Gibs I hope that Aurora stays at camp. Sounds like you need the break. You never were allergic to wool before? What a strange pregnancy symptom! Is your Oma your grandmother? I'm sorry to hear she isn't well.
Mel, I struggled with low supply....a lot. I cried more than I care to remember in the early days. Mastitis killed my supply. But I agree that Fenugreek is really helpful. I don't know if you can get this, or afford it, but I found Motherlove More Milk Plus tincture to work wonders. It has fenugreek as well as some other herbs. It was recommended by my lactation consultant. Domperidone is a prescription you can take to increase your supply. I couldn't get it in the US because of a ban on it due to a study on older adults who took it for another reason in large doses. It caused heart attacks in a small handful of people. But there are no studies saying it is harmful for lactating, young women who take it in small doses. If I could have gotten it, I would have taken it. I know women who have taken it and raved about the volume of milk they started producing. Another thing that helped me was using a Supplemental Nursing System instead of giving her a bottle. The lactation consultant in the NICU started me on this after my mastitis. I would put formula (or pumped milk, or a combo) in the SNS and then have her drink it from my breast. That way I was stimulating milk production by her suckling but I had the peace of mind that she was getting what she needed nutritionally. It's kind of a pain to set up, especially when they are screaming and hungry, but I really think it helped. Here is one on the market, but there are others as well.
Here are some pics to get the idea of how it works
No matter how much milk you produce, supply always diminishes by the evening. Maybe that's when you try the SNS. How much are you pumping? That obviously can help too, but the more you have him at the breast, the better. I remember well the days of not being able to leave the couch. I felt pretty down due to the supply issue. But I managed to increase it to a point that worked for both of us. I never fully gave up formula, but there were definitely many days when I exclusively breast fed her. I did A LOT of research on the subject, so let me know if you have any questions.
I have no advice on the diaper rash. I'm fighting one myself right now.
Delilah has all but weaned from nursing this week and I'm really sad. She nurses in the morning when she wakes up and that's it. She shows no interest during the day when I try to nurse her. I'm pumping at night after she goes to bed to keep up my supply but I know we're down to our last days/weeks with breastfeeding. I'm not ready to give it up, but I know I need to let her be in control of this process. Given that I'll probably never have another child, I'm mourning this special time we've had together. But it was a good run and I honestly never thought I'd make it this far, so I feel lucky too.