Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Cesca we definitely want to see your scan pic!!! Looking forward to it!
Hi girls, have been chucked out of hotel room 5 million hours before the flight home, so before i have to face the hardship of a day down the beach, i have a perplexing question about temping

I got a thermometer and could only start temping this wek due to its late arrival, but its thrown me a bit, i'll set up a chart when i get home, but heres what i had this week:

Sun CD9 - 35.9 (opk no line)
Mon CD10 - 35.9 (opk no line)
Tues CD11 - 36.3 (opk no line)
Wed CD12 - 36.2 (positive opk)
Thurs CD13 - 36.0 (positive opk)
Fri CD14 - 36.1 (not done opk yet)

After the above, i know its only a few days of temping, but it looks like i ov'd on Monday - 2 days before my +ve opk

The temp was taken at the exact same time every day and the air con was set to 16 degres evry day, so i know theres no variables effecting the temp - theres a half degree increase on Tues and thereafter, my temp stays higher. Copuld i be ovulating that early, and before my LH surge?

If so, it might explain why im not geting bfp

Im gonna read back and catch up with you loonies now xx
sounds like youve all been feisty as hell this week - sorry to hear about scrapping with oh's. In my opinion, while all this is going on, what we say should go. No voming, drinking, answering back etc.

Cazza, i have been thinking about you xx

My sister had killer cells and she had to get her tests sent to america for analysis - i dont think they do the killer cell tests in the uk. On the clomid, you are getting pregnant ok, so i wouldnt imagine that forcing ovulation would help? Glad you have ben referred my lovely, thats the best place to be - i will be stalking you whether you are here or not (vague threat)

all the way through catching up, i have ben like a cat on a hot tin roof, waiting for news from megg. I am actually holding my breath. UI cant even apprecaite the peeing on mostly tests joke im that nervous for you

sassy batty: "I always knew deep down that my pregnancies wasn't going to work out, I think we just know!"

my friend said that - she was pregnant with twins and miscarried one, and she knew that something was wrong before the mc, and then that it was ok after she heard the 2nd baby was still there.

Allie - your focus sounds good, take the pressure off - think we all ned to do taht from time to time

Luce, great news on that scan date!!

Vic - crete was loooooverly. I like this habit the greeks have of giving you free food and drink. Right up my street

I cant concentrate cos stupid man is stupid shouting into his stupid mobile next to me. I am going to actually kill him

Cecsa - i would be a bundle of nerves too, but i have a feeling you have got it straight this time, i have read the tea leaves. Sorry they are confusing you with their confusing ways - its not on when you are this jumpy about the pregnancy anyway. They really dont ned to add to it. Bitches.

Right, am caught up and have no answers to the riddle of whether meggs IUI came good, no answers as to whether whyme got a high progesterone reading cos she was up the duff, and have not seen lovely hearty so i shall facebook her

Nato baby glad to hear you had a good holiday!!!!! Quick question first of all luv, you set the AC temp to 16?????????????????? Are you mad????????????? You slept with a duvet right?????
Anyway, from your temps it does seem that you ovulated on Monday although im no expert. I have read though that ovulation can be affected by external circumstances like change in diet ect. so i would temp at home aswell and then make a conclusion.

So did you get a lovely tan???
:hi: Nato,

Glad you've had a good holiday can't help with your temps sorry. Its good to have you back.

:hi: to everyone

How are we all today?
Ahh bless you nato - seeing it in the tea leaves!!

Hope you had an ace holiday. I am well jealous. We're not going on a foreign holiday now because I don't want to fly at 10 weeks. Grr. Next holiday will be Italy next July when the baby is teeeeeeny with the familia!

I am so ready for this day to be over. Eurgh.
Nato, glad you had a good hols... i hate that chucking out early malarkey... everyone should be able to have their room till they fly i reckon!

just a quickie on killer cells... you can have the test in the UK (and on the NHS - a colleague at work has had it done).... I've been tested also, and that's the reason for my 4 losses!!! everything else completely normal. I think just some Dr's don't recognise it (meanie dr from St Mary's wouldn't). tsk. If anyone wants the details of where I had it done I'll gladly let you know.

