Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Thanks hearty. I'll try not to get my hopes up! Also, woohoo for the :witch: arriving! :happydance: Bring on the meds!
Woohoo to the :witch: arriving hearty and to starting meds :happydance:
Woohoo for the :witch:, Amanda!!! :yipee:

Cesca i thought of buying a doppler, but honestly i would freak out more everytime i wouldnt be able to find the heartbeat. The stress doesnt go away, now i have the daily stress of feeling her move. If she has a quiet day im on the brink of depression....Im constantly with one foot out the door to get an emergency scan. But then i think, ok so i have the scan and there is something wrong...what could the doctors do? Shes only 22 weeks.... I guess what im trying to say (maybe more to myself than to you) is that its out of our hands now! Well be lucky if we have our sanity at the end of this lol!

Hearty I do exactly the same thing when someone asks me how im doing! I have never hid any of my my losses or now my constant stress over my pregnancy. Im tired of people hiding something so common like its some sort of dirty secret. There will be no awareness until we start talking about what has happened to us.
Last year one of our close friends fell pregnant, she didnt tell us herself but her husband who is Alex's best friend told him right before her NT scan. He said that if all goes well they would announce that weekend. At their NT scan there were strong indications of abnormalities which they would confirm with CVS. The CVS indeed showed that the baby had Turners syndrome. Her husband told Alex who thought it would be a good idea if i called her and gave her some support or some info on the D&C she would be having.
I call her up and was like "im so sorry about the baby", she responds "what baby?" At this point i think shes in denial or in shock but as the conversation progresses she denies ever being pregnant, laughs at my assumption that she was, and is more worried about how i thought this than anything else!!!!!! I hung up and almost 5 minutes later her husband calls Alex and wants to know why i called her as she doesnt want anyone to know that she was pregnant and that the baby had a problem. Alex was like,whatthe hell
is wrong with her? She knows what Vicky has been through and even so she was willing to relive the experience so she could help a friend... This girl was more worried about what people would say than getting some support through this ordeal. This made me want to talk about what i went through even more! I thought it was totally outrageous!

Megg you go on talking and posting on facebook all about your journey!people need to know thats its not the easiest thing to have a baby, that the woman next to you might be going through hell to be called mom!

I think you're well right. It does need to be talked about. I'm shocked that she would outright deny it to you when her husband had told your husband. I would have expected a "how on earth did you know?" answer... but not outright denial! That's awful! :(

I will continue to post my journey on FB. I did delete a lot of the people I went to school with and whatnot before I started posting about it, but more because I didn't want stupid advice from them or anything. I can't take that.

Megg - What a selfish woman she sounds like, sorry she was so disinterested and negative to you hun. IVF is an amazing process and not the tool of the devil. If its going to give you want you really want then go for it, life's too short to mess about.

Nato - Glad your back chicken and love the photos, bet you are the cool auntie and uncle that let them eat ice cream for breakfast and stuff. Update us on the Sandra reading :)

Cazz - Good luck at the scan hun I am sure its going to be fine and you will get to see a fat little bubba in there. Maybe you are going to have a little girl a sassy a boy. How cool would that be?

Lucy - Lovely reading hun and I hope it comes true for you both x

Cesca - Agree with the others and maybe ring the MW to have a chat if you are worried. I am sure everything is fine though and you are just having a bit of a wobble which is understandable after a loss. :hugs: Cant believe your friend though, sticking your head in the sand and pretending everything is ok is not dealing with things and one days its going to come back and bite her in the ass.

CJ - Wow things really are moving for you hun and its going to be really exciting with all this going on. Hoping you get that :bfp: too and can pull off the triple x

Vicky - Sorry you feel ill, there are some nasty bugs going around at the min. Get yourself to bed and stay wrapped up for a few days xxx

AFM - I felt really blocked up this morning and had a pain in my tummy but i am happy to say i pooped for the 1st time since sunday and everything is much better now! It was a work (oh the shame!) but needs must when up the duff. POAS with an IC as well and it was really dark which made me happy :happydance:

Congrats on pooping! LOL Gotta do what you gotta do!

