Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Hey girls!

I'm just home from work noshing on a chocolate orange after our convo. Blasting music (Taylor Swift, I'm terribly mainstream these days) as per Nato therapy.

Nato, Cesca, and Sugar, beautiful wedding pics! You all looked gorgeous and had amazing dresses. I'm off to find a pic.

I'm really happy right now as I got a positive OPK, and not the kind where you wonder if it's positive. :happydance: CD22, that's early for me!! Thank you, soy. :dance:

Nato, my FSH is 3.7. I don't know what that means but I guess it's good as it's close to Megg's.
Megg, the foundation I work for is a corporation. With that we had to file our articles of incorporation, bylaws, create a mission statement, get a tax ID, file with the state...blah blah blah. A layer would be better for you to help set up. The one I work for was set up in 1973 or so.

I'm not on the right computer for wedding photos so this is the only one I have. My wedding was properly ghetto. My dress was £20 from Debenhams (one 80% clearance or something...it was the only one there and happened to be my size...happy days)! We were going to have a 'real' wedding when we were older but still haven't done it. My fringe wasn't really yellow, that's just bad scanner quality.
I love the wedding pictures beautiful :) and the candy favors yummy!
I love all the wedding pictures had to add some of my beautiful nieces (only one of chloe she was a bit camara shy anya not so much shes the one on her own and in the pic with us although you would never know it but they caused bloody murder the morning of the wedding getting into their dresses one held her breathe and the other just screamed, me being the loving auntie I am forced them into their dresses literally then they didnt want to take them of :dohh: ) ok I got a bit carried away with pics but had to include one of us cutting the cake which mum made for us each layer is different and she hand made all the roses and stuck them on as well as doing piping on to it which you cant really see bless her she did so much she did all the flowers for the church as well. I loved our wedding it was amazing even if I do say so myself:


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Aww Lucy those are beautiful! I love Steve's jacket and love LOVE your dress!
Thanks allie I wont tell you how many shops I went into or how many dresses I tried on!! My mum and I made a real weekend of it shopping for my dress I think after two sons being married she was so exictied to help plan my wedding in the end it came down to a choice between 2 dresses, it was the one it just felt right that and my mum burst into tears which I figured was a good thing.

Thanks, Luce! Uhm.. I have a list of tests that I had run.

CBC - including ESR
Iron, Ferritin, B12, B6
Vitamin D
FSH, LH, E2 (on CD3)
Progesteron (7dpo)
lgE, lgA
Antinuclear antibodies
Cardiolipin antibodies
T3, T4
Total Testosterone
Free Testosterone
Factor V Leiden

Thanks megg I'll be honest I dont even know what half of those are, will speak to dr about it and take this list with me.

Allie and Lucy you look gorg too.
Did you get a peak on Cbfm today allie?
Allie and Lucy you look gorg too.
Did you get a peak on Cbfm today allie?
Ps I want to plan my wedding again. It would give me something else to obsess about other than babies!
How long have you been married? You could renew your wedding vows?

I suggested to steve we should do us but he said we had to be married for a bit longer than 2 years before we could :haha:
that should be do ours opps my typing was a bit off.
I’m a vegetarian! I’ve never eaten a roast in my life! With my step-father being from Spain, I grew up more on a Mediterranean diet than anything else. We never had things like Yorkshire pudding. But I’d be willing to try to make them if they are that good. But I really don’t eat gravy either since it is made from and animal. I do love a good pancake though!

CJ, you don’t always need to be in a good mood to post here. You’ve been treated like crap by the medical community. I think a complaint is definitely in order! You should definitely get your specific results. They are yours, not your doctors!

Nato, you know that rabbits are the symbol of fertility right? Maybe if you eat enough of those chocolate bunnies you’ll be popping out little baby bunnies like crazy!

I HEART chocolate. I’m a dark chocolate girl myself. The darker the better. MMMM… I want a candy buffet like Cesca and Sassy’s weddings right now. Mmmm, candy buffet.

Lucy, I also want an iPad. How fun for you! I will look at my list of tests and post them in the next post for you. Have you had anything done yet or will these be your first tests?

What gorgeous wedding pics all of you! Cesca with her long hair and big boobs, Nato on a drain with a cutie niece, Sugar looking like royalty in front of the fanciest car I’ve ever seen, Allie with her gorgeous ghetto dress, and Lucy showing us how happy a good outfit can make any girl feel once she stops screaming enough to put it on! Yay for the disco beauties!!!

