Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

How excited am i for my girls Cazza and Luce????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cant wait for the final verification results!!!!!!!

Cazz i love that you have a perfecct manicure in all your piccies! You are one of those women who look good even in the morning arent you?????? Ive heard of these mythical creatures.....

Cesca im not gonna repeat what the other girls said, bleeding can be common and you said that it stopped so that has to be a good sign right???

Megg i watched your video, Kevin was bricking it wasnt he????? I like how youre so open about whats going on in your life, we need more of you to get rid of the taboo around problems in ttc..YOU GO GIRL!!

Im having a shit weekend, my sis broke up with her partener of 4 years since he now decided he never wants to get married or have kids.....The looser waits 4 years before sharing this info????? I wanna hunt him down and shoot the short, broke ass loser.....
Vicky that totally sucks about your sisters ex, seems quite cruel to wait 4 years before telling her, I hope she is ok.xxx
Shes at my parents house now, she couldnt stay with me anymore since they lived across the street and she wanted to get away from the neighborhood. I wish he had been straight with her from the beginning, why do guys do that???? Shes 34, its not like shes 20, how can he be so cruel????
Sounds like an arsehole, I cant believe hes done that your poor sister, she deserves so much better.xxxx
awe that is too bad for your sister! Best of luck to her, and I hope she finds her prince charming really soon!
Oh vicky your poor sister. What a dick hope she's alright and meets a lovely man who will treat her right and want the same things in life as she does.

Wow, back from my hike and so much has happened. First, my heart is with you Cesca. Honey, I wish I had some comforting words, but bleeding is scary even if it doesn't mean anything. Amos is my friend and I've watched her go through her bleeding and still have a heartbeat, but of course every woman is different. I wish I could be there to hug you and tell you it will all be ok. Please give us any updates that you are willing to share. I know we are all here for you 100%. :hugs:

I'll post the rest of my comments in a second. For now, this is all for you Cesca. Thinking about you tons and tons and hoping and praying everything is ok.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks girls! I'm not sure there is going to be a next month right now. I think I am going to take some time off. I am actually really scared to take some time off because I feel like I am going to be left behind!:cry:
I think at this point it will be NTNP since me an hubby had found out that we CAN'T stand condoms and I refuse to go on the pill.
Hope all you girls are doing well! Thinking of you cesca and hope all goes well.
Ok, second post...

I'm over the moon for you Lucy! You are definitely knocked up sister! I kind of had this feeling when you were talking about AF coming. For some reason I kept thinking it was IB and you were preggers. I just knew it! I'm so thrilled for you!!!

Cazz, I really hope this is your month too babe. Oh, I really do! Ok, if I have to wait until Tuesday I will. Just don't make me wait any longer than that, ok???

Megg, I'm off to watch your video in a minute. Can't wait.

Vicky, my heart goes out to your sister. I don't understand men who act like this. If you know you aren't on the same page about the future with someone, why prolong the relationship. It is selfish and short sighted. Jerk.

So, I just took my hike with the friend who had her first mc 2 weeks ago. She's 38 and wasn't getting pregnant on her own so moved to Clomid and IUI. She got pregnant her 3rd cycle. We hiked for 2.5 hours and talked about ttc, mc, and everything else related to it for the entire time. It was so therapeutic. I told her all about my disco ladies and gave her that huge hug that I've been wanting to give all of you. It felt so good. She and I got a lot off our chests and I feel truly blessed that we found each other again. It has been a few years since we've seen each other. We were more like acquaintances, but I feel like I made a new best friend today. We're going to keep hanging out. It is strange how a loss can bring people together. Anyway, I feel refreshed and my mind is full of new insight today.

Last night I was at a dinner party and someone did a toast which included congratulating the hostess on being pregnant. My heart sunk to my feet. I decided to avoid her. I didn't ask her how far along she was nor did I congratulate her. She isn't a friend of mine, I had just met her. It was the only way I could cope. I was kind to her, but didn't engage in any pregnant conversations. Going on the hike after that lifted my spirits.

Funny how her announcement made me feel crappy, but Lucy's and Cazza's make me feel all warm and tingly inside!

Let's keep the good news coming disco darlings.
Thank you so much. I feel so many things but right now the emotion I'm focusing on is happiness and being hopefull. My hubby has been so sweet keeps telling me how much he loves me and he's here for me.

Well I guess it goes to show the advice from the u/s lady about rolling on my front as I had a slightly tipped forward womb worked!!

:hugs: to all me disco girls.

