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Cute lil pip cazza.

Sorry girls, the numbers are hurting my head. I have absolutely no idea what they all mean!! Luckily so many of us here are knowledgeable!
i havent, but i do have concerns about it Amy as i have allergies and i believe it can indicate or add to immunity issues

i really wouldnt worry about this though - the best thing you can do to reduce intolerance is to stop overeating the allergen. I think your immunity memory is 4 days, so you can eat gluten every 4 days. If you were allergic to gluten you'd have Coeliac disease which is a very serious condition, gluten can cause inflammatory responses, so just reduce your wheat intake and widen the variety of your diet
Good advice:) At least I can start now! A lot of the articles are contradictory though, but still, no one really needs to eat that much wheat anyway. I feel like we eat a good variety of healthy foods and stay away from too much junk, but it can always be improved.
I think thats something the FS needs to work out with you sugar, thats better news - and i had read on a couple of sites that down to 10 could show ov - but the majority went with a stronger 30nmol

fingers crossed - its also not necessarily the same for each cycle too - i think i remember you saying that your LP had never been this short before? Doesnt mean that it will be this short in future either, espec with treatment
Hey girls i havent caught up properly because im pooped i had a rotten nights sleep last night through worry so im going off to the land of nod early tonight zzzzzz :sleep:

Here is bubba pipmas promised see how much i love u girls i even wem=nt n found my download cable n everything haha. Its hard to make out out unless ur told whats what but his/her head is on the left liccle arm buds & legs are the sticky out bits :cloud9:

Lov ya's xxx Caz xxx


Gorgeous pip, Caz! I'm going to go ahead and guess GIRL! I'm going off of the placenta theory... and it looks like Pip is on the right of the pic (when turned correctly) which would equate to the left side of the uterus since it was an external scan. So... since left = girl, then I guess girl! :)

I think thats something the FS needs to work out with you sugar, thats better news - and i had read on a couple of sites that down to 10 could show ov - but the majority went with a stronger 30nmol

fingers crossed - its also not necessarily the same for each cycle too - i think i remember you saying that your LP had never been this short before? Doesnt mean that it will be this short in future either, espec with treatment

Total agreement! I only know what I do about P4 because my levels were dreadful. Another thing to consider is that they say to do it at 7dpo so it will be "mid-luteal phase"... but if she has an 8 day LP, then it probably would have peaked on 4dpo. Its very tricky, because doctors don't know our LP length and so they all stick with 7dpo. There are a lot of factors. The best result would come from daily testing post-O... but that never happens. So, guessing is as good as it gets!

I think treatment will definitely be necessary! But, not major stuff. I don't think it will be a terrible invasive road to conception... nothing like mine. lol
Cesca I hope you felt better today...and lost the paranoia! Try not to worry. I would maybe advise against the doppler cause it may feed your anxiety...actually.. I think it WILL feed your anxiety. Just make sure you do relax. I know its easy for me to say but you only have this little one inside your 9 months...dont look back and think you obsessed through it all.

Sorry Megg that your friend was totally off the mark with you. When friends we think will be understanding etc and they have one of those moments its a real kick. My best friend has not been to see me since I found out I was pregnant and had the mc. She did the same after my last miscarriage too. TBH I question our friendship but thats my problem. I hope yours gets her head together soon! I'm sure she will.

Lovely conception reading Lucy! So where are these people found?? I hope your conception will be feb hun! That really isnt that far away.

Yes Allie!!! Lets share in our good luck! We will get our bfps!!!

:haha: Raz!!! That made me chuckle!! Stop POAS!!!! You ARE pregnant woman!!!!

Sugar I watched The Ugly Truth tonight...Gerarrd Butler...now thats woof, wouldnt mind seeing him in some angel wings :blush: But I cried through most of it. I think I am in the 2WW as I have no ov pains anymore... :dance: maybe the crying is a symptom. God here I go LOL. More likely all the changes this week. But I cried at EVERYTHING the last time I was pregnant. Even Ice Age 3! I see a few are adopting my idea of taking notes LOL. It works, I hate forgetting people.

