Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

In everything I read, it says it is up to your own comfort. If you aren't comfortable, they say to do highlights since that won't touch your scalp. But they say there isn't any medical evidence that it will hurt the baby. The only thing is, the hormones might make the dye give a different reaction. I had mine done the first time, and my friend does hers as well. A girl still needs her beauty:)

I just finished a 45 minute walk...I feel great, but I need a refreshing drink now. It's a hot one out there today...the breeze was nice, but it was a warm one and not cool......
Everything I've been told (even by doctors) is that all over color is fine up to twice during a pregnancy! :)
It's def. not dumb to think about your hair or beauty while pregnant. With everything your body is doing to grow that little bean, you deserve pampering and to feel good about yourself as your body goes through so many changes. The good news-if you like long hair- is your hair will grow so much faster! :thumbup:

hearty, you will have your pregnancy glow while on holiday at Cape Cod so it won't matter how white you are!

Mel, way to keep up with your walking. :) What is considered warm for Alberta?

btw, glad i wasn't the only weird teenager! :dohh:
Hey gorgeous girls sorry I've been neglecting you all it's just so hard to type on my phone ggggrrrrr!! Can't wait to have my laptop back, apparently because we've put the plasma n stuff on the wall all the cables for everything including my Internet have had to go with it & OH hasn't sorted them yet hense I still don't have my computer, it's soooooo god damn anoying!. It will be worth it though when my lounge is finished it looks fabulous already :) I'll post piccies when it's all done n my new sofa has been delivered etc. Were off out shopping for accesories like mirrors n wall art today can't wait, I've seen a Stunning real Oak mirror it's huge & all cottagey looking it's £200 but was £350 so I've talked Lee into letting me have it yayyyyyy! love having time off work with my babe just
a shame it goes so fast boooooo!!

Can't wait to hear vickys results & rooma aswell :). Also Sassy if u have any news let us know ok baby doll! I'm still staying positive even though ur not sweet cheeks!

Hearty & mel I cannot wait for ur scans it's too exciting whoop whoop! I want piccies :).

Meggles hope u caught ur eggy this month babe :) same goes for everyone Luce, Prego aka Amy & Allie hope ur cycle goes really quick so u catch urs too :happydance:

AFM I had the weirdest dream last night that I took a preg test & it was positive because I'd had cramping like I'd had with previous pregnancies (this wast thinking in my dream) anyhoot I went to my Docs & got bloods & my hcg levels were 3347 I remember the number specifically because I kept saying to people how high they were and I'd never had levels that high this early (I hadn't even missed my period yet in my dream) I was so happy in my dream I rang everyone close to me my mum, OH & my sister I remember that feeling of being so filled up with happiness inside because I had my bean. & then I wake up :cry:. So I get up for a wee I wipe and low n behold IB or what I think is IB there was a smidge of brown on the tissue paper it's gone now it was just a wipe. I'm praying it was IB but in the same breath not getting my hopes up.

Anyway girls there's my Waffle this morning hahshaha!

Lov y'all x x Caz x x
There's a baby boom this month, Caz! It probably was IB! :hugs: Can't wait for your BFP!
Thanks meggles I really hope so :) :hugs: hope we both get our BFPs n we can tag along with Hearty, mel n sass lol x x x hope ur ok chick lov Caz x x
I'm surviving. I'm having a few flashbacks (not literal drug-induced ones), tbh. The last 2 times there was a baby boom... I was a part of it. And, I got left behind by all the girls who went on to have beautiful babies or healthy pregnancies which will end up as beautiful babies. The first group just recently delivered... all due within 2 weeks on either side of my due date. Now, there's a whole new group that's due around Nov. I don't know if I'm more concerned that I'm seemingly the only one who's not pregnant... or if I'm more concerned about the prospect of getting/being pregnant under such similar conditions. I think its easier to be "left behind" when you were never a part of the group than it is to lose your place in the group. At least if I'm not a part of the group, I'm just "still waiting"... If I'm part of the group, suddenly I end up adding another loss to the count. I don't know... I'm torn. I desperately want to be pregnant again... but now I'm scared to.

