Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Come on girlies, after hearing CJ story I want to hear how everyone else met??xxx
Try not to worry Sequeena, I have started having some brown blood after af, its just old blood. Seems to have started happening since the mc's. As long as it stops by tomorrow you should be fine. If it goes into another bleed ring your gp. :hugs:

Sassy: I ALWAYS believed that my Dad meant to ring me and not anyone else, it was him all over. And I joke with Chris that he was my Dads final gift to me after missing out on so much with me. Its like he needed to know there would be someone there for me. My Dad knew he was sick when he called me. He had had a second stroke and caught pneumonia, but he didnt tell me. And crazily Chris is more inclined to be close to my family than his and relates to mine so much more (and they love him). My Dad is always around...he went through a phase of turning one of my Willow Tree Angels around so I told him off LOL. Then he got me back by turning the printer on and off for days :rofl: And I always have dandelion clocks around me.... I LOVE them. But they will be in a lift with me....in an office building, anywhere. And they follow me. OK I sound crazy now LOL.

I'm guilty of using IC but have started buying the more expensive ones. Saves a lot of heartache and eye strain!

Hoping for your BFP Nato!!!!! x
I have no advice Sarah, sorry.xxx

No worries hun, it's just really strange :wacko:

Well me and Sean met through work but it's a bit of a saga...

I started work Feb 2008. The department I worked on was opposite his, so I could see him every day. I took no notice of him then, I only remember him because he was wearing a back brace at the time (as a result of his crash in November 2007).

At some point he disappeared - turns out he stepped down from health and beauty supervisor and went to work in the warehouse as staff.

Sometime between May-August 2008 my male friend invited me on a night out. He was going out with a female friend of mine but it wasn't official because she had just broken up with her ex. That night she was out with her ex as it was his birthday - we were on the same nightclub 'strip' but in different clubs. Next thing I know she's in our club bawling how her ex called her a slut etc.

We decided to leave (all drunk by this point) and I told her I would stay with her that night. She and my male friend began arguing and I lagged behind, deciding to sit on a wall whilst they battled it out.

Surprise surprise Sean was also sat on the wall! I don't remember much of what was said other than 'I work with you'. When my friends started to move again I followed them and Sean followed me. He put his arm around my shoulders and tried to cop a feel! cheeky bloody git!! I might have been drunk but I wasn't stupid!

I shrugged him off and continued to follow my friends (still arguing) with Sean following behind me until we got to her house. It was a nuclear fallout by this point with my female friend threatening to phone the police if my male friend didn't leave.

Some boys came out of a house nearby and said something like 'Keep it down the baby is sleeping'. We apologised, said the boys were leaving and closed the door. We thought that was it.

I don't know why but I decided to open the door again and I'm glad I did. The boys were beating all kinds of shit out of my male friend and I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life. Stupidly both my female friend and I managed to jump in and separate them (not for long). It was horrendous, he was covered in blood :(

I realised the only thing I could do was phone the police and the gang said to me (there was 7-10 of them by this point) that if I did he was going to 'Fucking kill me'. Like I give a shit, I'd not long lost a (step) brother through gang violence (he was stabbed to death), what did I care about a bunch of pansy no ball boys who can only fight when in a group?? As soon as I rang the police they left and that's when I noticed Sean standing apart from us. He'd done NOTHING.

OMG I was sooooooooooooooooo angry :growlmad: I later found out it was because of his crash that he couldn't do anything. If he did he could of permanently damaged his back even further and he wasn't willing to risk it (I don't blame him now as it was stupid for me to even jump in).

So I didn't speak to him for a few months. I moved in with my female friend and one night she came home from work saying another friend of ours was going to Tokyo and we were going out for farewell drinks.

When we got to the pub Sean was there. By this time he was going to the gym and dear god he was HOT :haha: We all ended up at our friends house (nothing happened!!) and the next day my female friend gave Sean my number. We started to text each other and we officially got together November 5th 2008

Phew that was long winded but it's all relevant to how we got together :lol:
No fun story... Kevin and I met online... Simple as that. We were friends for a while... I was married, he was dating people... Then, I got divorced, he was single... The rest is history!
Haha Megg I love the simplicity!!! I had been speaking with a guy for nearly a year when I met Chris....we were meant to go on a date the week after my Dad passed - but of course it never happened!! Still lovely hun! x

Sequeena you remind me a lot of me. I dont give a shit either. Lots of history behind you meeting which is lovely!!!! I've jumped in the middle of so many fights, Chris freaks LOL. One night someone called Chris a cripple and pushed him so I gave him a black eye....then he went for me so Chris (having got up off the floor by this point) punched him and broke his nose. I spent a night in the cells for that!!!! No bloody justice these days. I could imagine the guy saying 10 blokes jumped him....he wouldnt wanna admit a couple made his face look like that LOL.
LMAO CJ! It's the Welsh in us :rofl:

Sean is horrified whenever I kick off but in the town I was brought up in if you don't 'give it' you're going to lose it!
Thank you, everyone. :hugs: I tossed and turned all night thinking about it. I'm feeling excited but nervous. Still quite shocked. CJ, thank you for sharing your story. It was very moving!