Allie, woot woot for your positive OPK! Any pics of it? Did you get a peak on CBFM yet??? Allie’s going to ovulate. Allie’s going to ovulate.

Duffy, I hope that cold goes away quickly. I think colds are worse than the flu. They linger longer.

Ok, so my numbers aren’t as stellar as Megg and Allie’s. I guess that is a function of my age. Sigh. My FSH was 5. I’ve only gotten the test once. I wonder if mine could go down like Megg’s too?? I know it is still in the range of normal though. I had my follicle count and that was pretty high for my age so I feel ok with my reserve. My doctor told me I’m above average for 36. I was just reading about the Clomid challenge test, Nato. That seems to be a better indicator of ovarian reserve than the FSH number.

Also, my girlfriend who just had the mc and then got pregnant by our doctor again recently told me that while doing IUI, they made her take Clomid or Letrozole. She begged the doctor not to have to take Clomid because she hated the side effects. She ovulates on CD14 like you Nato and she didn’t think she needed it. The doctor told her she had to take something as it could help produce better quality eggs even if she was ovulating normally. She switched to letrozole this cycle and is preggers. Of course with the help of IUI, but I wonder if the Clomid/letrozole had anything to do with it. Before she did IUI and these drugs, she wasn’t able to get pregnant on her own. She was trying for a full year. Just sayin. Maybe some letrozole might be worth asking about?

Oh yeah, and my TSH was 1.53.
Ok Luce and anyone else, here's a post of mine that I copied and pasted from a while back. This is everything I've had to date:

- Karyotyping for me and my husband
- Sperm analysis for my husband (though my FS said if I'm getting pregnant, the sperm is not the issue.
- FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
- TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
- Estradoil
- Progesterone
- CBC (complete blood count) without differential
- Insulin
- Glucose fasting
- Prolactin
- Antithrombin III Activity
- Factor V Leiden
- Cardiolipin Antibody
- Lupus Anticoagulant
- MTHFR Gene Analysis
- Homocysteine, plasma
- Protein C Activity
- Protein S Total

I've also had a hysteroscopy where they inserted a catheter into the uterine cavity and then filled it with saline. Then they put a tiny camera in there to get a clear look at the uterine cavity to look for polyps or fibroids.

I had the HSG as well where they fill the uterus with dye and take an x-ray to look for blocked tubes and uterine shape.

My FS said the big things to look at are:

1. The anatomy of the uterus (the shape)
2. Clotting disorders (tested by blood tests like MTHFR, Factor V Leiden, Homocysteine and Antithrombin Activity)
3. Hormonal - due to age, diabetes or thyroid issues. Definitely get your thyroid tested.
4. Genetics - karyotype test can tell you if there are genetic issues
Thanks hearty I've not had much done before they checked to see if I was ovulating (which I have been) the test they do on day 21 and had full blood count done I know my B12 is an issue as I have pernious anemia but I have regualar B12 injections so that is controlled my numbers are good and high. Steve has his sperm checked. We havnt had anything else done. Guess I dont know what they will test on the 1st Dec so want to check everything has been done. I've had an u/s to check all was ok is that enough to check shape and if my tubes are alright? Sorry I'm being a bit dense.
You aren't being dense! None of us know this stuff until we are forced to. An ultrasound can't really check tubes and shape. Sometimes it can pick up shape abnormalities but not always. Mine wasn't picked up until they did the HSG.

There is a lot of testing they can do for you at this point as mine and Megg's lists show. There has to be a reason this is happening. I know how awful it feels to not know what might be wrong. I hope they can give you some answers. Are you seeing a fertility specialist?
Here are some of my wedding pics:

This is my favorite one:

Hubby and his kids (my step kids)

Us both with the kids:

Me on my own:

Our little cake (the handle on the knife broke when we cut the cake :lol: )

I wouldnt mind renewing our vows in a church service xxxx
Our laptop is broken but I will take a phone pic of my OPK in a bit, Hearty. :) I'm so proud of it lol.

Oh yeah, Sugar and Hearty, my CBFM was still high today but I think it will say peak tomorrow. I'm getting major ov pains like I've never had, and it's from a different side than normal...that makes me feel hopeful as well. It's clear the soy has done something...FX it makes a BFP!

Wow, that's a lot of tests. At least you guys can be assured you're healthy! :thumbup: Lucy and Nato, good luck getting tested...I know how overwhelming it is, and I hope it goes smoothly for you.

Aww, very cute dawny! :)
Lucy I just read that Steve won an iPad. That's pretty frickin' sweet. :) What a nice surprise to get in the mail.