On your temps - I haven't a scooby hun, I started this month also, but was getting such randoms (swinging from 36.1 - 37 + within days), that I lost interest.... plus the fact I sleep next to a 6ft 4inch chappie who is like a radiator, great in the winter, not so nice when trying to regulate body temp. Have you tried the sperm to egg plan, that's supposed to cover all bases... we're giving it a whirl this month!

Hi to everyone else - so glad it's Friday... and payday!!!

Calling tests BFN this morning... I think we're all crazy and seeing things that aren't there. Temp took a nose-dive too. Fed up of it all... :shrug:

Hi girls, have been chucked out of hotel room 5 million hours before the flight home, so before i have to face the hardship of a day down the beach, i have a perplexing question about temping

I got a thermometer and could only start temping this wek due to its late arrival, but its thrown me a bit, i'll set up a chart when i get home, but heres what i had this week:

Sun CD9 - 35.9 (opk no line)
Mon CD10 - 35.9 (opk no line)
Tues CD11 - 36.3 (opk no line)
Wed CD12 - 36.2 (positive opk)
Thurs CD13 - 36.0 (positive opk)
Fri CD14 - 36.1 (not done opk yet)

After the above, i know its only a few days of temping, but it looks like i ov'd on Monday - 2 days before my +ve opk

The temp was taken at the exact same time every day and the air con was set to 16 degres evry day, so i know theres no variables effecting the temp - theres a half degree increase on Tues and thereafter, my temp stays higher. Copuld i be ovulating that early, and before my LH surge?

If so, it might explain why im not geting bfp

Im gonna read back and catch up with you loonies now xx

Attaching what your chart (thus far) looks like! I have a 2nd FF account where I can play with temps, so I just put in a new chart with yours so you could see it.


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oh Megg, I've just popped on quickly.... it still say's 1 day until testing on your chart. Is it still early?
Megg testing day is tomorrow hun! Dont loose hope yet ok??? Remember what hell i went through with low numbers cause i had late ovulation/implantation??? Please try and test as late as possible....FXXXXXXXX!!!
I personally don't know anything about temping and charting, but is it possible that too much is put into these?! That it can't be the only source that is relied upon?

Megg, you can't give up any hope until there is an actual reason. I wouldn't rely strictly on what your chart says hun!

And Nato, it is possible to ovulate at 12-13 days. A regular luteal phase is 14 days, but not everyone has a regular luteal phase. So if you are bd'ing from calendar say 12-17, I would think you have your bases covered
ha. yes im very hot and very mental Vic. Im english, i only understand freezing cold. It started raining this afternoon but the clouds were soon thwarted and i gave myself a last fry up next to the sea this evening. All under factor 30 of course. I didnt realise i was freckly till this week, i defo have the ginger gene.

Hi Jaymes, how are you lovey? all good in the jaymes hood?

Hi Luce, not back yet, i have 12 mins before i click off (stingy hotel internet) and then i have a flight to catch. will be back at 2am this morning. Very grumpy and sleepy no doubt

I wouldnt want to fly either cesca, i blow up like a sausage when i fly when unpregnant anyway. Im dead sexy me. Italy sounds great though, and manageable with a baby, i heart florence and tuscany

Thanks for that Mone, my sis had hers done about 6 years ago so it mightve moved on,can you give me details please? id like to get checked cos of the family link. My sister is riddled with these problems. Ha at losing interest, i tried to temp a few months ago and did the exact same thing. I had a strop and wandered off. This time they are so textbook i cant really ignore them.

woo nice one meg - it does look like ive oved doesnt it? If i did on Monday, im already out this month cos we didnt get anything in due to travelling etc. Im starting to wonder if i ov much much earlier than expected every month cos i get a patch ewcm around day 8, and then none.

Sorry about the continued bfn meggers, i still have hope so i hope you have hope too. So much hope.

anyone know if and why i might ov, then get an LH surge? I am back at 2am and expect DrDisco to provide me all the answers. Ahem

what is this sperm to egg plan you speak of? Must check that out at 3am tom morn. Oo only 3 mins left, im gonna get booted out. *******os.