Do you know much about her? Does she live hear you??
How comes your best friend stayed here? Did she met a guy here aswell.

All I know she's 3 years older than me and won a beauty pageant.I hope to find out more today! You got it,my BFF stayed in Edinburgh because she met a guy as well! We actually met our future husbands on the same day. I guess that leads me to the how we met story...

I lived in a flat with 3 Americans. We didn't a have a TV so my BFF and I decided to walk down to this pub called the Brass Monkey with a comfy film screening room. When we got there they weren't showing anything so we sat at the bar and ordered Cokes. This really sexy barman started teasing us for going to a bar and having a Coke (it was a Tuesday and we had just wanted to watch a film). He was being flirty with BOTH of us :rofl: and gave me his phone number but said he wanted to show us both around Edinburgh (we'd only been there a week). I remember walking home and we were like, 'Well, which one of us does he like?' He was a real chancer. But since my friend had just met a guy she liked earlier that day (who she ended up marrying) I called 'dibs' on Alex and texted him a few days later. The rest is history!

Nato, sorry about the BFN. Stupid evap lines! It's still early, though. It really is.

Sarah, that is quite the story how you met your OH! Way to stand by your principles, though.

Lucy, that is sooo romantic. You guys are such a cute couple!

Sassy, you asked us to share but you didn't. How did you and Danny meet?
Aw Allie that's an awesome story!!

I've always been the same... just can't keep my damn mouth shut!
we met at a function. It was the annual Oilmen's curling bonspiel, and I was hanging out in the lounge, as I was scheduled to clean the ice for the remainder of the night. When I was sitting at the bar, I heard this guy asking his friend about me, and he had told his friend that I was too pretty to be his friend. So his friend/cousin had said that's Melissa, and this is my cousin. Never knew his name. Then that was about it......I messaged his cousin on facebook asking what his name was, and then I messaged Gord. We talked online for 2 weeks until I had enough courage to actually meet him. When that night came, I went down to where he was living and stayed until 4 am, and we just watched movies. We've been together every day since.
I LOVE hearing how people got together, makes me smile.xxx
Sarah I'm the same everyone jokes that they wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of me, I blame growing up with 2 brothers that beat me up until I was at least 15!xxx
Sequeena your dead right. I lived in Bristol 20 years and the only time I hit anyone was defending my mate who got gay bashed so I floored some bloke (thank god for tae kwon do lessons). Since being back in Wales (and a town with the click syndrome) I have had to toughen up ALOT! I got bullied horrendously growing up first cause my mum was a drunk and then cause I was the foster kid. I just about snapped at 30 when a woman attacked me unprovocated. Never knew I had in me what I did to her :rofl: It made my birth family that I really was from their mould though. They found me difficult at first, well spoken, private education etc etc. Now they know I'm family!

Lovely story Allie!!!

And yes.....Sassy.....where is YOUR story LOL.
Love your story Mel, it's amazing how we get with our partners basically through chance!

Sarah I'm the same everyone jokes that they wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of me, I blame growing up with 2 brothers that beat me up until I was at least 15!xxx

Haha I'm the same! My mum blames the Aries in me :shrug:

Sequeena your dead right. I lived in Bristol 20 years and the only time I hit anyone was defending my mate who got gay bashed so I floored some bloke (thank god for tae kwon do lessons). Since being back in Wales (and a town with the click syndrome) I have had to toughen up ALOT! I got bullied horrendously growing up first cause my mum was a drunk and then cause I was the foster kid. I just about snapped at 30 when a woman attacked me unprovocated. Never knew I had in me what I did to her :rofl: It made my birth family that I really was from their mould though. They found me difficult at first, well spoken, private education etc etc. Now they know I'm family!

Lovely story Allie!!!

And yes.....Sassy.....where is YOUR story LOL.

