Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Yeah I voted for lib dems and now wishing I didn't. Having said that, I live in a gloriously old fashioned countryfide area (complete with the boxing day hunts from the hotel that I work at) where there's no point voting unless its Tory. Our tory MP is a complete prick and he still gets voted in every 4 years.
Thanks for the support ladies, I know I'm whining over nothing but a BFN sucks. I think it takes the average couple 6-12 months if everything is in working order. It took us 5 months the first time so I hope we can do about the same this time. 5 months isn't that long but it felt like an eternity which you all know too well.

I hate waiting on the stupid ho-bag when I know she's on her way.

Can't wait to hear about everyone's Sandra readings!!
Thanks Sassy, Im not sure yet, i know i want to use psychodynamic theory, but am not sure of areas of treatment as yet - i know i dont want to work with bereavement or terminal illness agencies specifically - i was interested in relationship counselling but ive gone off the boil on that as i train more. Im sure i will keep changing mine minds as i have a lot of training left to do.

Oh fuck. I forgot id promised to deploy the giant softcups if i was still trying this month

Lucy, what day after erpc are you? I would say its a good sign and your hormones are getting back to normal - and yes, you are prob 5-1 days before ov

yes hearty, i need cheering on. How can i let everyone know where i am sitting when i get there. i will have to make my friend update my fb on her blackberry. I still carry a brick in my handbag, no internet access for me
I want to be waiting on a Sandra reading too, and I don't even know who Sandra is. I shall have to read back and get the jist.

Cazz - so pleased for you sweetie, post that pic!

I have just taken a tumble from the top of the kitchen cupboard. Martin hides the buy 1 get 1 free 18 packs of mixed crisps up there (at my instigation!), so that I can't eat the lot and I while he was out I thought I would get up there, however I forgot I had my slippy massive furry slippers on and as I was getting down my left leg caught on my right leg pj bottoms (note to self: really should be out of those pesky pj's after a week) and i fell backwards about 4 feet slamming onto my right hip and hitting my head on the Brabantia... fuck it hurt. I've now got spinny head and mild concussion. It has taken the edge off my cramps though, so I guess there is always a silver lining. The good news I managed to bring the pack down with me, so 3 packs down I'm feeling a bit better.

I also had my first 2 ebay sales finish and man O' live there were 20 bids in the last few crazy seconds, i was bouncing up and down like a joey, crisps flying everywhere. Ended up getting £165 for a crappy moschino belt and a pair or russell and bromley shoes that cost me a tenner in a sample sale and never wore because they are NASTY.

On a shitter note, M and I had a falling out today, bless him he was singing earlier and having a laugh with his friend on the phone and when he came off I said 'don't you think you should be a bit sadder, it's only been 1 day'.... and i felt so shit afterwards because I know we are just very different, and he doesn't talk about his feelings and there's no point in both of us being depressed but I just feel like it's too soon, that yes, it's my fifth but does that diminish any less what we're going through, should I be just getting back to normal, or fuck it can't i wallow for a least a few days. I want him to say so much to me, that would comfort me, and he's not, and that's making me angry with him and I don't want to be, because he is doing the best he can.

Sorry for the ramble....I just feel so frikking alone with all this sometimes, like I have to be ok to make him ok, and I'm NOT ok. God this is all so hard.

Nato - thank you for the pm poppet, will reply soon, your tests look great, I am going to dig mine out too although I'm not sure I ever had FSH etc. Have you had the ovarian reserve one done AMH I think it's called. That's a scary Mo'fo one to get back I can tell ya..... mine was low 7.0, but then he said that was to be expected. He also said not to read too much into it though, especially in the frequentity (is that a word?) of my pregnancies... I hope there are a few more lurking for the next couple of months. Also M never got his sperm tested - do you think he should? His chromosome one was fine, but now I'm thinking could there be something wrong with his sperm.

Hello to all the other lovelies.....

Hearty - forgot to say, love those pics of that dress. You look smokin!

