Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

JayKay looked a bit off his tits I thought!

Reckon I hate Hollie cos she's thin, beautiful, seems nice and is up the duff again, which she'll no doubt sail through. I'm just a jealous bitch really!

What side's Natalie on. Might watch it!
I just had to Google who Natalie Cassidy is. She's a bit rough looking for a celebrity.
ha ha Allie. She is a bit of a boot!

I'm just laughing at my labrador, he's running around with my knickers in his mouth. He's pulled them off the radiator! :haha:
pmsl at Allie. Shes got a proper gormless face on her. she played a child in a soap and then, as Mone said, she got famous for losing loads of weight and parading round in a bikini, but somehow still looking beefy despite being really thin, then putting it back on and saying she was happier. Same as hannah waterman, really.

JayKay is always sweating and looking like he's had a livener.

Sugar, its a good job Mel Gibson isnt a derail regular or i know what he'd be calling you.
haha sugar.

my niece got hold a pair of my pants from in my overnight bag and bought them into christmas dinner with her

i was absolutely mortified.
woo hoo and extra yikes, Walking Dead is starting.
laughing at sugars labrador, and nato's niece :haha:
natalie's face went really desperate dan looking when she got thin, almost like she had suddenly become a pre-op sex change, her jaw was really square and scary. Hannah waterman also looked like she may be growing a penis before she put back on those 10 pounds.

Got only way is essex on.... my guilty pleasure. sshhh don't tell.
Wow, I feel like you are all talking a foreign language right now. I don't know who any of these people are. Except Jamiroquai, Stevie Wonder and Mel Gibson! Jamiroquai used to be my favorite band. They aren't super popular here in the States. But like Nato said, they were great in 1992. They definitely went downhill for me, especially when Stuart Zender was no longer the bass player. (I'm married to a bass player, so am very observant of bass playing!)

Aside from that, who are you all talking about???
ha ha Mone!

God this programme is crap, I don't know why I'm watching it! It reminds me a bit of that Kerry Katona show, but Natalie is not so fucked up :haha:
Sassy I really hope things sort out with your brother and mum it must be hard for you all maybe when hes calmed down a little they will be able to sit down and talk about things.

Megg need your help please, does my erpc count as CD1 as not sure where I am in the cycle. I'm going to get the bloods done at my dr's as to be honest it brakes up the month waiting for our other appointment but what about the ones on 1st Dec as I have no idea where I will be in my cycle are there other tests that have to be done on certain days Im a bit worried I'm going to get there and they will tell me to come back next month on the right days. Im pretty sure on the 1st they are going to check for clotting issues and chromosomal abnormalities. Steve is also having blood done.

Think I've missed a few post so going to go and read back :hugs:

Yes, honey... Most people count ERPC as CD1. I didn't, but for different reasons. In the case of loss, yes... ERPC = CD1.

What questions do you have? I'll do what I can to help you get answers between now and when you speak with him again. I mean, unless they're questions about what he thinks regarding your situation... obviously I can't help there. But if they're medical in nature, I can maybe provide some of what you seek. I've gotten too good at this! LOL

You are very good at this! Well, my body seems to be super senstive to stress. He agrees thats why my prolactin gets raised and is normal under nonstressful situations. And my blood pressure-140/98 and then at the end 100/70-obviously very affected by stress, as he pointed out. Can stress be related to my elevated testosterone and DHEA? I mean, what causes that? I thought PCOS was what happened to people with unhealthy lifestyles (forgive my ignorance) and I eat well, exercise, don't drink or smoke, etc. He said it was probably related to insulin resistance in my case, hence the 2 hour glucose test. BUT, I have had fasting insulin and the test that measures it over 3 months and was told I don't have insulin resistance. It was like he was saying those tests were wrong? And if I did get pregnant what could be done about my testosterone as he said it would be bad for the baby? He didn't say how they would treat it, though. Because now I'm also worried that if I do get pregnant I will miscarry right away again. Oh, and lastly...he said my progesterone at 7pdo at 9.6 was good, but I've read on here it's not so good. I'm doing another 7dpo test next week...will the soy raise it at all? I still want it higher and am thinking of doing cream, but I don't want to mess with the blood test.

