Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

So I met my new midwife yesterday. The way the practice works is that they have 3 alternating midwives at all times. And 2 of them attend every birth. When we were pregnant with MeMe we went through 3 different midwives. One left the practice shortly after we got there, and then the second one was filling in until ours could start. Then we found out that the midwife we had for most of the pregnancy would be away teaching during the weeks we were probably going to be in labor. So when we found out about this baby we were assigned a midwife, who was "let go" when we were 18 weeks, so then the woman who owned the practice was going to be our primary midwife, and then her doctor told her that she needed to retire immediately for health reasons, so she signed over her practice to the other midwife in the practice. Who is the midwife that Ian loves. So now we have this great midwife as our primary midwife and the new one is our secondary. So they have been doing home visits and when she came yesterday she was very matter of fact and very serious and talked honestly about our options. She was concerned that because MeMe came so quickly that we may not have time to get to the hospital and what our other options are. So we decided that if we do not think we are going to make it to the hospital then we are going to try a home birth. Which my mother is REALLY against but Ian is really excited about. She gave me a new birthing ball and gave me some excercises to relax my hips because they are really really sore.
That's a lot of midwives!! I'm really glad you got the good one. :thumbup: WOW, a home birth!!! That's pretty exciting. Will it be in water or on your bed? How are you feeling about it?
NOT water! I think it's kinda icky. Just not for me, ya know? Our first choice is still the hospital, so we are going to try everything to get to the hospital. And only at home in an emergency. Which sounds backwards but makes sense to us.
Hey ladies - I'm on day 31 of a 33-ish day cycle. TTC #1 after bad ending to first BFP - long story that involved choosing between career/what was best for us at the time and increasing our family at time when we really were not ready :(

We've been TTC now for 9 months and it's been devastating to the point that I have hated myself for many days for not moving forward with #1 BFP (although I take solace in the fact that the docs say that because my thyroid was not stable it would have been a bad decision to move forward anyway). This is the first month that DH and I have had a good chance at actually nailing one - we live in different states for work for the past 12 months.

I had pink CM a few days ago and now that's gone. A bit crampy and "heavy feeling" in my uterus. A twinge or two. BBs are not too sore but not any different to this time in my cycle. I'm POAS every morning and NOTHING although if i were to take the pink CM as "implantation" then I'm only day two since implant and possibly not far along to get a reading for HCG....

Anyone have any similar experiences? I feel really alone - especially since DH and I are separated. My best friend lives with me but is a dude :) We can talk and he's a great listener but can't really share experiences or knowledge. Lol. Looking for some sisters

Hi Vivian.....sorry to hear about your troubles. I haven't had any similar experiences and I don't think many of us on this thread have either but I could be wrong. This thread/group is 3 years old and nearly everyone has had baby...or two. I think maybe one or two of us are TTC? I'm certainly not quite yet!! :flower: We do have a few pregnant ladies.

Anyways, good luck this cycle. You might find a more suitable support thread/or group on BNB that's not quite so ancient lol!! :) That way the ladies are all still TTC and can remember more about it and talk more about it.

BTW I have no idea why this thread is still in the TTC groups. :dohh: I mean it started out as a TTC group but 3 years later it's not really the right place for this thread. I'm not sure if should asked to be moved or what.

Here's some :dust: I really hope you have luck this cycle!!
wow, I have been MIA and I only had one page to catch up on lol. You girls have been quiet.

I can't believe how close Luce and Gibs are getting, and all of a sudden sugar is almost half way there! That's exciting.

How is everyone doing?

AFM, being away from home is hard. Riley has decided that sleeping during the day is not needed, unless you can sit there holding him the entire time (which is just not an option). At home I usually put him in his swing or he will just actually go back to sleep. I don't have a swing here, and what a difference it makes. He sleeps better at night for the most part because of being up most of the day, and then he has 2 feeds, and after the second feed will only sleep about 20-60 minutes. So that is my only time I get to jump in the shower and get ready for the day. Of course yesterday and Monday he wouldn't go back to sleep at all....just becuase I had appts to attend to I am sure! I ended up making him a makeshift bed with a box and pillows and put him in the washroom with me yesterday just so I could get ready, which involved getting out of shower multiple times as well to put a soother back in his mouth to stop him from being upset. I'm still out for a couple more weeks yet, so it should be interesting.

