Congratulations Sparkly on your girls! They are so precious looking!
Sugar, sorry to hear about the scare. And I am glad it is just a heat rash.
Ruskie, fingers crossed it turns to a BFP for you
Vick, that is funny about the mouse (but not for you). I can picture you jumping up on the bed lol. Mice don't seem to bother me, and I think they are cute too lol! I used to pick them up all the time when I was younger......but if I had one jump at me, I would probably be screaming my head off lol!
Hearty, hope you get some sleep. Maybe the heat is waking her up?
Gibs, I read your article on fb. How's it going now with the dead beat part?
AFM, Riley just finished puking on me, majorly! Ugh! This is only the second time he has done it, but it has been during a feed both times. And then he wanted to eat after that, so I fed him a bit more and he had a little puke when I tried to burp him. He wanted to eat again, so I gave him some more, and he puked more again. Thankfully he kept everything down after having a bit more to eat after that. I don't know what causes it, but I don't like it. My mom said that maybe my milk is too rich, but how the heck do you even find that out?!
Other then that, he is such a perfect baby. I am getting sleep at night as he will generally sleep 4-5 hours the first time he goes to bed, and then another 3 after that. So nice to have that this time around (I was made to force feed Kash every 2 hours due to jaundice). Riley eats and sleeps and that seems to be about it. I got him sleeping in his crib as well, so that makes me happy. And I was able to crawl into my own bed a couple nights ago, instead of sleeping on the couch (yah!!!). Oh, and I survived the weekend on my own with 2 kids while Gord was at work lol! I even managed to go to the grocery store yesterday with 2 kids....wasn't so bad