Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Hahaha Nato! That made me chuckle you saying that Sass got preggo by Megg with twins :rofl:

The only thing I havent tried is soft cups....wouldnt know where to buy them even. And the BD is getting on my nerves cause I am rowing with the OH today, which means it wont happen but I am apparently still fertile....go figure.

Those levels are high...there may well be twins in there!!! :dance:
after all the exciting news in the disco thread i tested...and got a stupid evap i think. oh well, today is either 9 or 10 DPO, so I guess there's no reason to start crying yet.
am also going cough medicine

think this is the right one, if anyone knows otherwise tell me please



But I'm a 28 day cycle which means my luteal phase wont be long enough!

if your cycle changes, the LP stays the same and your follicular phase is the bit that changes, so your cycle should be longer this month if your follicular phase has been and you have ov late. You mightve just had a hiccup and ovd late - several +opks mean your body is trying to force ov and its not quite happening yet - but it might any day so keep going - how frustrating

Thanks Mone. If id thought to take a spoon to the shop, i would have been eating it. Feels weird to be finally finished after 8 months of living in a building site. I dont know what to do with myself

Raz that soy is powerful stuff
your apartment is lovely Nato! You have some style, girl:)
I'm sorry Lucy--hope you can get everything sorted out. What's the harm is going to the doctor earlier this week?
Nato - go SMEP, and go soft cups (not sure what they are but they sound great, is it to keep the sperm in?)

love the way you know without being told. thats TTC thinking that is. I got a mooncup at first, but im a bit scared of it and they dont hold it to the cervix as well apparently, so am going softcup on my cervix's ass this month. Just to be clear, my cervix doesnt actually have an ass.

CJ, i just got mine here:

after all the exciting news in the disco thread i tested...and got a stupid evap i think. oh well, today is either 9 or 10 DPO, so I guess there's no reason to start crying yet.

sorry to hear that, but loads of days dpo left yet and evaps can turn positive (so i keep getting told)
just cuz i'm bored tonight...
too bad it's grey:(


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Oh my fookin god aaarrrgghhhh so god damn exciting we did it sass we are actual real life bump buddies :wohoo: :wohoo: I'm so happy I could cry!!! Now bring on the medication for us both n make these beans our forever beans :thumbup: xxxx lov ya xxxx

Soooooo happy I have you to get through this Caz, surely this has to be it for us? We both have fab lines, that has to be a great sign? I'm nervous yet sooo excited!xxx

Just got in from work boooooo!!!

AND yes too bloody right youve got me babe!!! We WILL be holding our forever beans this time & hey theres gonna be a day we can actually call them babies & not just beans lol :haha:.
This has gotta be it right? We've spoke about being bump buddies for almost a year now & its finally happend on the month we didnt plan for it too :rofl: if you would have told us that 6 months ago we would have laughed!
Im sooooo nervous aswel chick but we must stay positive. I rang the hospital today for an appointment with Dr Polson & his secretary is ringing me back tomorrow with an appointment :thumbup:. Its all soooooo Scary.

Did you get hold of the hospital chick xxxx Lov Ya xxxx
just cuz i'm bored tonight...
too bad it's grey:(

Thats so frustrating hun! I hope it turns into a pink positive!!

Thanks Nato, I will take a look. I really hope thats the case!!! So my test date is going to move at least 4 days ahead!! That means I'll be testing the day I go to the fertility specialist! Random LOL.
Oh my fookin god aaarrrgghhhh so god damn exciting we did it sass we are actual real life bump buddies :wohoo: :wohoo: I'm so happy I could cry!!! Now bring on the medication for us both n make these beans our forever beans :thumbup: xxxx lov ya xxxx

Soooooo happy I have you to get through this Caz, surely this has to be it for us? We both have fab lines, that has to be a great sign? I'm nervous yet sooo excited!xxx

Just got in from work boooooo!!!

AND yes too bloody right youve got me babe!!! We WILL be holding our forever beans this time & hey theres gonna be a day we can actually call them babies & not just beans lol :haha:.
This has gotta be it right? We've spoke about being bump buddies for almost a year now & its finally happend on the month we didnt plan for it too :rofl: if you would have told us that 6 months ago we would have laughed!
Im sooooo nervous aswel chick but we must stay positive. I rang the hospital today for an appointment with Dr Polson & his secretary is ringing me back tomorrow with an appointment :thumbup:. Its all soooooo Scary.

