hearty, that is excellent that Delilah is going to sleep so well on her own.
Sugar whats the story with getting water infections so easy? What is a water infection? Surely the doctors must look into this! Im sorry this is happening to you again hun...I really hope its not another MC...

I remember when i was in the UK i hated the fact that no windows had shutters ( i think thats what they are called in english) so no matter how many blinds or curtains you had the sun woke you up. Here all windows and doors have them and unless you look at your clock you would not know its day out!
Vicky it's a uti or urinary infection. We sometimes call them water infections over here. They are quite common in pregnancy. The last one I had was ages ago.

What I wouldn't give for shutter here. The light mornings wake me up, let alone Charlotte.

Lucy how are you feeling today? :hugs:
Hi everyone,

Sugar, the pain is probably the infection? Good luck at the doctor's tomorrow. Still holding out hope for you.

We have black out curtains as well and Alistair goes down really well but he likes to wake as soon as it's light, so I think we need the layering effect to totally black it out lol.

Hearty, I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. Alex got prescribed Effexor for depression today so that's a good start...he also has a phone interview for a new job tomorrow. I had an in-person interview yesterday for a position with a non-profit but the pay is half of what I currently make hourly, but it's full time hours, so I'm trying to work out if I should take it or not. (If I get offered it)

Oh, and I'm having bad breast tenderness. Anyone else get this? I'm mid-cycle. Both, but especially my right one, are very tender to the touch. No pain except when I touch them or they bump something, but's super sore!!! I keep getting worried I have cancer or something. :( But my anxiety is quite bad today anyways. I'm not getting anything done, blah.
Sugar- I'm still hoping everything will be fine. I had something similar happen with Penny- I was spotted pink, bright red and then finally brown. I also had cramps. I thought it was over but unlike my miscarriages the cramps did not increase and neither did the spotting. with my mcs the spotting turned to full flow within hours and the cramps got more intense. We will all hold on to hope for you:hugs:

I think a UTI can cause pain and spotting too:shrug:

Mel- that is a crazy amount of day light hours. I think I would go insane with 24 hours of sunlight. We have black out curtains and they work great in Penny's room. It probably helps that the sun rises on the opposite side of the house too.

Amanda- yay for Delilah going to bed so smoothly!

Allie- I hope the meds help even Alex's moods. I really doubt it is cancer so please don't worry excessively. I get horrible breast pain when I ovulate some times. If it doesn't subside in a day or two I would get it checked out. Our bodies are tricky/confusing things!
:growlmad: just wrote a long post on my phone and it died, damn! Starting again.

Amanda thank you for your post and for sharing it really helps. I am trying to take it easy as much as I can I am lucky as Benjamin has been so good. This morning he let me lie in while he played in the bedroom with his brio train track (it was in its box in are room so got it out for him). He did empty a few things out but was pretty good & let me dose/rest I only got up when this little face appeared next to the bed saying "pop pops mama" which is what he calls rice krispies so damn cute.

We've read books and he has played with all his toys he literally had everything out today. I haven't done any house work although I have a massive pile of ironing that needs to be done but figured it can wait. I did have to go out to the bank to pay a chq in (Steve had forgotten it but it needed to be in today) then I went to see the midwife. I felt achy and tired when I got home but have only had one tightening type pain so that's good. My midwife appointment went well midwife is happy that all is going well and baby is ok nice strong hb yesterday baby hb was 132 today it was 142 so lovely to hear. My blood pressure is low but that's normal for me. She said to ask at my 28 week scan for them to check the cervical length still waiting for appointment little annoyed I haven't had one through should of been booked in after my 20 week scan going to call tomorrow to see what's going on. She told me to take it easy as much as I can and to call if I have any concerns. Little one has been very active today so that's really reassuring.

I definitely feel better makes me realise how bad I did feel tues evening/wed morning.

Amanda that's great about Delilah sleeping.

Mel that is a lot of light we have a black out blind too and it has helped but Benjamin is still waking earlier than normal maybe I should try the layering too.

Sugar I am praying that it is the uti causing the pain and spotting and that everything is ok. I'm so frustrated with your dr not doing betas I don't understand why he wont. I had horrendous cramping and bleeding with Benjamin I really didn't think a baby could survive that but he proved me wrong and this baby I honestly thought I was going to lose him or her. I just pray that all is ok. Whatever the outcome we are all here for you and I am praying for good news.

Allie tender boobs midcycle sounds normal to me I wouldn't worry sure its just down to hormonal change could you be due to ovulate. Glad Alex has seen his dr hope it helps him and best of luck to him with the phone interview.

:hugs: to all
I'm good for the most part. Mostly stalking these days. I'm glad you and Alex have been working things out and as far as the boob pain goes, I wouldn't think much of it.

Sugar, I'm sorry your going through all of this. I'm holding out hope for you.
Well even more confused now. Tested again this morn and cheapo test is now darker than the control line and so is the FRER. That's the darkest I've seen the cheapo so far. No more brown spotting but still got the terrible back pain all down the left side. It's agony. Going to the docs in an hour but I doubt he'll be much help.

Nice to see you on here Dazed x

Hi to everyone else and thanks for your words of support, they have really helped
That seems positive Sugar I am keeping everything crossed that all is ok. I hope the dr's goes well try and push him to do betas as think that's going to give you better answers.

Hope the pain eases massive :hugs:

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