Hearty, I am super jealous of your TSH!

Okay, here's my OPK. I know it's lame to be excited about an OPK....sorry it's blurry, it was with my phone.


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I LOVE the wedding pics! Maybe I'll put some of mine up later tonight! :)

HA!!! See I just think of IVF as just making sure the egg and sperm meet! How little I know!

That's part of it, yeah. There's about 10 hurdles to getting pregnant on every well-timed ovulatory cycle... IUI skips about 3-4 of those steps. IVF skips 9 of those steps. With IVF, they will be tracking my E2 and follicles daily to make sure that they're maturing. They use Lupron to make sure that I cannot possibly ovulate until the eggs are ready. Then, we do the trigger shot (HCG) that finished the follicles maturing. They then go in prior to my eggs being released and will remove the mature eggs from the follicles. They'll combine my eggs and DH's sperm and wait to see what fertilizes. Then, they watch the cells divide and hopefully get to blastocyst stage. They pick the strongest 1-3 (depending on a few things) and put them back into my uterus. All they have to do is implant! :thumbup:

Megg, the foundation I work for is a corporation. With that we had to file our articles of incorporation, bylaws, create a mission statement, get a tax ID, file with the state...blah blah blah. A layer would be better for you to help set up. The one I work for was set up in 1973 or so.

Sounds about like what I read. I'll see what I can do about finding a lawyer to help. :)

I’m a vegetarian! I’ve never eaten a roast in my life! With my step-father being from Spain, I grew up more on a Mediterranean diet than anything else. We never had things like Yorkshire pudding. But I’d be willing to try to make them if they are that good. But I really don’t eat gravy either since it is made from and animal. I do love a good pancake though!

CJ, you don’t always need to be in a good mood to post here. You’ve been treated like crap by the medical community. I think a complaint is definitely in order! You should definitely get your specific results. They are yours, not your doctors!

Nato, you know that rabbits are the symbol of fertility right? Maybe if you eat enough of those chocolate bunnies you’ll be popping out little baby bunnies like crazy!

I HEART chocolate. I’m a dark chocolate girl myself. The darker the better. MMMM… I want a candy buffet like Cesca and Sassy’s weddings right now. Mmmm, candy buffet.

Lucy, I also want an iPad. How fun for you! I will look at my list of tests and post them in the next post for you. Have you had anything done yet or will these be your first tests?

What gorgeous wedding pics all of you! Cesca with her long hair and big boobs, Nato on a drain with a cutie niece, Sugar looking like royalty in front of the fanciest car I’ve ever seen, Allie with her gorgeous ghetto dress, and Lucy showing us how happy a good outfit can make any girl feel once she stops screaming enough to put it on! Yay for the disco beauties!!!

Allie, woot woot for your positive OPK! Any pics of it? Did you get a peak on CBFM yet??? Allie’s going to ovulate. Allie’s going to ovulate.

Duffy, I hope that cold goes away quickly. I think colds are worse than the flu. They linger longer.

Ok, so my numbers aren’t as stellar as Megg and Allie’s. I guess that is a function of my age. Sigh. My FSH was 5. I’ve only gotten the test once. I wonder if mine could go down like Megg’s too?? I know it is still in the range of normal though. I had my follicle count and that was pretty high for my age so I feel ok with my reserve. My doctor told me I’m above average for 36. I was just reading about the Clomid challenge test, Nato. That seems to be a better indicator of ovarian reserve than the FSH number.

Also, my girlfriend who just had the mc and then got pregnant by our doctor again recently told me that while doing IUI, they made her take Clomid or Letrozole. She begged the doctor not to have to take Clomid because she hated the side effects. She ovulates on CD14 like you Nato and she didn’t think she needed it. The doctor told her she had to take something as it could help produce better quality eggs even if she was ovulating normally. She switched to letrozole this cycle and is preggers. Of course with the help of IUI, but I wonder if the Clomid/letrozole had anything to do with it. Before she did IUI and these drugs, she wasn’t able to get pregnant on her own. She was trying for a full year. Just sayin. Maybe some letrozole might be worth asking about?

Oh yeah, and my TSH was 1.53.

The Clomid challenge is good stuff. It does a lot to help determine things. 5 isn't bad. AMH is actually a better indicator of egg reserves/quality than FSH, but I haven't had it tested. I was pretty satisfied with my FSH. I think the way it goes is that usually, if your FSH is okay, then the AMH isn't a problem. High FSH usually requires the further AMH testing to determine whether its actually a problem!

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