Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Vicky, I was just going to say the same thing...backache is a pregnancy symptom as well. And like your DH, mine basically said the same thing too....as long as he has me, it doesn't matter if we have kids or not. I always told him if this doesn't work out, then we can adopt, but he said if we can't have our own kids, then we just wouldn't have them at all.
Nato back ache is also a sign of pregnancy...why would ff reduce points?? God im so clueless....
So i always thought that guys werent really bothered about having kids! Alex always said that if we have kids or not is my decision and after our second loss he was like we will try until you wanna stop, i just want you. This attitude is also shared by his mates but also most of my guy friends...Maybe its a Greek thing?

i know, trust me to pick someone who REALLY wants children - when we first met, he knew i was at that point unsure, and he nearly dumped me. (the bloody nerve).

on countdown to pregnancy, it says that 10% of pregnant women get backache, and i think it is, but on ff, they reduce points cos of this probability on this attached chart, which shows likelyhoods of what charts backache appears at 13dpo


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Nato ive been smoking for 21 years lol!! Drinking 20 years and all the other stuff id rather not share on a forum lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I nearly missed that post

Vic, youre like my hero xx
Nato we're here for you whether you feel up or down :hugs:

Ok I'm abit dopey today but what is FSH?

I wouldnt worry about your wild days there are lots of women who have drunk, smoked been heavy partiers but gone on to have healthy pregnancy and babies.
I got backache 11 dpo and havent had any since then....I just checked my diary to be sure.
Nato ive been smoking for 21 years lol!! Drinking 20 years and all the other stuff id rather not share on a forum lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I nearly missed that post

Vic, youre like my hero xx

You know this kind of behavior is the norm for Greeks right???
In Greece there is no legal age limit for serving booze. So since the age of 15 we were partying every single night! Im talking school nights till 4-5 am and going straight to class the next day!! I grew up in a wealthy household and went to a private school, where they basically looked the other way when we slept in class ect. as they were probably worried our parents would send us off to boarding school and they would loose the tuition!! Good ol days!
Its follicle stimulating hormone Luce, if its elevated, it may mean your ovarian response or ovarian reserve is compromised.

maybe i have just been reading too many scarey doctors reports on the internet about +35 years. The drs have been wankers to mone, some of the things they say abut her age are disgusting.

I did some FF searching, and the horrible internet drs say that 40% of pregnancies for over 40's miscarry - but on fs if i type in ages and do searches, the levels over 40 are much better than theyd have you believe - i think maybe the mc's arent always entered on FF so maybe higher, but....

for 40 - 45 years:

Anovulatory 4%
Miscarriage 3%
Ovulatory 58%
Pregnancy 33%

So why are they so bloody alarmist about it? why do they keep saying shit things like what do you expect at your age, to mone? (sorry to talk about you mone)
Nato just read back missed a couple of posts i had the same fears about steve leaving me I got really upset just before I went in for the erpc and told him I wouldnt fight him on a divorce if thats what he wanted that I understood how much he wanted children that he deserved to have children and he should find a women that could give him that as obviously I couldnt. He told me to shut up and well fuck off as there was no way on this earth that he would divorce me he said what I needed to understand is he wanted to have children with me and only me he was sure it would happen for us but if it didnt then we would cross that bridge if and only if we came to that. I'm telling you this because I have no doubt that your hubby feels the same I understand you dont feel you can talk about it but when you do I am sure he will reassure you in the same way steve has me.

Oh and I dont know if this helps maybe not but wanted to say it when I suffered my very early loss I had no symptoms of a mc untill I started bleeding and that happpened all of a sudden with no warning then I got a lot of pain mainly cramping so dont assume the backache is a bad sign. :hugs:
I dont understand why any doctor TODAY would consider it normal to mc according to age!
All the specialists ive seen have never mentioned age, on the contrary they consider late thirties to be the normal age women have babies today.
These negative doctors are acting like they want to attribute the mc to age so that they have some sort of explanation and not look so clueless! My doc always says that when it comes to mc and infertility most of the time they are CLUELESS!
I love your greek doctors Vic. I think chinese ones think the same, that age is way less relevant. I fucking hate the pompous versions that we seem to get. My drs are actually fine, its the ones writing artices i want to flying ninja kick

Luce, i remember you saying something similar before. Steve is a total sweetheart and im so glad you have him

I will do another test tomorrow if af doesnt arrive. I just have no idea what's going on - but something isn't right. I had pains in the tops of my legs last night as i was going to sleep too. At least i have the drs this week.
I need some advice, copied below from my journal:-
So the situation with my Mum!

