Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

VGibs, sorry about your Oma,

Allie, I know it's so hard to be away! It took a few days into my trip before I could relax and enjoy being away because I missed them so much. The nice thing is that when you get home, you'll feel so loved!

Hearty, I'm with you on the BF thing. We're down to two feedings a day now and my heart is breaking. Bryce is still interested, but I have to go back to work next week. I've had to stop nursing durring the day and over night. We just feed before bed and in the morning now. Knowing that my days of BF are coming to an end forever is very difficult. I keep trying focus on the things that we'll repalce it with though, snuggles and bed time stories. That stuff is very rewarding as well and our littles ones will be ready for that soon.

Sorry about the peanut allergy. We've been advised to wait another year before attempting nuts as I have an allergy to some nuts. I hope she grows out of it.

Lucy, I saw the pics on FB from your parents party and you look wonderful!! I know it's hard to stay strong, but you're so close. I'm so excited for you.

Mel, sounds like you're keeping it together pretty well with both little ones. Sorry to hear about the rash, we had alot of issues with that when Maddy was young. Have you tried cortisone cream mixed with monsitat? That was the only thing that worked for us, a pharmacist told me to mix equal parts and rub it on, always cleared things up right away. Thrush is awful! I had it with Bryce early on it was more painful than mastitis (had that too!). My nipples felt like they were being stabbed after each feed.

Dazed, how are you doing?

AFM, well, I go back to work next Thursday. Oddly, I'm not stressed or upset at all. It kind of makes me feel guilty. I always thought I was the type of person that would want to stay home with their kids, turns out I'm not! I've loved being home with both of them all summer long, but I'm ready for some 'me' time. I like my job and I'm ready to go back.

We started sleep training Bryce.....again. This time we're doing controlled crying and hubby is going in every 10, 15 mins etc. I think it's starting to work because he only woke once last night and cried for 5 minutes and fell back to sleep. That was only the second time since he's been born that he's slept through the night...crazy!
Round, they gave me some canestan and bioderm to mix in with the prescription, but it wasn't helping either. Then the doctor gave me more of just straight prescription cream again and we were using that. I stopped last week with using the prescription and went back to zincofax, and now there is barely any rash there at all, thank god!

The thrush is almost gone now too, thank goodness. I am hoping I didn't somehow contract it to my mouth as well, because the roof of my mouth and a bit of my throat is sore, especially to cough or something too. hopefully it's just an infection and not thrush!

I am with you about going back to work. I know I am not a stay at home mom, and I like my job too. So I will be happy to be able to go back to me time in 11 months. But like you, I will miss my boys and spending time with them. All the power to the moms that are full time stay at home moms, as I am not sure how you do it!! To be fair too, I have absolutely nothing that I can do in this Town with the boys, so maybe if I lived somewhere else, I might feel different about it.

I had Riley weighed and measured today for his 1 month...the little guy is up to 10 lbs and 51.5 cm long now (when he was born, he was 7 lbs 7 oz and 48.5 cm long)....he's growing quickly, and it's hard to believe that 1 month has already passed by!

OMG, I decided to try taking the boys for a walk last night.....so I was wearing Riley on the front, and pulling Kash in his wagon...what a workout that was! and to make it worse, I was wearing my flip flop style sandals....I am not ready to attempt that again for a few days at least lol! We don't have sidewalks here, so we have to walk on the side of the road, and then for part of it, we were on gravel. We walked to get ice cream :)
My baby boy is 2 we had a lovely party for him on Sunday with his little friends and then my mum & dad came down Mon for his actual birthday we saw my sil (well ex sil technically) & my niece. Steve had to work but finished early so it was a quiet but good day. We are going to take him to the zoo once the baby's here for a late birthday treat as we decided it would be to much walking for me. He's had a wonderful time and is full of beans Im exhausted.

We also looked at a house yesterday just come on the market and managed to get a viewing so my parents could have a look before they went home. It was a house we really liked it needed a lot of work but has a lot of potential & more space than any other house we've looked at so decided to put an offer in it was rejected so increased it a little & waited Steve's just had a phone call to say the other couple viewing house yesterday made a higher offer but the lady had accepted our lower offer because her next door neighbour who we had a brief chat with over the fence said we were a lovely couple with a growing family & she wanted it to go to a couple who were going to make it a family home like she has. I can't believe it she still has to find somewhere but oh my god our offer has been accepted dont think its sunk in yet.

I'll be 35 weeks on Friday which is great news and have a scan on fri morning.

Round hope going back to work goes well and that's good you don't feel stressed about it.

Mel glad the thrush is clearing up. Can't believe its been a month already sounds like Riley is doing really well. Who needs a gym when you've got children.
that's awesome Luce, congratulations :)

I am having a hard time losing weight, as I am constantly starving from the bf. Was anyone else like that?
Luce awesome news babe!!