Lastly, everything with me is always 'borderline.' My testosterone, TSH, DHEA, etc. I don't know that's good or bad because on one hand, how can everything be so bad if it's all just borderline, and on the other, does it mean it's a slipperly slope to horrible results? I worry if I take meds it might mess everything up worse. I'm soooo against medication in general. Oh, and do you think I should push for thyrorixine with my TSH? He says no.

Sorry for my novel...can you provide what I seek, lol?

Regarding the testosterone and DHEA linked to stress... The short answer is no. The longer answer is that there is no current proof or studies that have suggested stress, diet, or lifestyle has ANY effect on those levels.

PCOS has NOTHING to do with an unhealthy lifestyle. Many women who suffer from PCOS do tend to be overweight (though MANY don't), but its due to the insulin resistance. They gain the weight due to it, and have difficultly losing it because of it. The hormone imbalance that's associated with it (along with the possible excess weight) can cause fatigue, which often leads to a decrease in exercise and activity. They didn't get it because they were unhealthy... but they become less healthy because of the effects of the disorder. It is possible to have developed insulin resistance since the test, and it never hurts to check again.

Regarding the testosterone, it will likely go down if you can get the PCOS in check. The hormone imbalance will subside as the PCOS subsides. So, if you can hold off on conceiving until you've been through a few months of treatment, you'll be in a better position.

Your progesterone of 9.6 isn't that bad. It does show that you do ovulate but suggests a moderately weak ovulation. You could be releasing eggs that are either under- or over-mature... The late ovulation could play a part in that. Balancing your hormones would be a good first step. The elevated testosterone and DHEA probably aren't helping your quality of ovulation. Soy (just like Clomid) could definitely help with that. Over-the-counter progesterone cream wouldn't hurt either, but you definitely don't want to do it on a month where you levels are being tested.

Being "borderline" is touchy. Sometimes "borderline" is only borderline according to that specific lab. There's a difference between being "in range" or "borderline in range" and being at "optimal" levels. "Borderline" can be MILES from "optimal"... and "optimal" is... well... optimal! Leaving borderline levels to go unchecked just opens the door up for worse levels later. I'm sure many of the 30-somethings that seek treatment after years of struggling and are shown with levels out of whack could easily have had "borderline" levels several years prior. So, it could definitely be a bit of a slippery slope.

I wouldn't push for thyrorixine yet... I think you might be able to get everything under control without it. Your level isn't really that sort of high yet. Over 4 is usually when that becomes a more attractive option.

As far as being sort of anti-med... You might have to decide if you're more attached to the idea of staying off of meds or being a mother. That might sound harsh, and I don't mean for it to. But, we live in a society that has made remarkable medical breakthroughs... and there are loads of women who would remain childless forever if they resisted meds on principle. You really might NEED meds... not just in a "to get pregnant" sense, but in order to be healthy and have a long, full life with your family. You have to take care of you first, and resisting might be counterproductive at this point.

Please take this with the understanding that I don't like the idea of all the meds. I react very poorly (and strongly) to stress... So much so that I used to bleed when I stressed. I wanted to conceive naturally. I wanted it to be a surprise. I wanted to know that my children were made out of an act of pure love. But, what I'm going through now... This IS love... It takes so much love to put my body through this process just to hold a baby in my arms. It is an act of pure love that I'm sacrificing some of my principles so that I can create a new life. Its just not the act of pure love that I envisioned. So, I've been where you are. I'm not blind to your feelings. I'm just saying what I wish someone had told me 3 years ago.

I hope that does give you an idea of what you hoped to find out? :hugs:

No offence taken, and it always breaks my heart to see when people end up in tears and I can't do anything about it for them. And I know people think that I don't have a clue about any of it because I only had one mc, but here's a little secret that I have never mentioned before - I lost a baby at 20 weeks before when I was 17 yrs old. So I am actually on my third pregnancy myself.

