Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Megg, oh no!!! I saw your journal title had changed and rushed on here. I'm so sorry; it is another hurdle but thankfully a routine one from the sounds of it. It is annoying they didn't know about this before your IUI, granted.....but at least now they've found it and it will be long gone. I assure you they won't do anything more than that during the surgery without your consent, and I agree if you get it writing it might make you feel better. :hugs:

Erm, I've completely forgotten everything I've just read...my brain is well and truly mush today. :hugs: all around
Oh yeah, I'm starting to remember, barely...

Luce, :hugs:, I wouldn't worry about the eye cream at all. It's just a small amount and those warnings always have to go on creams....:hugs: I hope it gets better soon!

Nato, you crack me up, I hope you got in some good :sex: with your EWCM! You've inspired me and I've bought some cough syrup (guafisen or whatever) to whip out at a moment's notice when ov might be approaching.
Big huge :hugs: :hugs::hugs:
I am wondering why they didnt do that before IUI? Tell them you want a refund and free IVF. I wonder if that hasnt been this issue all along!

Dont be scared. I have had laproscopy, biopsy done and went under GA, never twlight sleep, but I can tell you they didnt hurt. The laproscopy was to look in my uterus etc. Way back in 1998.


Its not part of the normal protocol before IUI. They really make no apologies for not doing it earlier, as its just not how they do things. It honestly should have been done before I ever got to the fertility clinic. It isn't so much their failing as it is the failing of my previous docs. But I knew they'd failed me already. So, nothing new. I'm going to make a big deal out of it... I don't need to piss off the people who are actually trying to help. I just appreciate his doing it before wasting an IVF cycle.

Aww Megg that's sh*t hunny, any operation is scary no matter how big or small! I'm angry that your clinic didn't find this out before, talk about cutting it fine! On the bright side it will increase your chances of getting/staying pregnant! Try not to worry too much over the surgery, it will be all worth it in the end!xxx

It will be worth it in the end. And, it really should increase my odds of having my forever baby. So, I'm trying to look on the bright side. I don't like how close we're cutting it to the IVF cycle though.

Oh megg I saw your facebook status and rushed on!

I too can't believe your consultant didn't do this scan ages ago, that is so frustrating. However maybe this will explain some of your issues and the removal will be sure to get you one giant leap closer to your forever baby.

Also, i've had 4 surgeries and the sleep is always very nice. Even after my ERPC I felt so calm waking up.

Also, they would never go a hysterectomy or anything without your consent. just brief your husband they are to touch NOTHING in there apart from the polyp!

Actually, I've only known this consultant for less than 2 months. So, there really isn't a "forever ago" type of history with us. I'm not blaming him... I'm really not. Its my other ob/gyn's who are truly to blame. :(

But it IS a giant leap closer to my baby. And, I've heard very good things about twilight sleep. I'm feeling okay about that bit.

I definitely intend to explain to Kevin that I want NOTHING done except the polyp removal without consulting me first. I'm sure they wouldn't do anything else... Its just one of those things in the back of my mind.

Damn it Megg! Do you know how big it is? They are really common you know. When I had my hysteroscopy they found a small polyp the size of a pimple they tried to take it out but couldn't get it. I was completely awake and didn't have any drugs for pain. I was told if I go for IVF they will want to take it out because they want a clean uterus. They said for me this polyp was not causing my mcs. I wonder how big yours is and where it is located. I'm mad that they didn't deal with this earlier but glad they are addressing it now. Did they tell you how they are doing the surgery? I think it is very straightforward. You will not lose your uterus. I promise!

Its bigger than a pimple. I'll post a badly drawn pic of what it sort of looked like. It was "pretty good sized" and sort of toward the bottom... definitely on the left wall. In the pic, the black is the background, the grey is the normal grey-ish crap on an ultrasound, the white is the saline/my uterus, and the circle is drawn to show where it was protruding in. Obviously, it wasn't anywhere nearly that clear, and I'm guessing based on a memory from a very stressful, emotional time. But, I think its close.

The surgery will be done by dilating my cervix to 1cm and inserting a hysteroscopy camera, then they'll do a sort of D&C procedure to just take the polyp and anything else that shouldn't be there. He said that a lot of people would just do a D&C and scrape out whatever they could, but he uses a camera because he wants to minimize the potential for collateral damage. He doesn't want to blindly scrape out my uterus when he can just take out what doesn't belong.

To be honest, I had some funny gut feeling that I'd have to have a D&C before the IVF, but I ignored it because I couldn't see any reason why it would be necessary. It seems I can't escape it though!


