Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Woo hoo Megg, thats fab news! Cannot believe its all happening monday, thats was quick work, sooooo excited for you.xxxx

I know! SO quick! I'm ahead of the game!!!

Hee hee, Jaymie, looks like you posted when Megg did!!!

Hell yeah Megg! I'm not 100% sure what your numbers mean, but since you have lots of dancing people, it must be good. IUI on Monday sounds fantastic. Now I'm jealous. I want to do injections and IUI. Sounds so much easier than what I'm doing. Yay for you!!!

I'll explain at the bottom! It IS easier! DO IT! LOL

:wohoo:Well congrats Megg, I am guessing this is good news because of all the dancers and smileys...but I'm lost about the numbers!!! What do they mean??

In any case I love happy smileys!!!!!!

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:



Explanation coming! :)

I'm always a fan of retaliation by dance.

Megg, do you have any pictures of these amazing ovaries of yours? I want mine to have a lesson in what they should be doing.

I wish I had pics... But you wouldn't have been able to tell much, to be honest. It just looked like some grey shit (ovary tissue) with some large black blobs (follies)!


Each follicle produces an egg. For a really good, mature egg to be produced, a follicle should be around 19-20mm. With injectables, follicles grow ~2-3mm per day. I'll stim tonight and tomorrow and, by Saturday night, all 6 follicles should be at 19-20mm when I do the trigger shot. The trigger shot will make sure I ovulate about 36 hours later. So, midnight Sat night/Sun morn = ovulation around noon on Mon... IUI is scheduled for 10:30am (not 10, oops) Mon morning. Kevin goes in at 8am to give a sample, allow them to wash it to get rid of limpy sperm and seminal fluid, and at 10:30 they'll shoot them through my cervix using a small catheter right up by where the egg gets released! There should be upwards of 30 million sperm and 6 targets (eggs) to aim at! There's no reason I shouldn't expect 1 or 2 to fertilize and implant! I mean, it might not work... but it very well should! Also, my endometrial lining was 15mm, which is excellent for implantation!
That's so awesome Megg! I am so happy for you! How long of a waiting period is it to find out? (2 weeks still?). So very happy for you!
Wow, Megg, that is wonderful!! Your ovaries and uterus are good to go. Ditto to all of the happy dancey smilies. :dance: I'm really, really happy and excited for you.

Sorry about the witch, Luce. Bah.

Congrats on the land ownership, Vicky!

Woohoo for the bitch at work not saying at anything, Sassy! Enjoy your weekend.

Sorry about your losses Minnie. :hugs:

I'm watching CNN now and it looks like that loony will NOT be burning the Quran. Thank God!! So embarrassing....

Hello to everyone else! :wave:

I have an OPK query....so, I had creamy/a bit of EWCM yesterday and what I deemed an 'almost pos' OPK. Today I woke up to copious amounts of EWCM and a higher CP (but not soft yet...still feels like a nose.This is the first time I've monitored CP though so I don't know what I'm waiting for, other than for it to be soft like lips). I've also had ovary pain today (ov pain maybe?) Anyways, I fully expected my OPK after work to be pos and it's negative, like more negative than the past 3 days. I've attached a pic. Opinions please? Did I miss my surge? Or have I not ovulated? The last three tests in the pic, in order, are 430 pm yesterday, 11 pm yesterday, and 430 pm today (the super negative last one). I'm just dissapointed as I expected it to be positive. I got a really positive one last cycle, but with a different brand. Maybe I can blame the ICs? Harumph.....


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Holy crap Megg, that is awesome! I am so freaking envious now.

Allie, to be honest, I'm not sure you caught your surge. None of them look 100% positive to me, but that could be because of the time delay from when you took the picture. Like you said, they look "almost" positive, but remember they have to be as dark or darker than the control line to be a real positive. Honestly, this is why I started using the CB digi ovulation kits with the smiley face. I was so sick of trying to interpret lines. And the CBFM also takes care of that too.

In looking at your temp chart, it is possible that you Ov'd yesterday or today as your temp is starting to rise. But you won't know for a few more days. I wish I had a better answer for you. I think the information you have right now is inconclusive.

If it were me, I'd keep doing the OPK's. I do them twice a day. I wake up, have my first morning pee and then don't pee for four hours. Around 10:30 am, I do my first OPK with said held pee. Then I have liquids and pee and such until around 2. Then I hold again for 4 more hours until 6pm and do my second OPK. That way, I won't miss the surge.

