Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

I'm with Vicky. I kindof enjoy getting blood drawn for some strange reason. I often donate blood, and I'm perfect for it as I'm a universal donor. I have to say that is the one good thing about being so fair... You can see EVERY vein in my body. I'm a phleebs dream!
I keep telling people I should have married a man with nice dark skin so my kids wouldn't be stuck with my stupid fair skin... Sigh. Oh well, I married my geek and am so much happier for it!
Ha! I'm very pale... but it doesn't help. All of my useful veins are very deep! :(
Well next time you have to get a blood draw just go to the hospital straight away and ask for the girl who can get it done. Then it won't be so traumatic for you.
Megg are you prone to nausea for no apparent reason?????????????????? If not babes i think that this nausea coupled with the pink streak is very promising babes!!!!!!!

Hope you get the answers youre looking for with the latest blood draw....
I love getting bloods done, the prick of the needle, watching my loveley blood fill the syringe!!!!!!!It gives me quite a high!

I'm not prone to nausea for no reason. Although, I fear its in my head because I want this so badly right now. But, thank you! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but its difficult, ya know?

I hope I get answers too... even if I don't like what they mean. If I got caught with FVL or MTHFR, I'll be stuck giving myself blood thinner injections throughout my next pregnancy. Progesterone issues would leave me with pessaries every cycle after O! So, both would sort of suck in their own way... but I'd gladly take the answers and whatever that means for me.

I do like getting bloods done, but they actually hurt me yesterday. So, I wasn't so fond of that!

If I'm being honest, I'm scared to death of any scenario.

1. I'm scared I haven't actually ovulated and I'm just getting sick or something.
2. I'm scared that I did ovulate and this is all in my head.
3. I'm scared that I'm pregnant and I won't get my answers in time to save a potential bean.
4. I'm scared that regardless of what any test says, I'm just going to have another epic cycle and never get AF on my own again.

I seriously feel like crying. I'm so worried about so many things. And, yesterday, I was already scared about lifting heavy things (even though I know it was stupid)... and I'm thinking about how disappointed Kevin is going to be if its another month gone or another loss especially.

I think we have all felt the same exact fears babes so at least take comfort that youre not alone.
Concerning your clotting disorder tests if its MTHFR you wont necessarily have to have injections. Im homozygous C77T and my protocol is i baby aspirin and high dose folic acid. This doiagnosis is still very controversial and depends on which side of the debate your doc is. Now if its Leides yeah youll have to have injections but as long as you are taking aspirin right now i dont think there will be a problem with bubs.

As far as disappointing Kevin, well ive had that fear with Alex and right now i have it again in case this pregnancy doest go well. I broke down last night and told him how i dont wanna let him down again and he was shocked that i even thought that. I think we project our feelings of failure onto our hubbies, and in reality they never feel let down!!!
Jaymie - Agreed! I was just going to get 1 vial for the progesterone so didn't really want to drive over to get the order for it and then drive to the hospital too... but when they weren't able to get my blood, I asked my doctor to tack the other tests on since I had to drive in anyway! I'm really glad I did now. Of course, she said that she's not 100% sure that my insurance will cover the clotting ones because I have no history of clotting... but whatever... let them bill me! :shrug: I'd rather pay to know than wonder!

Vicky - I'm glad to know I wouldn't necessarily need injections for MTHFR. I know Kevin doesn't actually get disappointed in me... but I know that he really wants to be a father... and he has to feel the same disappointment that I do when we remain childless. I know how it feels, and I NEVER want him to feel that. I seriously sometimes wish he'd have just chosen someone else who could have already given him babies instead of heartache. Its the saddest thought I've ever had... but its true. :(

I'm just so scared of so many things all the time. This is what I meant about the OCD. I wish I had rituals that I truly believed could control these fears and stop them from happening. But, I just sit with it 24 hours a day. :cry: And, Kevin could barely keep a straight face when I told him because he thinks it so silly that I worry so much. He says that none of it is true and I shouldn't think it is. But, HOW?!
So, this is going to be completely rambling to most of you... but how can I NOT be 11dpo? If I had ANY CM recorded (even "dry") after CD23, then FF is sure I'm 11dpo. If I had paid attention, obviously I could have recorded SOMETHING accurately! So, what do I do with that? Shouldn't FF know better than me? Granted, I know I used to ovulate twice and usually 3 days apart... but I don't think I had that this time. And, I did feel something around CD27/28... but I've felt random little things since then too. So, I can't really count on that anymore.