OMG you're a posh chav! :rofl: Well I'm a sand bunny and was brought up in a school which had a reputation throughout most of south wales :rofl:
First off, I am shocked we didn’t see a BFP today. I really thought we would. Nato, I hope you are holding up. Damn IC evaps. I’ve never seen an evap so I can’t tell the difference between one and a BFP. Grrrr…

Meggles, I love the banner! It is so lovely and perfectly written! I’m happy with it. It is yours to tweak if you want to. I’ll be happy with whatever you do with it. Thank you so much!

Vicky, love the naked proposal. From what I know about you,, it seems to suit you beautifully!

Lucy, your story is soooo romantic! (Aside from the getting sick part LOL!) I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again, Steve is a keeper. You both are going to be lovely parents.

CJ, your story is beautiful. What a gift your father gave you. It seems that your relationship with Chris was written in the stars.

Sarah, whoa, that is an intense story. You are a brave woman. I’m glad you were able to see the reason Sean didn’t jump in to help and forgive him. I guess it didn’t hurt that he was looking HOT as you say!

Allie, such a cute story too! It’s fun to see Alex’s picture in your avatar and read the story of you meeting him. Is he still a bartender?

Megg, I think it is awesome you met online. I’m finding that meeting people online is a good way to find people!

Mel, yet another sweet story! I’m always amazed at the power of attraction. Obviously we are attracted to people on a physical level, but in order to stay with someone (and decide to have a baby with them) there is something deeper that we are attracted to. How do we pick up on that so quickly in another person? It sounds like a lot of us had that initial deep down attraction as well as the surface attraction.

I met Tim at work. I was a receptionist and he was an account manager at a web design agency. I was seriously dating someone at the time but was so drawn to Tim I could barely breathe. One night we went to a work Christmas party and got a little drunk. Tim and I ended up going to a bar where I proceeded to kiss him. Again and again. I’ve never cheated on anyone before or after. He and I had an affair for 4 months or so. I felt awful about deceiving my boyfriend. I finally had the courage to break up with him. In all honesty, the relationship was over long before, but I didn’t have the courage to end it with him. Tim and I had a year long secret office romance. We were good friends with our co-workers and didn’t want it to be a big deal in the office if it didn’t work out. He finally left the agency and then we started telling people. It was pretty thrilling to have a secret romance but it was also nice to tell people about us. We dated for 7 years before we got engaged! We’ve been married for 5 years now. Technically I’ve been with him since I was 24 and he was 29. Now I’m almost 36 and he’s 41! I’m sad that I lied to my previous boyfriend, but I learned how awful it feels to cheat. I know I will never do that again. I love Tim and our relationship way to much!
Amanda good on you for ending the relationship, a lot of people try to justify their cheating and continue on with the farce for years or even deny the whole thing. Glad you're happy now :hugs:

It's crazy but I just knew Sean was the one almost straight away.... Only months into our relationship I told him about my sexual abuse... and I'd never told ANYONE before. Crazy!
Allie, such a cute story too! It’s fun to see Alex’s picture in your avatar and read the story of you meeting him. Is he still a bartender?

Megg, I think it is awesome you met online. I’m finding that meeting people online is a good way to find people!

Mel, yet another sweet story! I’m always amazed at the power of attraction. Obviously we are attracted to people on a physical level, but in order to stay with someone (and decide to have a baby with them) there is something deeper that we are attracted to. How do we pick up on that so quickly in another person? It sounds like a lot of us had that initial deep down attraction as well as the surface attraction.

No, he's not a bartender (thank God...nothing against bartenders but the hours are crap for a relationship!). He does billing for Microsoft. Not quite as fun!

I agree hearty, I'm learning that online is a great way to meet people thanks to you guys. I think it's so lovely Megg and her hubby met that way, and that Mel and Gord chatted online before meeting.

I agree with you about the power of attraction, as well. It's fascinating. Something in us is just drawn to the person. It's so hard to explain! It felt like I'd known Alex for years after only a week and I'd never had that with a guy.

Your story about how you met Tim is so sweet! I love the covert office romance. I was just reading about that in Cosmo, lol. I'm sure it added an element of excitment and it proved just how into eachother you were to pull that off. Also, the fact that you were so drawn to him even though you were in a relationship initially shows how powerful that deeper attraction can be.
Heart Tree that is a very honest and wonderful story!!!!! xx

:haha: Sequeena!!! I've never been called that before!!! I went to a school run by nuns! LOL. Snobby bullies! I never said boo to a goose back then. I dont lose an argument these days let me tell you! Thankfully I'm witty as well as aggressive now :haha:

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