OMG! My jaw literally dropped. I'm SO sorry! I can't believe you've kept that secret for so long... Carried the burden alone... I wish I could just give you the biggest hug in history. I never doubted that you knew what loss was about... but I never understood how much more you knew about it than anyone ever should. :cry:

I'm doing ok I think. Not sure if it has really hit me yet, I know I definitely haven't processed the wider implications, my brain isn't letting me, just allowing very tiny thoughts through like, where did I hide that bag of crunchie rocks, or is Idiot abroad on tonight that will be a laugh, or isn't Holly Willoughby really bloody annoying on This Morning. Living by the second, it's getting me through.

Next week will probably be meltdown after the confirmation, then of course the mc itself. Jesus, just the thought is crap crap, bloody crappity shit.

I do keep having little tinsy weeny little day dreams (clearing not allowed in my 1 second living in the present coping mechanism thingy) that when the scan me on Monday she'll turn the screen and say 'oooh we made a big mistake there didn't we with dates missy mone, look at that lovely little heartbeat', you're perfectly 8 weeks), and it's a lovely 30 seconds of thinking ahhhhh amazing, but I'm back down to earth with a big crash when i know it is just a daydream and the chances of it happening is small, well, impossible really.

I think we are going to keep trying though.

Glad to see you, honey! Living in the moment is all you can do sometimes! :hugs:

Allie, so sorry you've had bad news. :cry:His bedside manner sounds shit. I don't know an awful lot about PCOS, but I know 2 mates with it it. One has just given birth to a little girl. Took her a yr to get pg, but she sailed thru her pregnancy. The other fell pg as soon as coming off the pill. I suppose it depends on the severity of it. Did he not comment on the fact that you fell pg the first time so easily?

Hearty, sorry you had a crap night. I think it was very insensitive of the organiser to do something like that when she knows what you've been through. I reckon you need to do what you need to in order to protect yourself, and maybe if that means avoiding people who are pg for a while, then so be it. When I found out shortly after my mc the above mentioned friend was pg after trying for exactly 2 weeks, I avoided her for a while and didn't contact her. That may sound harsh, and I sent her a card etc. but I had to protect myself as I just didn't feel up to being around her. It's now 4 months later and I feel much better and I can now cope with it and feel really happy for her. As for blokes, mine would have said a similar thing. After my hubby's got a few inside him, he can be very insensitive, and let's face it they don't grieve for a lost baby in the same way women do. Hope you feel a bit better tomorrow. :hugs:

Mone nice to hear from you. I agree with you that Holly Willoughby is a smug irritating bitch! I so hope you get good news at your next scan.

AFM, I'm big sick of bloody Doctors not knowing what the feck they're on about! I queried the day 3 thing with 2 different Doctors and they both told me it was fine to get everything done 7dpo. If any of the tests come back even slightly abnormal, I'm paying private. Sick of fannying around with the NHS.By the time I see my Gynocologist for the second time in December, I will have been waiting for 19 weeks for this f/up appt. Balls to them!

I know this is going to sound massive big-headed and bold.. but your doctors are WRONG. It DOES matter. You can get them done at 7dpo... but it certainly won't tell you anything profound! :hugs: I hate doctors.

Wow, I feel like you are all talking a foreign language right now. I don't know who any of these people are. Except Jamiroquai, Stevie Wonder and Mel Gibson! Jamiroquai used to be my favorite band. They aren't super popular here in the States. But like Nato said, they were great in 1992. They definitely went downhill for me, especially when Stuart Zender was no longer the bass player. (I'm married to a bass player, so am very observant of bass playing!)

Aside from that, who are you all talking about???

Me too! I have NO clue what they're on about with those people! :dohh:
Hearty and Megg, Holly W is a TV presenter in the UK...she used to present two shows I watched when I lived in the UK (The Xtra Factor and Ministry of Mayhem). Now she does the equivalent of Good Morning America over there. I like her a lot, and she just announced she's pregnant again...Denise Van Outen is also a British TV presenter, and Natalie Cassidy is (she's the one I didn't know) a B-list celebrity who used to be on a soap. Now doing reality TV.