Cesca - I hope you're feelings like night were just a one-off anxiety hit sweetie, and that you are more positive today. If I am ever blessed to be as far along as you I wouldn't get a doppler either as I would have it permanently strapped on and never take it off. Just believe hun, all will be well.

Ok, I am off on my first trip out today to get some milk from Tesco's around the corner. small steps but a huge milestone for me just to move out of the vicinity of the kitchen and biscuit area.

Have a lovely evening everyone.
Its been 20 days since my erpc I normally have a cycle of about 29/30 days and usually ov about day 15/16 I think.

After my first erpc I got my period 31 days after having it done.
Yeah I voted for lib dems and now wishing I didn't. Having said that, I live in a gloriously old fashioned countryfide area (complete with the boxing day hunts from the hotel that I work at) where there's no point voting unless its Tory. Our tory MP is a complete prick and he still gets voted in every 4 years.

i used to live in harrogate and it was Norman Lamonts seat, everyone had to vote lib dem there tactically to get rid of him and his Mr Whippy hair. This time we are lumbered with Clegg who probably crapped himself when he realised his name had been called, then instantly forgot everything he ever supposedly stood for. Weasle.
Oh no I hope your ok Mone, Sorry but your post really made me chuckle, I'm glad you managed to get the crisps and still eat them with your bad head :rofl:

Aww I'm sorry about your fall out with Hubby, I would totally be the same, men deal with things in such a different way to us!

Well done you for venturing out to the shops, perhaps you could get some more crisps!xxx
Mone sorry about your fall, I hope you're ok...when I read it I thought PHEW at least she managed to take 3 bags of chips down with her!! LOL.
Ow ow ow Mone that sounds painful hope your ok and be careful no more putting crisps out of reach its not good for your health. Oh and nothing wrong with still being in your PJ's I've only just got out of mine this week. Its good that your going out to get milk its those small steps that are important as you said take it one sec at a time. I wish I could come and give you a big hug.

You have every right to grieve and feel the pain but men do react differently and deal with things in a different way. Maybe sit Martin down and explain how you feel. You will both be ok and you will get through this just keep talking and take it one step at a time.

We're here for you whatever you need :hugs:
Dawny I asked her if we would have a successful pregnancy? When we will get our forever baby? If theres a reason why we lost our baby? I didnt ask but wish I had of asked what the future holds for us?
You must eat more crisps to keep your strength up - you don't need to be checked over at hospital do you? for concussion or crisp overdose?

i LOVE ebay selling, shoes are surprisingly lucrative.

It does sound like a bit of communication might help. Its ok if he defends himself by distraction and talking to friends, as long as he gives you what you need from him too, and if he doesnt know how to, its ok to tell him as this wont necessarily make him feel that he's doing the wrong thing or to blame - you clearly dont think he is, so communicating how you feel wont make it seem that way either if its not how you feel

He's your port in a storm in this. Youre in it together.

i was too scared to get amh done. Im thinking about getting it, my friend had a good FSH result, then discovered she was menopausal off AMH.

Yes, c'mon, lets have a nosy at your results.

Re: sperm test, someone correct me if im wrong here, but if you are getting pregnant so easily, and his chromosomes are ok its prob not needed to test his sperm?

well done on leaving the Critical Biscuit Area. Very good progress. Hope you're ok mone.

Luce, you might be ov today, so af might come whenever your usual LP is over. Its extra good news if you dont usually get ewcm and you are this month. Cant have too much of that stuff.
Waiting to teach a class right now. Saw some apprehension about soft cups. They are huge but you really don't feel them. Promise. And with a little practice you can get them out easily. The best way to get them out is to sit on the toilet and bear down like you are having a poo. As you bear down it will start to slip out on it's own. Hook your finger around the rim and pull the rest of the way out. Ok so my two buddies are on board with the soft cups right? I'm talking to you Nato and Sparks!
phew that was an anxiety filled trip to Tesco Express, I'm currently looking like I'm on smack, greasy long hair (it's a myth not washing your hair makes it swishy) pj bottoms (I thought they chucked you out for that) martin's huge parka with the hood up and I'm trawling around in a salt crisp induced haze, 2 bottles of red under one arm and a six pinter under the other when the fuzz turn up all 3 of them, walkie talkies n' all, and I swear they're following me around the aisles, thinking I'm knicking. I scuttled quickly to the checkout, hoping they wouldn't catch a glimpse of my baarrmy arrmmmy sheep bottoms. Yikes.