Did you get hold of the hospital chick xxxx Lov Ya xxxx

Yep spoke to both, the post is in my journal, I'll copy it over.xx
it looked so much more than 10 vs 12 when i looked. I am distracting myself with taking photos of my newly completed flat for posting, rather than posting pics of bfps / scans.

ta daaa....

Your flat is bloody gorgeous! I'm SO jealous!!! :hugs:

P.S. It looks like more BFP's because the flashing BFP following their names takes up so much space! I think I shall give each of us a :dust: to make our list longer! :haha:

Hey lovely ladies,

Havnt read back yet just glanced over the pages so will read through when I get back home later. Sassy so happy for you that is the most amazing news ever and oh my god how did it happen plus those IC test they are good :haha::haha: it did make me laugh.

Sorry to be abit selfish but need some support and advice I've had some spotting and so very sacred :cry: Had some pinky red blodd yesterday when I wiped but then just a bit of brown spotting seems to have eased now but terrifed I'm going to lose the baby or that the baby has already dies :cry::cry:
Trying to stay hopeful.

Oh, sweetie! I'm sure its probably nothing! As the other girls mentioned, can you get an emergency scan to put your mind at ease? :hugs:

Hiya Dazed how are you getting on? give us an update, you dont post enough so you have to give us news now you are.

Personally feeling your pain about how long it is taking, but probably not taking it as well as you. :cry: I think I have hit my second low since this all began (the first being the MC). I'm hoping I have a REALLY bad case of PMS and its driving my emotions up the wall. Plus some other things, but I would feel bad posting here about them.
I'm on my 6th cycle since we started trying again (8th since the MC). Got my first evap yesterday. I must say I was kinda excited to get an evap... now I feel like and official BnB member since just about everyone on here has had at least one in their life.

Don't feel bad about posting them here! Post away! Or feel free to PM me to vent it all... I never mind, honey! Hoping your evap turns into a BFP!

Megg - This has to go down in history, you live a million miles away and you don't have a penis yet you still got me preggo :rofl:

Thank you.xxxxxxxxxx

P.S IC are FAB!!!!!xxxx

You're not even the first girl I've gotten pregnant over the internet! I have a daughter in GA! :dohh: But, you are much further away from me! It will be exciting to have a child in another country! :hugs:

Aww hun I wish I could get you preggo back :wacko:

Don't worry my lil bubba will always know where he/she came from, think I'll leave the dry humping that got a bit wet, out though :rofl:

I know you would if you could, hun! :hugs: Yeah, leave out that bit! Just tell him/her that a girl on the internet put him/her in your belly from thousands of miles away. That won't confuse the lil mite! :haha:

Hospital have just phoned my levels are as follows:-

HCG - 3195
Progesterone - 125.4

Not sure what it means, second blood test Wednesday!!xxx

That's actually pretty "normal" for a singleton at your gestation! You're 5+3, yeah? If so, that's right where it should be! Progesterone is ACE!

I've got my first scan on Tuesday 19th Oct @ 10am.xxx

Holy crap that's soon!!! :hugs:

OMG CONGRATSSSSSSSSS!!!! Cazza22 and Sass!!! Thats friggin AWESOME!! I've only been gone 5 days!!

Well I havent ovulated yet! I'm getting really frustrated cause I am CD18...and had another positive OPK today...darker than the control so a very CLEAR positive. But I'm a 28 day cycle which means my luteal phase wont be long enough! ArrrggghhhH! God I'm frustrated. My temp is still 97.8 too so no way I've OV! I dont know what to do now. Any advice??? I have had positive OPK's for 5days now...admittedly they are getting darker and not lighter but I have never ov this late.

I'm sorry about the losses :hugs:

How is everyone else doing? Sequeena?? Megg?? And Lucy spotting can be perfectly normal but I would ring EPU to get some reassurance :hugs:

Meh, nothing here!

just cuz i'm bored tonight...
too bad it's grey:(

I don't know if it's grey or not... Your lighting sucked... I played with it!


