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So, Sarah's journal has just made me think... Almost Oct... Almost Christmas season... What do we all do for Christmas?

I'll start: Christmas! *eyes light up* This is THE event for my family! :)

Christmas Eve EVE (yes, you saw that right), we do a soup buffet! We each make a different soup and have that with veggie trays, crackers, chips and dip, etc. They also make bagna càuda that night (this delicious thing made of butter, garlic, and anchovies). That's the night that my cousin's daughter is with him... So, she opens all her stuff and the other kids open about 1/2 of their stuff.

Christmas Eve is the big day. We do a full dinner... all day event. That's when all the present exchanging (for us adults) happens and the kids open the other 1/2 of their stuff. Big night!

Christmas day is very relaxed. My mum hosts an all day sort of come when you want meal... Its just stuff that has no time sensitivity... perhaps a big variety of cold cuts and stuff like that. We use the leftover bagna càuda to put over spaghetti noodles... and I pretty much could die happy! LOL

Well my day is very much more sedate than Megg's... yes DAY Megg, I don't get to do a 3 day celebration :( :lol: Christmas morning/dinner here just us 2, walk the dogs, go to my mum's for Christmas tea, visit Sean's dad and step family (my mum and his family live 1 street away from each other whilst we're a 40 minute walk away :dohh:) then back home.
Hi Sequeena! Hey, I know you! :) Welcome. And also, hello to Razcox! :wave:

I can't remember everything I just read...Sassy, :hugs:. It truly is a motherf*cker (lol @ Cesca and Vic...I always thought that as well when I saw those letters) to have to go through this. It is a good thing you're getting answers and there are things you can do about them. I think Sweet Sassy Molassy is going to have to do since you won't reveal your name yet.

Lucy, have a good day tomorrow at school and happy 6 weeks!

Megg, ah, never too early to think about Christmas, eh? Spoken like a true American lol. :) Fun! Well, for us Christmas Eve is the bigger day as well (apparently it goes back to Scandanavian tradition...Amy will know if I'm right or not) and it's when we do all of the gift exchanging. My whole extended fam gets together and then we do nuclear familiies on Christmas Day. However I've spent all but one Christmas since meeting Alex in Scotland and there, at his mums, it's get up, drink mimosas, open pressies, drink some more, eat roast turkey while watching the Queen's speech, drink some more, watch the Christmas specials (like Dr. Who and My Family) and eat a bunch of Quality Street and drink some more. I've never seen anything like it.
usually I get together with my parents on Christmas Eve (and welcome others to stop by), and we watch some movies and have some appetizers. Last year, OH and I went to christmas even mass with my mom as well. Then on Christmas day it's just open presents when we get up, cook breakfast, phone family, and have a turkey dinner with family.

This year, I don't know if I will be with my parents or not, so it might just be OH and myself, so I'm not sure what will happen
Megg, ah, never too early to think about Christmas, eh? Spoken like a true American lol. :) Fun! Well, for us Christmas Eve is the bigger day as well (apparently it goes back to Scandanavian tradition...Amy will know if I'm right or not) and it's when we do all of the gift exchanging. My whole extended fam gets together and then we do nuclear familiies on Christmas Day. However I've spent all but one Christmas since meeting Alex in Scotland and there, at his mums, it's get up, drink mimosas, open pressies, drink some more, eat roast turkey while watching the Queen's speech, drink some more, watch the Christmas specials (like Dr. Who and My Family) and eat a bunch of Quality Street and drink some more. I've never seen anything like it.

And that is the way us Brits do it :happydance: Pissed, full, too buggered to move! Oh yeah!
LOL Sequeena it sure is!

For us Xmas Eve starts at 12pm at the pub, all of our family friends go there's normally about 80 people and it gets a little merry should I say! It's always fantastic and great to catch up, the atmosphere is always amazing. Then it's back to Danny's parents as the pub shuts at 4pm for food, and more drink!

Christmas is spent at home, we blast Xmas songs on the t.v, have scambled egg's with salmon and open our pressies to/from each other!

