Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

That's awful of them, Cesca! Makes me SO angry!!! :growlmad:

First of all... My husband would NEVER dream of hinting at not liking my 'size'... and I guarantee I've got you beat by a mile! Trust me on that! He loves me for who I am and thinks I'm beautiful no matter what. He'd never dream of saying anything that would lower my self-esteem... especially since that's NOT the way to get someone to change. Weight changes all the time! I lost 60-some pounds before the 1st pregnancy, and then I threw caution to the wind and said I would enjoy it... I lost it, and then got depressed and sort of ate my feelings away... Then, I got pregnant again, and the cycle started over... I've gained back what I lost and an extra 15lbs. I hate it more than you can believe... but it happened. And, he's no less happy with me now than he was when we met... in fact, I'd be willing to say that he loves me more and is more attracted to me now because we're closer than we've ever been. I can't imagine putting up with that. I'd go Viking on them all! :grr:

In my opinion curves are gorgeous huny bun :kiss:
Curves = bigger boobies, bigger butts and even more of us to love :hugs:.
My OH loves me with a bit ov the old meat on me lol which is a good job really coz i luurrrvvveee my food hehe!!
I try to keep myself at a 12 but have creeped up to a 14 this past year with being pregnant on and off plus ive been a bit depressed with it all & when im feeling low i reach for a brew and biscuits or a bag of crisps. :blush:
Hope your ok sweatheart xxxxxx
Allie im so soory about your mum hun :hugs: glad to hear she's on the mend though babe x x x x also sorry bout bfn hope u get ur bfp very soon chick.

Cesca just wanna give you a big hug :hugs: Stupid fricken men, they have no idea how much the things they say have a massive effect on us :growlmad:

Luce i am sooooooooooooo pleased that you got the all clear sweet pea that must be a HUGEEEE weight off your shoulders, u can now relax n be at peace with the fact that ur all lovely n healthy n ready for bean in there whoop whoop.

Mel & Vic so glad your both blooming with pregnancy. sending all 4 of u kisses (4 = u both + buba's x x x)

AFM well im not getting ahead of myself but im like 7-8dpo and have had 2 extremely faint lines on some IC cheapies both came up within 2 mins. I cant make out whether they are defo pink because there so faint but there 25miu and ive never got so much as a hint of a line on them b4. Surely an evap cant form in 2 mins right? It says not to read after 10 mins. Anywhoot like i say im not gonna get over excited because its such early days but AF int due untill 19th so ive got a LONGGGGG wait ahead of me. I'm gonna wait and test on Wednesday (if i can wait that long lol). As much as i said i werent symptom spotting this month its been hard because i feel like i've had symptoms like fatigue all yesterday i had a 3 hour nap now thats just plain lazy lol :blush:, ive had af type cramps & backache & also a running achy sensation in my legs :shrug: & tender nipples.
only time will tell i guess but i'll keep u all updated xxxxxxxxxx lov caz xxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Cazza,

Oh wow that sounds so good I know you said you dont want to get ahead of yourself but I am so exicted for you and can't wait for you to test again. :happydance:

Cesca men can be such twats sometimes dont even listen to the stupid chef what an idiot. :hugs: to you sweetie.

Mel glad your back safely :hugs:

Allie you've had a lot going on this week and must be hard for you massive :hugs: DIY that sounds fun what are you doing?
Oh forgot to say Sassy so pleased you have an understanding boss and you have been able to cut down your hours with work good luck with everything thinking of you :hugs:
Thanks girls, you're very sweet.

I had a chat with OH today and he said he doesn't mean to be horrible, he loves me lots and lots and is still attracted to me etc but he hints because he KNOWS I am unhappy with my weight and is trying to help me. I've gone up from 125lbs to about 133 in the year we've been married which still makes me 'slim' but I can't fit into any of my clothes anymore.

Then I said that I have been so miserable since January this year that I don't WANT to do anything, it's not me being lazy but I am so depressed and sad all I want to do is sleep. We had a hug and a kiss and made up :)

I do need to pull my finger out and exercise, before the wedding I felt so good about myself and I'd like to feel that way again, I think my mental health will improve too thus improving my chances of having a sticky pregnancy.
Allie - when I am bloated, then I feel pregnant because I have a belly, but for the most part, I don't feel it. I have a dr appt tomorrow morning, so I am hoping to hear the heartbeat again as a reminder.