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Well having done the hysteroscopy myself, you'll be just fine. It sucks that you have to deal with it, but it's great that they are being so aggressive!

What a rollercoaster!!!
AFM- I have my consultation with the FS on November the 4th:happydance: Can anyone tell me what to expect?

Hoping, I'm really glad you have a consultation soon. Usually, they'll ask for a full history. They'll want to know all the tests you've had already. They'll probably do an ultrasound and possibly schedule more blood tests and/or an HSG or hysteroscopy.

I was told that the issues for recurrent miscarriages are from genetics (something wrong with the fetus or with you and your husbands genes), age, uterine abnormalities, clotting disorders which I know you have and thyroid problems. There might be a few others, but these are the big ones. They can test for all of these. So if you haven't had all the tests, they'll order more.

I hope you get good care. You deserve it. You deserve some answers.
Its interesting what you said Heart about FS appt. This is my re-referral....Oct 26th... I have had clotting checked, chromosomes, thyroid (had since 24 and managed at the moment). So does that mean a scan is next cause I didnt get that in my first appt as my gp wouldnt allow it cause I was depressed. Well duh...I had my 5th mc then!!! So what else would they do for recurrent mc??? I am nervous they are going to say they cant help.

MEGG!!!!! :hug: !!!!!! I am so angry for you darling, but at least they are doing something now, be it a little late! I have had a laparoscopy under GA and I was fine! You'll be fine!!

Nato... :rof: bare in mind...the pin head ewcm is just what made its way out of your cervix - hopefully there was LOTS hiding up there for the spermies. And fertile mucus does vary massively. I'm taking 2000mg EPO and mine has been watery...not stretchy at all. But I am hoping thats ok.

Vickyd...you sound like a perfect sacker LOL! And very diplomatic! Hehe

Sass!! SOOOOOO happy the pains have eased. Just your little bean implanting nice and DEEP in there and setting up camp for the forseeable. GL with your scan. I cant wait to hear news. It will be just fab!!!!!

I still cant link my chart!!!! And I cant stop it being a bloody overlay! And Megg I'm gutted it looks like I ov'd on thursday... :cry:Guess I'll be on hold if the FS wants to start messing around with stuff.

I hope I havent missed anyone....if I have BIGGEST HUGS for you all. :hug:

AFM I have the SOREST (o)(o)'s EVER. Which is not unusual before AF but I am meant to be what....4-5DPO??? AF would have been due in 4 days.... so does that mean I have a LP of like bloody 8 DAYS!!! You have to be kidding me!!!! Been feeling really poorly today with stuffy / runny nose and sore throat. GASSY! Minimal low back pain... TIRED, Bloated, and had some twinges on right side (had them since OV), and pains down through cervix. Oh and some mega weird dreams LOL! I dreamt about these people that came from a homeless shelter....in a place called CULFORD, I've never even heard of a place called that so I looked it up and it exists! Then they were all aliens and draining life out of people to make themselves look younger... WTF!!! My head is mashed LOL. Lots of other random dreams...one horny one... I am going back to FF to see if I can make it blimmin work!
Amber - Glad you got an appt date! Nov 4 isn't long at all! :hugs:

CJ - No, honey. That's not how an LP works, love. If your LP is 14 days, then it will stay 14 days and AF will be almost a week later than normal. LP's remain the same, its ovulation that can change... So, later O = later AF! :hugs:
CJ, it seems to me they need to be looking at your uterus. The shape could be abnormal (like mine) due to all sorts of things both fixable and not fixable. They should also be looking for fibroids and polyps. These can usually be seen with an ultrasound, but not always. An HSG and hysteroscopy would be able to detect these issues. What did you have the lap for? They might have been able to rule out certain things with that surgery as well.

I will dig up the list of tests I had for both you and Hoping so you can bring them to your appointment. I may not post it until a bit later, but I promise I will!!!

You might not even need these tests. Your symptoms sound very promising!!!
Oh yeah, I second what Megg said. Your LP will stay the same. Your LP should always be the same amount of days no matter how late/early in your cycle you Ov.
CJ, your symptoms sound very promising. I hope this is your month!
Good symptoms CJ those sound like ones from my previous pregnancy! crossing my fingers... To link your chart go to sharing on the left hand side then go to home page setup put a name in there for your special page. Then click get codesharing buttons take the bbcode and put in your sig.
Shannon I forgot to thank you for the article on adenomyosis. I've actually found it before. I'm looking for alternative solutions. Let me know if you come across anything else in your studies. I think it is a noble profession you are pursuing.
Oh Megg you have cheered me up....so the sore boobies really could be a pg symptom???? God that would be awesome!!!