Then depending on who's year it is (Danny's parent's this year as was mine last year) we met at Danny's parents for champayne and alot of their neighbours stop by, then we have a massive Turkey dinner, open more pressies, watch the Xmas Specials, eat as much chocolate you can stuff in your face, then the evening is spent doing it all again at the opposite's parents house!

Boxing Day for us is just as big, we all gather at my mums for cold meats and mash, it's also the day I get to see my Nephews and brother etc

I often wonder what Xmas will be like with a baby, I don't think we will go around visiting people quite as much!
Hi sequeena!!!! Welcome!

Christmas is an odd one for me. My mum is quite a panicky person and she is always so set on the 'perfect' christmas that she puts all these unrealistic expectations on the day and then ends up really moody by 5pm because it's not going how she thinks! Every single year! Doesn't help that my grandmother is a complete nightmare.

This year we are with my husband's family so it's a bit of a weird one. I have also volunteered to work xmas eve and xmas day until 2/3pm as to be honest I don't like the Xmas Dinner his family have! It's all turkey and sprouts, eurgh! Whereas my mum cooks the best roast beef ever at christmas.

So looks like i'll be at the husband's family for a late lunch and then watch them all get drunk (if all goes well i'll be gone 20 weeks pregnant then) then fall asleep. Then on boxing day we're up early and we'll drive to my parents about 3 hours away and have a big dinner there and chill out at home.

Relaxing christmas this year and (hopefully) next year it'll be a bit mad with a baby! Like sassy we seem to spend all of our christmases travelling around the country but xmas 2011 we'll be due at my parents and i'll be on maternity leave still so we'll probably go home for a while.
I like the sound of Sassy's Christmas man!!!
Mine always sucks... We always have to have Christmas eve with my family, which is ok i guess although someone is always in a bad mood and nine times out of ten an argument breaks out. I think its like Cesca says, high expectations and the inevitable disapointment that follows! Christmas day we spend with Alex's mother extended family at his cousins posh house complete with maids and catering staff. This day truely sucks since theres always some fancy guest everyone obsesses with and i always have to much to drink to be able to get through it. This year will be hard since i wont have my booze and fags to get me through it!!!!!
Eurgh i'd hate that posh christmas vicky!

My family, because there are no children (I'm the baby of the family), it's very adult orientated. Booze, cocktails, TV, adult games with lots of swearing etc, whereas my husband has 5 nieces and nephews so christmas is manic, with children and chocolate everywhere! There is about 15 for xmas lunch too!! Which is nice, but a bit hectic for me. I've only spent one christmas with them so far (took me 7 years of avoiding it before I had to give in 2 years ago) and I just felt really depressed and missed my small family christmas with only 5/6 of us.
Hello sequeena welcome aboard! :)

Xmas here is just the two days as i have to work christmas eve. On Christmas day we get up and open our pressies to each other and give the dogs theres (yes they are wrapped and under the tree just like ours :) ) . We then have brekkie get dressed and head to my mum and dads to take there pressies round, then depending on whos turn it is to have us for dinner we either stay or leave the dogs at theres and go to the in laws. We will stay until the evening then head home to either pick up the dogs and have another hour at mums or go back to our house to crash. Boxing day we go to who ever we didnt spend xmas day with. It can be a little hectic but it keeps everyone happy :)
It seems that during the holidays all we do is try to keep our families happy!!! We have to go through the whole thing again at Easter which is actually much more important in Greece than Christmas...At least at Easter the weather is always nice and we spit roast a lamb which is sooo delish it makes up for and rows lol!
I love reading about how everyone celebrates the holidays! :) Its so different for each of us!