Cazz - can't wait for you to test again :)

Cesca - I got you beat hun! you are at a healthy weight, and that is all that matters. I am a size 14-16, and I have thunder thighs that could kill, lol! My resolution next year is to be healthy after baby is born.
That's awful of them, Cesca! Makes me SO angry!!! :growlmad:

First of all... My husband would NEVER dream of hinting at not liking my 'size'... and I guarantee I've got you beat by a mile! Trust me on that! He loves me for who I am and thinks I'm beautiful no matter what. He'd never dream of saying anything that would lower my self-esteem... especially since that's NOT the way to get someone to change. Weight changes all the time! I lost 60-some pounds before the 1st pregnancy, and then I threw caution to the wind and said I would enjoy it... I lost it, and then got depressed and sort of ate my feelings away... Then, I got pregnant again, and the cycle started over... I've gained back what I lost and an extra 15lbs. I hate it more than you can believe... but it happened. And, he's no less happy with me now than he was when we met... in fact, I'd be willing to say that he loves me more and is more attracted to me now because we're closer than we've ever been. I can't imagine putting up with that. I'd go Viking on them all! :grr:

In my opinion curves are gorgeous huny bun :kiss:
Curves = bigger boobies, bigger butts and even more of us to love :hugs:.
My OH loves me with a bit ov the old meat on me lol which is a good job really coz i luurrrvvveee my food hehe!!
I try to keep myself at a 12 but have creeped up to a 14 this past year with being pregnant on and off plus ive been a bit depressed with it all & when im feeling low i reach for a brew and biscuits or a bag of crisps. :blush:
Hope your ok sweatheart xxxxxx

Agreed! Although, my weight loss would be complete if I were a size 14! LOL That's like my end goal! :rofl:

Allie im so soory about your mum hun :hugs: glad to hear she's on the mend though babe x x x x also sorry bout bfn hope u get ur bfp very soon chick.

Cesca just wanna give you a big hug :hugs: Stupid fricken men, they have no idea how much the things they say have a massive effect on us :growlmad:

Luce i am sooooooooooooo pleased that you got the all clear sweet pea that must be a HUGEEEE weight off your shoulders, u can now relax n be at peace with the fact that ur all lovely n healthy n ready for bean in there whoop whoop.

Mel & Vic so glad your both blooming with pregnancy. sending all 4 of u kisses (4 = u both + buba's x x x)

AFM well im not getting ahead of myself but im like 7-8dpo and have had 2 extremely faint lines on some IC cheapies both came up within 2 mins. I cant make out whether they are defo pink because there so faint but there 25miu and ive never got so much as a hint of a line on them b4. Surely an evap cant form in 2 mins right? It says not to read after 10 mins. Anywhoot like i say im not gonna get over excited because its such early days but AF int due untill 19th so ive got a LONGGGGG wait ahead of me. I'm gonna wait and test on Wednesday (if i can wait that long lol). As much as i said i werent symptom spotting this month its been hard because i feel like i've had symptoms like fatigue all yesterday i had a 3 hour nap now thats just plain lazy lol :blush:, ive had af type cramps & backache & also a running achy sensation in my legs :shrug: & tender nipples.
only time will tell i guess but i'll keep u all updated xxxxxxxxxx lov caz xxxxxxxxxxx

This is VERY exciting!!! EEK! You didn't even provide us with pics to obsess over? I'm 100% convinced that they're BFP's without even seeing them! Congrats! :hugs:

Thanks girls, you're very sweet.

I had a chat with OH today and he said he doesn't mean to be horrible, he loves me lots and lots and is still attracted to me etc but he hints because he KNOWS I am unhappy with my weight and is trying to help me. I've gone up from 125lbs to about 133 in the year we've been married which still makes me 'slim' but I can't fit into any of my clothes anymore.

Then I said that I have been so miserable since January this year that I don't WANT to do anything, it's not me being lazy but I am so depressed and sad all I want to do is sleep. We had a hug and a kiss and made up :)

I do need to pull my finger out and exercise, before the wedding I felt so good about myself and I'd like to feel that way again, I think my mental health will improve too thus improving my chances of having a sticky pregnancy.

:shock: 133lbs? And, you need to lose weight?!?! OMG! Uhm... I would REALLY like to hit him more now. I get what he's saying his intent is... but that's super unacceptable! I would kill an entire nation of strangers to be 133lbs. :wacko:
I agree Meg, I would love to be 133!! I don't ever see me getting to 160!
Haha I had to google pound converted to stone, I surely hope 133 is NOT big as I'm 130 and 5"7 and I'm trying to fatten up!xxx
Cazza - Sounds very promising about IC's, cant wait until Wednesday, have everything crossed for you hunny.xxx

Who else is testing this week??xxx
Oh god 133 isn't big I know, but I am very very short at only 5 foot and an 8 pound weight gain over the last 10 months has really made a difference. What makes it worse is it's all on my stomach so I do look pregnant, grrrr!!!
meggles im sorry theres no piccys there just too faint babe cant pic them up on my camera, lets put it this way i reckon im 7dpo, 8 at a push n there IC's that say 25miu on the packet hence why im not jumping through the roof it seems too good to be true :shrug: i've done 3 now tho :blush: poasaholic alert!!!!!!! & they all have the same shadow line its even there wen i hold it up to the light. I've either got a BAD batch of IC's or the begginings of a BFP?? hoping its the latter obviously :thumbup:
I'll keep u updated my lovelies xxxxxxxxx Lov Caz xxxxxxxx
Oh Caz that's so exciting! FX for you!! :hugs: :dust: It sure sounds promising!!

It's funny the convo has turned to weight because it's been on my mind ALL DAY!