I'll try keep it short and please please please don't judge her!
She has been with her bf for 15 years, she got with him a few years after my Dad! Her marriage with my Dad was awful and he ran off with her best friend and took us kids with him! She was happy with B (her bf) for a good few years but hasn't been for a very long time, she has no job or money and that's the only reason she has stayed with him and that she felt she could never do any better, he's a nice bloke who woudln't hurt a fly but a rubbish bf, he hardly speaks to her, he hasn't takend her out in at least 8 years and they are more like friends than anything else! He has never left because of us kids and the grand children, he can't have kids so I think he's scared that it he leaves my Mum he will lose us too!

Anyway 2 weeks ago my Mum went to Spain with my Aunt, she came home and broke down to me and told me she had met someone else, I went mental called her some very harsh names and have hardly spoke since! Anyway he lives in Belgium and she went there this weekend to see him, she told B it was over last week, he wasn't surprised! So I picked her up this morning and she's on cloud 9, she has completely fell head over heels in love with this guy and he's flying over in 2 weeks to see her again! I told her to be careful and keep her guard up etc etc etc

We stopped for lunch on the way back and she told me she had to tell me something, she said she's going to live with him in Belgium (proberly after Xmas) and how did I feel, I started to cry and told her to "fuck off and leave us all alone", she got very very upset and said she's sick of living her life through her children and now just wants to so something for herself! She then went on to say that if I got pregnant she knows she would want to stay to support me through the pregnancy and be here for my baby, I sat there barely able to breathe and I just couldn't tell her I actually am pregnant! I don't want her to base her decision on me I just want her to be happy but I'm beyond devastated that she might not be around for me, it's breaks me heart and I'm so upset I won't see her all the time!

Sassy I've just read that in your journal and I am so sorry you are dealing with this I think its good your mum has found someone but as you said she should be careful and take things slow. Yes I think you should tell her your pregnant its something she needs to know before she makes any final decision about things. I think if she moved away without knowing and wihout you telling her you'd both regret it and you need that extra bit of support at the moment.

Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind me crashing in your thread (Nato said I could!) I don't post on here much these days. I had MMC around the same time as Nato, and remember chatting to some of you, Lucy, Mone, Spark, and have kept in touch with Nato.

Just wanted to say sorry to hear of you horrible news Mone, can't believe you have to go through this again.

Nato, we seem to mirror each other its spooky, you saw a crap Chinese woman just after me, docs and testing around the same time etc and currently having a VERY shitty day.

Birthday 41 looming next weekend - thought I would have a BFP by now, it was so easy last time. Have had pelvic ultrasounds, blood tests - all normal, but constantly BFN

Think I am on the verge of giving up, not cos of age, but because i can't handle the effect it is having on me, the constant disappointment, it's verging on obsessive now. "Try not to think about it" WTF!!
Welcome Whyme, sorry to hear about your mmc, you will definately find alot of support on this thread.xxxxx
Sassers, first off, i know this is your mum, and what a massive massive deal this all must be - your mum ending her relationship and moving away is huge.

However, you being pregnant with twins is even huger. You are the priority in your world.

Your mum, i can see how she must need to react to how she's felt contained all her life. And it's not for me to say what i think you should do, you know you and your family best. I dont know if this Belgian might be the love of her life or a total mistake, and neither does your mum at this stage. You are always going to be in her life whatever happens, and you will always be her priority.

why havent you told her as yet? when were you going to tell her? what do you want to do?
Sassy you have to tell your mom! The basis of every healthy relationship is honesty. Let her decide for herself what she wants to do,just like you would want to be able to decide for yourself.
just popped on to say thank you all so much for your lovely words.... you will never know how much it means. Today has been hard, i knew how it was going to play out, but i guess until you actually get that news, you don't realise the sledgehammer affect it has. it's like you've been blindsided, the air is knocked out of you, everything goes in that second.... all those dreams of holding a summer baby, those images i had in my head of martin cradling our baby, the joy on my parents face, how can it all go in a split second? I don't get it, I don't think I ever will.