Hi girls, sorry I was so quiet last night. I was licking my wounds :growlmad:

Megg, thanks for the info re sperm analysis. I'm trying to stay positive, but if the result is the same next time, I will be gutted! I did get the following off the internet:

The morphology of the sperm is also evaluated. With WHO criteria as described in 2010, a sample is normal if 4% or more of the observed sperm have normal morphology

I'm confused! I will ask Doctor to explain more when I see her this afternoon for results of my blood test

I'm sorry your friend is being weird with you at the moment. Maybe you should send her an email or ring her to say that you were hurt by her behaviour?

Cazza, good luck for you scan today :thumbup:can't wait to hear how you got on

Lucy, great reading! :thumbup:

CJ Woof at the pic of the bloke! Hope you're not feeling as weepy today. You're going through some massive changes at the mo hunni.:hugs:

Allie, not sure about the CBFM. I'm still getting used to it myself, but Hearty's explanation made sense. Not many get implantation bleeding, so fingers crossed with the cramps! :thumbup:

Hearty, you are one hot lady! Hope the bitch has arrived!

Nato, fab pics! Your hubby looks well fit! Any news on the blood yet? Let me know and we can compare results. I get mine back at 5.10. Don't forget to tell your hubby to use the pink sock for the sample :haha:

Sassy, fab news about your scan and great pic!

Cesca, hope you're feeling better today sweetie :hugs:

Rax, congrats on pooping. Bet tha feel better! :happydance:

Amy, :hugs:

Think that's me just about caught up. If I've missed anyone out, I'm sorry! I had to make notes that time!

Have a good day

See... That sperm business... I don't know. Everything I read it so conflicting. I guess 4% just sounds awful... but I guess maybe its not really. Its hard for me to wrap my mind around.

I thought about telling her... but I think it would honestly throw her into a tailspin. I don't think she had a clue that she was acting bizarre. So, I'm going to try to keep things less awkward and just move on. I don't see her that often anyway. Maybe it'll be different next time.

I haven’t had time to google these yet and im posting and running, but my results are:

FSH – 5.5
Prolactin – 295 mu/L
LH – 5.2 iu/L
Oestradiol – 211 pmol/L
B12 – 499 ng/l
Serum folate - >20.0 ug/l

I know the FSH looks ok, that was the one I was most scared of, and the LH is almost 1:1, but apart from that, I don’t really know what they mean at the mo.

Off to spend the next 24 hours on a google frenzy (with intermittment visits to BnB to look for scan pics off cazza)

Sugar, spotted your reply, get in here with your results - husband dropped his deposit off at the bank today but will be 2 weeks before that comes back

Well... The ones that make sense to me are good. The others are obviously measured in different units than they are here. I believe Prolactin, Oestradial, and B12 are all being measured in unfamiliar units for me. I found one site that proposes a conversion, but I don't think it could possibly be right. I really just wish I knew what your Oestradiol was in our units.

Girls I'm am too excited for words baby pip is doing perfect :cloud9: little heartbeat was pumping away and he/she is measuring 4 days ahead so I'm 8w 4d, 20mm now with tiny arms n legs lol such a little cutie. Me & Lee are amazed I really can't believe it's finally happening for us.

Thank you all for your lovely messages I'll b on later with a piccy of pip :) Lov Caz xxx

:wohoo: That's FANTASTIC!!! :hugs:

Cazza, great news!!! congratsahoosive to you and pip x

Luce - flying??? wowee, you can evacuate us all when the meteor hits. They didnt tell me anything, i strong armed the receptionist into giving me the results without an app as i just wanted them today

Sugar - yes, i know all about them now - sort of, good luck with yours, its pretty scary getting them back

well there's a possibility i spoke too soon as my E2 oestradiol might be slightly too high. Im finding different ranges of course, so need to properly look into it tonight - but what its saying is its at the top end of the range - at 211mpol / 57

The high E2 might be artifically lowering my FSH - however, i am in the 'excellent' bracket at below 6 with the FSH, so im not overly worried, i will settle for a 'good' score on FSH

I wouldnt have thought at 39 it was likely that i got an excellent score, but i know its possible. The E2 being elevated can indicate diminished ovarian reserves, so i think i need a disco bumper to tell me whats happening and book an appointment with my dr to discuss

The other thing is that the E2 will be higher cos i was on day 5, but that also might mean my FSH has come out lower than it would if id tested day 3 - not worked that out yet

I read that it can cloak a worse FSH level if E2 is high. But, I still can't work out how high it actually was. Ours are in pg/mL (2 digit #'s) not pmol/L (3 digit #'s). :shrug:
Cazza, congrats that is great news!!

