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Donor Sperm IUI/IVF- 2012

Thank you, Canadianmaple. Have any of you had to travel to do your IUI? We are from a small town in Alaska, so I will have to travel out of state. Super anxious about that.

Welcome, though I'm sorry you have to be here with us. That is tough. :/ Where will you be going? Will you be driving? None of this is easy...and it seems that we've all endured some sort of a setback, even after receiving the blow of an azoo diagnosis. My biggest piece of advice for you, to help stifle those anxieties, is knowing that you are not alone. We are all in pretty much the same exact position, and fully understand just about any and every emotion attached to it. If you send SunUp a private message she could invite you to the azoosperimia facebook page as well.

This forum, honestly, has kept me from falling into a depression. The advice that everyone here has given to me has been invaluable. Please keep us posted, and if you ever feel the need to vent or ask any questions, feel free!

Good luck with all of your baby-making endeavors.
Also, you might want to check out: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/problems-trying-conceive/376424-dealing-azoospermia-400.html
Thank you so much for the kind words, cbergs. I am heading to Oregon, since I at least have family to stay with there. It is very reassuring to know there are others who can understand. Also thanks for the extra info. I am sure I will be back to this forum lots!
hey again.

sorry to hear about peoples' continued struggles and another failed cycle, Redhead.

My last cycle's situation pretty much sucked too. This was the first cycle we added a single FSH injection on day 9 ("Mayo protocol") in addition to the Clomid d3-7 in hopes of getting multiple follicles. Went in for US on day 10 and there was a 14mm follicle on the right (blocked tube side) and a 13.5mm one on the left (good side). We were relieved that there was something on the left and were told to come back in 2 days for a follow-up ultrasound. Well, we were pretty surprised by what we saw on those images. Somehow the right side went gangbusters and I had 4 big follicles over 17mm. The left, however, had totally crapped out and my little follicle had only grown to 14mm. The docs advised cancelling the IUI since the chances were so low that that left one would be viable or that the left tube would cross over to the right ovary.
What a waste. Very disappointing. I wallowed in self pity for a few days.
But also, just bad luck. I did respond well to the meds and had the follicles just been dispersed differently, I would have had something going on over there in the left ovary.
So, we're going to do the same thing this coming cycle and just cross our fingers that if I have 3-5 follicles again, that at least 1 will be on the left.

However, this is what I'm thinking- we should make our back-up plan be minimal IVF if that same scenario comes up. What do you think? I mean, I had 4 harvestable eggs, I was a perfect candidate for minimal IVF. I already wasted the $ on meds, US, etc., I had already sunk costs into that cycle. Why not turn lemons into lemonade IF that happens again and at least go for something with a pretty good likelihood of working? It probably won't happen again that everything's on the wrong side, but if it does I think I want to go for minimal IVF. Yeah, it costs more, but not a hell of a lot more... about the same as 3 IUIs and has much better rates. At my age and I had awesome 9mm uterine lining, I think chances of implantation are good. Also, we found out our sperm donor has contributed to a successful pregnancy! So that makes me hopeful too.


CM - Thanks! That cold is nasty. It just lurks around for weeks! Ugh. How'd your teaching appointment go? Is your DH going to be out for the TESE or just a local? Mine just had a local for all of his and says if done right the injection will be the most painful part.

Redhead - First HSG (odd I know). That's wonderful you have so many furbabies for your future human baby to grow up with! Personally, I'm the crazy cat lady with 8 feline furkids. Only one ginger though, Norris (pictured).

NannyGoat - Welcome! I wish it were under better circumstances though. The amount of women with Azoo hubbies is what drew me to this thread too. It's great having a support group that's been through the same as you. :)

Verbena - I'm sorry that your cycle got cancelled. It really sucks. I wish that our ovaries would just take turns ovulating instead of being so random (slight OCD, I know). I think planning a backup mini IVF is a great plan!

AFM - My HSG went good today. The catheter hurt with me but the dye didn't at all. My left tube is , "very open" which was making it difficult get dye through my right (same side as my ectopic). He said though that he did think he saw some flow threw the right though making him believe that it is open. He also said that it looked like my right side would be the one ovulating this cycle. I'm really hesitant about that right tube though so I've decided to wait a cycle. I already know that if I get another ectopic in that side that they'll want to remove my tube.
Hope everyone is doing
I forgot to ask but have any of you hag chest & shoulder pains after your HSG? I started getting them about 30 min afterwards and am still having them here 12 hours later... Odd
Wow there's a lot to respond to!

Nanny-Welcome! The girls pretty much covered it, if you have any questions feel free to ask!

CM-I wish we lived closer, I have a left over Gonal pen I most likely won't be using. I haven't heard of the other drug before. I've got good vibes headed your way!

