Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Oh my God, Lucy, I am so, so sorry! I am just in shock and in tears...this is so incredibly unfair. I am so upset for you. I am so sad for you. I just cannot believe this happened to you again! I wish I knew what to say; I am here for you and I am praying for you and I am so sorry for your and Steve's loss.

For clarification, my previous post (about myself) was posted after Lucy's announcement but I hadn't seen her post (being sneaky with the comp at work)or else I never would have written it. My problems seem petty in comparison to the loss of a little bean.

Thank you allie please dont feel bad about your post you have every right you have lot going on and its easy to miss posts. You need support to and I know your are there for me and support me and I am there for you. :hugs:
Thanks Caz your so sweet. I love all of you girls you are wonderful women. :hugs:
Thats the wonderful thing with this thread....we CAN all be there for each other. Its just a shame that we all have to have so much sadness. But in the end...hopefully we will get our little bean that sticks.

I think I have ovulated....but I doubt the egg will be viable cause my body has been trying for nearly a week to release the eggy. But my temp has shot up to 98.4!!!! So I am guessing that OV has happened and plus I had my first negative OPK! I waited hours to pee too so should be accurate.

More :hugs: coming your way Lucy darling!!!!
i remember thinking all the same things myself Lucy

what worries me is if the baby died at 5&half weeks that was 2 and half week ago and my body has just carried on as normal

the start of the cramping and spotting maybe a sign that your body was getting closer to mc. I know what happened to me isn't what will / might happen to you, but i had cramping spotting a few days before my scan, and then 4 days afterwards my body tried to mc. Unfortunately, my cervix was too closed to allow it to happen naturally and i needed an erpc. Im not sure how much to say because my experience will be different to your experience, and i dont want to say too much before youre ready

having the private option is really reassuring, but with your GP explain that you know that the hospital visit was an early loss. If you want to talk it over with her tomorrow, I can't remember the exact circumstances, but can you tell her you had a positive test even if you hadn't.

please don't blame yourself, there's 2 of you inputting to this, but most losses are chance, it's no ones fault - that said, i think most of us have felt that way
Luce waiting for it to happen on its own or not is a very very personal decision but i would like to give you the opinions of 3 specialists i paid very dearly after my mmc was diagnosed. Have the D&C as soon as possible was their collective opinion. Just some more info for you babes.

Megg still nothing i gather?
Its pretty hard to find a medium between all the different problems, and then the excitements for every poster on this thread Allie, so i say just say what you feel

i think we are serious multitaskers given how there's about 20-25 regular posters, all going through completely different stages.
megg, i remember reading that some women take the morning after pill to bring on af, but i think thats a dangerous game

this is from an old post:

theres people who say it does, ie anecdotal evidence:


but also saying it might cause you to be irregular for the next cycle (but then i read on plannedpregnancy.com this only happens if you take the MAP regularly)


and netdoctor says:

Your next period may come early or late. If it doesn't arrive within a couple of days of the expected time, see a doctor.

In short minty, i cant find much to suggest its a good idea, it might work, but then it might cause you probs and you dont want that. I tried to work out what the hormone in levonelle does to see if i could work out whether it would help, but it was too complicated

I then googled if you can start your period and found a few forums suggesting parsley tea, apparently 3 or 4 cups a day can start it up or ginger seems pretty popular.

this is quite interesting:


The baby aspirin might help blood flow to the uterus so is worth a shot too, but be careful what you take it with as herbs and medications interact (aspirin is from willowbark)

I think the sisterzeus link was the link i was thinking of
Thank you! I'll look at it now! I'm already taking baby aspirin daily, btw.
Thanks Vicky I'm going to talk to the dr tomorrow and think give it a couple of days to see what happens. Nato last time I had spotting and cramps but nothing happened just felt like my body wasnt going to let go which is why we went for the erpc option.

I'm getting a lot of cramping but no spotting at all havnt had any all day not even the brown spotting like I had yesterday.

Do need some advice steves really scared about it happening naturally as he's not sure what he should do the early loss in may was very scary for him I lost a huge ammount of blood, passed out went it to cervical shock (which we found out later because of the force and amount of blood I lost in such a short time sorry if to much info) he really thought I was going to die. I think he's scared it will happen again he's not sure what to expect and asked me if it does happen should he take me the hospital/ring an ambulance to be honest I dont know what to tell him, what should I do? Also I remember when I spoke to the gyne last time we were told if we went down the natural miscarry route that we should save anything that I pass which is a horrid thought I dont know should I? I really dont know what to expect and I am scared does that sound stupid?
I lost mine naturally, and I wasn't about to save anything that I passed....too much of a constant reminder of what happened. Each to their own though. If you want to pass it naturally and catch your bean, then go for it hun!

Of course you are scared, and it's ok!!! :hugs:
I remember the hospital asking me if I wanted to take some of what passed down to them... I couldnt do it either. Way too upsetting. But like you said its down to personal strength. I guess we all want answers...

I dont see how one could possibly collect what is passed...emotionally i mean its gotta be heartbreaking....One of the main resons that i opted for a D&C was also so that they could test the bean so i would get some answers...Knowledge is power...
To be honest girls I was asking because the thought of doing that just scares me dont think I could do it. I cant imagine being strong enough to but wasnt sure if I was meant to guess I'm just trying to remember what was said to me last time.

I have so much going through my head.
You definitely don't have to if you don't want to. It would be very hard on a person to have that constant reminder. I personally would rather not have to face that.....