Nato, I try and tell him what I need from him.... basically I want him to talk to me about how he feels, I want him to say 'it's going to be ok', I'm not going to leave you, but he say's by asking him to behave in a certain way I am criticising him, which I don't think I am. I keep thanking him all the time, thank you for being so nice at the hospital, thank you for cuddling me, thank you bloody thank you, but he hasn't once said you are so strong for what you're doing, i can't believe you keep bloody doing this for us, and I am so scared that I am going to keep doing this and then when he feels like it he will up and leave for some young fertile thing with perfect eggs. I need him to acknowledge that this is defeating me, he won't acknowlege that it won't happen, he is still so bloody positive and I want him to think about if it doesn't work. And he won't.

I suppose I just feel it's too early to be acting normally, I want to carry on grieving bugger it, I still don't think I have passed the pregnancy and I still don't want to get out of bed, even though I have cleaned, ebayed and cooked a frikking lasagne from scratch because I know he willl be hungry when he gets home from coaching..... god knows if he wasn't here I would still be a pile of snot on the floor, I'm trying so hard not to fall into depression, and all I want to do is to have permission to I guess.

sorry for the moan. last pour me a drink post, promise.
Thanks Nato I just did an opk and it is positive. It is so hard to let this egg go but I know I have too. I was hoping I would get AF next week well next wed to be exact then I would be on cycle day 3 for my blood tests on friday next week which is a bit gutting as that will muck my blood tests up I think well certainly the FSH does prolactin and folic have to be done on certain days?
Aww Pride of Britain Awards makes me cry so much, anyone else watching??xxx
Right I've got my results back. Doctor was a stupid mare who didn't have a clue, and told me that a 8 day luteal phase was fine. WTF!

Bear in mind that these tests were done on day 25 (6 dpo) as she said that it didn't make any difference when FSH was tested! That appears to be bollocks according to everything I've read!

FSH - 1.5
LH - 0.3
thyroid - serum TSH level 3.4 and serum free T4 level 12
progesterone - 12.5

my progesterone was then tested again on day 28 which should have been 9dpo, but AF started that day, that was 2.6 and gave me a luteal phase of 8 days with spotting starting at 5dpo

prolactin and B whatever was not tested at all!

I also asked her about hubby's sperm and got the printed results:

count - 67 million
mobility - 60%
morphology - 3%

Her guidlines were 4% morphology is normal, so his were below this. Nato, yes I read that article thanks. Hopefully, morphology will have improved when he goes back for second sample in 6 weeks time.

Have asked her to refer me to Leeds Nuffield and I have booked an appt to see the FS there on 22nd November. Might as well pay for retests for the right day and to try to get to the bottom of this short luteal phase!

Can anyone help with the results? I really don't know if they are good or bad and the Doctor seemed to be fairly clueless.

Thanks girls
Lucy it wont matter when your folic acid test is, but its important to make sure you are absorbing it properly - theres a potential link to MTHFR if you arent uptaking it, have you been tested for that?

Not sure if prolactin requires a specific day

I was day 5 when i was tested, but as megg said it could confuse the results. My dr said day 2-7 is ok for FSH, but they all say different things
This is what I emailed Sandra: Hi Sandra have attached my picture for you and questions are : When am I likely to get pregnant? What sex will baby be? When will it be due? Any issues that may get in the way etc? Hope these questions are ok hun Dawn x Didnt want to tell her too much so havent mentioned our losses see how good she is :winkwink: xxxx
no luce, sorry, prolactin should be CD3

Sugar, still googling yours

Good poker face dawny, i spilt all the beans

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