Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Megg, can you have Kevin punch you in the uterus??? I really wish I knew a way to bring AF on sooner. There might be some herbs out there, but I wouldn't want you to mess your body up.

WTF??? Why can't this be easier. I'm going to do a dance in the dirt and ask the earth goddesses for you to bleed today or tomorrow. I'll even offer up a drop of my blood if they'll honor my request!

I don't think he will... but I'd be willing to let him try! I'm worried about putting anything else in my body... but I really need it to happen right now. I don't know if I should look for a solution or just sit around and wait? I don't know! I need to figure this out! They seriously acted like I should be doing something about it! Maybe they should have given me the pills a week earlier! Why would they have waited so long?
Clary Sage / Black Pepper essential oils promote bleeding...maybe you could buy some and put it in the bath for the next couple of days Megg??? I hope it gets sorted...I dont want ot to be this SUCKY for you :hugs:

As for me....bd...check. Just hoping for a temp rise and negative opk tomorrow cause if not they will have been positive for nearly a week!
Megg33k said:
Have they considered PCOS? Elevated testosterone can be a major sign. Progesterone at 9.6 isn't great, but it does show ovulation. Could be much worse... you would just maybe need supplemented progesterone with a pregnancy.


Thanks, Megg. I don't have any cysts on my ovaries as of April, so he said no PCOS.

I'm bummed to hear my progesterone was low. I wish he had known-I asked HIM for that 7dpo test and then he didn't know the answer! Useless. It fell within the 'normal' range of 0-27 but he didn't know where it should be for 7dpo.

I know high prolactin can mean an issue with your pituitary gland. You should definitely ask about that. Is that what you had an MRI for in the past?

Your progesterone is very low it seems to me. That can be corrected with suppositories or pills. Even using cream after Ov has helped me a great deal.

I know thyroid issues also cause problems with fertility. I'm assuming high testosterone doesn't help much either.

It seems to me that all of these things could be contributing to your long cycles and the fact that you aren't getting pregnant. Perhaps even contributing to the mc itself?

Thank you, Hearty. The MRI was for my pituitary gland when prolactin was elevated before. Then I was just told 'normal' and nothing was ever done about it.

I didn't know my progesterone was low. Can I just add, FUCK!!!!!!!! Fuckity fuck fuck! It felt good to get that out after reading the swearing hehe.

I'm nervous about progesterone supplements. I'm nervous about everything! He said we didn't need to do anything about my thyroid, as it's still technically 'normal' but knowing it's on the high end sucks. It may explain why I have the world's slowest metabolism. I eat less than anyone I know but I gain weight easily.

Screw that tonight, though, as soon as I got out of the doctor's office I went got 8 Mrs. Field's day-old cookies on sale. I've had three!!

Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them immensely. I'm with you, it's just better to know, even if what you know isn't ideal. We WILL get our babies one day. We will.

I don't think he will... but I'd be willing to let him try! I'm worried about putting anything else in my body... but I really need it to happen right now. I don't know if I should look for a solution or just sit around and wait? I don't know! I need to figure this out! They seriously acted like I should be doing something about it! Maybe they should have given me the pills a week earlier! Why would they have waited so long?

Megg, I'm so sorry! That SUCKS! It's fucking bullshit!!!! Have you tried having sex? I know that when I have sex and orgasm close to my period it starts my cramping and seems to make my period start a few hours later.
Megg, what the fuck do they want you to do? They shouldn't be making you feel bad that you aren't bleeding. If any of us could control that, wouldn't we? Fucks sake, I know I would!!! I'm sorry babe. Maybe try CJ's suggestion?

CJ, I hope you get that negative OPK tomorrow. Time to get you a BFP girl!
Damn it Allie!!! I feel like you need yet another doctor who is willing to chase after these issues.

You could just try the progesterone cream. My acupuncturist recommended it to me. I take it from Ov onwards. I use Emerita. It has lengthened my LP which I really like. My progesterone wasn't low, but I'm using it anyway. I'm also going to get the pills once I get my BFP.

Eat those cookies girl! Nothing wrong with a little sugar therapy now and again.
Thanks Heart Tree!! I hope so too!!! I really want it to be this month. I ahve been so happy, energetic and madly in love. It would be the PERFECT month. But I bet as I am seeing the specialist on the 26th that I wont be....fate will want her to have something to do in my appointment. DAMN IT!!!!

I am a qualified holistic therapist...and we STRICTLY will not use those oils on a pregnant woman! They can cause miscarriage (sorry to use that fucking word!!!!! LOL)
Hey, CJ, hope you ovulate soon! Sorry for being so caught up in my own little world!