I was the same trying to figure out my results Nato. It seems they are normal against the results I had... let me know if you learn more.

:dance: Cazza. I knew it would all be perfect!!!

Yay Amanda!! Thats fab af arrived. Go Meds!

:hugs:Yogi! Sorry for th bfn.

Thank you Nato! I hope I hear that bfp and see it very soon!

I'm up to page 732... so tired have to go to bed!!!!

Love you all. Will catch up on the rest tomorrow. :hugs:
Thanks Nato and Megg. I think I do ov as I get a temp shift and peak on cbfm but luteal phase is getting worse. Think it was 10 days the month before with spotting on 8 dpo and temps dropping and then down to the 8 day luteal phase.
I'm gutted about this. I got pg so easily last time, and then the mc seems to have fucked my hormones up completely. What with this and hubbys crap morphology I feel doomed!
Pleased I made the appt with fs now. It will cost a god damn fortune but don't care.
Megg are you meaning that I might get treated with something like clomid?
Thanks Nato and Megg. I think I do ov as I get a temp shift and peak on cbfm but luteal phase is getting worse. Think it was 10 days the month before with spotting on 8 dpo and temps dropping and then down to the 8 day luteal phase.
I'm gutted about this. I got pg so easily last time, and then the mc seems to have fucked my hormones up completely. What with this and hubbys crap morphology I feel doomed!
Pleased I made the appt with fs now. It will cost a god damn fortune but don't care.
Megg are you meaning that I might get treated with something like clomid?

I am meaning just that. One of the uses of Clomid and others like it are to bolster the strength of ovulation in women who do already ovulate. It can be very effective. There is a lot to be said for helping you produce a higher quality egg and possibly fixing the LP defect that way rather than just treating the defect and hoping the eggs are mature enough to result in a successful pregnancy. Its more likely that they would rather treat the cause than the symptom, iykwim? I'm glad you made that appointment too!

You definitely aren't doomed. Your road might be a bit longer or harder than some people... but anyone with a loss behind them already has faced a harder road than anyone should have to. Just get hubby on some supplements, cut out caffeine for him as much as possible, and try to reduce the # of days between ejaculations prior to his next test. I think you'll like the difference it makes! :thumbup:
Sugar it will be worth every penny when you get some answers. :hugs:

CJ the tears could be a good sign I really hope you get your BFP keeping everything crossed for you. I really liked the ugly truth as well watched last friday evening when steve had gone out to see his dad. Hows all the plans for the move going.
Cazz - amazing piccy, I think I see a lil leg! too cute

Nato, thanks hun as always you speak so much sense. I think I need to concentrate on the bigger pic right now and stop making stress where there isn't... I'm now freaking because I can't find my GP results from all the initial blood tests. Pretty sure I have never been tested for FSH/etc or they would have sent me on specific days dpo non? and he just told me to skip down anytime.... ahhhh so frustrating, feel like I am swimming backwards against a muddy tide.

So glad to have all the advice from here - you are all better than doctors!
Wow, that's a lot of numbers to read! :wacko: I'll be joining in soon as I just had another 7dpo progest. done today and am getting CD3 everything next week. Oh, joy!

Nato, you asked about my prolactin..it must be in different measurements, as mine was 39 and then 19 last time, on a scale of 5-29 as normal. So I don't know what that puts yours at in American measurements. It looks like your bloodwork is pretty good though, from what everyone is saying. Yay! omg, I would just about die if I saw you with a sign at X Factor lol. I will definitely let Hearty and everyone know how to watch it over here! I actually found a live feed I'm going to try this weekend instead of downloading, yipee! Please do crash the stage and give the Disco thread a shout out. :) And maybe grope Matt or Aiden for me, who aren't usually my type but they are the only crush worthy contestants left (except for my innapropriate crush on One Direction). I'm soooooo excited for you, can't you tell?!