Martin has gone to work, he's a goalkeeping coach and self-employed so he had to go even though he has taken today so badly, in some ways more than me because I had prepared myself, i'm a pessimistic and had many bad things happen to me, so i'm used to crap, he isn't, he's always happy, everyone loves him, i'm making him so so unhappy, and that's killing me. I also made such a show of myself in the epu, i was sobbing and shaking throughout the scan and started wailing in the waiting room while martin was trying to make another appointment and all the women just looked away, almost like i would be contagious... it was obvious what had happened, i felt like the poster girl for grief, how not to handle things with dignity. my god, i feel like i'm losing my mind.

Nato - i know i'm not a great advert for having a baby, but i think I am an example of how age is not always a barrier to getting pregnant, you are still so very young in comparison (that might not actually make you feel better, because I know at 44 I'm probably the exception rather than the rule!), but oh if only i could be where i am now at your age, with years, not months in front of me. I do think knowledge is power, get tested for all you can, keep at the SMEP, it will happen my lovely, I know you feel down right now, but each new cycle brings new hope eh. Is AF late now? Would you test again maybe?

I started to have 'that talk' with martin today, probably too soon, but I'm beginning to think I don't want to try again, he does, but he respects whatever i want to do, however if we stop, then I know our relationship is over, I can't 'choose' to make him childless, i love him too much to do that to him, I would let him go. Fuck it would kill me, but i'm feeling half dead already. bring it on. I wish I had asked for medical management today, does that make me terrible? I wish I had insisted, told the dr not to pacifiy me with platitudes, not put me into a week of limbo half life, i want to feel alive again.

In an ironic bout of fucking evil, my boobs are throbbing and i've had the worse bout of morning sickness today. I'm thinking I should stop the progresterone and it might bring it on naturally, i'm thinking I should stop the steroids, I'm thinking I should take a valium (i have a bottle mocking me in my bathroom cabinet), go on take me, you'll feel so lovely for a few hours, and my god you'll sleep, you haven't slept for 4 nights, think what it will feel like for your brain not to think for a few hours.... sweet lord i want to take it!

poor lilly allen, i cried for her today, i cried for all of us, for all our losses, six months... my god, i wouldn't survive, that poor poor girl. you then get holly willoughby smugly announcing it with that smugness you can only have when you haven't had a loss, her and myleene klass, jesus, i'm pleased for them, but my god, have a heart, don't shove it in our faces.... what am i becoming?

i know i'm not hiding the crazy very well today, i want to get so drunk but i can't, even if there's even a smidgen of some bloody miracle somewhere that a fetal pole and heartbeat could appear some time in the 7th week, i have to respect that. not so great on the smoking though... tobacco companies can rest easy that rachele has picked up 40 marlboro lites and knows how to use them.... i am a bad bad person with no self-discipline which is why maybe i'm in this fucking situation. god, they shoot horses don't they? could someone put me down please?

so sorry for rambling. Tomorrow is a new day... let's all smile! big hug to everyone going through worry or turmoil tonight, positivity to those going through doubt, prayers for our lost angels. x
Thanks Nato, I really appreciate all you girls giving me advice.xx

I haven't told her because she took all my M/C's very badly, she nearly had a breakdown after my last as she just can't cope seeing me go through this, I don't want to worry her, if I m/c again I don't want her to have to go through the pain again. I'll tell her after our 12 week scan, I don't want to tell her as I don't want her to base her decision on me and the babies, I know it's totally selfish but I don't want her to go but on the other hand I want her to be happy.xxx
Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind me crashing in your thread (Nato said I could!) I don't post on here much these days. I had MMC around the same time as Nato, and remember chatting to some of you, Lucy, Mone, Spark, and have kept in touch with Nato.

Just wanted to say sorry to hear of you horrible news Mone, can't believe you have to go through this again.

Nato, we seem to mirror each other its spooky, you saw a crap Chinese woman just after me, docs and testing around the same time etc and currently having a VERY shitty day.