Thanks everyone for the positive comments, think I want this too much, like us all I guess.

Heart the lap was for an ovarian cyst. I had LOTS of u/s up until about 18months ago when I had a clotted follicle. The specialist said everything looked normal. In my lap there was no endo or pcos (my uterus is tilted back but not abnormal shape), I have been checked several times and I ov fine and had plenty of healthy follicles. Nothing was mentioned about fibroids or polyps so I guess that was a no back then.

I'm glad the LP doesnt change! Thats one side of my cycle I've never really given much thought until recently with the whole thyroid problem rearing its ugly head again.

I'm about to give FF linking another go, wish me luck. LOL.
:dance: I've linked my Chart!! Woop woop!!! Take a gander girlies...

CJ it looks to me like Ov could have been Wed or Thursday. It's so crazy that you've had 4 temps the exact same in the past 4 days. Based on the positive opks and the temp rise I'd say you are definitely in the 2 week wait.

Good job posting it!!!
Good luck CJ, those symptoms do sound promising!

Megg, it doesn't sound so bad when you explain it....so glad you're getting it done and out of the way!

Hoping, good luck at the FS.

AFM I almost cried when forking over $50 for CBFM test strips at the pharmacy tonight! It seems really steep; I hope this sucker works for me. I start POAS tomorrow, CD6 (well, it's actually 7 but close enough I think with my late ovulation). Between this, soy, and all of my vitamin supplements it seems a very distant 2 weeks ago that I said I was going to start NTNP and put all of myfocus on going to grad school :rofl: It was that damn doctor's appointment where my hormone levels were off that made me think I better keep trying as I'm probably in it for the long haul! There's no time for NTNP when my body had turned me this neurotic.

How is everyone else?
Hoping - Good luck with the FS, dont know what to expect as we havent been because we have only suffered 2 MC so are still classed as just unlucky by the doctors. Really hope they can give you some answers as to whats going on xxx

CJ - Those signs sound really good and i have to agree it looks like you are in the dreaded 2WW. Sending lots of :dust:

Megg - Its awful that it wasnt spotted before but at least they are going to do something now and increase your chances with the IVF in the process. I can understand the fear though as i have never had an op of any kind either. In fact before TTC i hadnt stepped foot into a hospital except with someone else!!!

Sparkly & Nato - Love all the EWCM talk your DH are not going to know what hit them this month with all the BDing your are going to be doing. SEND IN THE TROOPS!!!

Lucy - Dont worry about the cream as already said you are only using a small amount, i think sometimes drug companies put more warnings then needed on stuff just to cover there ass.

Sassy - Not long to go now until the scan :happydance: How you feeling hun?

Vicky - How did it go in the end with the guy you had to fire? Hope it wasnt too awful for you xxx

:hug: to everyone else and hope everyone has a nice day what ever they are doing.

AFM - Having a mixed morning here woke up at 4:30 dying for a pee so got up and went to the bathroom where i had an overwhelming urge to POAS. The only thing i had in the bathroom was some spare CBFM sticks so they had to do. I know its bad to use opks as HPT but i felt the NEED to pee on something. On the stick i got a 2nd line not a really dark one but a line :happydance: I went back to bed for a couple of hours and took my temp at 6:30am expecting it to be low because of my trip to the loo. Wrong! Its now jumped to 37.17.

Spurred on by all this i decided to do one of my IC to see what that said and i got a :bfn: so not sure what to do tomorrow now. Do i test with FMU on an IC or leave it until thursday to test again?
Really quick one girls I just had to cone on quick b4 I head into work and say GOOD LUCK SASS can't wait to see bubba!!! Xxx lov you all xxxxx Caz xxxxx
Thank you girls! I really hope it was wednesday! Amanda my temps are always static after ov...occasionally as af comes nearer I'll get a 98.4 or a 98.9...but 98.6 after ov is pretty normal for me. Then really close to AF (I wrote OV sorry) it seems to go up to 99.0... and my temp doesnt drop right before af....it goes down during it. Very weird LOL.

Everyone seems quiet today. Hope everyone is doing ok. Cant wait to hear from Sass!
I think everyone is waiting for an update from Sass! I keep logging in to see....

The fireing did not go well, the guy cried the whole time...Ive been trying to find another department to get him re-instated but its proving very hard. The fact that the General manager hates his guts isnt making it any easier....

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