Verbena-Sorry about the cancelled cycle. I seem to switch sides when it comes to lead follies, so I bet next cycle the left side will be on! I agree with making lemons out of lemonade. I've never heard of minimal IVF. I'm very uneducated when it comes to IVF protocol.

Guenhwyvar-First one eh? I'm glad it went well, but I'm sorry about the chest pain. I would call your RE to check it out. I didn't have any chest pain after mine, just bleeding and cramping.

As for things here-DH and I have an appointment to talk to the RE on 2/4. He opened up about his fears with continuing IUI or doing IVF. He's afraid of how hard it will be on my body and is afraid I will have a miscarriage. So I think talking to the doctor will be good for both of us.

I hope you're all well!
Hi everyone! I just had my first injection tonight of Suprefact. The poking myself part was easy but it stung way more than I had expected. I guess this means that this is really happening!!

Redhead- Those pens are pricey! Over $1000 per pen. I hope you can use it, it would be such a waste. I hope you get some answers at your next appointment.

Guenhwyvar- I didn't have one for IF but I did back in my 20s and I don't remember anything like that. I would call the clinic if I were you. I'm glad that one tube is very obviously open. I've heard good things about pregnancy right after a HSG, so hopefully your next cycle will be the magic one.

verbena- If the clinic is willing to do that, I think I would go ahead and try it. It may be all you need. They would likely recommend ICSI and a 3 day transfer to make sure all goes well with the embryos.

Nannygoat- My clinic is just an hour away, so I don't have to travel. I'm glad you have family there to stay with.
I never had chest/shoulder pain after my HSG. You should probably call and ask, since everyone is different. I do know that shoulder pain can be a sign of other abdominal problems, such as your gall bladder. Hopefully its not that!

Welcome to the newcomers!

Glad to hear your starting, CM!

Can't wait for IVF #2 for you, SB! I am thinking positive!
CM-Where do you take those injections? Your stomach? I think I'm done with the Gonal F. According to her plan this next cycle is supposed to be Loupron (sp?).

Guenhwyvar-I hope you're feeling better!
Redhead - Absolute first one. I always found it odd that they never even thought to do one with my IVF cycle. I guess they we're just too busy with dh's stuff.
I think it's great you two are going to do a sit down with the RE. I'm sure at this point you both have a lot of questions & concerns. Hopefully she'll be able to put some of them to rest.

CM - Woohoo for your first injection!
They say you have increased chances the first 1-3 months. He really wanted me to try this cycle but I'm just so uncomfortable with that right tube. Besides, a Thanksgiving baby would be just as great as a Halloween baby. :)

SunUp - I'm fairly certain that it's not gallbladder but instead an allergic reaction...

Thanks for the responses ladies!
I did as you suggested, called the clinic. They asked about abdominal pain, I told them I hadn't had any. So they asked me to call an on call at the hospital (you're not allowed to just go to the ER here). All the on call was interested in was fever & abdominal pain. Like I'm not aware of signs of infection. I assured them that there was no infection to which the only suggestion they had was to take two Tylenol. I'd taken 1200mg ibuprofen so I knew that wasn't going to help. With a bit of research I discovered that the type of iodine they use as contrast contains sulphur hexafloride... which I'm allergic to. So I called my GP, got my inhaler refilled for the difficulty I was having with breathing at that point, took an antihistamine & was fine an hour later.
I hate having to do research like that. I'm not upset with my RE, it's an extremely rare allergy. I'm not allergic to iodine in general & it wasn't a severe reaction like they warn about. I'm upset the on call didn't think to even suggest an antihistamine just to cover all bases. *sigh*
I hope all you ladies are doing good & have some great plans for the weekend.
Redhead- I am giving them in my tummy. I think I didn't have as much fat on the side where I did the first one, but once I moved in a bit, there was plenty there. lol

Guenhwyvar- I would be so frustrated too. Thank goodness for the internet and being able to get it sorted out.

I have inject #3 in now. :) I am just so happy to see February here. It's always a short month and knowing that we were aiming for Feb since last Oct, I have been anxious to see it here. It's really, really cold this time of year and I can't wait until spring arrives. My baseline is on the 9th so that is my next benchmark. AF arrived, like scheduled, and I am glad to check that off my list too.

I hope all is well! Happy weekend!
CM-I'm glad you're period is here on schedule and you're on track!

Guenhwyvar-Thank goodness you realized it's an allergy! My grandfather had an allergic reaction to contrast dye that caused him to have pancreatitis. I was super nervous going in to the HSG because I was terrified it would happen to me. The RE said that having an x-ray dye with contrast to check for abdominal issues is different than the HSG because you're not ingesting it. Who would have thought? I'm glad you're okay!

