Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

LOL... Well, I'm sitting around waiting to see her now. I have my chart ready and I'll cry if I have to! I'm shameless when it comes to getting my way. Hoping to get something settled. Not sure what to expect... but I'm nervous.
LOL... Well, I'm sitting around waiting to see her now. I have my chart ready and I'll cry if I have to! I'm shameless when it comes to getting my way. Hoping to get something settled. Not sure what to expect... but I'm nervous.

:hugs: Megg, We're all here holding your hand in spirit... I hope you find your answers soon.
Meg, Lucy, Cesca - I hope you all get your answers soon!

Vicky - I have strange dreams all the time. I always wake up and think WTF?! I'm feeling a little nauseous this morning, so I am thinking I should start taking the diclectin again

Allie - any word on your mom?
Megg thinking of you hope you get some answers.

Mel sorry the nauseous is back.

Allie - any word on your mom?

She is stable and hopefully will be out of the ICU by tomorrow. Thank you for asking. I'm really a nervous wreck. It turns out she has COPD of some sort (emphysema/ chronic bronchitis). So I'm worrying about that...and bummed because she's only 60.I can't help but think, what if she doesn't live to see a grandchild? It makes me want a baby even more.....

Sorry I''m a downer. Good luck with all of the upcoming appointments ladies! :hugs:
Ahh Allie, so sorry to hear about your Mum, please stay postive (I know easier said than done). I have everything crossed for her speedy recovery.xx
Allie I'm thinking of you and your mum.
Thanks, girls! I feel the same way sometimes, Allie! I lost 3 of my 4 grandparents before I turned 7, and I can't stand the thought of that happening to my kids! :hugs: She's in my thoughts, honey!

I'm re-posting from my journal so you don't have to track down what happened. Putting it behind the spoiler because its SO long!
Okay... I got there at 10:25am. There were 2 guys and one woman with 2 children who she didn't seem to need to have any control over waiting already. I really thought I'd never get to see her, as I figured I'd already be in prison for slaying the stupid woman and her obnoxious kids. They were jumping on the chairs, running around, trying to climb the wall while holding on to the receptionist's ledge, panting like dogs, flipping over chairs, playing some "game" where they would hold their hands up to their eyes like binoculars and ask each other "Are you in 1 piece or 2 pieces?" and whatever the other one said was always the wrong answer... This game is very loud, and it went on forever. One of them proceeded to go to the parking lot alone (at maybe 7?) and came back in spilling an entire McDonald's breakfast platter on the floor... pancakes, hashbrown, eggs, etc. Some poor girl came in right after me who had a 10:30am appointment and sat through all of this too. The 2 guys got called in, but I got called in before the woman with the kids or the girl with an appointment... odd, but okay. It was 11:30am I think? So, not ages, but felt like ages.

Anyway, the nurse comes in to do blood pressure and temp and says to me "Do you not have a gynecologist set up yet?" I told her that I didn't have one I liked at the moment. Keep in mind, my paperwork stated my reason for the visit was "discuss lab results" because that was part of it. Anyway, she then says, "Well, you need to get that done, because she can't keep doing this. It isn't her job." She's referring to my doctor, in case you wondered. Odd... Its not my doctor's job to discuss my test results with me? Because, I think it might be!

Well, my blood pressure was 149/84. I wonder why! I was annoyed with the kids, fuming about what the nurse said... OF COURSE IT WAS HIGH!

My doctor comes in and is perfectly nice. I keep my thoughts about the nurse to myself, because I didn't want to taint the appointment with that at the very beginning. First, I explain that I've been eating better and trying to be more active to no avail (my 10lb loss seems to fluctuate on the day... some days its 10lbs, some days its 1lb... I think my scale sucks). Anyway, we talked about that for a bit. She said that she thinks I might be gaining some muscle mass, which I doubt... but it was nice to hear. Then, she said that she also thought I might be retaining some water because of the weather, so I had probably lost even if the scale wasn't showing it. We moved on from there for the moment.

Then, I asked about the 2nd fertility clinic referral. She said they won't even return her calls anymore. So, that's out. She said that some specialty places here (fertility clinics, child psychologists, etc) only accept referrals from ONE of the 3 hospitals. So, they're probably ignoring her because she's not with their "preferred" hospital. What a bunch of shit. Anyway, I told her about the FS I hated leaving the clinic I'd been to and some new guy taking over. She asked me to call right then and get a consult scheduled, so I did. I have an appointment on Aug 28 @ 10:30am.

I asked her about my progesterone level and showed her my chart. She said that she actually wondered if it had been done on the wrong day, because my level was almost double what it had been every other time it was checked. After seeing my chart, she said without question that I had it done 3 days too late. She agrees 100% that I did ovulate and my level barely rises afterward. She confirmed that it could have caused everything, because it probably didn't ever rise enough to sustain an embryo past the very, very beginning stage and never got high enough to have the sharp drop required to instigate the bleed. She all but said "mystery solved." She also agreed with me splitting my chart and calling this CD4, even though there was no bleed other than the super light spotting. Apparently, there wouldn't be much to shed since I probably didn't form much of a lining anyway. So, I really did have it all figured out! :thumbup: Maybe I should just get the degree to make my life easier. :winkwink: Although, she wants to wait for the FS to prescribe the progesterone supplements, because she said they would know more about the dosage and whatnot.