I think I'd feel better about my symptoms if I was 11dpo instead of 8dpo. But, I don't know! Is IB even common as late as 10dpo? Because I'd think it was more likely that it was pre-AF spotting at 10dpo. But, nothing since... So, I don't know. I have half a mind to let me chart say 11dpo... because I can't imagine that I couldn't have reported some sort of CM. I'm almost certain it was watery with the spotting on CD26.

Anyway, here is my chart showing both days... Opinions!


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You ladies are crazy...enjoy getting blood drawn? :nope: Yech...I'm not squeamish with others' blood but I just hate knowing something's being taken out of me. It weirds me out and I can't look!
Jaymie, are you 0-? I am too and just found out with my mc. I have to get those RH Factor shots now when I'm pregnant again. :(

Megg, :hugs: I'm so sorry you feel that way. I too am a worrier and I overthink things and I've been that way since I was a kid. In time, I'm starting to be able to work through the anxiety and come to terms with what will be will be. It's trite, but what they say is true...worrying doesn't change the outcome. It's unnecessary stress on you. I had cognitive behavioral therapy and it helped. Something like 90% of our fears never happen. And when you DO get preggers and have a healthy baby in the future all the worrying will have been for nothing. But if for some reason you never do (and I'm confident you will), then all that worrying will still have been for nothing. And I don't know your hubby but I'm sure he doesn't feel dissapointed in you at all! It's nothing you've done wrong, anyways. I hope you are 10 dpo though and with IB! When are you going to test? Good luck with your appts. :hugs:
Thanks, sweetie! I'll be back in with blissful happiness if I can ever just see a damn heartbeat. I'll have 1000x more faith in my body at that point. But, I don't think I can ever stop worrying until I have proof that I can grow something with a heartbeat. I know worrying does more harm than good... but no one is ever going to figure out how to get me to stop. I have a higher vested interest in this, as I'll never meet anyone who shares my biology until I have a child. I'm adopted and do NOT want to meet my biological parents... ever. So, even considering the possibility of never having a child of my own makes me cry and want to vomit. I hate it when people say "you have no idea"... but I really feel like most people truly have no idea what it feels like for me to think of never having my own child. That thought to me is as scary as death.
Good Morning ladies......I love being on holidays and not having to do anything! This is great! Mom is at work today and Dad has the day off, so we are going to do some running around together today. Also going to go over and visitmy BFF at some point and load up the car seat and stroller into my truck for the shopping spree tomorrow:)

Hope everyone is enjoying their day so far. I laughed when I read Vicky's - thank fuck it's Friday. I feel that same way every week!

I hate needles, but for some reason, after they poke me with it, I love watching the blood fill up the syringe. I have no idea why, but I do.

Jaymes - have you gotten a due date yet? How is everything going?

Megg - it does sound promising to me as well. I understand your fears. I think women are just natural worriers and it's something we are always going to do. I was always scared too that I wouldn't be able to give OH any children, because it is something he wants more then anything. But he told me that if that ever happened, then it would be ok because he had me, and it was just meant to be that way. I am sure Kevin would feel the same way.

Vicky - how's everything going with you?

Allie - I know what you mean about summer coming to an end. As I was making the drive, I noticed a lot of the trees were changing color already. I was like wow, we only really just begun with summer and now it's already changing....sad!
Megg totally understandable hun....Some people say family is just biology but biology is important especially in establishing identity. Hun im sure that you will have a baby, like doc always says if youve been pregnant once you will hold a baby in your arms. I cling to these words everytime i go to the dark place!!!!