Sugar, you definitely are not doomed! Hormones schormones, I say. It's my new motto. I'm thinking with all of the drugs that exsist we will probably be golden with Clomid or Letrozole. Your TSH is around mine...which was 3.16 and then 3.25. Like Megg side, it's not ideal, but it's not out of range. My doc doesn't think meds are necessary, either, but it's still rather sucky as it means less energy, slower metabolism, etc. But, I try to take heart with myself that it's not terrible, even if not ideal. :hugs:

Yogi, sorry about the BFNs. :hugs:

Mone, omg, I'm glad youre okay after your tumble! And I'm pleased you got to your crisps. Envisioning your trip to Tesco cracked me up. It doesn't sound like it would be out of place here! People go to Wal-mart looking all sorts of rough on a routine basis. Anyways, you are greiving and everything you're going through it totally normal. Congrats on the Ebay sales! :hugs:

Cazz, what a beautiful little bubb you have! :yipee: I love your scan pic, and am sooo happy for you!! :hugs: When's your next scan?

CJ, I hope the tears are a good sign! I don't think I liked The Ugly Truth. Is that the one with Katherine Heigl? Gosh, I can't stand her. But I looove drooling over Gerard Butler. I just wish he got to use his normal accent in more movies.

Megg, thank you for all of the information you have put out there today! Even though it wasn't about me I still think I learned a lot. :)

Mel and Sassy, how are you today?
Thanks girls,
meggles I never knew that meant girl how cute, yeah he/she was on the right :thumbup: I'm not bothered what we have as long as it's a healthy little bugger. Were not finding out the sex we decided to wait for the suprise :).

Allie my FS has booked me in for my 12 week scan on 6th Dec so I'm just gonna wait for that now. He mentioned that they still don't know how bad the ultrasound is for the baby so therefore not to give me unnecessary ones which I totally agree with as I gave heard there not so good. If I have any worries I'm to ring him immediately but If not I just go back in 3 1/2 weeks :happydance: I'll be a little over 12 weeks then so should get a lovely piccy :baby:

I am so glad we have such knowledge on this thread meggles u lost ur way chick u should soooo be an FS!! You too Nato I have no patience with it all i've never had a very good attention span lol.

Sugar I hope they get it all sorted for u sweetness I'm very sure they will now you know what's what :hugs: xxxxx

I'm off to crappy work & my god I'm toooooo tired! Xxx c u all a little later ok lov Caz xxxx
hey girls how are we sorry i havent been in as much still sorting myself out had a few family issues how is everyone?

my chart says i have ovulated but i doubt i have so just gonna wait and see :)

dont you hate people when they treat you like an alien cause you loose a child well thats what i am experiencing at the moment and its making me really angry and have alot of hate grrrr x
Morning girls!

Yay for your 12 week scan cazza, that's the day before my next scan. We can obsess out the next few weeks together :lol:

CJ - I watched the Ugly Truth at the weekend with my sister and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, some one liners were fab!

I had a nice long chat with my mummy yesterday and she was brilliant. Confessed to me she never enjoyed her pregnancies because of her history (a second trimester loss with traumatic 'delivery' and a stillborn) and she regrets not enjoying it, so I feel a lot calmer today.

My husband woke me up at 3am this morning nearly crying, he said last night he had an upset tummy and felt a bit ill, but he has quite a sensitive stomach and quite often has problems so I just thought nothing of it, but he is in so much pain and is shivvering but boiling hot. I think he has stomach flu. He spent most of the night on the sofa :( Bless him. Praying I don't get it now though!
Yogi - Urggg I hate to see the bfn's too, my chart often used to look really good right up until the day AF was due then zoooom my temps dropped. I swear the :witch: is evil and stalks us from the bushes! Hoping she stays away from you though x

Mone - Sorry about your fall but at least you got the crisps, and it did make me smile you account of shopping in Tesco. How are things today, have you had a chat with DH? :hugs:

Dawny - Yeah for + OPK, go catch that egg girly xx

Cazz - Lovely bubba x

Sugar - Sounds like the FS will be worth every penny to get some answers. Have you tried Soy at all?