It's a very sad time for you Lucy, and I imagine you have millions of different things going through your head right now.....When I lost mine, my cousin took me out for ice cream and we parked in a private spot and just talked....then we went to the mall and returned the maternity clothes we bought, and then I went back to the hotel and I napped for a couple hours beside Gord. I found distracting myself helped....why don't you go lay down for awhile and rest?? We will always be here for you :hugs:
not at all Luce, not stupid in the slightest

I have put what i have to say in a spoiler because i dont want to upset anyone, and ive said what happened to me, and what i know of others experience, but please proceed with caution

When i had my mmc, i didnt know what to expect and i posted on another forum where i know cesca from. It's not a pregnancy forum, but the 2 or 3 women that had experienced mc were very graphic and detailed (at my request) as to what i should expect, and Im very grateful to them for being so honest. I needed to know. I booked the erpc bu the mc tried to start before the erpc.

I didnt lose as much blood as you as the mc labour failed because my cervix wouldn't open, but i went through 2 sets of 12 hours of labour on the sunday and the monday and eventually passed out from the pain, which forced the labour to stop because i went into shock. The labour failed and i needed erpc anyway. I was told by some other women theyd been asked to keep what was passed. At 5.5 weeks, i expect that would be the sac (like a bubble) and you wouldnt be likely to see the baby - i have been told what that would be at your stage and can tell you if you want.

you can ask your dr again if shed want you to keep anything, but i think its mainly for genetic testing. If you want testing and they agree, you may be asked to do that - i agree with Vic that knowledge is power on that. If you have erpc and they want to test, i think they can collect at that time. There are risks with erpc, they tell you about the perforated bowel risk which youll be aware of from last time, but theres also a small chance of damaging your lining, but this risk has been anything from hugely exaggerated to vastly under recognised depending on who you talk to.

I have heard of women talking to their fs and being told in 30 years the fs has never heard of a case of lining damage. So i think that you need to consider your well being first and foremost. In that case i agree with Vic and think i would go for erpc were you dont have any concern over what process of mc you will go through. You are quite early - however- im not entirely sure if the fact you are 8 weeks or so would make the 5.5 week earliness 'later' - as the sac measures 5.5 weeks, a natural may not be as bad as my experience. You have had an early mc experience and that was terrible for you, so again, that makes me think that if you take the uncertainty out of it with an erpc, the fear will be at least managed to an extent.

I think what i have written is mostly from mine and others on forums telling me their experiences, you wont find much on the official websites because everyone is so different so it wouldnt be right to say what to expect
Lucy I'm lost for words, I have been through what your going through and I feel like I have no advice to give you? How does that work!! My personal choice would be to opt for the D&C, it's over so fast and I never bled alot after, I know right now your not even thinking about TTC again but you may be in a few weeks and I think you will be able to try to move on quicker with your body/hormones back to normal!

It could take weeks to pass naturally and I personally think for me it would make the grieving alot harder, I cannot even begin to image having to collect the tissue and take it to the hospital, that is something I could not do. It worries me that you had such a bad time in May and that maybe having a D&C is the safer option!

I can only try very badly to offer you my advice but only you can make the decision, a decision I wish so badly that you didn't have to make.

Sorry I don't know what else to else. You and Steve are in my thoughts.xxxxx
Lucy, you have a lot of decisions to make and a lot of very good questions to ask. To add my two cents, I opted for a D&C for all 3 of my mcs. During my first one, I was told I made the right decision because there was so much tissue that I wouldn't have been able to pass it naturally without a D&C later. For me, I just wanted to move on as quickly as possible and the thought of the mc lingering was too much for me. Also with my second and third, they wanted to do tests. I couldn't imagine trying to save it. That would have broken me forever. This is just me though. If I ever go through this again, I'm going the D&C route.

With my last mc, you may remember that I had my scan around the same time you had yours. My sac was smaller and no hb. The very next day I started spotting. I agree with what Megg says as my doctor also told me this. Most women don't have early scans. They have a mmc without knowing it and a few weeks later they end up passing the baby. They never knew it was a mmc, but just a mc. My guess is that you and I would have been in the same boat had we not had early scans. Our bodies were starting to let go of the pregnancies. It doesn't make it easier, but it gives you another perspective. You might also remember at the time I was actually "happy" that I was having a "normal" mc. Whatever that means! It just seemed to me that my body was in the process of letting go of something that wasn't viable. Eventually it would have completed the process on its own. To me, that felt "normal."

Steve is very lucky to have you and he loves you dearly. Try not to beat yourself up about being inadequate. I've done the same with Tim and he has assured me that he wouldn't want it any other way. For better, for worse. In sickness and in health. We didn't actually say those vows, but they were implied. I'm sure they are for you and Steve.

As for if you have severe bleeding again, I think Steve needs a plan in advance. It will give him some comfort. Either option, an ambulance or him taking you is a good option. The key is to get you medical attention as soon as possible. I don’t know how it works for you, but in the US, an ambulance is a very expensive decision especially if your insurance doesn’t cover it. But, you get immediate attention from an ambulance. In the US, if you are driven to the emergency room by someone, you could end up sitting there for hours. You have to weigh the options to come up with a good plan. Either way, he should err on the side of caution and get you medical attention. Hopefully though, this will never come to fruition.

We’re here collectively to help you get through this and to get you some answers. It is important to put one foot in front of the other and breathe. You don’t need to figure it all out right now, though I know you’d like to. Just get through today.
I think he's scared it will happen again he's not sure what to expect and asked me if it does happen should he take me the hospital/ring an ambulance to be honest I dont know what to tell him, what should I do?

in this case, i would go straight to A&E, I called NHS Direct and they told me to go to A&E but id just had a really bad experience in A&E the day before and didnt want to go back.

I was told if you go to A&E they will try and get you into an operation slot if there's space and you are in pain, if not, they will assess your condition, and operate if its an emergency or give you painkillers and wait for the EPU to open if its out of hours

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