Hmmm you guys are confusing me...Summer ending before August??????? Are your hormones making you senile??????? Summer is just beginning babes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mel - He's actually told me that I'm enough and he'd still be happy even if we couldn't have kids. But, *I* would know how much pain that put him in on the inside. Plus, *I* wouldn't be okay with not having children. So, that is absolutely not an option for me. I don't care if I'm 50... I'll get my damn baby! :hissy:

Vicky - I won't even wait around for someone to tell me its stupid... I know what I'm about to say is stupid. You can skip telling me that I'm crazy. But, since all I've ever seen is a tiny little empty sac, I've all but convinced myself that there's at least some chance that I've never been pregnant and it was a cyst or something. Yes, I know... Totally illogical! But, I can't help it some days!!! :wacko: I will not be pregnant until there is an extra heartbeat in my body!

I don't get Summer ending yet either! Its only been Summer for a month! LOL
Mel - He's actually told me that I'm enough and he'd still be happy even if we couldn't have kids. But, *I* would know how much pain that put him in on the inside. Plus, *I* wouldn't be okay with not having children. So, that is absolutely not an option for me. I don't care if I'm 50... I'll get my damn baby! :hissy:

Vicky - I won't even wait around for someone to tell me its stupid... I know what I'm about to say is stupid. You can skip telling me that I'm crazy. But, since all I've ever seen is a tiny little empty sac, I've all but convinced myself that there's at least some chance that I've never been pregnant and it was a cyst or something. Yes, I know... Totally illogical! But, I can't help it some days!!! :wacko: I will not be pregnant until there is an extra heartbeat in my body!

I don't get Summer ending yet either! Its only been Summer for a month! LOL

I didnt say stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Mel - He's actually told me that I'm enough and he'd still be happy even if we couldn't have kids. But, *I* would know how much pain that put him in on the inside. Plus, *I* wouldn't be okay with not having children. So, that is absolutely not an option for me. I don't care if I'm 50... I'll get my damn baby! :hissy:

Vicky - I won't even wait around for someone to tell me its stupid... I know what I'm about to say is stupid. You can skip telling me that I'm crazy. But, since all I've ever seen is a tiny little empty sac, I've all but convinced myself that there's at least some chance that I've never been pregnant and it was a cyst or something. Yes, I know... Totally illogical! But, I can't help it some days!!! :wacko: I will not be pregnant until there is an extra heartbeat in my body!

I don't get Summer ending yet either! Its only been Summer for a month! LOL

I didnt say stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Well, you made me laugh at least! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You ladies are crazy...enjoy getting blood drawn? :nope: Yech...I'm not squeamish with others' blood but I just hate knowing something's being taken out of me. It weirds me out and I can't look!
Jaymie, are you 0-? I am too and just found out with my mc. I have to get those RH Factor shots now when I'm pregnant again. :(

No, I am O+ That is the universal donor. O- is the universal reciever... I think...

Good Morning ladies......I love being on holidays and not having to do anything! This is great! Mom is at work today and Dad has the day off, so we are going to do some running around together today. Also going to go over and visitmy BFF at some point and load up the car seat and stroller into my truck for the shopping spree tomorrow:)

Hope everyone is enjoying their day so far. I laughed when I read Vicky's - thank fuck it's Friday. I feel that same way every week!

I hate needles, but for some reason, after they poke me with it, I love watching the blood fill up the syringe. I have no idea why, but I do.

Jaymes - have you gotten a due date yet? How is everything going?

Megg - it does sound promising to me as well. I understand your fears. I think women are just natural worriers and it's something we are always going to do. I was always scared too that I wouldn't be able to give OH any children, because it is something he wants more then anything. But he told me that if that ever happened, then it would be ok because he had me, and it was just meant to be that way. I am sure Kevin would feel the same way.