Anyway, we touched back on the weight thing, and she asked if I'd consider not trying this cycle and going back on Phentermine. Well, with the FS appointment coming up, I didn't really want to try this cycle anyway, because I don't have my post-O progesterone supplements... So, it would just end in heartbreak again anyway. Obviously, I agreed right away. Phentermine is how I lost the weight before, so I'm more than happy to do it that way again. She stressed that I absolutely couldn't TTC while taking it, but the paperwork tells a different story and my old OB/GYN who prescribed it said it would be fine. So, I'm not quite convinced, even though I'm perfectly happy with not trying this cycle.

So, I do feel like I got somewhere. I feel like I have the answer I needed. Knowing that I wasn't talking nonsense about the test being done the wrong day and whatnot feels really good. I'm also glad she isn't so closed-minded that the number on the paper is the end-all-be-all of things... That she wasn't so high and mighty (like so many doctors are) to admit that there are flaws in blood tests because of human error. She was absolutely certain that I had it right though... She said she absolutely didn't believe I hadn't ovulated. So, I did ovulate on CD25... and I had a fairly normal cycle... other than terrible freaking progesterone levels.

I mentioned the estrogen dominance thing, and she doesn't think that's what I'm dealing with. So, we didn't go any further into that option.

All in all, I came away very happy. I didn't quite get what I hoped for, but I got something better! I got my freaking answer! I'm quite certain as to why I've lost my babies... and I think we can now prevent it from happening again for the same reason! Obviously, something can always go wrong that's not within our control, but I will NEVER allow another to be lost due to insufficient progesterone levels! I feel so free, vindicated, hopeful... but I do feel a bit sad that I didn't have a chance to prove it before losing the 2nd one, as I was pretty sure that this was the problem even back then... even before losing the first one! It was just that no one would listen to me! :growlmad:

Either way... I have my answer now... I can't live in the past! Apparently I needed to live through what I've lived through to be allowed to find my answer. So, that's the way it is and I can move forward... ONWARD AND UPWARD!

Sorry that this was a novel... but it is! LOL Thanks for the love and support! I couldn't do it without all of you! :hugs:
so happy you got an answer Meg! I wish all the best for you :)

Allie, I am glad your mom is stable. I will keep her in my thoughts.
Whoop whoop onward and upwards!!!! I'm glad you feel you got 'somewhere' - although my blood pressure would be off the charts with those kids and that nurse!!

In the UK we had a programme on tonight called the 'One year itch' and it featured couples on their wedding day and one year on how they feel their marriage is going etc. Hubby and I watched it as we're approaching our one year anniversary and I am left RAGING. The most useless couple on there, where he had left her after 2 months and just kept coming back for the odd shag were fecking pregnant!!!!!! Of course they bloody were!!!! I feel like punching the wall or something. We are a lovely couple who adore each other and work hard at our relationships but are failing at this, and they go and get pregnant?! Grrrrr!
Sounds pretty par for the course! That's why I have such a deep-seated hatred for most people. We've been together for 7 years (as of 2 days ago) and married for just over 4... but those wankers get pregnant! :dohh: Great!
I feel so bad for people that have a hard time getting pregnant, and knowing that I seem to have no issues. It doesn't seem fair, and I think all women should be able to get pregnant quickly, and with no issues. My BFF was trying for a long time, and she even tried invitro, but it failed. Her husband had some kind of surgery, and after that, she was pregnant right away. I am scared for her when she tries again. I hope she doesn't have to go through a long waiting period.
Getting there doesn't seem to be an issue for me either... Keeping it is! But, I'm hoping that's all worked out now! It seems to be for you, for sure! :hugs: So happy about that!
thanks meggles.....i sure hope there is no issues with baby this time! i hope yours comes really soon! you deserve it!
Megg, that's great, I'm so glad you got answers! So, lemme get this straight...it IS the progesterone? Something to do with your temp not rising enough post ov'? Do they know what can be done about that? Anyways, hooray for answers. :)

Thanks for the good thoughts everyone. :hugs: I feel like I have such a great support network on here. :hugs:
OK, that is obnoxious. I have been with my hubby almost 11 years, married for 3 1/2 and trying for just about a year. Kinda makes you sick doesn't it?
Megg, that's great, I'm so glad you got answers! So, lemme get this straight...it IS the progesterone? Something to do with your temp not rising enough post ov'? Do they know what can be done about that? Anyways, hooray for answers. :)

Thanks for the good thoughts everyone. :hugs: I feel like I have such a great support network on here. :hugs:

Well, low temp shift can be one sign... or temp falling quickly... or temp just crawling along coverline. But those aren't 100%. Spotting several days prior to AF is also another hint sometimes. But, also not 100%. Getting a blood test at 7dpo is the only way to know for sure. I just had a feeling due to a lot of things put together. Yes, there is something that can be done for it. I'll likely be put on 200mg of progesterone (via pessaries/vaginal suppositories) from 1dpo through AF or ~12-14 weeks preggo.
Meggles great that you got some answers babe!!!! Whats this thing she gave you for weight loss??? Be careful cause diet formulas screw up cycles pretty bad, now that you have a clue whats going on dont mess around with your cycle.

Allie good news with your mom, hoping it all works out hun.

I have always believed that people should go through some kind of evaluation before being allowed to reproduce. Its sickening how many woman have kids just to fill their own personal void, whether its from their childhood or due to an unfullfilling relationship with their partener. Half the couples i know should have been banned from having kids...Anyway another generation of fucked up kids will result no doubt.

I have my scan tonight at 6.30....No need to state the obvious i.e that im scared shitless....I will be taking my good luck charm- my dad- with me again!!!!!! Ive actually got him to cut his holiday short by a few days so that he can accompany me!!! He doesnt really mind as he just loves to remind my mom and sis that HE is the good luck charm lol!!!!!! Hes sooo cute bless him!

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