Nato all of those numbers look foreign to me, I have no idea about any of that stuff so I can be of no help at all...:dohh:

Hearty yay for the ho-bag showing!

:hugs: to everyone, hope you are all doing ok.

I'm feeling down today, 15 dpo and my temps are still high...as always...but tested bfn. I know that a long LP is supposed to be a good thing but it only gets my hopes up each time :cry:
Thanks Megg

I think my E2 in pg/ml is 57 - i found a poster on fertilty facts as saying that i had to divide 211 by .272 or something (forget the exact numbers) but my sums made it to be 57. I have been known to add up 10 + 10 incorrectly though

Im finding references for E2 masking FSH at 50, 80 or 100+ in pg/ml, but most references seem to think 100 pg/ml is too high

what did it work out as in your conversion?
erk just found the one i think youre referring to, which puts my oestrdiol at 958
no, i think i did it right first time:


To convert from the conventional unit to the SI unit, multiply by the conversion factor

To convert from the SI unit to the conventional unit, divide by the conversion factor

Conventional Unit Conversion Factor SI Unit

Estradiol pg/mL 3.671 pmol/L

so 211 divided by 3.671 = 57.47 pg/ml

so i think my Oestradiol is 58

this site has other conversions too: https://www.progesteronetherapy.com/progesterone-levels.html
I dont know if this helps but I found this:

WOW Caz, I'm over the moon for you, such wonderful news. Can't wait to see a piccie.xxx
Nato, I can't make heads or tails of the numbers. Sorry. I just looked at mine and it looks like they never tested my LH. WTF???

My acupuncturist is suspecting PCOS with me since my cycles have been long and I'm getting positive OPKs and then not Ov'ing. Though I've had 2 different fertility specialists look at my ovaries and neither of them have mentioned PCOS. Grrrr...

Well, I hope you can figure out your numbers.

Yogi, sorry about the BFN babe. Did you stop putting your temps into FF? I'd love to see the whole chart if you have time.

Thanks for you all being so excited for me for the :witch: It's funny how we hate her until times like these. I appreciate all of the cheerleading.

I just reset my CBFM so it doesn't have memory of my long cycles. I'm going to be an on time ovulator!!! I can barely contain my excitement!!!
Right, will stop banging on about my results now. My FSH seems to be in the 'excellent' bracket for now. When the receptionist gave me the print out after i bullied her into it, i burst into tears in front of her, and she crapped herself. I had to explain they were tears of relief but i think she might not give anyone else their results now

Sugar's getting her results right now, right as i type - good luck bebe!!

Im sorry the man results are upsetting you, did you see the post that i posted a few pages back, about how few men have morphology over 5% these days cos they have changed how they measure 'normal'? I dont think the 4% is as bad as it sounds.

Yeay CJ, great news. If i put my ear to the ground, i think i hear a bfp galloping this way. Congrats on the flat and stuff

Luce gonna check my email in a min and see if psychic sandra has replied
i was surprised at my B12 results, the range on my print off is 170-900 so 499 is great, and i dont eat meat at all. Note how high my folic acid ones are due to forcing the dr to prescribe me 5mg. Ahem. Do you not absorb B12 then? why do you have the injections? Madonna has B12 injections. You are like a pop star. Thanks for that link Luce, that puts me at the lower end of the E2 scale, weirdly. I dont think i have anything to worry about - your post was reassuring. Also, from the bottom ranges shown on that link, looks like i worked it out right at 57 - thank yoooou

Cazza, gimme picture, now now now now

Vickers, hope youre feeling better. Boo at no tablets, go to bed and refuse to get up. That story about your friend what she said to you when you offered help is totally bizarre, i know she was suffering but i just dont understand how she was thinking. I guess you never know how you are going to react, and her concern over what people might say could have been a defense mechanism.