Tomorrow is the big day to meet with the RE. I'm anxious to hear what she has to say, but I suspect she will want to continue with the plan she laid out.

I hope you're all doing well!
Well I just got back from the RE. She said that she recommends doing laproscopic surgery. She suspects I may have endo or scar tissue from a previous lap surgery in 2007 to remove a dermoid from my left ovary.

I have a job interview Friday so that outcome may effect the timing/course we take initially.

I hope everyone is doing well!
How are all you ladies doing? It's been awhile since everyone updated and I'm living vicariously threw you until next cycle! :haha:

CM - Sounds like things are finally coming around. Are you feeling more at ease now that you've moved on to IVF/ICSI using TESA with donor backup? Is DH nervous about his up coming TESA?

Redhead - My mother is allergic to iodine but I've never had a problem with it externally so I didn't think to check the contents of the stuff used in HSG.. Lesson learned. But at least it was a relatively mild reaction unlike some of my other reactions to the stuff.
You would think that if you had endo they would have found it in the last lap... It's not like it just appears one day.:huh: Did she say what her grounds are for thinking this?

AFM - I've been sick as a dog the last few days but I'm better today. I dunno what was wrong with me but I just couldn't stay awake. I woke up last night with a fever and was so dizzy I couldn't even open my eyes without wanting to be sick. :shrug:
I'm monitoring this cycle to try and predict how the next one will play out. I'm currently at cd14 which is usually when I get a + on the OPK's but not today for whatever reason. I'm thinking maybe it's just late because of the amount of progesterone that was in the BC I was taking, IDK. My temps haven't reached the baseline yet either (I'll add my chart here in a bit). I've started drinking green tea everyday, just trying to make things a bit more comfy for the swimmers next cycle.
Hope everyone is good and that the weather is treating you well.
Guenhwyvar-I'm sorry you've been under the weather! I'm glad the fever broke and you're on your way to recovery. That's odd about ovulating slightly late. My RE always says she "never trusts a cycle". Ha I suppose that's true! This cycle will be a good dry run for next month. It sounds like you're doing all the right things.

She just thinks because I'm 25 and healthy (other than the fact I could stand to lose like 10lbs *cough*) that I should have gotten pregnant by now. She said all of my blood work has looked fabulous and that the past two Gonal cycles were both exemplar. So I guess she suspects that there may be scar tissue from the previous surgery or Endo. I do have bad heavy periods with rather severe cramps, so maybe I do have endo..then again my periods have been like that since I first got them. But we talked about doing a lap a few cycles ago and I brought up one I had in 2007 and how my gyno didn't find any endo while he operated. She did mention it's unlikely that if I did get endo now it would be so bad that I couldn't conceive. Fast forward to yesterday-she said that it's possible to have a clear HSG and have scar tissue or endo. She also said endo seems logical as it causes infertility. I don't know. :wacko: She mentioned that even if they open me up, see that there's nothing unusual and close me up, laps can increase fertility much like an HSG. She apparently read a study that said because your body is concentrating on healing the incisions that women have an easier time conceiving after. She also said she'd check the tubes out while I was under. Truthfully I haven't really done any research on endo, or the benefits of laps when it comes to fertility. I'll report back any notable findings.

I hope you're all doing well!

P.S. Anyone have Valentines Days plans?
CM - I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you... so glad its February! Keeping everything crossed.
Hi everyone! I feel so boring during the downregulation part of the cycle, the read deal should start on Monday. We are getting a major snowstorm on Friday night and Saturday, so luckily, the clinic agreed to do my baseline on Sunday. We were going to have to stay in a hotel, so thankfully, we will avoid that cost.

If we get the green light on Sunday, I'll start my meds. DH is very nervous about the TESA, but our teaching appointment really helped ease his fears. We're both feeling good about this. We know that we'll likely use our donor sperm, but can always hope for a miracle. It's hard to believe we'll get our answer about DH's sperm situation in 2 weeks time.

I do fear it won't work, or DH will be really upset that there are no sperm, but ultimately, we need to know we tried. I'm a bit nervous about hyperstimulation. They had said they need to be careful with me since I have so many resting follicles.

Guenhwyvar- Sorry you have been sick. I've was quite sick for about 2 weeks, it's been miserable this winter. There is a good chance you're late just because of the sickness. I never used to ovulate the week I was quite sick.

Redhead- I've read that laps and HSGs increase the chances of pregnancy. It gives you a lot to thing about. It's really too bad this road has to be so complicate and so frustrating. What kind of side effects did you get with the Gonal-F?
CM - I think it is very positive that they know to monitor you for hyperstimulation ahead of time. They were the same way with me and we started on a very low dose of meds for my IVF cycle and everything came out perfectly. So, your doctor being aware of this ahead of time should keep you in a good place. Very excited that you'll be getting started on the active part now!

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