Mel i didn't breastfeed but i was always hungry too lol!! I think the first months we dont actually sit down and have a proper meal so we end up snacking all the time. Snacking is terrible and really hinders weight loss.

Today is my last day at work till the 26th!! WooHoo!! So happy man! I really need some time off, ive been working 12 hour days and taking care of Hero the past 2 months and im really feeling the effects...Hero refuses to sleep before 11.30-12 which in a way is good for me cause i still got to see her loads after coming home at 8 pm, but im so tired it aint funny. Also looking forward to my (ahem) 20 year high school reunion in September. When did 20 years go by? Seriously if you ask me its been no more than 10 haha!! Im sooooo OLD!!
The hunger when bf was like nothing Id experienced before that and constantly being thirsty. Having said that I lost loads of weight when bf I think because Benjamin fed so regularly pretty much on the hr during the day don't think the reflux helped as he'd feed throw it up and want to feed again. Steve made me go to the dr as I was lossing weight and so lightheaded despite upping my food intake she told me to keep eating and to eat steak & chocolate.

Scan day today and I'm 35 weeks :happydance:
35 weeks!!! Wow we are getting down to the wire here!

Mel - I was hungry a lot but I found that I was finally able to consume food that had turned me off for a long time so I was eating a lot of that stuff. I didn't really loose any weight from BF'ing with either of my kids. It just hung on and made me cute and plumpy!
mel i was hungry all the time the hv told me to have a bag of goodies beside me while i was bf as sometimes i could be bf up to an hour or more cause kieran had tongue tie so took him abit longer it was funky im also finding it hard loosing weight i have lost only 1/2 my baby weight and still have around 20lbs too loose before i got into the whole ttc marlarky xxx
I was lucky that once Zach hit 3 months the weight just dropped off! I really didn't have time to eat, and I was constantly on the go! My advice is just get active, every bit of exercise counts! I swear I must go up and down my stairs at least 30 times a day!!

I have so much going on right now, following having my appendix out they discovered that I have a secretly enlarged ovary, I have a repeat scan on the 2nd of sept!

Poppy had some tests run at the hospital on Wednesday, dr is concerned that she's showing some signs of diabetes! I just can't even think about it, I'm so certain that she hasn't but its massively weighing on my mind!

Danny has been home since I was in hospital, we haven't even sorted anything out, again living like strangers! We've had a few counselling sessions and I just so wish I could change my feelings and move on from the past! Ugh it's difficult!
Sass omg why does the doctor think popps
Has diabetes?
Lucy, happy Bday to Benjamin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cake: AND massive congrats on the house!!!! :happydance: :yippee: :hugs: That is so excited and such wonderful news. So, what happens next?!?!?!

Mel, yes, yes, yes. I BF for 11 months and ate like crazy the entire time and gained 40 lbs to show for it. None of which are off. Hoooray. I have no advice. Just don't become me.

Sassy, how has the counseling gone? Has it been helpful at all? What made the doc wonder about diabetes? Her sleeping? I really hope your scan goes well. You have so much going on.

Round, I think it's wonderful you are ready for work. :) Enjoy that time!! :hugs: Hope all is going well.

Vicky, enjoy your holidays! Are you doing anywhere? Staying home? Enjoy your HS reunion too! My 10 year last year was a blast!! You are not old!

AFM, I'm back from Colorado and my interview, and Alex and I are struggling with what to do next. It didn't really go as planned. I got accepted with lots of provisions that I may or not meet and I'm a bit bitter. Also questioning my motives. I'm just a mess, what else is new. LOL. Lengthy details in my journal.

Anyways, anyone have any advice on what to about hitting? Alistair has started hitting me and Alex. Like slapping us on the face when we pick him up to move him and he's angry. Right now I hold his arms down, tell him sternly it's unacceptable and make him say sorry and give cuddles. I try to explain it gives mommy an 'owie' but then he just starts hitting himself and saying 'owie! sowwie! hugs!' like it's a game.
Well I've taken her back and forth to drs for a good few months now. After last appointment and going over a lot of her symptoms then he said diabetes is his main concern. I just hope he's wrong!

I really feel like I've failed her laterly, I got so angry at her lack of energy and now in wondering if there's actually something wrong with her!

We get the results on Thursday.xx
So far I think all I've done at counselling is go over how much he's hurt me and let me down! That's it
Vicky enjoy your time off definitely sounds like you need it those are long days I don't know how you do it. Have you got any plans for your time off? or are you just going to take it easy.

Sassy you poor thing you have so much going on hope Poppy is ok and your scan goes well.

My scan went well baby is head down which Im so happy about and measuring bang on average my placenta is working much better this time round. Baby weighs 5lb 11oz so already bigger than Benjamin when he was born. Consultant happy with how things are going :happydance: See midwife a week mon.
Sorry Allie just seen your post well we need to secure our mortgage now we know exact figures and we have to wait for the lady who's house we're buying to find a place. We drove past the house & there's a sold sign up which was exciting. We need to go back have a look make a list of all the things that need doing & see what are priorities are. It will be a work in progress as we can't afford to do it all in one go.

