Round, they gave me some canestan and bioderm to mix in with the prescription, but it wasn't helping either. Then the doctor gave me more of just straight prescription cream again and we were using that. I stopped last week with using the prescription and went back to zincofax, and now there is barely any rash there at all, thank god!
The thrush is almost gone now too, thank goodness. I am hoping I didn't somehow contract it to my mouth as well, because the roof of my mouth and a bit of my throat is sore, especially to cough or something too. hopefully it's just an infection and not thrush!
I am with you about going back to work. I know I am not a stay at home mom, and I like my job too. So I will be happy to be able to go back to me time in 11 months. But like you, I will miss my boys and spending time with them. All the power to the moms that are full time stay at home moms, as I am not sure how you do it!! To be fair too, I have absolutely nothing that I can do in this Town with the boys, so maybe if I lived somewhere else, I might feel different about it.
I had Riley weighed and measured today for his 1 month...the little guy is up to 10 lbs and 51.5 cm long now (when he was born, he was 7 lbs 7 oz and 48.5 cm long)....he's growing quickly, and it's hard to believe that 1 month has already passed by!
OMG, I decided to try taking the boys for a walk last I was wearing Riley on the front, and pulling Kash in his wagon...what a workout that was! and to make it worse, I was wearing my flip flop style sandals....I am not ready to attempt that again for a few days at least lol! We don't have sidewalks here, so we have to walk on the side of the road, and then for part of it, we were on gravel. We walked to get ice cream