On that note, I got caught up (kinda...I skimmed) and I just have to say,

Thanks again, Hearty. Yes, I wish the docs were more proactive.This is what I hate about living in a small city. There are few choices and the weight times are atrocious. Have you booked an appointment for your 2nd opinion yet? What's going on on your front?

Nato, I LOVE your flat! Very bright and lovely. I'm a big fan of the hard wood floors and your kitchen is gorgeous. It would inspire me to cook more than I currently do!!

I hope Aggie and her mom are doing well.

Hi Jaymes, :wave:, nice to see you!

Raz, hope you get everything sorted. Sorry, I don't know anything about blood pressure but it figures they dry you up. It seems so many meds have that problem!

Minnie, Sass, and Cazz, I know I said it before but I am just over the moon for you. You deserve it, and you give me hope. Those sneaky BFPs can happen. I love it. :)

I meant to ask...what causes low progesterone? How annoying.
Allie I think a hormonal imbalance causes low progesterone. For me too much estrogen is being produced.

My appointment is this Thursday.

CJ how cool that you are a holistic therapist! If you have any tips let us know.
Clary Sage / Black Pepper essential oils promote bleeding...maybe you could buy some and put it in the bath for the next couple of days Megg??? I hope it gets sorted...I dont want ot to be this SUCKY for you :hugs:

As for me....bd...check. Just hoping for a temp rise and negative opk tomorrow cause if not they will have been positive for nearly a week!

Clary Sage and Black Pepper essential oils? Do I need to breath them in? Or...???

Megg33k said:
Have they considered PCOS? Elevated testosterone can be a major sign. Progesterone at 9.6 isn't great, but it does show ovulation. Could be much worse... you would just maybe need supplemented progesterone with a pregnancy.


Thanks, Megg. I don't have any cysts on my ovaries as of April, so he said no PCOS.

I'm bummed to hear my progesterone was low. I wish he had known-I asked HIM for that 7dpo test and then he didn't know the answer! Useless. It fell within the 'normal' range of 0-27 but he didn't know where it should be for 7dpo.

I know high prolactin can mean an issue with your pituitary gland. You should definitely ask about that. Is that what you had an MRI for in the past?

Your progesterone is very low it seems to me. That can be corrected with suppositories or pills. Even using cream after Ov has helped me a great deal.

I know thyroid issues also cause problems with fertility. I'm assuming high testosterone doesn't help much either.

It seems to me that all of these things could be contributing to your long cycles and the fact that you aren't getting pregnant. Perhaps even contributing to the mc itself?

Thank you, Hearty. The MRI was for my pituitary gland when prolactin was elevated before. Then I was just told 'normal' and nothing was ever done about it.

I didn't know my progesterone was low. Can I just add, FUCK!!!!!!!! Fuckity fuck fuck! It felt good to get that out after reading the swearing hehe.

I'm nervous about progesterone supplements. I'm nervous about everything! He said we didn't need to do anything about my thyroid, as it's still technically 'normal' but knowing it's on the high end sucks. It may explain why I have the world's slowest metabolism. I eat less than anyone I know but I gain weight easily.

Screw that tonight, though, as soon as I got out of the doctor's office I went got 8 Mrs. Field's day-old cookies on sale. I've had three!!

Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them immensely. I'm with you, it's just better to know, even if what you know isn't ideal. We WILL get our babies one day. We will.

I don't think he will... but I'd be willing to let him try! I'm worried about putting anything else in my body... but I really need it to happen right now. I don't know if I should look for a solution or just sit around and wait? I don't know! I need to figure this out! They seriously acted like I should be doing something about it! Maybe they should have given me the pills a week earlier! Why would they have waited so long?

Megg, I'm so sorry! That SUCKS! It's fucking bullshit!!!! Have you tried having sex? I know that when I have sex and orgasm close to my period it starts my cramping and seems to make my period start a few hours later.

7dpo should be 4.4-28.0. Anything over 3 technically shows some sort of ovulation, but over 10 or 15 is much better, ya know?

Megg, what the fuck do they want you to do? They shouldn't be making you feel bad that you aren't bleeding. If any of us could control that, wouldn't we? Fucks sake, I know I would!!! I'm sorry babe. Maybe try CJ's suggestion?

CJ, I hope you get that negative OPK tomorrow. Time to get you a BFP girl!

I don't know! I'm very unhappy right now! I don't know what else I can do! Even thought about trying to bring it on quickly with BCP's... but scared to fuck it up worse. :(
7dpo should be 4.4-28.0. Anything over 3 technically shows some sort of ovulation, but over 10 or 15 is much better, ya know?