Okay, so my period was due yesterday and so far nothing. In fact, today I had EWCM!! What on earth is my bod doing? No period signs at all! Last month I was 4 days late which made my cycle like 39 days, and I thought that was a fluke so I didn't calculate ov' based on that, I did it on my normal 35 days. But since it's going longer again, I'm wondering if I ovulated later? I have no way of knowing as I didn't temp or use OPKs.

The reason this makes me think of weight is that my body is SUPER sensitive to weight gain. When I got married I was UK size 10 and quickly crept up to a 14 and my periods got irregular for awhile. I had to lose a stone-I lost about 15 lbs-to get my periods normal again. I'm now a large size 12, a small 14 UK. Anyways, even though my periods have been regular for nearly a year now, they seem to be going longer the past few months, so I'm wondering if it's my mc at the end of April that threw me off or if I should still lose more weight. I know I need to lose at least 15 more. It's making me mad at myself if it's my chub that is messing with my cycles!! Grrr!

Any ideas why my body is giving me EWCM instead of AF? :shrug:
So I tested again with a HPT and :bfn: , as expected.

But I also went out and got an OPK and it was pretty dark. I've attached a few pics. It turned this dark less than a minute after poas. Is this dark enough for ovulation? Since I also have EWCM is it possible I'm about to ovulate and at CD37? When AF should be here.

I took 3 of these OPKs around the time I was meant to ov, and all were a lot fainter than this. So confused....

It's okay to be brutally honest with me if there's no chance that means ovulation. I need to learn these things eventually. :)


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I honestly have no clue when it comes to all of this stuff, but to me, I would say it looks like ovulation. Keep testing over the next few days to see what happens with the lines
Thanks, Mel. I have no clue either! Who would have thought ttc was so involved haha. :wacko:
oh I know! lol! My BFF bought me a few books, and I am reading one of them right now, it's called Knocked Up. It's so funny! It's about the author of the book, and she is engaged, but a long distance relationship, and she ends up drunk and sleeping with her finance, and she was convinced just hours after the deed that she is pregnant. It's just so funny to read, especially since most of us have all the same thoughts that she is thinking
I agree Meg, I would love to be 133!! I don't ever see me getting to 160!

I don't even WANT to be 160! My 100% total DREAM GOAL is 170! :rofl: I was hot at 220! I'm almost 6' tall and large framed with a good bit of muscle from 14 years of dancing. So, I carry my weight much better than the average person does... although I'm way past my limit on what looks okay on me at the moment! WAAAAAAAAAAY past it! LOL

meggles im sorry theres no piccys there just too faint babe cant pic them up on my camera, lets put it this way i reckon im 7dpo, 8 at a push n there IC's that say 25miu on the packet hence why im not jumping through the roof it seems too good to be true :shrug: i've done 3 now tho :blush: poasaholic alert!!!!!!! & they all have the same shadow line its even there wen i hold it up to the light. I've either got a BAD batch of IC's or the begginings of a BFP?? hoping its the latter obviously :thumbup:
I'll keep u updated my lovelies xxxxxxxxx Lov Caz xxxxxxxx

Damn! No pics! Hmph! I'll have to find something else to obsess over! I still say its a BFP... pic or no! :hugs:

So I tested again with a HPT and :bfn: , as expected.

But I also went out and got an OPK and it was pretty dark. I've attached a few pics. It turned this dark less than a minute after poas. Is this dark enough for ovulation? Since I also have EWCM is it possible I'm about to ovulate and at CD37? When AF should be here.

I took 3 of these OPKs around the time I was meant to ov, and all were a lot fainter than this. So confused....

It's okay to be brutally honest with me if there's no chance that means ovulation. I need to learn these things eventually. :)

Could go either way! Some people get EWCM just before AF, and there can be a 2nd LH surge just before AF arrives as well. However, I think you *have to* react as if this is O until you know differently. It could absolutely go either way. If its not ovulation, oh well... no harm, no foul. If it is, then you can still catch the egg! I say get to :sex: and see what happens over the next several days!
I get EWCM just before my AF, but that's so strange with the OPKs! I know a girl who kept getting them and it turned out she was pregnant, but she hadn't done a HPT at all, whereas you have. Very strange.
Allie I would say that was a positive OPK which I guess means your Ov I would get to it missy :sex: and see what happens!!

Sassy I will be testing around the 20th/21st Aug thats if AF doesnt arrive I'm due around the 19th/20th I hope it doesnt arrive as its my 30th Birthday on the 21st and getting a BFP would be an amazing present but not going to get my hopes up.

I think with what we have all be through its understandable that our weight is going to fluctuate I have the opposite problem since lossing the baby I have lost weight certainlty not been trying to and not sure how it happened. So I'm trying to put weight on and my healthy eating has gone out the window seriously need to get back to it and start doing some exercise.

Need some advice sorry ITMI but I noticed when I went to the loo that I had white creamy discharge it wasn't strecthy like ewcm but I've never had this before it doesnt smell or anything any ideas what it is? Is it normal? :haha: whatever that is.

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