Exciting stuff is that I met with the florist on Monday and have decided on my flowers. I am doing circus roses and orange and red lillies with willow and pumpkins put in there, as well as baby breath. Then my girls are going to have white fuji flowers with willow. The guys are going to have red chrysanthemum (sp?), as well as the parents, grandparents, ushers, flower girl. I am hoping it all looks nice, as it's hard to picture it in your head without seeing it. I am trusting the florist. It's kind of what she suggested from what I said I liked.

Yesterday I met with my decorator as well and picked out colors. I am going to have the white linens that the venue supplies, and then brown and purple runners on the tables (purple sits on top of the brown). White chair covers with brown sashes as well. And with 3 sized cylinder vases for centerpieces with willow and a calla lily in them, filled on the bottom with coffee beans and a light. The head table is going to have a brown back drop with icicle lights behind it, and purple swaged up at the top. Then the table itself will be the white linen, swaged with brown and purple and lights as well. I think it will look really good. The ballroom itself is very new and modern with big chandeliers...so I am not going to swag the roof at all. I am thinking of adding some willow around the room to make trees as other decoration, but that's about all I am doing. I am waiting for a quote back, but assuming it's going to be about $1500-$2000, as the chair covers/sashes are $1000 alone :/

My issue now is that originally I was putting my girls in purple, but Gord really wanted navy blue. But now that I have picked the colors for linens, he said navy blue is out because it doesn't go with what I picked. So I am going to give him options and tell him to pick one. I am thinking brown, purple, olive, deep red, or orange. It's going to be in October, so I want fall colors. What do you guys think?

ok, enough about me...I want to hear about you guys :)
Mel - Sounds nice! I have no idea what half of those flowers are so I'll trust your florist as well. LOL We had moss on the tables and baby's breath for everything else cause we were cheap ;)

AFM...nothing new to report. I am mega tired and one of my legs is super swollen. Probably because I keep siting funny on it when at my computer. I have ZERO attention span these days and the only thing that keeps me entertained is video games LOL
:hi: girls

I've been reading but not really taking everything in still having regular contractions every day which is exhausting and has been a little scary ad really don't know what's going on.

I've never been this pregnant and Im on completely unknow territory. Just want to hold my little one in my arms now. Midwife has brilliant saw me last week and happy with how baby is doing which really reassured as had been worried about movement and my placenta failing. See her again wed which is great they are taking good care of me.

Had contractions against yesterday but they stopped again. Im very achey this morning have lower back pain and period type cramping.

Mel how exciting I loved planning my wedding it will be beautiful. I'd have the dresses to match the colour scheme so go for purple or brown personally I'd go purple but I love purple so that's why. Im sure the flowers will look amazing I talked to my florist and we choose the flowers I wanted then she did the rest and they were beautiful. My mum did all the flowers in the church and table centre pieces.

Hope everyone is well and has had a good weekend.
Lucy - I had on and off contractions for awhile leading up to MeMe being born. I always thought it was "time" but it wasn't. My midwife told me that unless they became regular or my water broke to not worry about it and try to relax.
Gibs, I had no clue what half of those were either until the florist showed me lol. It's so hard to picture what it's going to look like as well, so I am hoping they turn out great. If not, I will cry when I see them the night before the wedding.

Luce, I wanted purple originally but Gord wanted blue so I was being nice and changing it for him (although I have never heard of a guy picking the girls colors before!).

I couldn't imagine what it is like to have contractions like you are going through. That little one will be here soon though. I am guessing girl and she is going to be a royal princess with all of this grief she is causing you lol!