Thanks Mel, id have oved on CD10 though, on a 29 day cycle. oo oo moneys running out byeeee xx
oh Megg, I've just popped on quickly.... it still say's 1 day until testing on your chart. Is it still early?

Its 11dpiui/11dpo! :shrug:

Megg testing day is tomorrow hun! Dont loose hope yet ok??? Remember what hell i went through with low numbers cause i had late ovulation/implantation??? Please try and test as late as possible....FXXXXXXXX!!!

I personally don't know anything about temping and charting, but is it possible that too much is put into these?! That it can't be the only source that is relied upon?

Megg, you can't give up any hope until there is an actual reason. I wouldn't rely strictly on what your chart says hun!

And Nato, it is possible to ovulate at 12-13 days. A regular luteal phase is 14 days, but not everyone has a regular luteal phase. So if you are bd'ing from calendar say 12-17, I would think you have your bases covered

No, the chart isn't 100%, but that's not something I'm too fond of seeing... I mean, a nose-dive is a nose-dive. It generally would indicate that my progesterone is falling... which would indicate the witch is coming. Of course, anything is possible. So, no, not 100%.

Hope isn't gone... Just had 2 weeks full of bad news and this would really seal it! LOL

ha. yes im very hot and very mental Vic. Im english, i only understand freezing cold. It started raining this afternoon but the clouds were soon thwarted and i gave myself a last fry up next to the sea this evening. All under factor 30 of course. I didnt realise i was freckly till this week, i defo have the ginger gene.

Hi Jaymes, how are you lovey? all good in the jaymes hood?

Hi Luce, not back yet, i have 12 mins before i click off (stingy hotel internet) and then i have a flight to catch. will be back at 2am this morning. Very grumpy and sleepy no doubt

I wouldnt want to fly either cesca, i blow up like a sausage when i fly when unpregnant anyway. Im dead sexy me. Italy sounds great though, and manageable with a baby, i heart florence and tuscany

Thanks for that Mone, my sis had hers done about 6 years ago so it mightve moved on,can you give me details please? id like to get checked cos of the family link. My sister is riddled with these problems. Ha at losing interest, i tried to temp a few months ago and did the exact same thing. I had a strop and wandered off. This time they are so textbook i cant really ignore them.

woo nice one meg - it does look like ive oved doesnt it? If i did on Monday, im already out this month cos we didnt get anything in due to travelling etc. Im starting to wonder if i ov much much earlier than expected every month cos i get a patch ewcm around day 8, and then none.

Sorry about the continued bfn meggers, i still have hope so i hope you have hope too. So much hope.

anyone know if and why i might ov, then get an LH surge? I am back at 2am and expect DrDisco to provide me all the answers. Ahem

what is this sperm to egg plan you speak of? Must check that out at 3am tom morn. Oo only 3 mins left, im gonna get booted out. *******os.


Hard to say if Monday will be the day or not... look like it so far though! :( Could be a reason, for sure!

Boo @ BFN's! I'll post the tests so you can all feel free to gawk!

DO NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT SAYING BFN! I'M SAYING THEY'RE BFN! <--- Do you think that'll work and keep people from apologizing?


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Nato save flight home!!

Cesca I love italy haven't been for ages would love to go back.

Megg don't give up yet I still have hope for you. :hugs:
Megg hun, they do look BFN but @ 11dpo only!! I got BFN at 11dp with 3 & 4 (trying to remember, god I hate myself that I've forgotten these important things ahhhh!), you are not out yet... definitely not...

shit, my boss nearly caught me then....!
LOL... Don't get caught! :hugs:

Well, I was sure I was seeing lines yesterday... but not today now. Its very confusing! Perhaps it was the fuckton of water I drank prior to bed last night... I don't know.
ooooh yes, diluted urine definitely affects your tests!!! When I went to confirm my first one at the clinic, it came up as negative and so I had to rely on blood tests to confirm it. I had diluted urine then and they told me that's what would have caused it.
Perhaps that's all it is then. We'll see tomorrow. I'll try and resist drinking a HUGE bottle of water just before bed tonight!

It was THIS bottle... Well, not the one she's holding in particular... but same brand, same size!


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