My fav bit about the season is that there are "Angel Trees"... One with "angels" and one with "stars"... Each angel represents an underprivileged child, and each star represents an underprivileged senior/elderly person. So, my family and I all take what we think we can handle. I love to take 2 adults and 2 children. My mom and cousin each usually do about the same... and then my aunt will usually take may 1 of each instead. So, that's about 14 people. We get together for the sales on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving) and go about getting the things on their lists... plus a bit. Then, we get to separate it all out and load the truck with it to take to the donation center. They always have such a look of surprise on their faces... Can't believe just 1 family did it all! But, we LOVE to do it. And, even though we never meet the families, we know that we provided Christmas to people who would have had nothing otherwise. I'll have to try to remember to post a pic of the haul we have this year! It makes me so happy to know that someone will have a better day because of it. I can't stand to think of children not having a Christmas... but even worse is to think of the elderly people who often have no family and are stuck in a nursing facility... and they're definitely old enough to KNOW what they're missing, ya know? I can't imagine how sad it must be to spend the holidays without family or having a single gift to open. And their lists are often so sad... Like, there was a guy last year who was 93 and all he wanted were some sheets, a winter coat, and a nice shirt to wear to church. It breaks my heart. And the kids that only want things like school clothes? :cry:

I'm sitting here SOBBING! Dammit!
I love hearing about all your Christmas traditions!
You're right, Allie, in Norway we celebrate heavily on christmas Eve. Kristian's mom usually makes a massive spread of all sorts of Norwegian Christmas meats like sausage, ribbe (this pork thing with crunchy skin? kinda weird) and pinnekjøtt, which are dried lamb ribs which are rehydrated by letting them steam over birch branches. They serve them with pureed rutabaga and potatoes. It's actually quite yummy! The weird thing is that even though the family party is pretty small usually, it's very, very formal with the men wearing suits and the women wearing fancy party dresses. We drink aquavit and open presents. Christmas day is usually spent sleeping in late and heading back over to the parent's house in comfy clothes to watch movies, play games, etc. I like Christmas day better.
Then we do the whole thing over again on New Years Eve except it's a ham roast and fireworks instead of presents, but the suits and party dresses are still there ;)
Its funny to hear about suits and party dresses... We actually do Christmas Eve EVE in pajamas! We're REQUIRED (family rule) to wear comfy jammies and even slippers if we want! I get a new pair to wear for Christmas every year!!!

So, do you all buy gifts for everyone? Or do you only buy for certain people? As we have a pretty good sized family, we draw names each year. So, my husband and I each buy for one adult and then everyone buys for the kids! :)
I buy a joint gift from me and hubby to my mum, dad, sister and grandma.

He then buys a joint gift from me to his parents, two siblings and the 5 children. I definitely got the better end of the deal!!!!

But I put loads of thought into my presents for people whereas hubby just buys his family whatever!

I actually had a huge hissy last year because his brother and fiance said "don't buy us a present as we can't afford to buy you one because of the wedding" The wedding by the way they didn't even pay for - her parents did!!!!!!!! I kicked off because we couldn't leave his three sons out, and my husband STILL bought them a present so we forked out loads of money on them and got nothing back. Not that I necessarily want a present, but they did this knowing that we would not leave the three boys out as its unfair to them. I was fuming,I still am! This year I don't want to buy them anything and blame buying bits for the baby or something but I know my husband will cave and buy them something.

Raaaargh! Then we do a secret santa at work and I just get cards for my friends and little presents for the children of my close friends.
We buy joint pressies for our parents and i get something special for my sis. The funny thing is that we usually dont buy presents for eachother lol!!!! We rather splurge on a nice meal at a fancy restaurant with an expensive bottle of wine.
My family is quite small so I buy gifts for my mum, sis and niece from me and OH then gifts for my 2 aunties and uncles, a small gift for his father and step mother, vouchers for his two step sisters and something... I don't know what yet for the new baby. She'll only be about 4 months come Christmas :wacko:

Dogs always get a massive haul especially from my mum (seriously it's hilarious) and I want to get the cats a massive activity center this year :D
We buy for Mums, dads, brothers+partner's, sister + partner, nephews, nans, grandads, aunt, uncles and my friends kids, costs a bloody bomb!
We only have a small ish family so we have to get pressies for everyone can be quite expensive but worth it to see there faces when you find a great gift :)

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