That being said... I really do hope you're a part of this boom... and I'd love to be your bump buddy! :hugs:
Awwww babe I've never really looked at it like that but it makes total sense that we would, I was part of the september stars group & there all in the 3rd trimester now, I'm so happy that they are all perfect and well but it does make me realise that I should be part of that crew right now, preparing for my LO's arrival :cry: it's so unfair. And as for being scared, believe me I'm absolutely shittin myself, I'm scared of the whole going to the loo knicker checking, stressing about loss of symptoms, feeling bad for not getting attached to my bean but most of all, it's the thought of letting people down again, especially my Lee he is so ready to be a dad. I would say he sometimes seems more ready than I am :shrug: but TTC has been such a major part of our lives these past 3 years that being scared just can't come into it for me? I just have to stay strong and believe that I WILL have my baba here with me one day AND my gorgeous girl so will YOU!!!!
So now you have been told! Let's turn our frowns upside down & smile ok sweet pea!! Sending u a mahusive snuggle :hugs:
lov Caz x x x x
Thanks, Caz! I know it all (somewhere deep down), but it helps to hear it! :hugs: I definitely understand where you're coming from! I have the same feelings about letting everyone down. That's all I could say to my mom last time... I was sobbing and I could hear that she was trying not to cry while she offered to break the news to everyone else... and I just kept saying "No, its not your responsibility. I'm the one who keeps letting everyone down. I'm the one who keeps making everyone sad. Its my fault, and I'll tell them." I just kept saying it... and I just kept crying... in fact, I'm crying now. The 2nd one really traumatized me. I'm going to get through it though... We'll both get through it, whatever "it" may be at the time! Thanks for the snuggle! I could use one! :hugs:
Caz and Meggles im already crying my eyes out as it is so im gonna cry for your really honest posts as well.... I know exactly how you guys feel even though i havenet been on the forum as long as you. I feel im also being left behind in my social circle. Every single one of our friends is already on #2 and i cant seem make number 1 happen. Im so tired of the disapointed look on my familys face, im tired of the pity and the walking on eggshells around me everytime someone is preggo ENOUGH ALREADY DAMMIT! Im sooo angry!!!!!
Hi Girls! I just got caught up on all the activity this morning. I'm sorry you're all feeling this way :( You WILL be part of a baby boom soon!
I talked to one of my best friends from childhood on the phone last night. I decided to tell her about what happened. She was all supportive and comforting at first, but then went on and on about how that's NEVER happened to her and that they are just really fertile, blah blah. How they got pregnant the first month after coming off the pill both times, yadda yadda. Ok, great, but really? You tell me this now? Then her kids start crying and acting up while we're talking and she says, "See, aren't you glad you're not dealing with this yet?" WTF. How can such a smart girl have no common sense. Grr.
Hi Allie! :wave: Thanks for the congrats. We're getting married in the States next month. I am actually American, but my great-grandparents also moved from Norway so I guess you could say I came back to my roots, haha. My fiance is Norwegian and we met while we were both studying at Berkeley (super close to hearty :)) We actually met at one of the crappiest bars in Berkeley. You might appreciate that, hearty, because you know just how crappy that must be! But it worked out and once I found a job here I moved over. It's a nice country, but it's definitely not "home" yet...
You should come to Norway and find your relatives! I have yet to locate mine..
I feel a little "exposed" now that I've added a real picture, but oh well :)
OMG OMG!!!!! my levels went up to 900!!!!!!! My doc said i can now be cautiously optimistic!!!! He wants another repeat on Monday to make sure im out of the woods completely......

Check You out Amy!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!!!

I woke up early because I couldn't sleep knowing that I might get this news! Bump buddies!!!

I feel the need to call you Master Skywalker now.

YAY! YAY! YAY!!!!!
OMG Vicky!! I kept checking all day to see when you'd update. I am SO FREAKING HAPPY for you! See! This is it. So exciting!
At least we're in the same time zone so I found out right away.:happydance:

Funny how involved we can get in strangers' lives, huh?
Amy, you are HOT! I need to get a forward facing picture up of me at some point. I know what you mean about feeling exposed. I'm sorry about your friend's insensitivity. Seriously, people just don't get it. You'll continue to run into that ignorance I'm sorry to say.

Cazza, sounds like IB to me!! I had it this cycle, actually, I had it last time I was pregnant too. Both times it was 8dpo and both times I had a little blood during sex. I thought it was AF but then obviously it wasn't. How many dpo are you?

Meg, I feel you fear. I joined the March Mummies group, but am having a hard time with it. First of all, most of them haven't had a loss. Secondly, they are much younger than me. Thirdly, I'm terrified that I'm going to get dropped from the group, so I've kind of detached myself. The only thing I have going for me is in real life, most of my friends have waited like me. Where I live, people tend to have babies in their mid 30's. Luckily in that realm, I'm not feeling as left out. However, of all my friends who have been pregnant, I'm the only one who has had one loss, let alone two. It makes me feel like a freak of nature.

Onwards and upwards. We have to stay hopeful else we get dragged into the muck. I feel hopeful that we'll all be our own little pregnant after a loss group and will have our babies damn it!
Aww thanks guys :) I am so not optimistic about this month because I am afraid we might have missed our shot, but I so wish I could join you guys in this journey! It's just so hard to relate to people who have no clue what it's like. I am really looking forward to next week to see all your blood work, scans, tests, everything!
AF is due for me next Friday. I had IB last time around 7DPO and I keep checking now, haha. I mentioned on another thread that while I hope to see it because it's a good sign, it didn't work out anyway so who cares.
:happydance: Yay Vicky I am so happy for you and excited :happydance:

Caz your back yay I've missed you :hugs: sounds like IB keeping everything crossed for you sweetie.

Amy loving the pic you look fab.

Megg big :hugs:
OMG YAY VICKY!!! I am so, so happy for you! :hugs: :happydance: I'm like everyone else and couldn't wait to get on here to check your news. Your numbers REALLY went up well, yay!

Amy, looking good! I too felt super exposed putting a pic of myself on here, but I figure it helps us all connect to put a face to a name. Cute story about your hubby! I have a somewhat similair one....I'm American and met my husband at a bar in Edinburgh when I was studying there, and ended up getting married and moving there. We ended up moving back to the states recently, but are probably heading back that way in the next few years.

Cazza, sounds like IB to me! I hope it is girlie! :)

Meggs and Hearty, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Well, I think I'm addicted to this thread because I got on first thing this morning & I'm now running late for work. Eek! Have a great day ladies!

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