Hi Razzers, I hope you had your scooper with you - yeay at dark lines.

Hearty, husband made deposit this morning. I told him to put it in a sock (a la Sugar) and off he went to the hospital whistling away. I agree about telling people how you feel. Its hard to hide with me anyway cos i burst into tears at the drop of a hat. and then they have to ask if im ok. I have no boundaries left at all - my boundaries are shot to shit.

Glad witchface is here. I'm excited about your meds. Oo we might be bump buddies. You never know. Countdown to Friday begins

Megg re: your friend, see if it was a one off, if its not, then have a rethink. Pesky aliens

Hi allie, i have been preparing for sunday, i was thinking i might make a sign with 'Hi Fargo Allie' on it and make an idiot of myself. What was your prolactin result again allie?

Glad youre feeling a bit better cesca - 4 weeks does seem like a long time but you are 16 weeks now and the chances of things going wrong have dropped massively. Maybe the news about Lily Allen has poked your subconscious a bit.

ahh Yogi Bear, have a free hug. Not a bear one, a free one. Its only showing 9dpo on your chart for some reason. That time of the month is so difficult, come and talk to us if you need us xx
Yogi, sorry about the BFN babe. Did you stop putting your temps into FF? I'd love to see the whole chart if you have time.

I kept temping while I was away but stopped entering them because I traveled and was jet-lagged with the time difference, plus sleeping in a different place I figured they wouldn't really mean anything anyways...I did get a big temp rise yesterday and it's still elevated today so I got a little excited, but tested BFN this morning regardless. It could have been because it was my first night back at home that made my temp spike originally?

I have filled it in now with the temps that I wrote down as I think they are close to normal for me anyways. I missed temping on Monday as I was traveling back home all day.

Thanks for looking!
Thankyou all soooo much I'm just on my way home from work girls so I'll upload piccy asap xxx

razzers both scans have been external thank god lol! It was great reassurance to be honest so I'd say go for it n book one :) xxxx
ahh Yogi Bear, have a free hug. Not a bear one, a free one. Its only showing 9dpo on your chart for some reason. That time of the month is so difficult, come and talk to us if you need us xx

Chart has now been updated...but because I was traveling with a time-change and jet lag, I'm not sure if any of it's valid or not. :shrug:
Completely off topic but cudos to the Brit students for the protests!
Im a student and i just sat at home eating croissants. I need to be more revolutionary, in spite of the Jamie Reid print on my wall.
oo yogi, its gone actually higher. i am sure jetlag is going to mess with your chart, is your usual LP 17 days?

gonna check my email for sandra now, totally forgot despite saying 10 mins ago i would check
My usual LP is about 16 days. I have a 30 day cycle and generally Ov on CD14. Everything seems to work like clockwork with my body so it is so frustrating for me everytime we don't catch the egg. :cry:

And it's really pissing me off that my chart looks so great right now with a spike in temps and still higher today...but a big ugly :BFN:....:growlmad:
Luce gonna check my email in a min and see if psychic sandra has replied
i was surprised at my B12 results, the range on my print off is 170-900 so 499 is great, and i dont eat meat at all. Note how high my folic acid ones are due to forcing the dr to prescribe me 5mg. Ahem. Do you not absorb B12 then? why do you have the injections? Madonna has B12 injections. You are like a pop star. Thanks for that link Luce, that puts me at the lower end of the E2 scale, weirdly. I dont think i have anything to worry about - your post was reassuring. Also, from the bottom ranges shown on that link, looks like i worked it out right at 57 - thank yoooou

I look forward to hearing what sandra says it took a week for me to get my reading through. I have the B12 injections as I have pernicious anemia I cant absord B12 from my food which is why I have the injections. I like the idea of being a pop star although I'm not sure anyone would pay me to sing more like pay me to shout up :haha:

I think you should rush the stage on sunday and give a shout out to all the disco girls!!

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