CJ - Tears could be a good sign, I have been a right ratty mare and teary all at the same time the last few weeks

Jenny - Hey hun :waves:

Cesca- Sorry to hear about your hubby, hope he feels better soon and stays away from you and bubba x

Nato - Anyword on the reading yet?

All these numbers are making my head spin! Glad we have some experts on hand to help though, well done Meg and Nato with the aid of google!

AFM - Thinking about having a half day as rough doesnt even begin to discribe how i feel today. Feel very sick so havent eaten much and have really bad HB, took a rennie but tummy very unhappy with that and rejected it. So tired and just want to go home and rest with a cup of sweet decaf tea, not sure i want to waste my hoilday though . . . oh what to do.
Have a good day work Cazz! The time will fly be until your next scan.

Jenny, welcome back. I'm sorry you're feeling that way. People just don't know how to react sometimes. :hugs:

Cesca, oh no to your poor hubby! I hope he feels better soon and hope that you don't catch whatever he has.

Raz, sorry you're feeling so rough,but I suppose the MS is a good sign.

:hugs: to everyone.
:hi: everyone

Nice to see you back Jenny sorry people are treating you that way it really does suck I think a lot of it is that they some people dont know what to say or how to react.

Cesca sorry your hubby is poorly hope he feels better soon.

Raz what did you decide to do.

Caz hope you can stay awake during work. Yay to having your 12 week scan booked :happydance:

I've been doing the ironing today couldnt put it off any longer.

Something to make you laugh steve got freaked out last night and its all nato's well technically Vicky's fault. I was showing him the pic of Caz scan (he loves seeing the scans they amaze him and he sends his congratulations to Caz) and at the end of one of nato's posts he saw the quote from Vicky about what hot doc said. Steve went what "who pokes around?" so I explained that some women check their cervical position and look for cm I think it was all a bit to much info for him he pulled a funny face and went and sat somewhere else :haha: I think he knows far to much about the female reproductive system and what goes into making a baby bless him I think that was one bit of information to far.
Sorry you're feeling rough, Raz! :hugs:

That's so funny, Luce! Poor Steve! :haha:
Hi Ladies,

Im going out of my mind here, i was due my period on the 1st November , so on that day i had a little tiny amount of spotting , like i could only see it when wiped, so i thought that was the start of my period , the next day i got up and went to the toilet , this time it was a a tiny amount of watery brown liquid. then after that was nothing ... im just having lots of CM now , although not brown in colour , its white. i took a pregnancy test yesterday ( a Tesco one ) and was a BFN ... what do yous think of this? ...X Ps..... AF is now 10 days late ...X
Hi Ladies,

Im going out of my mind here, i was due my period on the 1st November , so on that day i had a little tiny amount of spotting , like i could only see it when wiped, so i thought that was the start of my period , the next day i got up and went to the toilet , this time it was a a tiny amount of watery brown liquid. then after that was nothing ... im just having lots of CM now , although not brown in colour , its white. i took a pregnancy test yesterday ( a Tesco one ) and was a BFN ... what do yous think of this? ...X Ps..... AF is now 10 days late ...X

A couple of years ago something similar happened to me...My period came 10 days late...for no reason...I took test after test and Negative. A couple weeks later I had to go to the ER because of intense back/kidney pain...I had an undiagnosed UTI that had absolutely no symptoms so it had traveled up to my kidneys by that point and apparently it had messed up my AF which was usually like clockwork 28 days. I'm not trying to scare you but if you can get a cheap/easy urine test done to just rule out an asymptomatic UTI it may help you and make sure something isn't wrong. Good luck.

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