Heraty I'm so glad you and your friend have been reunited and are there for each other. It sounds like your hike was very good for both of you.

Right I am of to bed as feeling a bit sleeping and very hot!! Think steve are going to watch a bit of tv and have a cuddle.

Hearty it sounds like you will have a new friend for life....Loss does bring people together, there is this couple who we were friendly with but not particularly close too. They suffered two losses before me and alex started trying. After i lost Electra i reached out to her and as a result we are now very tight and she was the first person i told about my pregnancy, and she confided in me about her first IVF failure. She has even asked to be my baby's godmother. By the way the their names are Vicky and alex, coincidence????
Lucy, in a recent ultrasound the tech told me I had a tipped uterus too. I'd never heard that before. I might try the stomach thing next time I'm trying! Again, I can't tell you how happy I am for you.

Vicky, that is a strange coincidence. It's a lovely story. I do hope I have a friend for life out of this woman. She's great.

Megg, I just posted on your journal, but wow, that video was amazing. I couldn't stop squirming. It is so lovely to see you in person and hear your voice. We should all make videos for each other!

Oh and Vicks, I totally agree about Cazz's nails. I noticed them too and thought, oh she's so put together. A close up of my fingers would reveal short, uneven nails and torn cuticles as I always seem to pick at them.

BTW, where's Nato??? Has she left us again. NATO, WHERE ARE YOU????
Hey ladies, hope everyone is having a good weekend.

YAY congrats Cazza and Lucy!!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
That is so exciting. I think it's hilarious that I get upset and bitter when I hear about people in my life becoming pregnant but when the ladies on here announce it, it's wonderful!!

I'm still waiting for the :witch: to arrive and at this point I hope it's sooner than later so that I can get back on track!
cesca, hang in there and hopefully we will hear some good news on Tuesday.
How excited am i for my girls Cazza and Luce????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cant wait for the final verification results!!!!!!!

Cazz i love that you have a perfecct manicure in all your piccies! You are one of those women who look good even in the morning arent you?????? Ive heard of these mythical creatures.....

Cesca im not gonna repeat what the other girls said, bleeding can be common and you said that it stopped so that has to be a good sign right???

Megg i watched your video, Kevin was bricking it wasnt he????? I like how youre so open about whats going on in your life, we need more of you to get rid of the taboo around problems in ttc..YOU GO GIRL!!

Im having a shit weekend, my sis broke up with her partener of 4 years since he now decided he never wants to get married or have kids.....The looser waits 4 years before sharing this info????? I wanna hunt him down and shoot the short, broke ass loser.....

Aww! I'm one of the most open people you'll ever meet (even electronically) probably! I don't hide much of anything! I actually posted on my clinic's FB page that I would be interested in participating in a news piece their doing about the clinic and infertility awareness! I'd love to be chosen. I feel I could actually speak for a lot of people who are too quiet to speak up themselves! I'd love to help be that voice! Thank you! :hugs:

That's shitty about your sister's ex! WTF? 4 freaking years? Way to drop the ball! :(

Thanks girls! I'm not sure there is going to be a next month right now. I think I am going to take some time off. I am actually really scared to take some time off because I feel like I am going to be left behind!:cry:
I think at this point it will be NTNP since me an hubby had found out that we CAN'T stand condoms and I refuse to go on the pill.
Hope all you girls are doing well! Thinking of you cesca and hope all goes well.

Oh, honey! I'm sorry! Please feel free to lean on me if you need a friend right now... I totally understand if you want to take some time off from TTC... And, I know you'll do what's best for you and your OH! :hugs:

Ok, second post...

I'm over the moon for you Lucy! You are definitely knocked up sister! I kind of had this feeling when you were talking about AF coming. For some reason I kept thinking it was IB and you were preggers. I just knew it! I'm so thrilled for you!!!

Cazz, I really hope this is your month too babe. Oh, I really do! Ok, if I have to wait until Tuesday I will. Just don't make me wait any longer than that, ok???

Megg, I'm off to watch your video in a minute. Can't wait.

Vicky, my heart goes out to your sister. I don't understand men who act like this. If you know you aren't on the same page about the future with someone, why prolong the relationship. It is selfish and short sighted. Jerk.