I just rechecked and mine was 9.93. It's not ideal, but I suppose it's not terrible. I'll take any sort of postive spin I can get right now. I may use the cream this cycle, though.

I'm really sending positive thoughts your way, Megg. I hope AF appears ASAP. Are you feeling PMS-y at all?
7dpo should be 4.4-28.0. Anything over 3 technically shows some sort of ovulation, but over 10 or 15 is much better, ya know?


I just rechecked and mine was 9.93. It's not ideal, but I suppose it's not terrible. I'll take any sort of postive spin I can get right now. I may use the cream this cycle, though.

I'm really sending positive thoughts your way, Megg. I hope AF appears ASAP. Are you feeling PMS-y at all?

I don't really get PMS-y! :(
Oils which act like aphrodisiacs and can be good for hormones are...Neroli, Patchouli, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang. 6-8 drops in the bath. But with any oils...you should only really use them once, maybe twice a week as over use can cause other problems.

Avoid oils such as Clary Sage, Black Pepper, Geranium, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Marjoram, Cedarwood or Fennel as they all promote bleeding. Check for any creams or moisturisers you use...or bubble bath... because some of these are sedatives and relaxants and wont state to not be used in pregnancy. Unfortunately holistic medicine is not regulated like standard medicine so there is no legal reuirement to state what these oils can do....

It is advisable to not have massages in the 1st trimester either as that can also cause miscarriage because it promotes blood flow. Which I know sucks when you have the crappiest back ache on the planet....

Relaxation techniques can be great too throughout your cycle to lower stress levels which will help keep hormone levels normal and also prepare the body more for those days while you are trying to conceive.

I hope this is some good advice... :hugs:
Megg you can put them in a bowl of hot water and inhale....or you can put them in the bath and have a good soak! If you have a cream with no perfume or fragrance in then you can mix some drops in the cream and rub it in your tummy and lower back.

sorry for the bad news everyone seems to be getting, but you really made me laugh with all the swearing!!!!! too funny :rofl:
Megg you can put them in a bowl of hot water and inhale....or you can put them in the bath and have a good soak! If you have a cream with no perfume or fragrance in then you can mix some drops in the cream and rub it in your tummy and lower back.


I could try the hot water and inhaling thing... I absolutely cannot stand baths. They make me feel like I'm sitting in dirty water and I can't help but :sick: at the thought!

Do I choose one scent or use multiple scents?

Thank you for that info!
Those oils will blend with each other...one will be fine. But dont blend more than 2 or 3 together. If you do blend only use 1-2 drops of each. These oils are great when they get into the skin....but inhalation will be fine. Or buy an aqeous cream.... any pharmacy should sell one....and add the drops.

Or a compress...a flannel....and place over your tummy...have a bowl of warm water with the oils in and keep putting the flannel in and wring it out a bit and then put in over your tummy. Hot water is good for the oils, but they will expire quickly. Hope it works hun. Any oils are good in a burner round the home too.

If you want a nice scent one...Geranium is lovely!!
Those oils will blend with each other...one will be fine. But dont blend more than 2 or 3 together. If you do blend only use 1-2 drops of each. These oils are great when they get into the skin....but inhalation will be fine. Or buy an aqeous cream.... any pharmacy should sell one....and add the drops.

Or a compress...a flannel....and place over your tummy...have a bowl of warm water with the oils in and keep putting the flannel in and wring it out a bit and then put in over your tummy. Hot water is good for the oils, but they will expire quickly. Hope it works hun. Any oils are good in a burner round the home too.

If you want a nice scent one...Geranium is lovely!!

You're full of good info! I ended up with Clary Sage! I'll do the water on a flannel (but we call them wash cloths LOL) on my tummy. I don't have the energy to go get cream tonight.

I also bought parsley tea, which supposedly helps! I'll see if I can choke it down too! :(

Thank you so much, honey! :hugs:
Seriously CJ your info is awesome! Megg good luck!

I kept envisioning you with a piece of flannel. I didn't realize she meant a wash cloth. LOL
Seriously CJ your info is awesome! Megg good luck!

I kept envisioning you with a piece of flannel. I didn't realize she meant a wash cloth. LOL

Yeah... Not sure why they call them flannel... they're made of terrycloth! LOL

I'd had my first cup of parsley tea! Its not awful... sort of. I did it in 4 gulps! I'll try 2 more cups tomorrow! Hoping she shows soon! Unhappy!

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