We went through a phase with Benjamin like you described but with biting he only ever bite me no one else I don't think he understood it hurt and when Id do the same as you he'd just think it was a game so I started putting him in his cot to remove him from the situation. I'd pick him up say no we don't bite it hurts put him in his cot making sure to remove any toys in there then leave him he'd call for me/scream etc when he calmed down Id go up explain that we don't bite as it hurts and ask him to say sorry then have hugs & cuddles back downstairs to play. It was really effective and we rarely have any biting. On a couple of occasions when I gone up to him because he was quite he'd fallen asleep.
Sassy - Childhood diabetes is very manageable. Even if she does have it you can manage it very well with diet and medication. I grew up with a foster sister who had it her whole life. The worst was the doctors telling her she may never have kids but she went on to have 3 babies. And no issues.

Lucy - When you talk about your new house I always picture all the houses from House Hunters International LOL Wait...do you guys even have that show there?

Allie - Hitting is a phase. He probably picked it up from somewhere and will drop it just as easily. I have no advice for you on how to stop because you guys don't believe in corporal punishment. When both my kids hit me, I tapped them back, they realized it hurt and stopped immediately. So with each one of the girls they only even hit me the once. ps...I'm meeting with the missionaries this week hopefully!

AFM...We are in the middle of a big family reunion and I am run ragged. It was all my mothers idea and my Dad and I have been the ones doing all the work. Which is very typical in my family, I got kind of upset because everyone was getting tipsy around the fire last night and my immediate family doesn't drink so it was really annoying my Mom and she kept telling me to do something about it. Well then my aunt brought out a huge pitcher of sangria. Which just made me grumpy because I really would've liked a taste.
unfortunately, that is my advise too about the hitting, is to tap back and sternly say no and that hitting hurts. Whenever Kash hit me, I would smack his hand and say no. And by smack, I don't mean beating him. Words are great to use, but they don't always get the message across.

I might have to give up the bf. Riley is wanting a bottle at least once a day, and sometimes more. I don't have it in me to keep fighting him to get him to eat when he is sitting there crying hard because he is hungry, but is rejecting me. For now, I am going to keep trying and see how it goes, but it might be ending soon.

Luce, I can't believe how close you are now! So exciting.

Sass, sorry to hear about Poppy. I hope the results come back that she doesn't have it, but thankfully it is manageable. Is that why she sleeps so much they think?

So just to vent a little....my wedding is planned for June next year and now Gord wants to change it. The boss at work sent out a memo saying that no one critical is supposed to be booking vacation for May and June next year because of the shut down they are doing in the plant. Well, I messaged him back and said we have our wedding then and I need Gord to be available and he said we can plan around it. But being that we live in a close knit community where we all mostly work and live by each other, and play together, everyone is friends. So if the shut down isn't completed, then a bunch of our friends won't be able to attend our wedding. So Gord wants me to move it, and so I said the only other date I am willing to do is October (and I really don't want to move it to begin with). So I contacted my wedding planner, as now we have to see if everyone can move the date and see if it costs us more to do that at all. If even one of them can't, then the day won't be changed. BUT, if it is changed we are running into the possibility now too that shut down won't take place in May if things aren't ready in place to do it, and it might be postponed to the fall!!! I am so stressed over this. Our invitations are in the process of being drafted as well, and I need to know which friggin date we are putting on them. I really don't think we should be changing our wedding for work, especially when shut down might not take place, and if it does, it will be done before our wedding date!
Mel - Best advice I can give you is to keep going. The more he feeds the better he will be at it, and the more effective it will be. I would cut out the bottle all together honestly. Or give him maybe an ounce by bottle to take the edge off and make him nurse for the rest of the session. Do you have slow let down? Have you tried using compression when he starts fussing so he gets milk to swallow?

As for the wedding, I would go with the original date. It seems to make more sense to me.
Mel I'd stick with your original date too I think that's crazy you should change it due to work.

V I've never seen house hunters but from the title but sounds similar to a programme we get here called location location location.

I am exhausted I was up early hours of the morning with lower back pain, period type cramping and tightenings I honestly thought this is it the a baby's coming but then it calmed down I've had the period type cramping on & off all day but doesn't come to anything. I just feel so tired and on edge as does Steve he's not sleeping great and they have been so busy with work the last few weeks as this women wants to move in end if the week they are on track which is great. I've been trying to write my birth plan which I've found quite emotional it's made me think about Benjamin's birth and made me out of my depth despite having a 2 year old this all new to me as I never went into labour I dont know what to expect. I think part of me is scared that something will go wrong. Feeling overwhelmed.

I've had a real urge to make the house is clean & tidy even thought I should reorganise all my cupboards in the kitchen clean them out what's that about.

Attached a pic of our little one from Fridays scan:



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