So, I just took my hike with the friend who had her first mc 2 weeks ago. She's 38 and wasn't getting pregnant on her own so moved to Clomid and IUI. She got pregnant her 3rd cycle. We hiked for 2.5 hours and talked about ttc, mc, and everything else related to it for the entire time. It was so therapeutic. I told her all about my disco ladies and gave her that huge hug that I've been wanting to give all of you. It felt so good. She and I got a lot off our chests and I feel truly blessed that we found each other again. It has been a few years since we've seen each other. We were more like acquaintances, but I feel like I made a new best friend today. We're going to keep hanging out. It is strange how a loss can bring people together. Anyway, I feel refreshed and my mind is full of new insight today.

Last night I was at a dinner party and someone did a toast which included congratulating the hostess on being pregnant. My heart sunk to my feet. I decided to avoid her. I didn't ask her how far along she was nor did I congratulate her. She isn't a friend of mine, I had just met her. It was the only way I could cope. I was kind to her, but didn't engage in any pregnant conversations. Going on the hike after that lifted my spirits.

Funny how her announcement made me feel crappy, but Lucy's and Cazza's make me feel all warm and tingly inside!

Let's keep the good news coming disco darlings.

I think its perfectly acceptable to react as you did! I think it was actually quite graceful! :hugs:

It is funny how theirs make me happy, but someone else's can make me so sad and jealous!

Thank you so much. I feel so many things but right now the emotion I'm focusing on is happiness and being hopefull. My hubby has been so sweet keeps telling me how much he loves me and he's here for me.

Well I guess it goes to show the advice from the u/s lady about rolling on my front as I had a slightly tipped forward womb worked!!

:hugs: to all me disco girls.

Heraty I'm so glad you and your friend have been reunited and are there for each other. It sounds like your hike was very good for both of you.

Right I am of to bed as feeling a bit sleeping and very hot!! Think steve are going to watch a bit of tv and have a cuddle.


Fantastic advice! That's brilliant! :hugs:

Lucy, in a recent ultrasound the tech told me I had a tipped uterus too. I'd never heard that before. I might try the stomach thing next time I'm trying! Again, I can't tell you how happy I am for you.

Vicky, that is a strange coincidence. It's a lovely story. I do hope I have a friend for life out of this woman. She's great.

Megg, I just posted on your journal, but wow, that video was amazing. I couldn't stop squirming. It is so lovely to see you in person and hear your voice. We should all make videos for each other!

Oh and Vicks, I totally agree about Cazz's nails. I noticed them too and thought, oh she's so put together. A close up of my fingers would reveal short, uneven nails and torn cuticles as I always seem to pick at them.

BTW, where's Nato??? Has she left us again. NATO, WHERE ARE YOU????

We should! :thumbup: Where IS Nato? Hmph! I will drag her back if I have to!

AFM... I have some gorgeous BFP's right now... but they're all fake! I'm loving seeing them, but so sad they mean nothing (other than I took the shot right)! :rofl:
Megg, they woman I hiked with today did 3 rounds of Clomid and IUI. On her third round, they also gave her a trigger shot. That was the cycle she got her BFP!!! Oh, I hope you get knocked up tomorrow!

This upcoming week we have:

Monday - Megg's IUI
Tuesday - Cesca's appointment, Cazza's test
Wednesday - Hearty's MRI

Anything else this week ladies?

Dear Week,

The disco ladies are requesting that you provide them all with good news. We appreciate your understanding and effort in this matter.

The Disco Crew
Megg, they woman I hiked with today did 3 rounds of Clomid and IUI. On her third round, they also gave her a trigger shot. That was the cycle she got her BFP!!! Oh, I hope you get knocked up tomorrow!

This upcoming week we have:

Monday - Megg's IUI
Tuesday - Cesca's appointment, Cazza's test
Wednesday - Hearty's MRI

Anything else this week ladies?

Dear Week,

The disco ladies are requesting that you provide them all with good news. We appreciate your understanding and effort in this matter.

The Disco Crew

That's fantastic! I wish her all the best and hope she gets her sticky BFP along side the rest of us really soon! :hugs: to you and her! You're a great friend, Amanda!

Dear Week... I agree with everything she said! PLEASE?
I forgot to mention a few ladies...

Dazed :hugs: I'm so sorry you are feeling so down. We'll never leave you behind, even if you aren't trying right now!

Yogi, I hope AF comes for you soon (or your BFP) so you can also move on. I know too well how long this state of limbo feels.
Thanks Megg, Hearty!
I'm not too terribly upset about it. I guess its just not my time yet. I'm just going to focus on work, hubby and my furbabies for the time being and if something happens, it happens. Once November rolls around, I will get to going back to being a little bunny!

Good luck tomorrow Megg!
Thank you! I truly hope you're on the preggo side before you get a chance to get back to it like a bunny! :)

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