I'm also tired of holding pee which is another reason I switched to the CBFM. Just use FMU and you are good to go for the day! (Of course, I'm still doing 2 OPK's a day since I got my first high reading on the CBFM! Need to have bases covered!)

If you don't get preggers this cycle, I really think you'll like the CBFM.
Thanks, hearty.

Yeah, none of them were positive but after they got darker yesterday I expected a positive today as it's what happened last month. I'm feeling bummed now because I'm wondering if I'm just not going to ovulate. I don't actually ever hold my pee...I just do the OPKs right when I get home from work and an hour or so before bed. I think I read it's best to do at 2pm and 10 pm, but I work until 4 and there's no way to test at work as they are the pee in a cup kind. Is it necessary to have held your pee for a while? I drink a lot of water.

I'm not sure what to make of my temps, either. I guess time will tell and in the meantime I will keep :sex:. Hubby should be home soon! ;)
Oh holding your pee and limiting how much you drink affects the tests for sure. If you drink a lot of liquids, it can dilute the hormone and give you a false negative. That changes everything. The time doesn't really matter so much. You just shouldn't use FMU as the hormone needs time to synthesize in your system. (I have no idea how the CBFM works around this). But definitely cut back on the liquids and hold for at least 2 hours.

It is possible then that you did have a positive yesterday but that it was diluted. Hmmm... Better to continue BD'ing just in case.

The whole OPK thing annoys me actually. I reduce my liquid intake which in turn affects my CM (or lack thereof). And I feel like I face possible urinary tract infection every time I hold my pee for that long. Once I've confirmed that the CBFM is picking up my surge at the same time the OPK does and that all of that coincides with my temps, I'm leaving the OPKs behind for good.
Seriously! It's a lose-lose situation. Hmmm UTI or liquids? Dehydration or false negative? I've been drinking loads of water and grapefruit juice to help my CM. I do hold my pee long enough so I can pee when I get home from work but it's probably for about 2 hours. In any case I'm obsessive right now so what I'm doing is holding my pee even though I have to go and I'm going to walk to Dollar Tree to get the same brand of tests I used last cycle....

I think you're on the right track with the CBFM!!! This is too frustrating! Thanks so much for your input. :hugs:
I'm obsessive right now so what I'm doing is holding my pee even though I have to go and I'm going to walk to Dollar Tree to get the same brand of tests I used last cycle....

:rofl: :rofl:

I hope you don't pee your pants on your walk!!!
Allie, do the dollar tree OPK's work for you? I haven't used any of our dollar store OPK's because I'm afraid that the test line will never go equal to or darker than the control line, because their positive HPT lines never really get very dark. But if they work I might just use them next month.

Maybe you missed your LH surge between 11pm and 4:30pm the next day? I've read that it can be positive for a short period of time so maybe that's the case. :shrug:

I tasted enough wine for all of us ladies!! :blush:

Congrats Megg, thanks for the explanation!! Sounds very exciting and I can't wait to hear the good news in a few weeks!!
That's so awesome Megg! I am so happy for you! How long of a waiting period is it to find out? (2 weeks still?). So very happy for you!

About 2 weeks. Its just like the 2ww. I can test early! :)

Wow, Megg, that is wonderful!! Your ovaries and uterus are good to go. Ditto to all of the happy dancey smilies. :dance: I'm really, really happy and excited for you.

Sorry about the witch, Luce. Bah.

Congrats on the land ownership, Vicky!

Woohoo for the bitch at work not saying at anything, Sassy! Enjoy your weekend.

Sorry about your losses Minnie. :hugs:

I'm watching CNN now and it looks like that loony will NOT be burning the Quran. Thank God!! So embarrassing....

Hello to everyone else! :wave:

I have an OPK query....so, I had creamy/a bit of EWCM yesterday and what I deemed an 'almost pos' OPK. Today I woke up to copious amounts of EWCM and a higher CP (but not soft yet...still feels like a nose.This is the first time I've monitored CP though so I don't know what I'm waiting for, other than for it to be soft like lips). I've also had ovary pain today (ov pain maybe?) Anyways, I fully expected my OPK after work to be pos and it's negative, like more negative than the past 3 days. I've attached a pic. Opinions please? Did I miss my surge? Or have I not ovulated? The last three tests in the pic, in order, are 430 pm yesterday, 11 pm yesterday, and 430 pm today (the super negative last one). I'm just dissapointed as I expected it to be positive. I got a really positive one last cycle, but with a different brand. Maybe I can blame the ICs? Harumph.....