Megg, thank you SO MUCH for your heartfelt and thorough response. I re-read it so I could take everything in and it was very helpful. I'm feeling much more at ease about PCOS now. I guess in my knowledge I just thought it was something that was controlled with diet and exercise. And getting it would somehow be my 'fault' even though I try to be healthy. Now I know! FX I'm not insulin resistant. There is only part of your post I was uncomfortable with... You said... "Regarding the testosterone, it will likely go down if you can get the PCOS in check. The hormone imbalance will subside as the PCOS subsides. So, if you can hold off on conceiving until you've been through a few months of treatment, you'll be in a better position." It's kinda late for that this cycle as I just ovulated. :shrug: If I do get pregnant I will probably freak out! I asked the doc and he said not to worry, just to call him. But I probably won't anyways without treatment...anyways, thank you SO MUCH. I agree that whatever way our babies are conceived it is out of love, except of course all of the oops babies from one night stands. :dohh: Anyways, I really do appreciate your insight.
Hearty and Megg, Holly W is a TV presenter in the UK...she used to present two shows I watched when I lived in the UK (The Xtra Factor and Ministry of Mayhem). Now she does the equivalent of Good Morning America over there. I like her a lot, and she just announced she's pregnant again...Denise Van Outen is also a British TV presenter, and Natalie Cassidy is (she's the one I didn't know) a B-list celebrity who used to be on a soap. Now doing reality TV.

Megg, thank you SO MUCH for your heartfelt and thorough response. I re-read it so I could take everything in and it was very helpful. I'm feeling much more at ease about PCOS now. I guess in my knowledge I just thought it was something that was controlled with diet and exercise. And getting it would somehow be my 'fault' even though I try to be healthy. Now I know! FX I'm not insulin resistant. There is only part of your post I was uncomfortable with... You said... "Regarding the testosterone, it will likely go down if you can get the PCOS in check. The hormone imbalance will subside as the PCOS subsides. So, if you can hold off on conceiving until you've been through a few months of treatment, you'll be in a better position." It's kinda late for that this cycle as I just ovulated. :shrug: If I do get pregnant I will probably freak out! I asked the doc and he said not to worry, just to call him. But I probably won't anyways without treatment...anyways, thank you SO MUCH. I agree that whatever way our babies are conceived it is out of love, except of course all of the oops babies from one night stands. :dohh: Anyways, I really do appreciate your insight.

I really don't think the testosterone would have that much of a negative effect if you did get pregnant. I looked some of the effects... and it is only borderline high. I read that it can be linked to smaller babies. But, really... I think most of the ill effects would be a significantly high levels... and you're not in that position yet. If it happens this time, you're probably fine. I wouldn't actively try to prevent pregnancy for a few months... but maybe relax and focus more on getting yourself into a better position before going back to the obsessiveness that comes with TTC. I honestly don't think a borderline high testosterone level would cause many (if any) complications. So, breath deep and just wait to see what happens. I think you would be in a very good position with Metformin and maybe Clomid or Femara/Letrozole. I can't see any huge reason that would push you into further treatment... but do keep an open mind to it just in case, iykwim? :thumbup:
Hearty and Megg, Holly W is a TV presenter in the UK...she used to present two shows I watched when I lived in the UK (The Xtra Factor and Ministry of Mayhem). Now she does the equivalent of Good Morning America over there. I like her a lot, and she just announced she's pregnant again...Denise Van Outen is also a British TV presenter, and Natalie Cassidy is (she's the one I didn't know) a B-list celebrity who used to be on a soap. Now doing reality TV.

Good description of who they are allie. I thought I'd add on Mylene Klass is a singer turned presenter she wrote her book about her first pregnancy and is pregnant again and is very annoying.
Thanks so much, Megg. You are going to get some good baby karma with all of the good advice you give out. *deep breath* NTNP, wait for treatment (my follow up is Dec. 1st...I have to wait for AF to CD3 bloods). That's what I'm going to do. :) My testosterone was 1.02 with a .06-.82 range.

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