Vicky - how's everything going with you?

Allie - I know what you mean about summer coming to an end. As I was making the drive, I noticed a lot of the trees were changing color already. I was like wow, we only really just begun with summer and now it's already changing....sad!

April 7, 2011 - DS is April 27 DD is May 3 ME May 15... At least this one wont be a Taurus.

Leaves are starting to change around here too... SAD and the kids have a week and a half left of break before school starts again.
that's my parents' anniversary as well. And you get a beautiful birthstone out of the deal:)

Wow, they go back to school early there. I think the kids go back at the end of August here. Still not that far around the corner. I can't believe we are already in the last half of the year, with Christmas just around the corner!
You ladies are crazy...enjoy getting blood drawn? :nope: Yech...I'm not squeamish with others' blood but I just hate knowing something's being taken out of me. It weirds me out and I can't look!
Jaymie, are you 0-? I am too and just found out with my mc. I have to get those RH Factor shots now when I'm pregnant again. :(

No, I am O+ That is the universal donor. O- is the universal reciever... I think...

Good Morning ladies......I love being on holidays and not having to do anything! This is great! Mom is at work today and Dad has the day off, so we are going to do some running around together today. Also going to go over and visitmy BFF at some point and load up the car seat and stroller into my truck for the shopping spree tomorrow:)

Hope everyone is enjoying their day so far. I laughed when I read Vicky's - thank fuck it's Friday. I feel that same way every week!

I hate needles, but for some reason, after they poke me with it, I love watching the blood fill up the syringe. I have no idea why, but I do.

Jaymes - have you gotten a due date yet? How is everything going?

Megg - it does sound promising to me as well. I understand your fears. I think women are just natural worriers and it's something we are always going to do. I was always scared too that I wouldn't be able to give OH any children, because it is something he wants more then anything. But he told me that if that ever happened, then it would be ok because he had me, and it was just meant to be that way. I am sure Kevin would feel the same way.

Vicky - how's everything going with you?

Allie - I know what you mean about summer coming to an end. As I was making the drive, I noticed a lot of the trees were changing color already. I was like wow, we only really just begun with summer and now it's already changing....sad!

April 7, 2011 - DS is April 27 DD is May 3 ME May 15... At least this one wont be a Taurus.

Leaves are starting to change around here too... SAD and the kids have a week and a half left of break before school starts again.

Nope... O- is the universal donor. O+ blood can't go to patients who are Rh negative. The universal receiver is AB+.

Blood Type => Can Receive From

O- => O-
O+ => O+/O-
A- => O-/A-
A+ => O+/O-/A+/A-
B- => O-/B-
B+ => O+/O-/B+/B-
AB- => O-/A-/B-/AB-
AB+ => O+/O-/A+/A-/B+/B-/AB+/AB-

Good times!!! I know... I'm a bit eccentric! But, I love that sort of science!

Loving your kids birthdays, btw! FUN!
Weeeell, you're right, summer has only been here a month :) but to me summer starts to end mid-August as that's what the school year starts and I go back to work (real work). And maybe it's something to do with being this far north...winter comes early :cry:. I'd love be joining you on a Greek beach in October when we get our first blizzard....

Woo, it's Friday :happydance:. Love ya girlies. What are everyone's plans? Jaymie, how was Colorado?
I'm in a car headed to see my family as I type this. Boo @ a 4 hr drive. More boo @ being nauseous in a car! I was fine all day and then had a burger and took my pills... unfortunately, I tasted my B Complex which is awful and Kevin handed me his root beer to get the taste out of my mouth. Well, the taste made me gag hard, and I haven't felt the same since. Feels like my gag reflex is judt itching to go off! Sea-Bands aren't helping either. Unhappy!

Hope you girls have fab weekends! Love you all! :hugs:
ahhh, root beer! I can't get enough root beer these days :)
Apparently I *CAN* get enough of it... Less than 1 sip! lol

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