Thank you!!! I think the 2nd to bottom one is positive maybe!

Holy crap Megg, that is awesome! I am so freaking envious now.

Allie, to be honest, I'm not sure you caught your surge. None of them look 100% positive to me, but that could be because of the time delay from when you took the picture. Like you said, they look "almost" positive, but remember they have to be as dark or darker than the control line to be a real positive. Honestly, this is why I started using the CB digi ovulation kits with the smiley face. I was so sick of trying to interpret lines. And the CBFM also takes care of that too.

In looking at your temp chart, it is possible that you Ov'd yesterday or today as your temp is starting to rise. But you won't know for a few more days. I wish I had a better answer for you. I think the information you have right now is inconclusive.

If it were me, I'd keep doing the OPK's. I do them twice a day. I wake up, have my first morning pee and then don't pee for four hours. Around 10:30 am, I do my first OPK with said held pee. Then I have liquids and pee and such until around 2. Then I hold again for 4 more hours until 6pm and do my second OPK. That way, I won't miss the surge.

I'm also tired of holding pee which is another reason I switched to the CBFM. Just use FMU and you are good to go for the day! (Of course, I'm still doing 2 OPK's a day since I got my first high reading on the CBFM! Need to have bases covered!)

If you don't get preggers this cycle, I really think you'll like the CBFM.

I'll be honest... I hoped I'd never get this far... and now I'm really sad I didn't do it sooner. If its an option for you, I would totally consider it as soon as you know more about your situation after the MRI! :hugs:
For me, I would have to pay entirely out of pocket. I'm not sure how much it would cost us to do. Obviously I want to see about my MRI and then maybe talk to the FS about this as an option. I'm tired of conning Tim into sex when I need it. I miss the intimacy. I'd rather do it the way you are doing it and then sex can be about love, not about sperm and egg. Given my long ovulations, I think it would be a good option for me. Hmmm. You have intrigued me!
I think it would be a great option given your ovulation and stuff... and it really does make sex about sex! That's so nice!!! I know that the meds were ridiculous. I think the average cycle is about $2000 including meds... but I could be wrong. Its worth asking... for sure! :hugs: I wish I could share my insurance... I so would!

Since we're all being honest with our feelings... I feel guilty (on a daily basis) that my insurance is allowing me to do this. I feel like I'm cheating or something, because I couldn't afford it if I didn't have the insurance... and I feel like so many people deserve it more than I do! I can't escape the guilt... and its not anything anyone has said or done... I've felt this way ever since I found out that my insurance would cover it all and how much it SHOULD cost. Its like I shouldn't be allowed to do it because I can't technically afford it! How stupid is that? But, that's how I feel!
Yeah Megg, that's pretty dumb thinking LOL!!! Our whole insurance system is so messed up that it is causing you to feel guilty! I hope they give you mental health coverage to work through your guilt.

We could afford it for a few cycles, though Tim wouldn't be happy about dishing out that kind of cash for sure. I'll have to think about it. In the meantime, it is just fun to hear about your journey!
Don't feel guilty Meg, it'll even out when you get your sextuplets! :haha:
Yeah Megg, that's pretty dumb thinking LOL!!! Our whole insurance system is so messed up that it is causing you to feel guilty! I hope they give you mental health coverage to work through your guilt.

We could afford it for a few cycles, though Tim wouldn't be happy about dishing out that kind of cash for sure. I'll have to think about it. In the meantime, it is just fun to hear about your journey!

I know how stupid it is! I just wish I could do more to help people! I know I should just chase my happiness and lend support and hope everywhere else I can! But, I feel so helpless watching so many amazing women hurting! I guess its just that I've always done what I could to sacrifice myself for others... and I can't in this situation! They do cover mental health though.... LOL... Can they pay you for my online therapy? :winkwink:

Don't feel guilty Meg, it'll even out when you get your sextuplets! :haha:

6? Now its 6?!?! Wow! How many do YOU want? :rofl:
Oh good lord, I'd be a horrible online therapist to you! I can barely keep my own stuff together in the ttc arena.

If you have 6, you could assuage your guilt by giving me one!
I would totally give you one if I have 6! :) You're already being a great online therapist! LOL You talk sense into me when I'm being an idiot! :hugs:

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