Hey Morebabies, great to see you too! Please do follow and post, would love to hear how you're doing.
Right now I'm on CD15, will probably ov today so we are going to try to BD. My cycles have always been 27 days exactly, though my last only lasted 26. It was my first pp AF so I'm guessing it make take a little while for things to get back to "normal."
Motherhood is absolutely wonderful

Isla is such a sweet, sassy, funny girl. I am finding between work, her, time with my DH, exercise, house work and our crazy weekends with lots of social commitments recently that things are a bit crazy. That's one of the reasons we're only NTNP right now; finding the time to TTC at this very moment might be challenging. Plus, DH wants to wait a bit longer before starting to formally TTC (until June 2015). We're both hoping that we fall pregnant before then though
How is motherhood going for you ladies?
Looking forward to going through this with you again! I was actually reading back through this thread and we really had a great group on here!