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you're so computer savvy, megg! but i am pretty sure it's grey. Those *******s cost $15 here in Norway! I can't believe I actually broke down and splashed the cash like that :(
Wowza busy thread today!!

First of all huge congrats Sassy, so much for your protest for IC's!!! :rofl: I hope everything works out for you this time :hugs:

Nato your flat looks great, love the photos! And just remember that I am still TTC with you too! And put me down for the SMEP this month!

I know that I'm not an original Disco tester but I am grateful to have found this group...even though I have only officially tried one cycle since my MC I still hope that I can still hang around and bitch, complain, whine, moan, wait, hope, celebrate etc. with all of you...I know that I haven't been through half of most of you have been through but this is still a source of support for me!

Lucy, I hope you get a scan early so that you can rest assured, I'm sure everything is fine. :hugs:

Minnie congrats on the bfp because that is what it sounds like to me! A digi with Pregnant 1-2 is definitely not wrong!! FX for you!

Amy I see the line on your test but I don't know what it is...I have gotten evaps on all of my IC's so I hate them now!! I hope it turns into a bfp for you!

Dazed, sorry about the stupid ho-bag...I'm waiting for the hb to arrive now, should be today or tomorrow.
Caz - Post from my journal re hospital's!xx

So St Marys phoned me back while I was with my consultant at my local hospital so I passed the phone over, basically there said they would put me on the same treatment as my local hospital is already offering so that was brilliant news and really put my mind at rest.

My consultant took bloods, prescribed all my meds and he wanted to check my cervix but I refused as I don't want to take any risks!

So I have the following meds:-

4xFolic Acids tabs
Vitamin B-Complex
Cyclogest pesseries - 400mg twice daily
Clexane injections
75mg Aspirin

He decided against the steriods which I am over the moon about, he's quite happy for me to only go with above treatment as he has no clear evidence that I need steriods (St Marys confirmed this) he was just going to prescribe it as a precaution, I'm happy with his decision and I feel confident that the above meds are going to help me!

Please please please let this be it! I want this baby more than words could ever describe. Fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed!!

I get my blood results at 4pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxxxx

Oh and my first scan is Tuesday 19th Oct @ 10am!!!! 1 week to go
The IC's cost 15 dorra or shop bought tests? Can you get them off ebay? they are only £2.99 on ebay, but cost a lot more in evap upsets. can you post a pic in better light? i want to scrutinise it

Hi Yogi, yeay do the smep with me. have you tested in the last couple of days? i see your temp hasnt totally gone downhill.
The IC's cost 15 dorra or shop bought tests? Can you get them off ebay? they are only £2.99 on ebay, but cost a lot more in evap upsets. can you post a pic in better light? i want to scrutinise it

Hi Yogi, yeay do the smep with me. have you tested in the last couple of days? i see your temp hasnt totally gone downhill.

Yes, tested this morning (15dpo) with a BFEVAP.

My luteal phase, I think it's called?? is always long, around 15-16 days with consistent high temps so I can't really get excited about my temps.
You just answered my question that I posted! LOL Uhm... I hope it turns BFP!
Um, WTF?!?!!?!? :wave:

I'm gone for 4 days and all hell breaks loose.

I haven't read most of the posts but CONGRATS Cazz and Sassy!!!! :hugs: But please, do explain?!?!? I thought Cazz was taking the month off and Sass didn't have unprotected sex??? How did this occur? I'm soooooo happy for you. You both have crazy dark lines! :dance:

I'm really tired-drove 1000 miles yesterday-and back at work today. I got a speeding ticket on the way to work, and I'm 12 dpo but have resisted testing, and just now noticed brown spotting and cramps. Boooo. :( I've got my appt to get my blood test results this afternoon. Will let you know how it goes.

:hugs: to Luce, thinking of you and try not to worry!

:hugs: to Minnie, so sorry, thinking of you too.

I'm going to spend all evening getting caught up with you girlies!
To those who know about the charts, what makes the red solid lines go dotted? My solid lines turned into dotted lines today and I have no idea why? Thanks!!

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