Birthday 41 looming next weekend - thought I would have a BFP by now, it was so easy last time. Have had pelvic ultrasounds, blood tests - all normal, but constantly BFN

Think I am on the verge of giving up, not cos of age, but because i can't handle the effect it is having on me, the constant disappointment, it's verging on obsessive now. "Try not to think about it" WTF!!

Shitty shitty bang bang.

Im sorry youre having such a crap time too, but i shouldve known really. All your tests coming back clear bode well for me, but i think your progesterone was 70 odd? mine was only 48.9. You are winning so far

what was your fsh? <nosynato>

what if you stopped whyme? how would you feel? what would you do to officially stop TTC? ie would you use contraception for eg?

Good to see you back, dont go and leave me xx
I need some advice, copied below from my journal:-
So the situation with my Mum!

I'll try keep it short and please please please don't judge her!
She has been with her bf for 15 years, she got with him a few years after my Dad! Her marriage with my Dad was awful and he ran off with her best friend and took us kids with him! She was happy with B (her bf) for a good few years but hasn't been for a very long time, she has no job or money and that's the only reason she has stayed with him and that she felt she could never do any better, he's a nice bloke who woudln't hurt a fly but a rubbish bf, he hardly speaks to her, he hasn't takend her out in at least 8 years and they are more like friends than anything else! He has never left because of us kids and the grand children, he can't have kids so I think he's scared that it he leaves my Mum he will lose us too!

Anyway 2 weeks ago my Mum went to Spain with my Aunt, she came home and broke down to me and told me she had met someone else, I went mental called her some very harsh names and have hardly spoke since! Anyway he lives in Belgium and she went there this weekend to see him, she told B it was over last week, he wasn't surprised! So I picked her up this morning and she's on cloud 9, she has completely fell head over heels in love with this guy and he's flying over in 2 weeks to see her again! I told her to be careful and keep her guard up etc etc etc

We stopped for lunch on the way back and she told me she had to tell me something, she said she's going to live with him in Belgium (proberly after Xmas) and how did I feel, I started to cry and told her to "fuck off and leave us all alone", she got very very upset and said she's sick of living her life through her children and now just wants to so something for herself! She then went on to say that if I got pregnant she knows she would want to stay to support me through the pregnancy and be here for my baby, I sat there barely able to breathe and I just couldn't tell her I actually am pregnant! I don't want her to base her decision on me I just want her to be happy but I'm beyond devastated that she might not be around for me, it's breaks me heart and I'm so upset I won't see her all the time!


You cannot feel that telling her would make her base her decision around you. I think she would resent it if you keep it from her until she's moved and its too late. If she's saying that a pregnancy would keep her near you, then maybe this is the best way to keep her being careful with her heart. She wouldn't want to miss out on her grandtwins! You owe it to her to pluck up all your courage and tell her. She needs to know. I would want to know if I was your mum in this position! :hugs:

Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind me crashing in your thread (Nato said I could!) I don't post on here much these days. I had MMC around the same time as Nato, and remember chatting to some of you, Lucy, Mone, Spark, and have kept in touch with Nato.

Just wanted to say sorry to hear of you horrible news Mone, can't believe you have to go through this again.

Nato, we seem to mirror each other its spooky, you saw a crap Chinese woman just after me, docs and testing around the same time etc and currently having a VERY shitty day.

Birthday 41 looming next weekend - thought I would have a BFP by now, it was so easy last time. Have had pelvic ultrasounds, blood tests - all normal, but constantly BFN

Think I am on the verge of giving up, not cos of age, but because i can't handle the effect it is having on me, the constant disappointment, it's verging on obsessive now. "Try not to think about it" WTF!!

Welcome to the thread, lovely! The effects of TTC are horrendous! I know I've become a monster on occasion. But, I always find a way to go on. The heart wants what the heart wants, ya know? What blood tests have you had done? I've had my fair share of pelvic ultrasounds, but none that found anything until I had a saline sonogram... They found polyps and a week later I'd had a D&C (ERPC) to rid me of a ton of bad tissue. They think it could have caused so many of my problems, but there's no way to know for sure. There's always more testing that can be done. You just have to be pushy and proactive!

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