I took the boys to the zoo in Calgary today, which unfortunately is still mostly all closed from the flood damage this summer. It was still fun though. Since it didn't take as long as we thought, we stopped at a mall and shopped for a few hours as well, and then drove back home. It was a 12 hour day. Now I have Riley asleep and I am about to go too....just need to tell the other mister that it's bedtime too (he has been so off schedule since we have been gone from home). Night girls! (and well good morning for the girls across the pond) :)
Hi ladies!!

Sorry for being MIA, super busy trying to sort stuff for moving to Scotland in 3 weeks.

Virginia, how is your leg now? How's pregnancy going?

Lucy, I am so sorry, what a drawn out affair. I can't wait until you have your little one.

Mel, hmmm if I was picking I'd pick olive and deep red, but I dunno, I know it will all look beautiful!! It's funny he wants to be involved. Very cute. What a fun but long day in Calgary! Zoos are always great fun. And shopping of course haha!! I think of you whenever I do long drives. I always think Mel drive longer than me so I should get over it. I have to go 250 miles one way to see my mom and think it's ages
Turns out my funny leg is nasty sciatica. And everyone keeps pushing me to see a chiro...but after what my aunt told me. I'm thinking not. I don't think I told you guys that story. My aunt is a nurse for post op heart surgeries, it has a long fancy name but I can't remember all of it. Anywho, last year alone they had 3 donated hearts from people who had DIED as a direct result of chiropractic adjustments. One was a mother of three, she was 32 years old. So, ya I don't think I am going to go and get an adjustment anytime soon.
Copied from journal: Been an odd week contractions on and off seen midwife twice they've been keeping a close eye on me she was pretty confident that when things did happen it would happen quickly.

My mums been down this week which has been great.

Have had niggly pains all day but not coming to anything untill this evening when oh my god contractions kicked in every 2/3 mind very painful called labour ward and they said to come in. Put me on ctg machine to monitor baby who has good strong hb was definitely getting contractions examined me and Im 2cms midwife said she was right in and could feel baby's head (so weird) so didn't want to send me home as pretty sure it will be quick so Im on labour ward.

Scared excited and well its happening :-)
Not much to update: Things have completely stopped its so frustrating they checked me at 6am and I was only 3cm boo need to be 4cm to be in established labour then they will transfer me to delivery suite. I managed to get some sleep and been trying to get things moving by walking. Have had the odd contraction but nothing major. Really thought the baby would be here by now but no hoping things suddenly start up and move quickly.

Nothing has happened had a few niggles but nothing major midwife gas spoken to consultant and the plan is to keep an eye on me over night and review in the morning if nothing has happened they will most likely send me home. They don't want to induce me yet as I'm a vbac so its a waiting game. Steve's gone home to give my mum a break see Benjamin (I miss him so much was so looking forward to introducing him to his baby brother or sister) have a shower and shave. Im exhausted so trying to get some rest and hoping things will start up again and not stop untill Im holding my baby in my arms.

So frustrated and feel like yet again my body is failing why can't it just do what it's suppose to do. Got a little teary especially when I was walking the corridors seeing/hearing the mums with their new baby's.
ugh, I had a long reply and then my lovely son unplugged my computer on me, which turned it off since my laptop battery is dead yet again!!!

luce, I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope that baby comes for you soon. And remember, you are not a failure (I went through this too). Our bodies just love those babies too much to want to spit them out lol.

lol Allie! I am just crazy to drive long distances all the time. I haven't had time to read much at all, but I did see something about you moving to scotland on fb I think it was. How long for? Exciting!

Gibs, I am not much of a fan of chiropractors....massage therapy is so much better :)
I woke up at 4 am because I was worried abut Lucy and if that baby decided to come lol That and I was dying to know how my friend`s IVF preg test went!
How did your friends' test go?

Any word from Lucy!?!? I take it she's in labor?!?

Yes, Mel, moving to Scotland for a year. :)

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